Serviced by My Next Door Mechanic

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The auto-head next door services my car and then me.
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Cars are the bane of my existence. This little yellow Volkswagen, only five years old, was supposed to be 'reliable.' But of course the salesman would say that, I'm sure they were high fiving each other as soon as I left the dealership when I bought this.

Now here it is, sitting on my driveway on a warm summer's day, the glossy yellow paint catching the sun brilliantly, with a sharp beam of light sheening off the chrome grille and badge. Yet I won't use it because another engine light has come on. The engine light always comes on. It's always when I don't have money, too. I never know what it means, but I've always been the cautious kind and don't tend to ignore them. I've known far too many friends who ignore those lights only to have to buy a new car a few months later.

But before I go to a mechanic, I know who I can ask.

My neighbour, James, has three cars on his drive. One of them is a normal car, the other two are his toys, so he calls them. He's a shy guy, doesn't say much, but he can't shut up when talking about cars. His toys look more like race cars, they're not the luxury type that would tell me he's rich. He's not rich, he lives next to me, but they look mean. Big spoilers, big exhausts, funny coloured headlights, and I always know when he's driving one because they make a loud pop and bang racket every time they move.

And as it happens, when I'm standing helplessly on my drive, he comes out of his garage with a hose, prepping for his weekly wash of his toy cars. He's a stocky man, James. Thick arms, not too tall (only an inch taller than me) with chestnut-brown eyes, shaved brown hair and some stubble across his jaw.

We make eye contact as he unrolls his hose, and I'm standing here with my hands on my hips looking helpless. "Morning, James," I call to him.

"Hey, Jess," he replies, and then goes about his business with the hose. A man of few words, James. He doesn't look like the type to be shy for how broad he is, I can tell he goes to the gym, and he's pretty handy. But I know I'm going to have to give him a nudge here, most men would have already asked about my day, or if I need any help with how lost I look here.

I put my hands on the fence that separates our driveways, leaning over it. He's filling a bucket up with soapy water, his pressure washer roars. "Hey James," I say an octave higher than my usual tone. He looks up at me again with a blank expression, then turns off his washer. "Sorry to be a pain, but a light just came on in my car. I don't suppose you could take a look at it before I have to take it to a mechanic?" I don't want to have to do that, I already know I'll get ripped off, and I already know that I won't bother to research enough about the car's problems to push back on it.

The hint of a smile tugs on his lips, and he nods, getting up. "Sure, which lights are on?"

"Oh, I don't know what they mean." I giggle stupidly. They're all just random symbols to me.

James chuckles. "No problem, I'll get my OBD scanner. It's just in my Volvo, give me a minute."

I beam. "Thank you." He doesn't say much, but he never refuses to help.

He dives into his normal car, digs around for a minute, and pops out with a red and black plastic box looking thing that has a cable sticking out of it. I fan myself as I wait for him, the sun heats up my bare skin sitting out here. I open the car door as he walks onto my drive and let him take it from there.

"Give me your key for a minute," he says as he plugs his device into a socket under the steering wheel. I hand it over. He puts it in the ignition and gives it a twist, making the dashboard light up without turning the engine on, then his device lights up. Some letters and numbers, he presses a few buttons.

"Is it bad?" I say, his silence somewhat unsettles me.

He shakes his head. "No, the lights were just your spark plugs, and you need a headlight replacing."

"Spark plugs?" I say, tilting my head in confusion. He proceeds to explain to me what they do, but it goes in one ear and out of the other. Something to do with the engine was all I gathered, but the only question on my mind is. "Can you fix it?"

He shrugs. "Might be nothing wrong with them. If they didn't work the car wouldn't start, does it feel different when you drive or turn the engine on?"

I shake my head, it's always felt normal.

"Could be a faulty wire, then." He turns the car off and pulls the key out, plugging out his device. "If you need, I can look at it next week in my garage as getting to the plugs is a tougher job, but if it still turns on then I wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes water just gets on them and causes the sensors to trigger. I can replace the bulb in your headlight now, if you want though."

