Sara's Choices: Montego Bay Pt. 01

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Newlywed Sara discovers black sex on her honeymoon.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 11/25/2016
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After a year of planning, stress and tribulation, Sara's wedding was done. It was by all accounts a resoundingly successful celebration. The ceremony at the beautiful stone church she had never attended went without a hitch. The reception at the old mill with a few hundred intimate friends and family was enjoyed by all, speeches included. The photos against the backdrop of the mill race and waterfall were in the classic style, as was their ceremonial departure to their wedding bed, in a vintage Rolls Royce.

She and Jack, now finally able to relax, travelled the two miles to their hideaway hotel sipping on champagne and laughing in remembrance of the evening's antics, including her younger brother spinning out of control on the dance floor and crashing headlong into the band. Hilarious for nearly all concerned and definitely the stuff of family wedding legend.

They arrived at the quaint little Bed and Breakfast that she had selected and somehow managed to keep a secret from her bridesmaids and groomsmen, fearing they would have defiled the room with toilet paper and cold cream in some childish college prank in an attempt to spoil the wedding night.

Jack had managed to carry her up the spiral staircase and into their wedding suite, delivering her carefully upon the massive four post bed, before giving her a long and loving kiss on the mouth. He then trudged back downstairs to gather their honeymoon luggage. It took him two trips.

"You've packed far too much Sara, we're only gone a week. How many swimsuits and evening gowns do you need?" he complained as dropped the suitcases in the corner of the room that included a lovely stone fireplace.

"Never you mind, my Darling. A Lady dare not ever be unprepared." She quipped as she dug into one bag in particular that included her Wedding Trousseau. For this evening she had settled on a champagne colored Simone silk gown that accentuated her shapely 34 C cup bust, narrow waist and shapely hips and backside.

Sara was a striking young woman by anyone's standards. Standing five feet and one inch, her classic form never failed to turn an eye, particularly when she entered a room, often cat like and with her usual unmistakable purpose. Her complexion had once been described as 'Black Irish' which to her seemed appropriate as her family had emigrated from Galway on the west coast of Ireland when she was a little girl.

Her hair was raven black, and silky straight, like the kind one most associated with Chinese women. It reached down to the small of her back when not in a French braid or ponytail, as was her custom. Her flawless skin, free of freckles or moles, was porcelain white except for her cheeks which she favored with a hint of blush. It was her icy blue eyes however, that had seized young Jack's heart and led him a merry chase to their wedding day.

Truly, Sara's eyes were perhaps her most striking asset. She could easily stop any discussion cold by merely holding the conversationalist's gaze. Those who were able to look into them long enough would see the thinnest ring of gold around both her pupils. Jack had noticed they appeared more brightly in firelight, on the many numerous occasions they enjoyed camping together during their courtship.

She gathered up her perfume, and nightgown and slipped into the bathroom, saying she would only be a minute and asked Jack to turn down the bed. He eagerly obliged, gathering up the mountain of throw pillows, bolsters, shams, neckrolls, and all the other fancy crap that nobody ever needed and stuffed them in and around an occasional chair that seemed placed near the bed for that exact purpose.

He quickly shed his three piece after wedding suit in pieces on the floor and climbed into bed pulling the covers up to his neck, hiding his erection in anticipation of what was to come. They had agreed to abstain from sexual contact for the past couple of weeks in order to make the wedding night one to remember. Sara's idea obviously. Jack agreed but under constant protest. He stared at the ceiling a moment before taking the time to look around the room and appreciate the décor. He hoped the walls were sound proof. Sara was always noisy during sex- he expected tonight to be no different.

Danny waited for what seemed an eternity before his bride opened the door and stepped into the golden light pouring into the otherwise dark bedroom from the bathroom. She left the door ajar and stood before him, casting a shadow in the narrow beam of light. Jack sat up in awe, his manhood surged, raging in anticipation for what was to come.

The amber light filtered through the floor length shear negligee, revealing the outline between her luxurious long legs. He marveled at her toned calves, the gentle curve of her knees and the long inviting gap between her thighs as his gaze settled upon the outline of her sex. "My God Sara" he paused his voice rasping slightly, "You look so beautiful..."

