Secret Desire Ch. 04


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"Well you should." She laughed along, "Remember why we planned the whole renovation of the guest bedroom." She said.

"I know. The place is fine just the way it is. But I need more time to spend in my new home." He said slipping his fingers down her pelvis.

She giggled as her freshly fucked clit tickled to the touch. "Nothing would please me more." She said.

"Speaking of which." He said as she rushed out the door and came back with stacks of cash in hand. "We're fucking on top of all that, when we get back." He said.

Malini burst out laughing, "This isn't some kind of a music video." She said as he tossed the money at her. She flipped the money and fanned herself with it, and turned to him. "Get back?" she asked.

"Let's get something to eat first." He said, "I'm starving." They ordered in dinner and had some come in for Madhan as well. As soon as they were done, Malini realized how late it was getting and decided to head home. Kevin didn't get to live his fantasy of fucking her on a bed full of money that night.

She woke up the next morning to the usual. She did the whole hiking routine and had no progress in finding who Taylor's source was. She came back home to find Kevin already there. The two began work on the guest bedroom and Madhan, surprisingly offered to help.

Both Malini and Kevin spent the entire day barely making any constructive progress. They spent the entire day just picking things apart and laying some of the ground work for painting the wall where the dresser went.

The day was a bust. A couple more days passed where the two barely saw each other. Malini worked on some different recipes for the pastry shop. And offered everything to Kevin when he visited. And still continued to partly work on the guest bedroom as well.

It was well into a week when the room was done painting and was ready for the furniture. Malini picked apart the packages and noticed that some of the elements required to the dresser were missing. She clarified with the company and realized it was an issue with the shipping.

She wondered if it was Dick's work. She wondered if he deliberately misplaced them to visit her again. The very thought brought a smile on her face. She was no longer bothered by the fact that he forcefully touch her, but excited for the fact that she would get to see him again. She didn't know why she was excited for a guy she barely knew. But she was.

The call to the company got pretty heated when they promised to rectify the issue and send in the remaining parts the following day.

Malini was most of the following day in the kitchen because she didn't want to start on anything else until the dresser was a done deal. She hadn't seen Kevin in over a day and Madhan as always spent the day in front of the TV. When the fourth batch of her new menu was done. She heard the doorbell. She peeked into the living room on the way to get the door, only to find Madhan having dozed off on the couch. She got to the door and opened it with a welcoming smile.

It was Big Dick. Her smile curved into a grin and Dick mirrored it at the very first sight of her. He had a box in hand and jiggled it with a wide grin before holding it out to her.

"Shhhh..." said Malini, "He's asleep inside."

"I won't make any noise if you won't." He said as he brushed past her. Her heart pounded in her chest and she chewed on her bottom lips as he walked into her house, like he owned it. She was a little fearful of having a stranger in her house, who seemly took so much control of the place. But despite the fear, she followed him.

She was well aware that things might go out of control. But more than the fear. She was curious. She was curious how far could this really go? She was curious, how forward he's going to be this time. She was curious, what it would really take for him to get her to break. She's found out more about herself in the last couple weeks with Kevin than she has in the last few years having moved to a different country. Which only made her more curious. What will she find about herself if she was with Dick instead?

She wasn't sure if the casual flirting was still on the table or not. "So, where do you want it?" he asked.

Malini was caught off guard. Was he proposing to fuck her with that monster thing he had in his pants? No she saw him jiggling the box again. "You can leave it where ever." She said.

"So, do I get to taste anything today?" he asked.

Malini, grinned. "I'm not sure what you're asking." she said as she held her hand at her waist and leaned against the door frame.

"You know exactly what I'm asking." He said as he inched closer.

Malini cautiously peeked out the door to see if Madhan was awake. But all she could see was his legs on the floor relaxed. She assumed he probably was still asleep "I do. But I'm not sure, I want to anymore." She said.

"Why not." He asked.

