Scott's Letter to Jen

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An Internet romance.
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Today was the day. I'm going to finally tell her I'm falling for her, I'm going to get up the nerve and ask her out. Was what Scott thought to himself. But, how to do it was another story, ok a little background. Around a week ago this incredible women started emailing him. Over the course of the week Scott found out they had a lot in common and had even spoken to her over the phone. This phone call on the previous Friday had sealed the deal; Scott knew he had to ask out Jen (Named changed to protect the innocent). Lets take a trip back in time to see how this all transpired.


Scott reads an email from a Jen that tells him she likes his writing and Bio from a particular website and would like to know more about him. Scott then writes back that he is flattered that she has written him and he would also like to know more abut her.


One email each way telling each other about there hobbies, likes and dislikes, these emails peak Scott's interest, Jen tells Scott she is an artist and likes the same sports he does. Scott now wants to know more he finds himself waiting for her next email.


Scott and Jen talk some more via email. They find out they both have kids around the same age. They both were married and now divorced or separated. Scott Sends Jen a picture.


Jen sends Scott a picture, Wow, thanks Scott she at least liked my pic enough to send a return one! OMG she is beautiful, well, I really liked her before the picture and it would have been ok no matter what she looked like thought Scott but, Wow she is a knockout! I am very happy thinks Scott.


We talk on the phone for the first time. This is amazing, we talk for about 2 hours and it only seems like minutes. We talk about everything from mine and her past, her kids, then mine, and everything else we can think of. I am going out of town over the weekend I inform her but I will try to keep in touch. As a side note Scott added the word Love right before his name to see what would happen and see what she thought, well to his delight on her next email she did the same. Scott know it doesn't mean anything about real love but he meant it with love.

On the plane to Vegas Friday night Scott decides to read a book. He can not focus on the book so he takes out his laptop rereading all the emails from the previous week. Not certain what this means he decides to try and sleep.


First thing upon getting up on Saturday morning Scott checks his email and is delighted to discover all kinds of wonderful items in it. Seems like during the previous night Jen was busy with sending me emails. They were of her artwork and her kids. She is Very talented Scott thought to himself. Her kids look adorable! I got on her to check and see if she had thought about me as much as I had her and look at this...she did!!! Scott sends her a couple of pictures he had taken for her the previous night in Vegas.


Not much in the way of action on this day just an email or two to let her know Scott was coming home and one from Jen telling Scott her children had a good birthday (Scott was glad to hear this it even made him smile). But a lot happened in Scott's mind he had decided to himself he was going to ask her out.


Today is the day to ask her out thought Scott. Now how was he going to do it? Ok I know I have an igneous way. I'll write her a story, and in it I will have the main character ask the other character out, thought Scott. So Scott sat out to do just that. Instead of work he sat down behind his computer and typed the story. The story was not very long but Scott hoped Jen would get the message. He changed one of the characters names but thought it made the story better in a way (gave Scott plausible denial).


Jen answered back Yes she would love to go out with him sometime. Although this would not be easy seeing as how they lived 200 miles apart, Scott told her not to worry he would come up with some way.

Wednesday and Thursday:

Scott and Jen finalized the plans on where to meet, and what they would do on there "date" Friday night.


Scott travels to the previously agreed upon meeting place and is in shock, Jen is even more beautiful than in her picture and her personality is electric.

As for more of this story we will just have to stay tuned for the Answer by Jen, this previous has been Scott's Letter to Jen asking her if she would like to go out with him sometime. (As I stated earlier the names have been changed to protect, well me!!!)

The End

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