Seducing Jennifer Pt. 26

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Jack and Jennifer meet Italia
7.6k words

Part 20 of the 30 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 04/24/2014
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Part 26

Tommy and Mary Louise showed up at nine the next morning and Jennifer and I were actually dressed and ready for them, having spent a restful night in each other's arms after exhausting ourselves in the roof-top pool and relieving our tensions with a hot soak afterwards. Our lovemaking was intense, but not completely satisfying. Strenuous exercise seemed to help.

We studied for a couple of hours, had lunch in the dining room, and napped and played the rest of the day away. When it was time for Mary Louise and Tommy to leave, the four of us lingered by the front door.

"I guess there's no chance in dragging the tutoring session out for another day," I said.

"I'm afraid not," Mary Louise said. "They were not too thrilled about letting us have today, even. Do you two think you're ever going to be able to go back to school?"

I shrugged. "No way to know," I said. "I don't guess it will be real soon though. We still haven't heard anything from Jennifer's mom, and there's still no ID on two of the bodies in the limo. So we wait."

"Maybe they'll let us come back Friday afternoon. So at least we can bring you the weekend homework."

"That's a good idea. Don't suppose there's any way you could spend the weekend here...?"

"I'm up for that, Dude," Tommy said. "No problem for me. My moms won't even notice I'm gone."

Mary Louise gnawed at her lower lip. "I might actually be able to make it too. I was supposed to have a sleep-over at Brittany's house...I know she'd cover for me if I asked her nicely. I've done it for her enough times. And you know? I'm 18. I should be able to do whatever I damn well please."

"Oh, goody!" Jennifer clapped her little hands. "We'll have a slumber party!"

Tommy and I rolled our eyes at each other. "Dibs on the big bedroom," Tommy said.


Jennifer and I took care of details that were becoming an annoyance, such as laundry and on-line clothes shopping, on Friday morning. I should point out that the clothes-shopping part didn't do a thing for me. I picked out two pairs of jeans, two pairs of walking shorts, a few shirts and some odds and ends in about ten minutes, taking Jennifer's suggestions as to the details, and then it was her turn. She perched on my lap at the hotel's guest computer station, and that was the best part of the whole thing. We had both enjoyed a long session of oral sex the night before, but we hadn't done anything yet that morning, and I was feeling the urge again. Jennifer was affectionate and sexy as hell, as usual, and I hoped that she would just pick out some clothes and get it over with so we could go back upstairs. But Jennifer had to debate every selection at length, go back and change her order several times, and I was soon so bored and frustrated I wanted to scream. Her cute butt wiggling on my lap provoked an interest, of course, but not one that had anything to do with shopping. I wished that we had postponed that until Mary Louise could help her with it. There are some things that guys just are not meant to do. I had no interest in Jennifer's clothes, other than peeling them off her slender body, and I tried not to yawn as lunch time approached. But it wasn't all bad. I did have a beautiful girl sitting in my lap, something I would have mortgaged my souls to have a week ago.

When the noon hour finally arrived, we went to the hotel dining room for lunch. The Maître D' showed us to a secluded table and handed us menus. Moments later a waitress appeared, and she was a definite improvement on the waiter who had served us before. At least in the looks department she was.

She was clearly Italian; tall, raven-haired, with an olive complexion and a set of knockers that...well, they were most impressive. Not that I looked. But when she bent to fill our water glasses I could hardly avoid seeing deep into her prominently exposed cleavage. "My name is Italia, and I will be your server today," she said in a throaty, slightly foreign accent. "Have you made your selections?"

I looked at Jennifer. "I think I'll just have a small club sandwich and a Mediterranean salad," Jennifer said.

"And for you, Sir?"

"Oh, I can't decide..." I looked at the menu again. "I was thinking about the shrimp scampi, but I don't want to eat a whole lot. I guess I'll just have the same thing."

"We have a large sandwich selection," Italia purred, sidling up behind me and leaning over my shoulder to flip the menu to the lunch section. "Club sandwich is so...American. Perhaps you would enjoy something with a more interesting flavor." Her musky scent was heady, and when a lock of her long, wavy hair brushed against my neck I shivered all the way down to my toes. Damn! Was this exotic creature hitting on me, or just hoping for a bigger tip?

"What would you recommend?" I said weakly. Jennifer glared at me.

"Oh, perhaps something less...bland. Something spicy and Italian would be more appropriate for a man like you." She straightened up and her breast accidentally brushed against my ear.

