Sam Spade 12: Case of the Living Latex


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I hate when people raise a good point and ruin a perfectly good pity party. "Good point." I smiled slightly, "Just to change the topic...What are you doing out here instead with the others?"

"When I had Angela make me look younger, I wish she had given me the stamina to last as long as everyone else." Alvin stammered, turning red. "Ten minutes with those girls of yours and I need a nap."

"Yes they do tend to overwhelm,"

"Just to change the topic..." Alvin said smiling, "What were you trying to do that you failed at?"

It was my turn to blush and stammer. I made it a habit never to lie. A lie will come back and bite you in the ass. Biting my lip, I tried to come up with a way of answering without really answering. Before I could speak Alvin said, "I know that look. You are trying to come up with a creative answer. Samantha, don't you think after all this time, all we two have done and said, that you can talk to me about anything?"

The only thing I hate worse than someone ruining my pity party, is someone who catches me being creative with my replies. I sighed, he was right again. "I am trying to find a way to make living latex with my mind and body." I could see the confusion in his eyes, "Just think about wearing latex that would keep you nice and hard after an orgasm."

His eyes lit up, "Oh, that does sound interesting. Any luck?" When I shook my head he added, "If anyone can, I am sure you can Pumpkin." As Alvin stood, I could see his hard on tenting his robe. "Time for another round," he said with a smile. "Good night Samantha."

"Good night Alvin." I said as he walked out. Taking my glass of bourbon, I went to bed. It would be a busy day trying to get everything ready for Marty and his people coming over. While I was never a van of porn holo flicks, Marty had always stepped up and helped me when I needed help. If that wasn't enough a reason, his shooting next door to my office where someone was generally trying to kill me was more than enough reason to make sure he and his crew had a good time while visiting. Getting undressed, I lay in my bed thinking about how to create the living latex as if I were a dog gnawing an oversized bone.

At some point I fell asleep, because the next thing I knew I was a young girl. I was lying in bed; my body was not feeling right. I had just started my menstrual cycle for the first time today. I knew my cycle was coming and Miss Grassley my homeroom teacher had talked about it, but it was still so strange. If there was a time when I needed mommy, this was it.

I was lying quietly in bed, my room dark and quiet, just before the door slowly opened. Looking at it, I felt an overwhelming sense of comfort and love when mommy entered the room. It did not bother me that mother had passed away when I was five. I was just happy to see her when I needed her the most. She walked over to the bed not making a sound, sat on the edge, reaching up with her hand, and caressed my hair and cheek lovingly.

"I understand you've had a strange day today, dear heart," my mother said to me, with the most beautiful voice. "I know what you're going through, too."

I looked up to her eyes and felt even more at ease. Mommy was going to tell me how to make things right.

"When I was much younger, I had faced the same problem, dear. I remember my first time, and it was very frightening for me, until my mother explained things to me. I've never told you about her." Her face seemed to brighten at mentioning her own mother.

"Lilith, my mother, explained to me that as we start in this new way of living, things will change for us on a greater scale than what we were used to before it happened."

Her mother's hair was hanging down her head behind her, almost like a flowing veil. The look gave mommy's smooth white face a look like it was almost glowing as she continued. I listened with rapt attention, Mommy had never talked about her mother before and I wanted to learn everything I could about grandmother Lilith.

"Lilith made sure I was well taken care of, and protected me from those that wanted to do us harm. You see, my mother was very well liked by a few, nearly everyone else hated her. Well, she had been proud of me, just like I am of you, Samantha, for being able to control yourself when you needed to."

As she spoke I got the sense that this was no longer about my period, but something much more important. Sitting up fully I wanted to reach out and caress mommy, hold her tight and tell her I loved her. Before I could speak my love, mommy put her hand on the lump of the covers that was over my leg, just letting it rest there not speaking. I did not need to say the words, she knew them and I could feel her love through the blanket and sheet.

"Lilith gave me some stuff to help me become more intelligent and to live longer too, since I had made her so proud. She told me that it would help me to control my desires, too." Mommy smiled and brushed some hair out of her face and around the beautiful horns that were just protruding from her locks.