A wave of relief washes over me, and I put a hand on my chest. "Oh, thank god for that." I perhaps overstep a little when I brush his thick arm, but I'm genuinely over the moon, and he's been a big help. "You're a star. I'll go get twenty pounds out of my purse for you." That's the least I can do, and its far cheaper than a mechanic!

James just smirks, shaking his head. "You don't need to give me money for that, it takes five minutes, and I've got bulbs in my garage."

"Oh no." I laugh. "I won't accept that. It's the least I can do. I'll go get my purse."

He shakes his head, smiling, as he walks back to his drive. "I won't take it."

How sweet of him, but I'll force that money down his throat if I must. I don't like freeloading.

James comes back to my drive with a bulb after a few minutes to me standing there waving a twenty-pound note in his face. He just laughs, shaking his head as I try to give him it. "I'll put it through your letter box if I have to!"

"Then I'll give it back." He opens the hood on my car and goes round the front.

I just smirk. "You'll get it one way or another." Then a funny thought comes into my mind, what if he didn't want payment in money? Could I perhaps do him another favour? I think about it now as he's tinkering around my car, those muscles on his arms flexing as he unplugs bits and bobs. The tools dangling from his work trousers. I've always found handy men attractive, or men who do manual work. Coming home from work all dirty in their work gear and tools, it just makes me want to rip their clothes off and pounce on them. And they're so good to have around.

I think I've noticed him checking me out. Even now, as I'm standing here in my shorts and my low-cut yellow shirt that reveals a bit of my stomach, I've noticed him peaking as he walks by me.

It's getting hot out here now, and I'm no use to anyone standing around here doing nothing. James has the matter well in hand. "Well, I'll be in my room. Just come up and give me my keys back when you're done, and I'll give you that money."

"I won't take it," he says, but I'm already turning around. I'm sure he's checking me out, I make sure to give an extra kick to my step, imagining him examining the curve of my ass. It sends a lovely tingle down my spine. 'Just come up and give me the keys.' My god, I might as well have just asked him to come up and have sex with me. Of course, he can choose either option. I wonder if he got my meaning, he doesn't seem like some smooth-talking charmer who will pounce on every woman he can, but we'll see.

I sit in my bedroom, scrolling my phone when I hear the door swing open and then click shut again, followed by dull, slow footsteps slowly creaking their way to the second floor. I left the door open, and James sees me. I smile at him and wave to come in.

"All done." He holds a finger up with my keys dangling off the end.

I stand up and grab them. "Thank you so much, James," I say with a soft tone. "I don't know what I'd do without you! Now let me get--"

He waves his hand, grinning. "No money."

I turn around, sighing. "You can't--"

"I had something else in mind," he says softly.

"Oh?" A little shock jolts my heart. Even though these thoughts were running through my head, I can't help but be surprised.

"Could you not see me undressing you with my eyes every time I got a chance?" He lets out a slow laugh, so low its almost just a breath, then licks his lips.

Oh my, where did this sudden courage come from? A heat rushes through me, down to my loins, and I find my teeth glazing over my lower lip. "I saw you. Could you not tell I wanted you to look?"

James shuts the door behind him. "I could tell. You look so fucking hot in those tight shorts."

I giggle, my cheeks flush red, and I have to cover my mouth with my hand. I'm honestly impressed. "Have you had a drink? You're normally so shy?"

He shakes his head, moving slowly closer to me. "I'm not shy, I just don't say much. Doesn't mean I'm scared to say what I want. There's a difference."

I tilt my head, raising a brow. "Fair enough."

"Are you going to want to pay me for servicing you now?" James grins at his own wit, I just chortle.

"That won't be necessary."

He's right in front of me, I smell the mint on his warm breath, I almost catch the blonde of my hair in the reflection of his eyes, feel the stubble on his upper lip and chin scratch me as his lips meet mine. I plunge my tongue deep inside his mouth to taste him. We push against one another as we devour each other's mouths.