"Surprise me," I said, snapping the menu closed and handing it to her.

"You will not be disappointed," Italia husked. "I am very good at surprises." She collected Jennifer's menu as well and walked toward the kitchen, her lush hips swaying below her slender waist.

"I am VERY good at surprises," Jennifer mocked in an exaggerated voice. "What a slut! Did you get a good look down her blouse?"

"No, I uh..." I stammered. "I wonder what perfume she uses," I said, trying to change the subject.

"Skank Orgy," Jennifer snapped. "By Cheap Ho's International. You want me to get some? Then you could pretend it was her while we make love."

I chuckled uneasily. "I wouldn't trade you for a dozen like her, Sweetie. Even if I wasn't already hopelessly in love with you."

Jennifer put her hand on my thigh, looking somewhat appeased. "If she doesn't quit hitting on you I'll scratch her googly eyes out. What a whore. She did everything but rip her blouse off and rub her big floppy boobies in your face."

"It wouldn't matter if she stripped naked and put it on my plate with a sprig of parsley," I said. "I'd still be thinking about you, and nap time..."

"You better get ready then, because here she comes again. And I bet she left her panties in the kitchen next to the spoiled fish so nobody would notice the smell."

I had never known Jennifer to be so jealous, except, of course, the time she had caught me with her mother. And she had gotten over that, as far as I could tell. But we hadn't been in a committed relationship all that long, either. We'd been best friends since we were kids, and romance had blossomed suddenly and rather unexpectedly, for me, at least. I had always enjoyed looking at her, and had often fantasized about her when I beat my meat, but it had never occurred to me that we could become more than buddies. I had just always assumed that she would want someone richer, whiter, and, well, shorter. We looked kind of like Mutt and Jeff together. Then at our combined 18th birthday party, put on by Mrs. C., we had resurrected the ancient game of "spin the bottle," and somehow Jennifer and I had ended up in the coat closet for "Seven Minutes in Heaven." Our first real kiss was like something one would expect from a small child, but then she had pressed her sweet body closer to me and whispered, "You have to make me look like I've really been kissed, Jacky. Hold me tight and kiss me like you really mean it." When we came out of the closet, much too soon as far as I was concerned, Jennifer was blushing, her lips slightly swollen, and the lump in my pants announced that I was much more than slightly swollen. The other kids had hooted and clapped, and we sat very close together for the rest of the evening....

"Scusatemi," Italia murmured, standing much too close to me. "I forgot to take your drink order. Perhaps I was somewhat...distracted, no?"

"Oh, we'll just have iced tea," I told her, trying not to inhale her arousing scent. I kept my eyes on Jennifer, who looked like she was about to snarl like a she-wolf.

"Oh, but that will just will not do! In Sicily, we know that the wine is the key to bringing out the full pleasure in the food. So perhaps I might bring you a small bottle of something...masculine and vigorous? I will choose if you like."

"We'll both have the iced tea," Jennifer said grimly. "Thank you."

"As you say, Miss. But perhaps I will bring just a taste, complements of the house. And you will see what I mean. We have so many wonderful, satisfying wines in Sicily, a delight to the tongue and body --"

"That's OK," I said hastily. "Thank you, though."

Italia sashayed back toward the kitchen, her stiletto heels clicking on the terrazzo floor, and I resisted the impulse to watch her ass as she walked. Like two pole-cats in a tote-sack, as Tommy would have said.

"What a SLUT!" Jennifer hissed. "Perhaps I was somewhat distracted, no?" she mocked. "Could she maybe be any more obvious?"

"She's just trying to be friendly," I said. "Give her a break."

"I'll give her a break. Right In the middle of her long beaky nose."

I grinned at her. "So could I plan on front row seats at a girl-fight? I bet Tommy would be up for that too. Better than anything on TV, for sure."

"You pervert." She reached across the table and took my hand, twining our fingers together. "Oh, Jacky. I do trust you, but I don't trust bitches like her. And, you know," she blinked a few times, "I'd want to die if you ever left me, Jack. I know it's only been a few days, but I already can't imagine living without you. Any I have to wonder why you would choose flat-chested, skinny little me when you could have any girl you wanted..."

"Because I love skinny little you," I said, "and the flat-chested part is not true. As they say, 'anything more than a mouthful is wasted effort,' and you have the two most delicious, exciting mouthfuls in the world. If I wanted to go into the dairy business I'd buy a cow. You're perfect, Sweetie."