"I hope that you'll let me help you like my mother helped me, Samantha. I'll just put them right here for you when you wake up, okay?"

I watched as mother stood up off the bed, her nude body practically glowing in front. As she turned I caught sight of her dark leathery wings folded behind her back. I watched as she placed two small bowls with pieces of a strange looking fruit on the bedside table. Looking back at mommy as she headed for the door to leave, I saw her tail swinging in time with her sashaying backside. I could not wait until I was all grown up and had my horns, wings and tail.

"When you wake up, Sam, those will be waiting for you. All you need is just enough for one hand, and your help will spread from there." Mommy, looked over her shoulder at me, smiled, and her pair of sharp fangs showing, "You really do make me proud, Samantha. More than any of my other children have ever made me proud."

I smiled feeling the glow from mommy's praise as I watched her walk through the closet door, the smell of latex wafting out of it. When the closet door clicked shut, I sat up in bed as if I had been shocked. Jumping out of bed, I rushed to the closet and yanked open the door; but there was no one there. Looking into the darkened closet I said, "I love you..."

Turning around, I saw two bowls, just as mommy had left them in my dream sitting on the nightstand next to my drink.

Chapter 2

I had just woken from the dream and sat on the bed looking at the two bowls that Maradith had left for me. My mind was miles away, dwelling on the distant memories of my mother. How do you put into words the feelings that a child goes through when a parent leaves, only to return thirty years later in a dream? My words, "I love you" echoed in my mind, spoken and heartfelt to both of my mothers, old and new.

It was with that new felt euphoria that I looked at the bowls. They were simple clay pots, unfired and crude in their construction. Even so, to me, they were beautiful. Not daring to touch them for fear of breaking them, I examined the contents.

In one was a slice of what looked like a peach, though it was hard to tell for sure. It looked as if it had sat in a desert for millennia and dried naturally. Its nice peach color had darkened and turned a deep red. In the other bowl was a slice of an apple, well kind of, it was hard to tell. The fruit was black; the skin was shinny while the meat was matte black. It looked as if Maradith had just harvested it and cut a slice for me.

When I was growing up, mommy and after she died, daddy would read me to sleep every night. The earliest book I remember was about a young girl who fell down a rabbit hole named Alice. The name of the book was "Through the Looking Glass" by Louis Carroll. Looking at the two bowls, I smiled at the parallel between Alice in the book and myself now.

Picking up the dried red fruit, I popped it into my mouth. There was no hesitation, no second thoughts. This was a gift from my mother and she wanted me to eat these two items. If it had been cobra venom, I still would have taken it, because it was something she wanted me to have. She knew what was best for me and my trust in Maradith was unwavering and absolute.

At first, the mummified red fruit was tasteless and sucked every bit of moisture from my mouth. Within a few chews, I was hit with a flavor explosion. Faster than a blink of an eye flavors washed over me, from sweet to sour, bland to spicy they filled my taste buds. Suddenly I was blinded by a flash of light. A feeling of great movement filled me and I was floating out in space. Below me was the earth in all its glory. I could see off to the side space stations and beyond, the moon.

Knowledge flooded into my mind, I knew how Kitten walked through walls, what I was doing wrong and the full extent of my newfound powers. There was more information than I could keep in my mind. All the answers to every question ever thought of, and even ones that had not been conceived filled me. I felt the emotions from humanity all around me, washing like gentle waves against my mind.

Below me, there was one set of emotions that was stronger, Maradith's. As a moth attracted to light I followed it to her. I found her and Jason together, they were snuggling in bed, her beautiful wings wrapping around them both in a living cocoon. A wing opened up and she looked at me. The smile that spread across her lips filled me with joy. It was as if I was a child and did something for the first time to make her proud.

Beside her, I saw Jason look up in surprise at my presence. His look of surprise changed to a welcoming smile. Though his lips did not move, I could hear his voice as plain as day, "Join us Sam," he said as he reached out to me.

Smiling I shook my head; I wanted to explore to experience all I could first. I was like a child in a candy shop. "We understand dear," Maradith said, not moving her lips as the wing closed back over them. Spinning around, a huge grin on my face I felt out Kitten.

