Sam Spade 13: Case of the Chinaman's Takeover


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I finally looked at him. Instead of the crime boss for the east coast I saw an old man who looked tired. And yet at the same time it looked as if the weight of the world was off his shoulders. "What do I do to take control?" I asked him directly.

"You already have Samantha. The only thing left is for me to call a meeting of the council and introduce you to the other bosses formally." Don Bruce paused and then added, "That is assuming you allow me to use a phone."

"Not until this is over," I said looking back to the fountain. I heard someone clearing her voice and turned around to see Heather looking unhappy. "Yes Heather?"

"Goddess there is nothing on anyone named Yang the Elder anywhere. The fence is hot and dinner is ready."

"Thank you Heather. Please have everyone go eat without me tonight. I think I need to pay Yang a visit." She nodded and started to turn away, "Oh and Heather," I added. "If anything happens, it falls on you to keep your sisters safe."

Heather blinked and then looked down, "Yes Samantha. I suppose it does no good to allow us to go with you."

"You suppose right," I replied. I looked at Don Bruce and said, "I counting on you to help them Bruce. They may not follow you but I know you have good advice to give my girls." Standing I smiled, "Off to see the wizard."

I walked back to my bedroom and pulled out daddy's .45 and then grabbed Angela's matching one. Dressing in an old suit I felt weird wearing it but it was part of the act. I slipped the two pistols into the shoulder holsters and grabbed my trench coat. As I walked out Jade was waiting for me. "Let me drive you Samantha."

"No Jade," I said stroking her cheek. "I can't let you die because of me." I glanced towards the back of the house and added; "Besides there is an old man who will need his daughter to take control of the family when this is over."

"You don't expect to live through this do you?" Jade replied with tears in her eyes.

"No Jade I don't. But I will make sure they never bother us again when I am done." I felt my own tears well up, "Will you... will you tell Angela about us. I know she won't love her sisters but at least she will know she was loved by all here." I wanted to say more but had to get out before losing it totally. Going outside I got in my car and set the destination for Yang's restaurant.

I knew I was going to die before this was over. Every other time I had faced tough odds I had believed I would win. This time I knew better. There were somewhere between fifty and five hundred men and women out to take me down. Once I got past them I was going to face an unknown man who was immune to anything I could throw at him. My one and only chance was to plant a bullet between his eyes.

I had to kill fast and bloody to put the fear into everyone around me. They had to know that to anger a succubus was a death sentence. There was only one problem; I had never killed anyone in my life... No my mind corrected, I killed my mate. "Angela... I'm so sorry..." I cried. I had to work hard to get a grip on my emotions and calm down before arriving.

I ended up parking about a half block away and walking to the fast food restaurant. I could tell they knew I was there and were waiting for me. Opening the doors, I stepped into the lion's den and looked at the mass of men waiting. Ignoring them I walked up to the counter and saw the same woman standing there. Looking at her I said, "I said that if I ever saw you again I would kill you. Oh and I will have a small coke please."

We stared at each other for a long moment not moving. It felt as time slowed to a stop as my right hand grew long evil black claws and on its own accord shot out and ripped her throat out. From then on it was a blur to me. It was as if something dark and truly evil had awakened and went through the restaurant tearing and rending humans' limb from limb. I know I had to been shot several times but didn't feel any pain. When it was done, I stood alone in the house of carnage with god knows how many dead and dying around me.

Going up the stairs I found the tattooed woman and Yang waiting for me. Without a word I pulled the pair of .45s and shot her and then him. While her brains spattered the wall he simply smiled at me. "Did you think it would be that easy succubus?"

"No, demon I did not. That was just my way to complain about the service here," I replied putting the two pistols back in their holsters. "I control this city and the Italians. You had your chance for peace," I added.

"Do you think you can take me when so many have tried and failed?"

"Perhaps not, but if I fall my daughters will make you wish you had never come here. You will beat them I am sure; they are not as smart or ruthless as I am. However, in the end they will wear you down to the point where you throw in the towel. So in the end my kind will win even if I lose. Shall we dance?"

Instead of rising he remained seated cross legged before the table. "I have never met one of your kind that is like you. You lack the self-preservation instinct all others have and this intrigues me. Why are you different Sam Spade?"