"Sometimes I think you really believe that," she mused. "But sometimes I'm not so sure. And I can't even give you what you really want, Jacky. But I bet she could. And I bet if you even suggested it, her panties would hit the floor so hard they'd turn up in China."

"You are giving me what I really want," I said, leaning over to kiss her. "And every day with you is a new adventure."

Italia clicked across the room carrying our food on a tray. "Club sandwich and salad for the...lady," she said, unceremoniously slapping two plates down in from of Jennifer. "And for the handsome gentlemen, a salad and one of our specialties, the Hot Sicilian Sandwich." She found it necessary to bend low in front of me as she delicately set the plates down. "And to complement that deliciously spicy dish, the sommelier recommends this." She set a large balloon glass of dark red wine before me. "A fine Girolamo Russo from the slopes of Mount Etna, said to possess the grace of a ballerina combined with the strength of a lioness. Enjoy, Sir. And if you want more, or anything have only to raise a finger, no?"

As she stalked away from the table, Jennifer raised a finger at her retreating backside. "Gawd. I bet if you looked up 'horny slut' on the internet her picture would come up about a hundred times."

I laughed. "Your claws are showing, Puss."

"Why don't we just take this up to the room and eat there? I'll make it worth your while..."

"Good idea! But I should at least taste the wine. I don't want to offend the 'sommelier.'" I sipped at the wine. "Mmm. Wow! A couple steps up from T-bird, for sure. Here; taste." I held the glass to her lips. She turned her head.

"I'd as soon drink cat pee. She probably dipped a nip into it on her way out of the kitchen."

"Okay, Sweetie. Calm down. Couldn't we just eat quickly and leave politely? We really don't want to offend anyone..."

"I really can't take being in the same room with that WHORE another minute. Please, Jack."

"Okay, Honey. I'll just get her back over here and tell her to pack this stuff up so we can-"

"Like hell you will," Jennifer snapped. "Get me out of here right now. You can tell the Maître D' what to do on the way out. He can have it sent up to the room. And it better not be her who brings it." She scraped her chair away from the table, stood up, threw down her napkin and stalked out of the dining room. I was right behind her, but I got waylaid by the Maître D', who was hurrying toward me with a worried frown of his face. "Is everything quite all right, Sir? Is the young lady indisposed? Or are you displeased with the wine, perhaps?"

"Oh, yeah, she suddenly got a bad headache," I said, realizing that I was still holding the wine glass in my hand, "but the wine is wonderful. Is it OK if I take it up to our suite? And could you have the food sent up by room service?"

"But of course, Master Jack! We are here to serve you in any way you choose. You must, of course, tend to the young lady if she is ill. But I am also it possible that Miss Italia offended her in some way?"

"Oh, no. Nothing like that. She was very nice."

"Excellent. I was particularly concerned," he drew a deep breath, "because Miss Italia is the daughter of a most prominent person...the owner of this establishment, in fact. She has just returned from a Hotelier course in Sicily, and...she has been known to be somewhat, shall we say, 'impulsive.'"

"Then be sure to tell her that her service was most appreciated," I said hastily, seeing Italia clickety-clacking toward us. "Perhaps an extra gratuity would be in order to make her feel less...rejected?"

"Excellent idea, Master Jack! I'll take care of that –"

"Is everything quite all right?" Italia asked throatily, touching my arm with an elegant hand. Her perfectly manicured fingernails were lacquered bright red.

"Yes, yes, quite fine," the Maitre D' interjected. "It's just that the young lady was suddenly taken ill. Good day, then, Master Jack." He bowed and extended his arm toward the restaurant door. "Give the young lady our best wishes for her quick recovery."

Italia slipped a business card into my hand as I was leaving. I stuffed it into my pocket and hurried after Jennifer. She beat me to the elevator and I had to wait. When I finally got to the suite I found her sitting in an easy chair, her chin in her hand, staring out the window and brooding. I perched on the arm of her chair and sipped at the glass of wine. "They're sending the food up," I said brightly. "It should be here any minute now."

"I'm not hungry. I think I'll just go take a nap."

"Okay...well, I'll be in to join you after the food comes. I'm not all that hungry either."

"Don't bother," she said spitefully. "I'm sure you won't want to let your hot spicy Sicilian sandwich get cold."