His eyes wandered up her torso, along the line of her hips and waist, to the loosely braided ponytail that was displayed across her right shoulder and fell below her perfectly sculpted breast. "Do you like it? It's not too old lady for you? I know you prefer me to dress like a slut sometimes." She laughed, content with his obvious approval.

She climbed into bed and Jack wasted no time in sliding the shear fabric above her waist to expose her pussy. Her normally carefully trimmed triangle had given way to a narrow strip, perhaps an inch wide rising from above just above her clitoral hood, halfway to her bejeweled navel. Jack moaned slightly as the heady aroma of her perfume and natural musk filled his lungs.

"Do you like it Baby?" she asked coyly, "I've had my Wax girl do something special for our wedding over the past couple of weeks"

"I love it Sara!" his lips were soon fully involved in preparing her for the sex that was to come. Jack had decided to take special care and make the evening last for as long as possible and make it all about Sara on her special day. They made love, carefully and slowly, rather than their usual more athletic fucking, which Sara usually preferred. She enjoyed him, feeling his love for her with each kiss.

Eventually, Jack could not withhold his passion any longer, and his thrusts becoming harder and more insistent as his pace quickened. It felt so good, thought Sarah, having his thick eight inch cock grinding into her. He was the largest man she had ever fucked, much larger than her previous boyfriend, who was in fact one of Jack's closest friends, Edward. He had introduced the two of them in their senior year at college three years ago, not realizing at the time that he would end up losing her to him without any hard feelings. It was certainly the most unusual break up Sara had ever experienced.

Sara and Jack had decided to start their family right away, so she wanted his semen deep inside her. It felt somehow more intense and primal to be having sex with the intention of becoming pregnant. It occurred to her that maybe taking a month or two to conceive might not be such a bad thing. Jack began to arch his back and began to slow down as he always did as orgasm overtook him. Sarah raised her knees to her chest spreading wide to receive him as he began to release two weeks' worth of semen into her eager vagina.

Sara could feel it cover her, deep inside, warm and wet. She grabbed the base of his penis and held on for a minute before milking him, firmly wrapping her legs around his waist. They stayed like that for perhaps a minute, gently kissing, their breath and heart rate returning to normal. Jack slowly removed his wilting penis and rolled on his back beside his new bride, suddenly feeling the length and stress of the day slip away.

"Oh shit Baby, its spilling out of me. I don't want to stain this negligee-can you get me some Kleenex?"

"I got this my Love" said Jack as he moved between her legs and gently began to kiss her opening, open mouth, licking and sucking his semen from her now drooling pussy.

Sara tossed her head back, "Oh God I love it when you do that- it feels so good. Lick me Baby; clean up my messy little pussy" She paused before looking down at her new husband, diligently attending to her, "I love you Mr. Porter..."

"I love you too Mrs. Porter" he replied smiling at the thought of their now sharing a name. He continued for another five minutes, before pulling the shear fabric of her negligee down around her knees and tucking into bed beside her.

The couple chatted and giggled for another twenty minutes or so before drifting off to sleep. It was their first night as man and wife. One more day of frenetic activity travelling to Montego Bay and they could then relax, at the start of their honeymoon and the beginning of their marriage.

They had finally arrived, the princess bride, and her new husband, Jack Porter, who began to realize the irony in having such a name as he bustled her luggage out of the back of the taxi outside the lobby of the Wild Orchid Montego Bay Hotel.

"Allow me to help you sir," a deep voice insisted as a hotel bell hop began neatly stowing the luggage on a cart while Jack paid the cab driver. "May I ask your name sir?"

"Yes of course. I'm Jack Porter and this is my wife Sara!" said Jack, still chuffed at introducing her as his wife.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porter. My name's Lucas. Welcome to the Secrets Wild Orchid Motel Montego Bay. This way to the lobby and guest registration..."

Sara studied the tall lean black man. He was easily six feet and another six or eight inches tall, with very broad shoulders and long legs. He seemed to have a narrow waist, which Sara found to her liking. She couldn't make out what his butt looked like in the loose fitting hotel uniform, trying to imagine it.