Those strong working hands grip my hips tight, and he throws me onto the bed as we make out. His body hot against mine as he crushes my breasts with his weight. I slip my fingers under his top and take his shirt off, revealing a board body with still a bit of fat on it. He does the same with my shirt, nearly tearing it clean in half in his excitement. Then he slips those hands under me, they feel cold against my back, but I don't react, and his fingers reach to unclip my bra. When the hooks are apart, he throws that off me as well, first squeezing my tits with those cold hands, quickly becoming warmer.

My nipples harden, and my chest flushes red as my pussy gets wetter by the second. His lips trail down my neck, kissing me softly, sending lush tingles across my body, then they trail down to my tits where he takes my nipple in his mouth. I moan gently, eyes clenched shut as I relish the moment.

"I've wanted to do that since I first laid eyes on you," James murmurs.

I smile, it flatters me, makes me feel hot, but I never would have guessed with how reserved he was. "You hide your intentions well," I gasp.

His wicked, smiling eyes look up at me with fiery lust. "You'll see what I intend to do." And his lips find my skin once more, kissing me slowly, softly, past my breasts and down my stomach. James unbuttons my shorts, I give him a hand by raising my legs, helping him slide them off, then he tears my blue panties off too. The air feels cool against my moist pussy, burning like a furnace trapped under those clothes while all this was going on.

First, he works his fingers down my pussy, rubbing my throbbing clit, then moves them down, slowly glazing his fingers around my pussy lips, teasing me. His cock bulges inside his work trousers, it looks like he's stuffed a huge sausage in his pocket, but he doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

He goes back to rubbing my clit, the ecstasy becoming so intense I'm basically fucking his palm. James then lowers his face, letting his tongue swirl over my pussy, licking up all my juices as I moan louder and louder, squeezing my tits each time I feel that gorgeous pull of his mouth sucking on my clit.

God, he's practiced at this. He keeps alternating between sucking and swirling his tongue over my clit. I grind my pussy against his lips and squeeze my tits hard, reaching the peak of my ecstasy. The orgasm hits me like a crushing wave as I reach my pleasure, heaving deep breaths. My thighs clamp around his head as though he's just faceplanted a bear trap. As my legs suffocate him, he wraps his hands over them, giving them a soft squeeze, his tongue never stopping its work as the orgasm pulses through me in all its ecstasy.

But that was just the starter. Now for my main. With a lusty grin, I push myself up and reach for his belt, unbuckling it to set that huge cock, that's been desperate to escape its confines for the past twenty minutes, free. He wipes his mouth clean of my pussy juices as I drop his trousers. "My turn," he says, stepping out of his trousers pooled on the floor around his legs, and kicking them in the corner of my room.

He doesn't even lie down, just grabs the back of my head, weaving his fingers through my hair, and lowers my mouth onto his rock-hard dick, drizzling with pre cum. I lap it up like I haven't had a drink in days, swirling my tongue over the tip of his dick. I stroke it gently, listening to him groan as he throws his head back in raw pleasure. Then I twist a little, going faster and faster and I wrap my lips further over his veiny shaft. "Faster, Jess," he sighs.

I move my head back and forth quicker, ignoring the strain in my neck. Then his fingers tighten around my head, and he face fucks me, his cock crashing against my throat each time he thrusts, slamming my face down until my lips are right at the base of the shaft. My breaths sound more like squelchy grunts as I try to suck in for air past the huge dick down my throat.

His grip on my head releases, and I slowly back up, letting his dick out of my mouth. It glistens with my saliva. "I can't take it anymore, put it inside me," I beg, falling back down on my soft bed with my legs spread wide open. I take his hands, welcoming him on top of me.

James guides the head of his cock into my entrance, pushing down on me hard as he thrusts it all the way in. I heave a deep, drawn-out sigh, my hands racing up his back, clawing his broad shoulders like a hawk snatching a field mouse with its sharp talons. I scrape my nails down the length of his back as he fucks me hard. "Oh, James!" I'm screaming so loud that even though my closed windows, I must be audible outside. But I don't care, it feels too good to stop now.