"Well, because of what you did the last time." She spoke boldly. She didn't care how he might take it.

"What did I do?" he asked.

"You got pretty handsy." She said. She spoke deliberately telling exactly what she wanted. She wasn't thinking about the consequence of him losing control on her.

"And I'm the one to blame?" he asked.

"Aren't you?" she asked almost annoyed a little but his blatant disregard for his own behaviour.

"I don't think I should be, not entirely." He said but still held a calm composure. "A man could only resist, this gorgeous of a treat for so long." He said waving at her body.

Malini wanted to laugh, but she didn't. Her lips curved to a sly grin which almost faded immediately. She didn't want him to know she was enjoying what he was saying. "Treat?" she said, "I don't think I offered you any."

"You didn't." he concurred. "But I grew up learning one important thing in life. If you find something you like, you take it. If it belongs to someone else. You do your best to taste it. Atleast just a little. As much as you possible can. Coz you probably aint never gonna be in that situation again." He said.

There was something bold and yet sad about what he just said. She could understand the tough situation he must have grown up in. With all the tattoos on his her eyes wandered to, she began tp wonder if he's ever been to prison. And wondered why she hasn't thought of that before. He was bold and dangerous. But despite the aggressive appearance, he was polite in his own way. And she was growing to like him for that. And decided to play along. Despite his aggressive nature, he sure had his limits.

"Sure, but I've still got a lot more deliveries coming in." she said, "A lot more."


"I'm gonna be redoing the basement. There's so much I'm gonna have delivered. And I'd probably want a large strong man around to help move things around." She said. "But I don't know anyone I trust enough to bring into my home." She said.

"Well I'm already in here." He said.

"That you are." She smiled, letting the words linger.

"Maybe I can be that guy." He suggested.

"Maybe." She repeated his word and shrugged, "I don't know."

"You're not gonna find a guy bigger or stronger than me to help you with what you want." He said.

Malini laughed at his words. "Oh you're big alright." She said. "I think I know that by now." She said as her eyes linger down his pants. Her legs crossed as she felt a tingle between her legs from the memory of feeling it the last time he was over.

"Well, then what's the problem?" he asked.

"I don't know if I should be laying trust in a stranger. This quick." She said. "I mean, I don't even know you."

"You don't need to." He said. "I'm just a big strong hands for your needs. All you need to worry about it, is how you're going to pay me?" He said

"But I'd like to get to know the people I work with." She said.

"You don't have to. Not all the time." He inched closer, "Sometimes it's best to leave things on the surface and be selfish for a bit."

"Wise words." She said.

"Thanks." He said as he reached for her waist. Malini's heart was pounding like it was the last time, but she didn't move. She didn't even try to stop him this time. And then she felt his thick cold fingers along her waist and just lay there, resting. It was heavy for some reason, she was comfortable to the touch.

Dick watched her chest heaving to every large breath she took before she met his gaze, "I guess I'll do that." She said. As she stepped a little closer and placed her hand over his chest and tapped casually before she brushed past him and reached for the door.

"You will what." He asked.

"Learn to be more selfish." She said.

"It's not something you learn." He laughed. "It's something that you are."

"I don't think I'm selfish." She said almost defensive.

"Trust me. Everyone are at some level." He said as he walked to the kitchen with her. She handed him a muffin and reached for a glass to get the man some water.

He chopped down the muffin in a single bite, "That was delicious." He said. "If I get to taste anything else that's half that good. I'd probably move in here and put that guest bedroom to some better use."

"With all my delivery coming in, you probably will." She winked at him. She turned to grab a bottle of water from the fridge and turned her back to him as she poured the water in the glass.

And then she felt it. The bottle almost slipped out of her fingers. "FUCK!" she mumbled under her breath, which was now getting heavy.

"Careful." he said as he reached around her from behind and took the bottle from her hand and poured it still holding himself right behind her. His thick monstrous cock planted firmly behind her, right at the crack of her butt.