She had never admitted it except to her closest girlfriends but she had developed a thing for black guys while at college, when she was a cheer leader for the basketball team. It was the excitement of watching them play, their tall athletic bodies, lean and well-muscled, slick with perspiration. It became a huge fantasy of hers to wander into the locker room and be taken by a few of them.

In her senior year she had lived off campus in a two bedroom apartment. Her roommate, another cheerleader was dating and eventually married, the team point guard who was a very sexy black man. According to the roommate, he was personally responsible for the myth about black guys and the size of their cocks.

Sara who normally was very ladylike about these sorts of things, would listen intently, asking for details, as she described how his muscular body looked as fucked her. She described the shape, taste and texture of his massive cock in visceral detail, going on and on about his unbelievable stamina. Sara could attest to the last point as the two would seem to fuck endlessly, for some nights until the morning light.

Sara on several occasions masturbated furiously to the point of exhaustion listening to them rut through the paper thin walls, just so she could get some sleep. Once her roommate asked her on a double date with another sexy black basketball player but she had to decline, as she had already started seeing Jack seriously at that point. Now as she followed her husband and Lucas into the hotel lobby, she could feel a slight twinge of regret for having settled and married so soon without fulfilling her fantasy.

A half hour later they were settled in their room and Jack was going through the itinerary details looking for timings on the fishing trip that was planned for tomorrow. It had been a wedding gift from Sarah's father to the pair of them One day mahi-mahi fishing and the next deep water marlin fishing. Jack and her father shared a passion as sportsmen. He looked forward to getting out on the ocean very much. Sarah couldn't imagine a more boring activity and didn't relish spending all day in the sun and wind with her fair skin exposed to the elements in such a way.

When morning came, she made an excuse saying that her tummy was a little unsettled and that she preferred to maybe rest by the pool and get a start on thankyou letters for the many wedding gifts they had received. Jack said he was disappointed but had a hard time constructing a pretext of sympathy at her complaint she mused. They had breakfast on their balcony together looking out at the beautiful azure blue of Montego Bay.

She kissed her new Hubby goodbye as he hurried off on his fishing adventure without her and returned to the balcony to finish the pot of coffee and read through the hotel activities magazine. There was less than half a cup, much to her chagrin.

"Fuck it." She announced to no one in particular, "I'll just have to order another one."

As she waited for it to arrive she decided to start covering her legs, arms and torso with thick SPF 40 sunblock, wanting to give it time to soak in before venturing outside. She got undressed and stepped into the bathroom and began to rub the liquid into her skin, starting with her feet. She had learned to be thorough and methodical as her skin easily appeared blotchy after a brief period in the sun, if she didn't coat herself thoroughly and evenly.

She heard a knock at the door. Shit- it was the coffee. She quickly wrapped herself in one of the hotel robes. Her short frame seemed lost in it as she tied the waist band around her quickly before opening the door.

A tall black man in his mid-twenties quickly entered the room with a fresh carafe of coffee and began to gather up all the breakfast dishes. She watched him go about his task keenly, noticing the sinew of his arms and marveling at his hair that was a lion's main of bleached dreadlocks.

"Will that be all Mrs. Porter?" he asked as he bussed the last of the breakfast dishes to a cart just inside the door of the room.

"Yes actually. It's kind of a strange request but could you ask one of the ladies who makes up the room to come and help me put cream on my back? I'm sensitive to the sun and need to cover up completely."

"Oh I can help with that Mrs. Porter. No problem" with that he went into the bathroom and returned with a bath towel and her sun block.

"No you misunderstood me..." she again started explaining how she would prefer the assistance of a woman. As she mumbled away to him, feeling awkward and embarrassed he quickly straightened the bedclothes and spread the towel on the comforter.

He then gently took her by the arm and guided her to the bed turning her so that she had her back to him, before he very deftly disrobed her. He then gently pulled her arm forward while pushing gently on the center of her back, guiding her down on the towel. She flushed with a mixture of excitement and embarrassment realizing he had an eyeful of her breasts, her pink nipples swollen in excitement at being manhandled by the tall black stranger.