"My mother, Maradith says it is because I have a self-destructive streak in me. But enough about me, I wish to resolve this and return to my life. You are not the only issue I have to deal with."

"Is she still in Europe raising hell in the monasteries?" Yang asked.

"No she is running a whore house in Nevada," I replied. "I was not name dropping Yang. This is between us and not Maradith. Leave her out of this."

"I must look her up and tell her I agree with her assessment of you." Yang said sipping his tea.

"Are you stalling? Perhaps you are hoping some more of your human followers will come rescue you? Do I worry you so much that the idea of the final darkness troubles your mind?" I asked. I was hoping to bait him into attacking but he just sat there trying to get me to make the first move.

"Do you really seek death so much that you would rush into it?" Yang asked. "Even though you are succubae you were once human and I have the advantage. I on the other hand was not born of man and immortal. You will die Sam Spade and I will wipe your family from the face of this planet. You know this and yet you wish to fight to the death."

"If I am so easy to kill, then why are you waiting? I will make it easy on you. Take your best shot, I will not stop you and when you fail and know true fear. Then I will rip you apart and scatter your body across the great seas. No you will not die but you will spend eternity trying to rejoin your body or grow a new one while the fishes nibble away at you." I ripped my shirt open and bared my chest to him. "Come on demon. Give me your best shot... Or are you a coward and afraid of a woman, a human, a lowly succubus?"

His eyes glowed red and Yang reached out towards me. There was a moment of confusion and then I saw fear. "What are you," he asked.

"Your death," I replied launching myself at him. I don't know how long we fought. Everything I did to him he healed almost as fast as I tore. In turn he could not reach me without me blocking and his mental games did not work.

Finally, Yang broke away and said, "You win... this place is yours."

"No you had that chance we end this now." I replied. He laughed and faded but I followed him to a remote mountain where I caught up and ripped his arm off. Again he fled and I followed. I don't know how long we played the game of hide and seek but I had him in my sights and was not going to let him get away. Finally, we were in a dark cavern where the only light was lava flowing through it and he looked like he had gone through a meat grinder. He tried jumping again but only shimmered and remained.

I separated his head from his body which fell lifeless to the ground and said, "Tell your master I said hello." Before he could reply I threw it into the lava river and watched as it sank. "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on Yang," I said. True to my word I traveled the oceans of the world and dropping parts of his body in each so he would suffer longer before coming back. Finally finished I l took stock and knew I did not have much time left. My robotic body was shredded and my pump that gave my brain life was near total failure.

Instead of going home I found a deserted beach on a small island in the southern Indian ocean and sat there watching the waves roll in and out. I wanted to die alone and not face the hurt in everyone's face.

"Momma hurt."

I turned my head and saw Kitten sitting on the ground next to me. "Momma is dying baby cat. But you and the girls are safe and that is all that matters." I reached out a shaky hand and stroked her back.

"Momma can't die... Kitten needs momma," Kitten replied in a childlike voice.

"I'm sorry Kitten," I said looking down at the small black cat. "Will you do something for me please?" I reached in my coat and pulled out first one and then the other pistol with my left hand, my right was no longer working and set them down next to her. "Will you take these two pistols to Angela? Give them to Angela for me. One was my fathers and the is hers from when we first got together."

Kitten transformed into a cat woman and picked them up with her paws. She looked at me heart broken and disappeared. Sighing, I felt the pump give out and knew it was a matter of minutes now before my brain died.

"Hello Samantha," I heard a man's voice say from the side.

Looking up I saw a man, tanned and looking fit wearing a white linen suit and Panama hat. "You're early and overdressed Death." I returned my gaze to the crashing waves.

The man laughed, "Me? Death? Not hardly."

"Ah the devil has come to collect my soul I take it." I replied. "I didn't expect you to come personally. Am I that important to you? Or are you pissed because Yang is bouncing along at the bottom of a molten river. Pull up a piece of sand and have a seat. I have a few minutes I believe."

"You wound me Samantha Spade. Yang deserves to suffer for his stupidity and I have come just to talk. You will live, even now other forces are gathering to rescue you at the last moment."

