Seduction of a Lonely Sister


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"What about Bill?" Savannah asked.

"Oh, uh, once..." I said, and then I stopped.

"Once what?" Savannah prodded.

"Well, uh, how to put this? Oh shit, here it is: I invited both Chip and Bill over for Valentine's Day. It was our last hurrah, because I got back together with Bernard a couple of weeks later," I said.

"Oh, you little devil, you! I'll bet that was a Valentine's Day to remember!"

"Yes, it certainly was," I replied, getting wet just at the memory.

"What are you doing this coming Valentine's Day?" Savannah asked. This prompted more waterworks.

I explained all of my failed affairs. My great hope, Dr. Smythe, had hooked up with a young intern, a quite pretty Dr. Whitehead. Savannah was only trying to be helpful, when she said, "What about that new doctor who arrived here from the Midwest? He's single and hot, to boot. I wouldn't mind taking him out for a test drive, myself. His name is Evan Savoyard. I know, it sounds French, but he's American through and through. Would you like me to introduce you?"

"We've met, thanks. You really think he's hot?" I said.

"Oh, honey, everyone does! All the girls are trying to seduce him," Savannah said.

"Has anyone succeeded, yet?" I asked.

"Yes, Jingjing has. The word is, that Dr. Savoyard likes his women submissive. You can play the submissive, right? All of us can. With Jingjing, though, it's her only mode. I guess he likes that. Still, you should invite him over for Valentine's Day," she said.

"I can't just invite him over for Valentine's Day, out of the blue!" I said.

"Why not?"

"Savannah, it's just not done. You don't just come up to a guy and invite him to dinner, let alone on Valentine's day," I said, a little exasperated.

"I've got an idea," Savannah said. She convinced me her idea was reasonable. I was to have her and Dr Tucker over to dinner, and she or her paramour Dr. Tucker would take the initiative to bring a fourth person. It would be as if we needed a fourth for bridge, or something. The fourth person would, of course, be Evan.

"Maybe you could also serve as a chaperone for me and Evan? You could be the world's prettiest and sexiest chaperone, you know?"

"Black women don't make good chaperones. White men are too interested in laying a black woman. I don't think it would be a good idea. Anyway, I'm busy," Savannah replied.

Savannah continued, "You'll be fine. I already have a date with Dr. Tucker; we can begin the evening at your place, and then leave for another party, leaving you and Dr. Savoyard alone. I suspect he doesn't have a date for V-Day. Dr. Pontiac grabbed Jingjing. I guess Dr. Savoyard was too slow, or something. You should definitely make a move on him; he's wide open, probably vulnerable since Jingjing went with Dr. Pontiac. I should think he's yours for the plucking. All the doctors want a chance with you, you know," Savannah said. "They think you're pretty, sexy, and mysterious."

Dr. Tucker was the only Black doctor who was still single. There were no single, female, Black doctors, although there were plenty of single Black nurses, but Savannah was by far the prettiest, at least to Michelle's Hoosier born-and-bred eyes. She had smooth, flawless skin, the color of milk chocolate, twinkling eyes, and a smile that could light up a room. She wore her hair in a small afro, and it fit her, since she had an oval face which was on the narrow, thin side. She also had a dynamite body, capped with large boobs, that just kind of yelled sex. Now that Michelle thought about it, just from the looks department, Savannah was a stunner. Luckily, she had a personality to match her good looks. In short, she was a prize.

Dr. Tucker, in contrast, was thin, wiry, and his face looked as if it were carved from obsidian. He almost never smiled, was taciturn, and withdrawn. He was, however, widely thought to be one of the very best doctors at the hospital. He was a surgeon, and the surgical nurses referred to "Dr. Tucker's magical hands," and sometimes even described his hands as a national treasure. If a doctor was going to grope a girl, and Michelle speculated that if said girl had a choice of doctors, she could not do better than Dr. David Tucker.

"Four of the doctors have dated me already, you know. I doubt I'm still mysterious to them. Anyway, I'll think about it," I said.

"Think quick, Michelle. You sure I can't help?" Savannah asked.

"Actually, maybe you can?" I replied.

Savannah listened to my plan, and she approved with enthusiasm. Now all that I needed to do was to wait. I didn't tell her, of course, that Dr. Evan Savoyard was my very own bleeping brother!


I got a text from Savannah:

Savanah: It's all arranged. I told Dr. Savoyard that there's a pretty, sexy nurse who wants to meet him. I also told him if he played his cards right, well, he might enjoy the evening a lot

Me: What exactly did you tell him?