As she lay face down on the bed she became excited at the thought of being completely naked save a very revealing bikini bottom that was both shear and very near her own skin tone in colour. She could feel a flood of moisture released into the opening of her vagina and hopped that the gusset wouldn't betray her arousal.

She lay there, heart pounding for a moment unsure what to do. She was aware of the cultural and boundary differences between Caribbean men and men of her own culture but this seemed to be a kind of boldness beyond any norm she had encountered. Fuck it, she thought, she would give herself to this aggressive yet gorgeous young black man and see where it goes.

"You have very beautiful white skin Mrs. Porter. I will make sure that you are properly covered against our hot Caribbean sun and wind. It can be very strong and your skin is so white-it is like snow is it not?" he asked.

Sara could hear him squeezing the sunblock from the bottle. "Thankyou. I take every precaution to protect it. I am a little concerned about the hard Jamaican sun"

He took a minute to let the cream warm between his hands before starting to apply it in the small of her back, slowly and gently at first. Sarah began to relax a little but her anxious energy was only giving way to excitement of another kind. Her pussy began to ache to be touched. She could feel her moisture increasing.

He began to exert greater pressure with his attentive caressing, working the small of her back with what felt like a familiar touch. Sara realized she was in the hands of an expert masseuse. He found a small knot just above her buttock and very expertly worked it briefly as it softened and went away.

"You should be working in a Spa." she said closing her eyes and letting go of her fear.

"I do Ma'am. Here in the hotel between eleven o'clock and five PM." In the mornings I do room service"

"Wow. Lucky me" She suddenly felt she could relax. She was in the hands of an expert.

He gently moved her ponytail to off her shoulders and applying more warmed sun block, gave her gentle massage across her upper back, lats, shoulders and upper arms, working in the cream evenly and smoothly. Sarah let out a soft moan of contentment, her eyes closed, as he worked his way down her sides stopping briefly to release the bowties that secure her white bikini bottom.

She opened her eyes briefly, as she realized what was about to happen but rather than protest, she rolled her hips, and drew up her knees slightly , lifting her gorgeous backside off the towel far enough for the young man to deftly remove the bikini bottom casting it aside.

He began to apply cream to her bottom, messaging each buttock thoroughly each in turn before sliding his finger gently up and down the crack of her ass tickling her pink little anus ever so slightly. She let out a long soft wail of contentment as he did this, encouraging him to become even bolder. The finger almost reached the bottom of her vagina but he seemed to deftly avoid her pussy.

He began to work the back of both her thighs eventually including her buttocks once again as he ran the palms of his hands from her knees to the small of her back applying steady gentle pressure, stretching her hamstrings. It felt just wonderful as she moaned her approval.

Sara had always been vocal during sex. The more turned on she became, the louder she would get. Her eyes closed she was now squealing softly and uttering words of encouragement, "Oh yes-more, Right there! Oh my fucking god this is hot!" She couldn't remember ever feeling so desperate to be taken.

She quickly got up on all fours and looking over her shoulder at the young man barked, "Fuck me now. Do it! Fill me with your cock. Fuck me...NOW" she started undulating and backing her hips toward the young man and shaking her ass, making her tight buttocks bounce. "Fill me with your big black cock!"

The young man quickly undressed and soon entered her, penetrating with only the head of his penis in her moist opening at first. She could feel it throbbing there, challenging her to accept more. She pushed back and gently rolled her hips to accept another couple of inches into her slick and eager pussy.

"Oh Baby that feels right. Give me more. I want all of it!" she moaned and braced herself on the bed before pushing back hard, taking yet another couple of inches. It was long she imagined, sensing the young man's torso was still several inches away, but my God it was thick! The thickest cock she had ever fucked by far. It felt delicious as it slowly opened her up with each measured thrust.

He was being gentle and careful with her, Sara sensed. Overcome with lust, she didn't want that. She wanted this black man to take and own her pussy.

"Give it all to me Baby. Take my pussy!" She let out a long deep animalistic growl "Fill me up with that big black cock- Please"

That was all the young black man needed to hear before grabbing her creamy white hips and thrusting deeply and completely into her eager sex.