"Honey, I don't care about that...I know you're upset, and maybe it would help if I just held you, and—"

"Oh, just quit smothering me, Jack! You haven't let me out of your sight for days now! I know you're frustrated – well, I'm frustrated too! I know there's more...I want what we have in the dreams. But we're just going to have to wait. Maybe we need to tone things down a little. I don't know how you expect me to sleep naked with you every night and not...Oh! Just call me when Mary Louise and Tommy get here, OK?"

She jumped out of the chair, evading my grasp when I reached for her. She went into the princess bedroom and slammed the door, and I heard the click of the lock engaging.

Well, shit. A cold lump settled in my stomach, and suddenly I wasn't hungry either. I set the wine down when a knock came at the door and went to open it. A bellman handed me a tray with two covered dishes on it, and I thanked him and slipped him a five-dollar bill.

I threw myself down on the wide leather couch and flipped on the TV. A mindless game show was playing. What crap. Damn it all anyway. I wanted to feel Jennifer in my arms, warm and loving...but she was going to have to get over this jealousy business. Of course it was natural for her to be feeling scared and insecure right now, considering what we had been through, and her mother's mysterious disappearance...Anna's voice echoed in my mind. 'I was being a bitch, Jack, and you should have come after me, dragged me to the bed, and had your way with me.' Maybe what Jennifer really wanted was for me to prove once again how much I wanted her. Or maybe she really did just want to be left alone, and after an hour or so she would come out and apologize, and we would lie together on the couch and hold each other... I lay back and closed my eyes.

I was roused from a roiling, confusing dream by a pounding on the front door. I looked through the peephole and saw Tommy and Mary Louise standing in the corridor. I let them in and Mary Louise hugged me briefly. "Hey, Dude!" Tommy said. "Did we wake you?"

"Not really," I said, stifling a yawn. "I was just resting my eyes. Come on in. Tell me what the real world looks like."

"Where's Jennifer?" asked Mary Louise.

"She's napping," I said. "Not feeling too good, I guess—"

The door to the princess bedroom opened and Jennifer stood there, her eyes red and her face blotchy from crying. "Oh, Honey!" Mary Louise exclaimed, running to her. "What's wrong?"

"Everything," Jennifer sobbed. They went into the bedroom and closed the door.

"Jeez, Dude," Tommy said, "feels kind of cold in here. What the hell is going on?"

"Fucked if I know, Dude. Kind of looks like she's pissed at me."

"You think? What did you do?"

I thought. What had I done? "I didn't do shit. We went to the dining room for lunch, and there was this new waitress, you know? And I guess she was kind of coming on to me...but I wasn't encouraging her...but Jennifer got really pissed and walked out."

"Tell me you didn't just stay there and eat lunch."

"Hell, no! I'm not entirely stupid. But what the hell was I supposed to do? It turns out that the girl, the waitress, is the hotel owner's daughter. Now I know I don't want him pissed at us."

"Is she hot?"

"Smokin', Dude. Lanky, busty Italian broad. Built like a brick shithouse. And she's either a hell of an actress, or she wants it bad."

"So what you gonna do about it?"

"Try to stay away from her, I guess. Guess we'll be ordering room service or cooking for ourselves until she moves to another job."

"Never rains but it pours, Dude. I'd offer to take her off your hands, but..."

"She's got a huge rack on her, that's for sure, and I know you'd like that. But the bitch is bad news, Dude. Even I can see that. I'm sure she'd be a wild fuck, but if you ever pissed her off she'd probably nail your sack to the bedpost."

"Fuck," Tommy said. "How the hell do you walk into these things, Dude? You got some kind of pussy magnet in your pocket or something?" He picked up my glass of wine and swallowed a big slug. "Whoa! Dude! What is this shit?"

"Some kind of fancy Sicilian wine. I didn't order it; the waitress just brought it for me to try."

"So you had to bring it up here. Smooth move."

"Well, I couldn't just dump it out. The shit probably costs a hundred dollars a bottle or something."

"You dipshit." Tommy took another slug. "You want this?" He offered me the glass.

"No, go ahead."

Tommy drained about half the glass. "Nice. But not really a hundred dollars nice. Here; finish this. Good for what ails you."

I finished draining the glass to the murky dregs. It was really a most excellent wine. As far as I knew. Which wasn't very far.

We sat on the couch and Tommy caught me up on the school news, which could be summarized as boredom, annoyance and more boredom. Clearly I wasn't missing anything at the hallowed halls of higher learning.

"So how's it going with you and Mary Louise?"

"Standing on second and the third base coach is giving me the eye, Dude. Hey, I hope us being here is not going to add to your problems...we could leave you and Jenny alone, if you want."