"You're gonna have to stop doing that." She said. "My husband would kill me if he found us like this."

"He can't be angry over something he don't know." said Dick with a grinning smile as she looked over her shoulder. She felt his hand on her waist and she felt her heart pounding harder each time.

"He would if he walked in right now." She said.

"But he's asleep." He said as he picked the glass and stepped away.

Malini spun and leaned back and watched him as the water spilled down his beard, down to his thick muscular chest. Making a mess of his shirt. "That he is." she said as they once again met each other's gaze as he handed her the glass back.

She grabbed it and placed it on the counter without even looking. She didn't know why but the chemistry was working wonderfully. Whatever this was, she didn't know. But she was well aware of the fact that it was going to be wild.

"I guess I'll leave then." He said as he smiled wide as he shamelessly peered down at her tit and then winked at her before turning away. She wasn't sure why she was growing to like it when guys did that to her. Then again, it was of course only Kevin so far. And now Dick.

And at the door, he said "Next time." As she repeated the same and watch him drive off in his truck. Every time she saw him, he's managed to surprise her. From being flirty to scaring her to sexually taunt her. She was curious what it's going to be like when she meets him next.

About an hour after he left, Kevin dropped by. Madhan said that he's been lazying around the house for too long and he needs some exercise. And went out for a walk to meet a couple of his work buddies.

It didn't take long before Malini and Kevin fixed the dresser and ended up on the bed naked. And while fucking her Kevin reached for his pants and picked up two stacks of cash and showered it on her as he watched her tits bounce to each thrust.

"All that's yours baby." He said.

"What do you mean?" she asked a wide grinning smile as she cooed in pleasure.

"The money." Said Kevin.

Malini was a little offended by his insinuation. She placed a hand over his chest and stopped him. "What do you mean? Am I some kind of a whore to you?" she asked only to watch Kevin burst out laughing.

He grabbed her hands and pinned them over her head and plunged himself all the way, deep. "All this, you earned." He said. Malini was still confused. What was he talking about? Was he saying that he was paying her for sex? What was he talking about?

"What are you saying?" she asked, struggling to get free.

"These are all the money YOU made from all the muffins and pastries." He said peering down into her eyes and smiled.

"Oh my god." She said shocked. "This is all MY money." She said as a grin filled her face.

"That's what I said." He laughed and leaned over to lock his lips with hers as he pulled back and thrust into her.

"FUCK!" she mumbled into the kiss as a new sense of pride filled her with all the sexual euphoria.

As his grip along her wrist loosened, she rolled him onto his back and mounted him. She worked her hips like she never did before and fucked him like she's never fucked anyone before. She was in control and took great pride in it.

Her fingers in her hair as her thick long raven hair fell down her almond brown skin was a sight he'd never get used to.

He watched her she worked her hips knocked her tits around and watched them jiggle with each thrust and bounce. This was probably the first time, he was going to orgasm before she did. And she clenched his eyes shut and grabbed her hip in one and wrapped his fingers around her tits with another and squeezed as hard as he possible can as he came gushing into her, just meet her own impending orgasm.

The woman quivered and shivered like she was being electrocuted, but her lips let out the sweetest sounds of pleasure a man can hear. And as the orgasm ripped through her, she collapsed on top of him and covered his face in all her dark mane.

Her body still rocked a little. Her pussy still clenching his cock tight. Draining him of every drop of cum.

And when the two of them caught their breath and regained consciousness. Kevin pushed her off his body as she fell on the side, laughing. "I don't think I've ever took control of a cock like that, ever." She said.

"I know." he laughed as he reached for his pants.

She picked up some of the money on the side and held it up to her face, just looking at them. "When did you start selling?" she asked.

"Since the first batch." He said as he glanced at her and winked.

"Since the first batch?" she asked surprised and wacked him with the money.

Kevin pulled away laughing. She flipped to her side and held her head up with her hand and curved her leg over, allowing her curves shine. "You are so fucking beautiful." He said as he contemplated buttoning his pants.