"Life's a bitch all right," I replied looking up at him.

"And then she has puppies that you can't get rid of," he replied with a smile. He paused and then said, "They are coming so I will make it short. An emissary will come visit you once you are on your feet once more with a job offer."

"There she is..." I heard Alvin say.

"Who are you?" Angela's voice said.

At the same time, I heard Kitten's low growling. Just as everything went dark, she said, "She is my momma you can't have her."

I woke not seeing, feeling, or hearing anything. For that matter I could not even feel my body. However, I was aware of my girls close and their worry as Alvin and Jasmine tried to save what was left of my body and mind. I had defeated Yang the elder and my family and friends were safe. Of course I had killed countless people in cold blood in the process. What bothered me most was the fact that I didn't feel remorse or even joy. I felt nothing about the carnage I was wrought. Had I been able to communicate I would have asked to just let me die and be done with it.

However, I wasn't given that choice. "Welcome back Sam. You gave us quite a scare there," Alvin's voice said softly. "You have to keep calm while we add systems to your interface."

"Momma okay?" I heard Kitten ask.

"Yes momma is okay Kitten," Jasmine replied. "But momma needs rest now. I will come get you when she is up."

"I need to speak to her," Angela's voice said.

"No Angela," Alvin replied. "Samantha has been through enough. I don't want you upsetting her more than she is."

I heard the sounds of a scuffle and then Angela's cold voice, "I will speak with her brother with or without your permission. Leave now."

"Five minutes Angela," Jasmine said.

I heard sounds of feet and then silence. "I know you can hear me. I do not remember you but in my heart know I love you more than life itself. Your daughters and my brother have talked to me and tried to fill in the blanks in my robotic mind. But you must understand the stories are not my own. They happened to another woman, one who is dead and gone. To understand why I love you so much I must go away. Maradith and Jason have offered me a job working for them. Because of this I ask that you do not come visit them or me. Goodbye Spade." There was a pause and then I heard a door open and close.

If I had been able to cry, I would have. Had I the ability to die I would have done that just as fast. I knew there was a chance Angela would leave me but now when I needed her most, her leaving cut me to the core. "Goodbye my love," I said mentally to myself. No wonder Jason gave me the brush off. He knew what was coming.

"She is in distress," Alvin's voice said.

"Got it," Jasmine replied.

The sounds faded and I slept. When I woke up it was a minute before I realized I was lying in my own bed, able to see and move. But I didn't care as far as I was concerned I was as good as dead. I became aware of someone in the room with me and turned my head to see a strange woman sitting on a chair at the head of the bed.

"Who the hell are you," I asked. "And what are you doing in my bedroom?"

"She said you had an attitude and would be nasty to me. It's nice to see my daughter was right about one thing." The woman replied. "My name is Lilith."

I looked at her and realized she was the first of our kind. "Forgive my manners Lilith but you still have not said why you chose to park your bare ass in my bedroom."

She frowned, "Daughter I was enjoying my retirement when I was summoned to deliver a message. Do not insult me again."

Sitting up fully I said, "I did not insult you mother of all. I simply asked in my own blunt way why you have chosen to visit my bedroom."

Lilith calmed down, "You are forgiven daughter." She paused, "The two brothers want your help in a delicate matter. Will you hear them out?"

"I have a choice?" I asked surprised. "Somehow I thought I would have to do what they wanted no matter how I feel about it. Both own a part of me."

She laughed, "You are special Samantha more special than you can imagine. You remind me of Job, who kept on plugging away no matter what was thrown at him."

"No, I'm not Job. I have lost my Angela and have no interest in life or helping others anymore." I sighed. "Given a choice I would take the final darkness and be done with it."

"I don't believe it. I have watched your life; you knew she would leave you when you agreed to allow my foolish daughter to try the impossible." Lilith countered. She pulled a good imitation of my voice as she said, "I want you to be happy love. If I lose you then so be it. Your happiness is more important to me than anything." She paused, "Shall I continue?"