S: That you like the way he looks, and other stuff; you know. He's really pumped!

Me: You didn't tell him my name, right?

S: Right. Uh, Michelle, I hope you don't mind, but I told him you have needs, you know?

Me: You told him he could probably lay me, didn't you?

S: Well, girl, let's be honest here: you do need sex. Hell, we all do. This bleeping Covid is leaving us all bored, depressed, and despondent. We're surrounded by death and dying every day, and we've all lost friends or loved ones to the disease. As you know, I lost my mother a few weeks ago

Me: Yes, I'm really sorry about your Mom. I never got to meet her, but extrapolating backwards from you, she must have been a wonderful woman

S: Yes, she certainly was. Her death has left a big hole in my heart.

Me: Let's hope Dr. Tucker can fill your hole with love, okay?

S: ☺️

Me: So you told him I'd put out for him

S: You make it sound so crude!

Me: So, what did you say, actually?

S: I told him to buy you flowers, and be all romantic, and he wouldn't regret it. Then I winked. That's all

Me: Well then, that's not so bad, I guess

S: I also might have told him that Dr. #3 says you're a great fuck

Of course, Savannah used the actual name of Dr. #3, not my code name. I sighed.

Me: I'm sure he's heard that already. The doctors talk about us, you know. Okay, well, thanks, Savannah. Let's hope the plan works

S: It can't fail. It's brilliant in its simplicity

I wasn't so sure, but I hoped she was right!


Evan arrived first, bearing a huge bouquet of two dozen roses. Since florists jack up the price of flowers around Valentine's Day, the bouquet must have cost Evan a bundle! A dozen were red, and the second dozen were yellow. Savannah was right, I was ashamed to admit: the flowers charmed my socks off. I had to find vases to put all of the flowers in! I only had enough vase capacity for around a dozen of the flowers.

Five minutes later, as I was tending to the flowers, Savannah and Dr. Tucker arrived. Dr. Tucker handed me a gift (!), and Savannah told me to open it right away. It was a really lovely lead crystal vase, and was of course just what I needed for the overflow of Evan's roses! I saw Savannah's clever little mind involved in this coordination of presents.

I had spent the entire afternoon cooking and baking, and I invited Evan, Dr. Tucker, and Savannah to remove their masks, since anyway they were going to have to do so to eat dinner. Also, by this time in February we had all of us received our second vaccination shot, a benefit from being in the front lines of the Covid fight.

The dinner was lively, and full of conversation, due primarily to Savannah and myself. Evan contributed a bit to the conversation, but Dr. Tucker might as well have been made of stone: A gorgeous, sculpted, obsidian stone, but a stone, nevertheless. We all drank more than we should have, since all four of us were on call until 10PM.

At a lull in the after-dinner conversation, I slipped into the kitchen to prepare the dessert. As we had previously planned, Savannah joined me in the kitchen. She saw me remove my blouse.

"So, you're really going to do it? I thought you'd chicken out!" Savannah said.

"How about you? Going to join me?" I asked.

"I'm shyer than you are, I guess. Seriously, though, Dave is very straight laced. He wouldn't approve," Savannah said. Dave is Dr. Tucker.

"Whatever floats your boat," I said.

"Is that some kind of Hoosier expression, or something?" Savannah asked.

"Yep," I said, as I removed my bra, rendering myself topless. I held two the crème brûlées in front of my two boobs. They were too small to hide my boobs, but if well positioned, they certainly hid my nipples. "Go on out, Savannah, I'll be out in a minute."

It was so much fun to see the looks on the faces of the two men as I emerged from the kitchen, topless, with the two crème brûlées perfectly obscuring my nipples. Savannah giggled nervously as the two men just stared at me in some kind of male shock that, even with the shock, their cocks can still harden and grow.

Dr. Tucker whispered something to Savannah. I heard her say, "Seriously? Are you sure?" and Dr. Tucker nodded, a smile slowly crossing his face, as I dumbly stood there, still holding the two crème brûlées. It was the first time I had seen a smile on the face of Dr. David Tucker! Savannah jumped up and left for the kitchen, as I gave the two men their crème brûlées. Then I sat, my boobs continuing to jiggle a little bit, as I sat.