Malini smiled, "I know." she said and rolled over to the opposite side, with her back to him and facing the newly constructed dresser.

She felt a hard smack on her ass. She flinched but she was soon comforted with his thick arms draping around her as she felt his naked cock at the crack of her butt. She was immediately reminded of the cock she felt in the kitchen just a couple hours ago and couldn't help but wonder what it would really feel like.

She contemplated if she really was just flirting with him physically or if she was building it all up to something. She couldn't really tell, she enjoy the process way too much. She grind her butt against Kevin's cock sensing the stir as she smiled to his hand on her tit.

"It does look beautiful, doesn't it?" She said.

"You do." Said Kevin.

"I meant the dresser." She giggled.

"Yeah sure." He said as he slipped his fingers down between her legs.

She grabbed his wrist and held his hand it at bay. She rolled around to face him. With just inches apart, she gazed into his eyes, "What is it about us that it makes this so addictive." She asked.

Kevin was caught off guard with that question. He was well aware of their situation and the only thing that made it fun was the fact that this was all so wrong. But the connection that built up over time was unrecognisable. They've grown into something else entirely.

She knew she would never leave her husband or her family for Kevin or anyone else. And yet, she couldn't tell why she was so obsessed with him. She wondered if she was really obsessed with him or if it was all just about the sex.

She was of course in her prime. And she's never wanted it more than she did now. And to have a guy like Kevin only made things easier. But despite all that, she still didn't know why she was romanticizing this relationship. Why it felt so good. Why it felt so perfect.

"I don't know." he said. "I'm sure you're still doing stuff with Madhan and I still do get some when we don't see each other. But when it's with you. It's like..." he stuttered. "I don't know."

"It's so perfect." She said.

"It is." Kevin concurred, "But why?" he asked.

"Maybe it's because it's such a bad thing to be doing. And maybe it's because that we know this would ruin us both if the word ever got out but we still manage to keep this dirty secret so well." She said as her knees glided over his leg before he leg draped over his waist.

Kevin's arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer and grinned to her words. "Maybe so." He said. "Or maybe it's because, my cock, is just too damn big and perfect for that sweet cunt of yours." He said as she laid a smack on her ass.

Malini chewed on her bottom lip before locking it with his. She felt his cock piercing back home and she let out a soft moan against his lips. She broke the kiss and grinned at him. "You're home and it's time to make it yours again." She said, "Own it..." She demanded, "You, dirty bastard."

Kevin rolled her onto her back and pulled himself back up on his knees and grinned down at her. He rocked a smack on her tit and flipped her leg from one side and flipped it over to the other side. Flipping her over on her front entirely. He got off the bottom of the bed and grabbed her ankles and dragged over to the edge and smacked her ass. Hard.

He plunged into her sweet cunt and pounded away as he reached for a hand full of her dark raven hair and pulled hard, fucking her into the night.

Malini peered out the window at the trees as she watched the sun slowly setting. Her smiled grew wider and her lips fell sucked in between her teeth as she grunted to each thrust. "FUCK!" she grunted hard, gritting her teeth tight. "FUCK that cunt." She said. "Fill that pussy with the big fucking cock, I want all of it in me."

Kevin's never heard the woman speak this way before. He didn't know what changed but he didn't care. The more she moaned, the harder he fucked her.

Malini's grin grew wider as she closed her eyes and held her bottom lips between her teeth as she dreamt about Dick's cock.

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fishgetterfishgetterabout 3 years ago

You SERIOUSLY need an editor. The first few chapters were so-so, because of the syntax and words' spelling. Get help before ANY more stories, please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Please add the next part bro

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

When the husband is going to find out about the affair between Dick and Kevin who wife is screwing both men.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Next part plzzz

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Nice buildup

Nice story ...would like to see increased tease and action , each time Malini and Dick encounter

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