He thrusts harder and harder, his strength pushing me back and forth on the bed. It creaks loud, the wooden frame groaning as much as James is. I feel his soft ballsack smashing against my ass. My pussy clenches hard on his throbbing dick running through me, I wrap my legs tight around his back as my lips find his once more. My tongue assaults his mouth, lapping up the last of my pussy juices he may have missed. "Don't stop," I hiss, kissing his neck and then biting his shoulder. All the while my hands continue clawing the shit out of his back.

"Arghh," he moans, but doesn't stop, in fact it makes him go faster. I match his deep, penetrative strokes with my own upward ones.

"Usually men complain when I bite," I gasp through my moans of pleasure.

James just rasps a dry laugh, I think he's getting tired. "I don't mind." He pants between his breaths yet shows no signs of slowing down. The wave of my second orgasm is nearing its peak, my legs clench around him harder, and I move my hips quicker to match the thrust of his strokes. I bite back my piercing scream for just a second as the orgasm hits me, then release it like a banshee's shrill.

"Oh my fucking god," I moan, heaving deep breaths as sweat breaks out all over my body in a silver sheen.

James pulls out, grabbing my hips and throwing me over on my belly with a strength I didn't think he possessed. "I'm not done with you yet." Of course not, I'd expect nothing less. I lift my ass up for him, arching my back in a downward curve so that my face and shoulders are buried in the bed sheets. I lay my head on my side, watching him slide his cock into my pussy from behind and grab my hips.

He wastes no time now, smashing and thrusting against me as he uses his hands to back my body up onto his cock while he thrusts. "Fuck, you're so wet, Jess." His pelvis slaps against my ass cheeks as I cry out again. I match his rhythm, backing my ass up against his cock and thrusting up and down.

"Don't stop," he sighs. Groaning louder and louder to the point even I can tell he's about to come. Out of nowhere, he slaps my ass with his powerful hand, sending a ripple all across my body that heralds the sweet sting of the slap after a moment of numbness. It's too much, I wail with pleasure and another orgasm tears through me.

As I'm screaming, James's hands tighten around my hips, his thrusts slower, but more powerful as he empties his cum inside me, thrusting a few more times to make sure it's all in there to fill me up.

James takes a moment to catch his breath before sliding his still erect, but spent, cock out of my pussy. He collapses next to me on the bed, and I roll over on my back as we both heave deep breaths. "Worth fixing a light bulb?" I ask in jest.

He nods with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. "Yeah, feel free to come back to me any time for that."

"I will," I bite my lip. We both get up to put our clothes back on. James looks like he's been attacked by a grizzly bear from behind. Almost his entire back from shoulder to coccyx is raw red with sharp scratches racing down it. I have a red mark on my ass where he slapped me.

He throws his shirt on. "That was hot, though."

I giggle, planting a kiss on his cheek. "It was." Then I throw my jeans on. James only fixed the light bulb on my car, not the other thing. "I suppose I'll have to take it to my mechanic soon anyway, since you couldn't sort the other thing," I say in a nearly moody kind of way. "Unless you do want to take a closer look at it."

"I said I could," he says nonchalantly, much like the way he normally is. "I was just busy this week."

"I'll make it worth your while." I pinch his shoulder, giving him a knowing smirk.

"I'll look at it tomorrow," James says rather eagerly, and show him out of the door.

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theshepard75theshepard7526 days ago

Hot, passionate story…whatever will I do with this hard on you caused?!

OldUncleAlOldUncleAlabout 1 month ago

You definitely have a knack for writing. And I am guessing as well as you write if some guys are not getting to indulge in you for real, then it is a true shame you do not have any daring gents around you. It would be a wonderful exercise for both of you!

ColoWolf80906ColoWolf80906about 1 month ago

You need more Sexual detail in your stories. It was good but it didnt make my blood boil. Women have the tendency not to get in to the hot wet nasty details as men do. Like how big was his cock how thick. Did his cock stretch her out, did she scream and have to brace herself when mounted her because he was big. Tell us how her hungry tight pussy milked his cock for his cum. Did he cum so hard she could feel his head swell as it flooded her womb. You get the idea? People read these stories to get a sexual high

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyabout 1 month ago

Let's here about tomorrow! 5 stars.

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