In an eye blink, I was in the playroom, the scent of musk and latex filling me. Before me, everyone, Alvin included, were still making love to Jamie. Tigress's head popped up, her nose lifted high as she sniffed looking around. In a heartbeat, Kitten's head also raised and she too, like Tigress was searching the air for my scent. One by one, the girls stopped and sat up looking around, they could feel me, but seemed not to see me. Even Alvin, sat up wondering what was going on.

A shot of fear hit me like a train. Jamie was afraid Yuri was coming for her! While the others were curious, she was scared to the bottom of her hooves. I hurried to her and knelt beside the terrified pony. "It's ok Jamie, I'm here and no one will ever hurt you again," I said as I hugged her. Her mind calmed down and found peace. I could feel the last vestiges of her fear let go and drift away.

Still holding her I whispered, "Cum for me Jamie. Rejoice with me as being finally free of that bastard." I did not know what to expect, but the feelings of raw lust and joy emanating from her and then spreading to the others was overwhelming. The already heavy scent of their musk became stronger as it filled the air and I felt as if I had drunk an extra strong cup of coffee and ate an energy bar.

"There is still one more fruit to experience daughter," I heard Maradith say.

The next thing I knew I was standing in my room with the black shinny apple slice in my hand. It felt cool to the touch and yet very pleasant. Popping it into my mouth, I chewed happily. It seemed to dissolve in my mouth as the scent of latex and musk filled me. Looking at my fingers, I saw they were coated with something black and shiny. Not wanting to waste a bit I sucked my fingers clean.

It dawned on me; it was living latex. Maradith had in her second gift, given me what I had wished for. The apple slice was what I needed to make my own living essence. Like sour dough bread, I needed a starter to create more. I felt Maradith's essence join with mine. I now knew how to make as much as I wanted and how to control it. I carried the two bowls to the cabinet and tenderly placed them on either side of my teddy bear and next to the black rose that Lady had given me. Walking to the bed, I felt suddenly dizzy and had to sit down. Lying back, I closed my eyes and waited for the room to stop spinning. After what seemed like an eternity the feelings passed. Instead of sitting on the edge of the bed, I was laying under the covers.

I sat up quickly looking around, "Oh god no... not a dream please no...," I wailed with my head in my hands. Seeing the bowls on the shelf on either side of my old teddy bear I felt calm. It had happened after all. Laying back down I went back to sleep with a song in my heart. I woke sometime later to the feeling of Kitten and Tigress both suckling my beasts. Their combined purrs vibrated through my body and back again creating tremmors of pleasure to course through me. My hands rose gently to caress their backs as I said, "Mmmmm...what a wonderful way to wake up."

Tigress lifted her head just long enough to say to Kitten, "Mistress tastes better," before latching on to my nipple once more.

Kitten lifted hers and replied, "Told you," before she too returned to suckling.

I wondered why they talked aloud when they could have just thought the words to each other. However, I became distracted by their antics as they moved their paws down to caress my damp flower. I was wishing someone would come supply the tongue when I felt a pair of hands spreading my legs. Looking down I saw Angela, completely nude, a hungry look covering her face, crawl up towards me. As my body reacted to the stimulation I could smell what I came to think of as pleasure scent rising.

Angela who already looked determined to drink from my flower took a deep sniff. Her movements, up until that time had been slow and teasingly, increased and in moments was buried deep between my thighs. Her licking and sucking was more intense then I had seen her before. It was as if there was a malfunction of her processor that turned her into a starving animal and my cum was her drink. It took only a matter of moments with her expert tongue before I was thrusting my hips against her face in orgasmic bliss.

The more I orgasmed, the more Angela licked and sucked. It seemed that my orgasms drove the madness that possessed her to higher levels. Between her sucking and the cat women suckling and purrs, I was lost in my own pleasure. When they finally slowed down, I raised my head to look at the three. Kitten and Tigress were laying, their heads using my chest as a pillow tenderly caressing each other over me.

Angela lifted her mouth and said softly, "Me first, please Samantha."