Savannah had worn a dress. It was a very pretty, figure hugging, dress, but it was -- quite definitely -- a dress. She had to remove it, in order to become topless, and so she emerged from the kitchen wearing only her panties. Was she a sight to see! Christ Almighty was she a gorgeous woman! She too held the crème brûlées perfectly so that they hid her nipples, but of course all was revealed when she placed the two crème brûlées down at my place and her own.

"Bon appétit," I said, to the two men, whose eyes were now oscillating from my boobs to Savannah's total body, and then back again. The men praised my crème brûlées, and after all, who doesn't like crème brûlée? I knew, however, what they really liked, what they both really and truly liked, was our two topless bodies, and in Savannah's case, her nearly nude body!

"The crème brûlées look delicious," Evan said, meaning of course both the dessert and my boobs. He didn't seem at all shy having me nearly naked in front of our two friends. We all enjoyed the desserts, and only a little dessert wine, since we were all on call. So many people had wanted Valentine's Day off that the only way we could swing it with the hospital was to agree to be on call. The lack of alcohol, however, seemed not at all to constrain anyone's inhibitions, or lack thereof.


After the crème brûlées were gone, Savannah and I disappeared into the kitchen. I hadn't finished my crème brûlée, so I gave half of it to Evan, and Savanah did the same with Dave. Now they were finished, and we were putting them in the dishwasher. We began to discuss the plans for the after dinner activities.

"When the time comes, you and Dave can have the bedroom," I said. Savannah giggled.

"I'm a little loud; is that okay?" Savannah whispered back.

"Oh, honey, it's perfect! By the way, so am I," I said, and Savannah giggled.

Savannah kept looking at my boobs. Finally, she whispered, "Can I touch your boobs?"

"I'd like that, but keep it brief. Another time we can have some fun, if you want, but tonight I have eyes and body only for Dr. Savoyard," I replied, as Savannah felt me up in a way that can only be described as divine.

After the kitchen was clean, and the dishwasher turned on, Savannah returned to the table the two men. We were both still topless. Everyone relaxed, and we had lively discussion about the state of the world, and the coronavirus.

Finally, Savannah rose from the table, pulled Dr. Tucker up too, and led him by the hand to my bedroom, winking at me en route. I couldn't stop smiling. I was finally alone with Evan. We moved to the loveseat and began making out, Evan's hands going all over me.

Evan took his time, giving me kisses from heaven, and running his hands all over my nearly naked body in the most divine way. He was tender but he spiced it up with some serious tweaks of my nipples. I felt as if someone had given him a secret crash course on exactly how to destroy me, to turn me into a quivering mass of submissive, female flesh. He must have been a top student, too.

Around ten minutes later we heard some loud, totally erotic moans coming from the bedroom. This was my cue, as Savanah and I had previously planned, and I pulled away from Evan, stood up, flamboyantly removed my panties, and bent suggestively over the arm of the love seat. Evan had always been a smart brother, and he both understood and took the hint. I guess it wasn't really that subtle, anyway. He stood, and he removed the rest of his clothes, since I had already partially undressed him. He came around behind me, and I wiggled my ass for him.

"Are you really okay with this?" he asked. I guess he was remembering my previous reticence. I had, however, thought about this exact eventuality in some detail, shall we say, coming to terms with the implications of what we were about to do. Or so I thought.

I kept it simple. "Yep," I replied.

I felt my brother's cock sliding up and down the lips of my pussy. In reality I was scared out of my cute, little, Hoosier mind. I was about to let my own brother, my very own brother, freaking fuck me! I was about to commit incest, a major sin. Why? Why was I seducing my brother, even if it was incredibly easy to do? Was I that horny, that lonely, or that hard up? Was I really so desperate for affection, for male companionship, for love?

To be honest, yes, I was, but those were not the reasons. More than all that, I was doing it because I really wanted to do it! I loved Evan, and this seemed, well, it seemed natural. It seemed inevitable.

Evan rubbed his cock along my slit, teasing me without mercy. I groaned, wanting him to stop teasing, but refusing to beg for it. I knew he would fuck me when he was ready. I'd known for a long time that he wanted me. I found it reassuring.

While Evan dithered at the entrance to my soul, we suddenly heard a scream of ecstasy coming from my bedroom. Savannah had climaxed. "Oh God, David, Oh God, Oh God," we heard, and then all we heard were moans and whimpers.