"No Lilith, I remember all too well what I said." I replied. "I meant it and still do. I want her to be happy. However, I cannot live with the loss. Better to be dead and that will free her to continue on with her life." I felt black tears rolling down my cheeks and a knot in my chest. I know I don't have a heart but I felt it none the less.

"So give in to the pleasure and lose your intelligence. If that is what you want Samantha, you know how to lose your memories and sense of self." Lilith replied. "But we both know you will not." She suddenly looked sad, "Daughter I have pair bonded many times in my life. Each time hopping it would drive out the pain from the time before. It doesn't... All that happens is the pain is worse."

"I'm sorry Lilith. I wouldn't wish this on anyone," I replied wiping black tears away. Trying to come up with a way to change the subject I asked, "What did the twins want me to do that they cannot themselves?"

"Other than work together you mean?" Lilith asked back. She smiled slightly, "Decide the fate of another person." She paused and looked at her hands before returning her gaze to me. "Have Angela back just the way she was before Maradith tried her experiment. Or as she is now and you spend eternity knowing your Angel is still alive and she will never be your soul mate again."

I opened my mouth to reply and snapped it shut. After a minute I looked around the room and back to Lilith, "Damned if I do...Damned if I don't." getting out of bed I walked over to Teddy and looked at him, "How long do I have?"

"All eternity. My master is betting you will take her back the way she was because of the bond you both have. The other is betting yourself destructive nature will keep you from being happy and what better self-punishment than this." Lilith said standing and coming to stand beside me.

"What would you do Lilith if you had the same choice back at the first loss?"

"I would have taken it. A thousand lifetimes of hurt are much worse than eternal joy and damnation," she said resting a hand on my arm. "If you allow, I would like to come back to visit you after this is all over."

"I would like that Lilith," I replied. The next thing I knew she was gone. Sighing I opened the door and found everyone kneeling outside my bedroom. Even Don Bruce was kneeling with his head down. "Well that was different."

"Was that really Lilith," Heather asked not looking up.

"Yes," I replied. "Come let's go to the play room and talk. I need advice." The followed me to the play room where I sat on the steps before the throne. Once they were comfortable I said, "How much do you know about what happened after I left?"

It seemed they knew bits and pieces but not the whole story. I recounted it all slowly and without emotion. When I reached the point where Lucifer came to me Kitten growled. I noticed that Tigress was missing and stopped long enough to ask about her. I was told that she like Angela had abandoned me.

Resuming my narrative, I recounted the talk we had had and then his final message before they showed up. Pausing I looked at them and then said, "According to Lucifer, I walk the line between blessed and damned. So the two brothers have decided to put me to the test to see where I truly fall and that is where Lilith comes in. The test is will I ask for Angela back to how she was before the change and damn myself. Or do I let her go her own way and never see her again and be blessed. Of course I would then spend eternity knowing that she is out there and lost to me."

"Wow that sucks," Don Bruce said. "You are damned no matter what you do."

"You know it could all be a trick just to get back at you for defeating Yang," Jade said softly.

"That occurred to me too," I replied. "But why would Lilith say otherwise?"

"Why wouldn't she?" Sue countered. "She owes no allegiance to you."

"It's not legit Sam," Alvin said softly. "Angela is lost to all of us. I had to restore her memory to the point before she met you. I tired explaining it but she was not interested in hearing any of it. She is not the woman I created; she is cold and heartless now."

I listened to them talk about their feelings and opinions. For once everyone agreed that it was nothing more than a mean trick to play on me and that my angel was finally and truly lost. As far as they were concerned, Angela and Tigress were dead and could stay that way. The only one who did not speak was Don Bruce who sat quietly listening throughout.

Finally, he said, "You all are missing the point. Spade asked if she should take it or not. Instead you have focused on how much a horse's ass Angela has become." He looked at me and said, "Samantha, you already have your answer inside you. If you need someone to agree then I will be the one." He paused still looking at me. It felt as if he was reading my soul and I saw a sadness cross his face. He turned to Sue, "Remember The Nose?"

Sue's eyes got large and then she said something to her sisters because everyone other than Don Bruce, Kitten and Alvin got up and left. Alvin scooped up the cat and said, "How about I get you a nice cup of milk Kitten, Sam and Bruce need to talk alone I think."