"And me," both cat women chorused together.

I knew what they were asking they wanted my essence, living latex. I had planned on Jade being the first one. She, after all was the first to speak out requesting what the others thought. Shaking my head, I said, "I would love nothing more than to turn you three into rubber pets. However, the time is not right." They all pouted however did not whine about it. Turning to Angela I added, "We will be having guests this evening. Please see that Heather has the house in order."

Angela got up and asked, "Heather says she will make sure the house is in order. Is there any special needs she should know about?" In short they were wondering who was coming.

"You can pass the word that Marty with crew and cast are coming over for a night of play," I replied.

Angela smiled and clapped her hands, "Oh boy." She tilted her head a moment and added, "Jade will be along in a moment or two with breakfast mistress."

Walking over to the mirror, I looked at myself. In my reflection, I could see my wings, horns, and tail plainly. I wished not for the first time they were real. The idea of holding someone tightly in my leathery embrace excited me. With my eyes closed, I caressed my body letting the feelings of pleasure run their courses. The sound of the door opening caused me to turn and open my eyes. Standing just inside the door, Jade was holding a tray and looking at me with lust in her eyes.

Not taking her eyes off me, Jade set the tray down on the dresser and walked to me. Looking into my eyes, she kissed me passionately and held me tightly. As I kissed her, I saw darkness covering us. I realized with surprise that my mind had created latex wings. These wings now held us close. The musky scent of pleasure and latex filled the air. Her kisses became frantic and her hands moved hungrily over my body.

In an instant Jade's mind lay open to me. I saw the depth of her love and her barely held in check high heel fetish. "You have way too much on..." I said as my hands lowered the zipper on her latex dress. With a minimum of fuss and with Jade's eager help, I managed to strip her down to skin.

"Please Mistress," She begged, her eyes bright with need.

Caressing her face as I held her tight in a latex embrace I said, "Are you sure Jade? You wish to be covered always and forever in my essence and become my daughter." She nodded and I could feel the driving need consuming her. Even so, I was not sure what would happen and wanted to warn her, "I am not sure if you would still be you or if you would turn into nothing more than your deepest desires, my love."

"I want you, want to be controlled by you always..." she replied.

My mind reeled at the revelation that now opened to me in Jade's mind. For someone who had always been dominating to the outside world, in reality Jade wanted to be controlled totally, as if she was a pleasure robot. The time she, Angela and I had traveled to Miami on a job had been the best time of her life. I had needed to get Jade out of town for a few days and to get her to stop stripping. It's one thing for an ordinary woman to strip, but for the daughter of head of the underworld on the eastern seaboard is a whole different matter.

Little did I know that Angela convinced her that she was an advanced pleasure robot and I was her owner. Other than basic bodily functions like eating and going to the bathroom, Jade was unable to make a single decision on her own. She loved and needed to be controlled completely by me. Not only was she submissive, she was profoundly submissive.

Without my thinking about it, my tail, the end in the shape of a cock, moved between my legs and entered her. The rush of pleasure overwhelmed me, my tail was as sensitive as my clit. Jade moaned in pleasure and would have fallen except my embrace kept her standing. Kissing her fiercely, I felt the living latex; my wings separate from me and merge with her skin. It left her head uncovered; however, the rest of her body became shinny and black as midnight.

My tail, moved from one entrance and entered her rear. With an audible snap, I felt it disengage from my body. I could only guess that it was entering her body taking control of her fully. Jade's eyes glazed over before becoming shiny black orbs. Letting go of her in shock I stepped back.

"I live to please," she said brokenly. "I live to please," she kept repeating.

Though we were no longer connected by my wings, I could read Jade's mind as if it were an open book. She was in nirvana, riding the pleasure of letting go. Smiling I walked over to pick up my breakfast tray and move it over to the bed. From across the room I was better able to see the latex covering her crouch. With each sentence, it seemed to dimple and push out. The latex had entered and was fucking her as she said her mantra. The sight of her standing motionless as the suit fucked her and feeling the endorphins rushing through her mind excited me. Though she showed no change on the outside, I knew each time she orgasmed.