After hearing Savannah's orgiastic scream, which was hard to miss, even through the closed bedroom door, Even plunged his cock inside me, thereby making us complicit in incest then, and forever more. I groaned in pleasure as he entered me, in one full swoop burying himself to the hilt. He way there for a beat, paused and apparently savoring the feeling of his sister's wet pussy, warmly enveloping his member in its slickly lubricated canal of love.

Evan pulled back, and then pushed back in, as he began to fuck me. My mind raced as it reeled in delight, in pleasure, in amazing stimulation. I remembered Evan from when I was four and he taught me to use my razor scooter, to the age of six when our family went skiing in Southern Indiana (it was a cold winter) and he taught me to ski. I remember at the age of eight when he helped me with my school homework.

Suddenly I began to remember other times, such as when he took me lingerie shopping before I headed off to college, and I modeled the bra and panty sets for him. As that memory came flooding back, and it was one I had apparently repressed for I had totally forgotten it until now, Evan began to fuck me harder, and to fuck me faster. I groaned with pleasure as he increased the intensity.

I began to remember the ads for Doublemint gum: Double your pleasure, double your fun, with Doublemint, Doublemint, Doublemint gum. I mean, it's one thing to have a delightful fuck from a good lucking guy that you genuinely like. It's another thing to have a wonderful fuck from a man you love. To be fucked by your brother, your very own brother, whom you love in a way some other man could never achieve, well, that is just spectacularly wonderful.

As these thoughts flashed through my mind in microseconds, I was groaning louder and louder as Evan pulverized me, destroying me, turning me into a puddle of emotions and extraordinary pleasure. I could feel it building, building, building, growing and growing and rushing up through my brain and forcing my pussy to contract and BLAM! It was there. I screamed out the loudest scream of my life! It was a blood curdling scream of extreme, almost unbearable pleasure.

I had told Savannah I was a noisy fuck, but I had never, ever, made noise like this! It was mind boggling, as was my climax. I kind of went limp, but Evan kept right on fucking me. Dr. Tucker and Savannah came rushing out of my bedroom, both still naked, to see if everything was okay, and were kind of stunned to see Evan fucking me brilliantly, with my naked body bent over the arm of my (appropriately named) loveseat. My body was bucking violently, due to Evan's pounding.

Tucker and Savannah stood there, mouths agape, watching their friend (me) being destroyed via Evan's cock. Thank goodness they didn't know Evan was my brother; I would have been so humiliated. Imagine my shock when Dr. Tucker said,

"You're so lucky, Evan. I wish I had a sister even half as beautiful and sexy as Michelle."

"What??!" Savannah cried out.

Evan stayed silent, continuing to concentrate on achieving his own orgasm, and I was unable to process language, I was awash in endorphins. Finally, Evan unloaded the entire contents of his incestuous sperm into my fragile body, and feeling him squirt not once, not twice, but three times inside me, I climaxed a second time, this time giving out a smaller shout as I did so. Then, I was totally done. My body was completely limp, almost as if I had no muscle tone, no muscle strength, left at all.

The four of us ended up sitting around naked, finally drinking, because the window when the hospital could have called us in, had expired. I knew all three of Tucker, Evan, and Savannah were checking out my totally nude body, now full of my brother's cum. I did likewise. I knew Savannah was bisexual, and she was interested in me, but what I didn't know until just then, was that Dr. Tucker liked a lot what he saw, as well.

I glanced for a second at Dr. Tucker's flaccid penis, and can I say? It turned me on. Even blissfully spent by my wonderful lover of a brother, I liked what I saw. I had never before had sex with a Black man. My glance was only for a second, not even a full second, but it was enough. Dr. David Tucker smiled at me, and even if he had just fucked the bejesus out of Savannah, I knew what that smile meant.

I was not about to steal Savannah's guy, and besides, I had just fucked Evan! What's wrong with me? Looking back, I chalk it up to the horror I had of committing incest, and now seducing Dr. David Tucker might, just might, make the incest seem like just some casual, recreational sex, and not the momentous, earth shattering, life-changing event that I knew it was.

Still, I would have done nothing, but just socialized until Savannah and her lover took their leave. I swear I would have done nothing. I saw Savannah with her smoking hot body, her pussy lips still engorged with blood, her devastatingly wonderful smile, her smooth, supple, milk chocolate skin, her twinkling, and yet liquid, chestnut brown eyes that a man, or a woman, could get lost inside, her huge areolas and erect nipples, all combining to make her totally irresistible, and therefore rendering Evan if not guiltless, then at least understandable, as he looked like he was about to yield to temptation.