Sexy Sisters Tease Stingy Stepdad

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Sisters hope to tempt stepdad so he'll buy them cars.
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Note: This story contains nudity, seduction, incest, coercion, denial. If you're not into this stuff, you may want to move on. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!

Phoebe and I had had enough of Paul, our stepfather (even though we called him "Daddy), and his stinginess. He was a decent enough guy, and he seemed loving enough towards our mother, but we knew the guy was very rich, yet he refused to spend much money on anything.

All of our friends were getting cars, and we both wanted one very badly. So we decided that we would need to turn to much more unorthodox methods to coerce him into purchasing our desired vehicles.

We decided to formulate a multi-step plan to achieve this.

First, we began to ramp up our teasing of him. We'd always noticed that he'd admired our looks. He tended to like our "sexy" selfies and pictures on Instagram much more than the innocent, normal pics. We'd even noticed that he had created a fake Instagram account to follow us with. We never said anything or blocked it because we kind of liked teasing him anyway. Also, we had noticed that our panties, stockings and lotions seemed to move around a bit when we weren't around, and it didn't take a genius to guess what he was doing with our missing items.

But now we began posting even sexier pics, and we would dress up and pose around the house taking the photos, usually in the weekday afternoon hours. He stayed extremely attentive to us, always having some ridiculous guise to be around during the photos, but obviously he couldn't act on any of his urges, as our mother would get home around 6:00 each night except when she was traveling for business. We usually didn't tease him much when she was away because we didn't want to risk things getting potentially out of hand.

Next, we paid close attention to his alone time and the time with our mother behind closed doors. He was a fairly easy read on his masturbation habits as he would sometimes lock his office door in the middle of the day; it became more common as we increased our photoshoots.

Another thing we noticed, was that while everyone slept in their bedrooms with the doors closed every night, it became easy to hear when the MBR door was being locked. It wasn't every night, but it was pretty consistent to when we had been teasing or when mom had returned after having been out of town for a few days,

With this research done, we learned that Paul was in the habit of getting off at least every three days or so.

The next step was to determine what type of cars Paul could afford to buy us.

One of Paul's favorite things to do was watch us when we were out back by the pool. We thought it was so cute. He thought he was so sly, but we could always see him watching from his bedroom window. We were confident that this obsession of his could be used to our advantage.

Soon I was reviewing my daddy's finances, which had always been kept as kind of a secret from my sister and me, and we found that he was in even better financial shape than we had previously thought, and we had thought that he was in really good shape already.

While I had distracted our unsuspecting father by lounging out by our pool in my bikini, using tanning lotion all over as he watched from inside the house, Phoebe had snuck into his office and gone through his financial documents. She had learned that he had one cash account with just over a $100,000 balance. Additionally, our house was completely paid for and there was a multitude of stock investments as well.

We decided to start with the value of the cash account. That was plenty of money for him to buy us each a very nice car.

We visited some local car dealerships and eventually met a saleswoman named Suzy. After a few visits we felt like we had met a kindred spirit. We invited her out for a glass or two of wine after work one day, and she agreed.

Over wine, we explained our situation and our plan; at first she was shocked, then skeptical, but eventually she became intrigued and then willing to participate.

Back at home, we found a trip on mom's calendar that would go over a weekend. And as a special bonus, we noticed that her time of the month were the days immediately leading up to the trip. Through careful planning, we were able to make sure that daddy was never alone to take care of himself for the four days leading up to the trip. We did this by planning family activities, during his normal "alone" times, and asking him to help us do chores around the house and such when mom wasn't around. We also turned the teasing down a notch or two so that he wasn't desperate for relief, or at least he didn't realize he was.

On Friday, with mom safely away, the plan could commence.

We headed to the pool to begin our tease. As Phoebe began oiling herself up, I headed back to the house as though headed to the kitchen. But I doubled back up the hallway once inside and acted shocked and horrified that I had "caught" Paul watching us through the window. Even better, I had entered his room just as he had pulled his cock out. I don't think he had even gotten to stroke it once yet.

He jumped up, terrified and embarrassed, while I acted like I was going to cry.

Within moments Phoebe had joined us to see what was going on.

He was too discombobulated to know what to say or how to act, so we sweetly took over.

"It's ok, Daddy," I purred, as I began to softly stroke his neck, "I was just shocked to see this."

Phoebe joined in, "Right, Daddy, we think about you a lot too,"

Now he was thoroughly confused, but we kept it up.

"We can agree not to tell mom about this, ok?" I asked.

"Absolutely," he answered to probably the easiest question he had ever been asked.

I softly kissed him on the cheek as he agreed.

"I have an idea," Phoebe whispered, as she kissed his other cheek, "If you would like to hear it."

"Yes, please," he replied.

I kissed him again as he agreed.

"Well, mom's gone until Sunday," she continued, "Why don't we make these next couple of days our special time?"

"Like, what do you mean?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't know, Paul, just some fun stuff that's just for the three of us?" I answered, "That sounds nice doesn't it?"

As he agreed that it did, he received another kiss.

Phoebe had slipped out of the room and returned extraordinarily quickly, fully dressed. Gone was the swimsuit, replaced with a short skirt, stockings and a silk top.

As this had all been planned, our clothes had been left out in the next room, so as Phoebe returned, I darted out to perform a similar change.

Paul was still in his shorts and polo shirt, and that's just like we wanted him. So we said, "Let's go for a drive, maybe we'll find something to do?"

This time I kissed him first, but then he immediately agreed. I loved this; he was becoming so compliant!.

We made our way to the garage, and we all climbed into the car. Phoebe drove as I sat in the back with Paul.

Instead of my usual tease, this time I remained nuzzled up against him the entire time, whispering into and licking his ears.

"Paulie, you have been so naughty watching us; we might have to find a way to punish you. Would you like us to punish you?"

He seemed confused and didn't know how to respond, but I could feel him get harder and harder.

"Oh, Daddy, that cock of yours is giving you away; you want your little girls to punish you." I teased.

As I spoke, I crossed my stocking covered legs onto his bare legs (why else had we wanted him to stay in his shorts?) and allowed my hand to stroke his inner thigh all the way up to his balls.

He was so focused on me that he hadn't even noticed that Phoebe had pulled into an auto dealership and parked.

"Hey you two," she called out from the front seat, "Did you see these new sports cars, Wow! Let's just stop and take a quick look."

"She's always loved looking at cars, Paulie; she just turned 20 you know," I added when Paul started to express something, which I knew would be that he would prefer to go somewhere else. "Let's just let her walk around the showroom."

As we all got out of the car, we were greeted by a stunning brunette sales lady, our friend Suzy. She was in a short, sexy suit with heels and sexy nylons, the kind with the dark line running up the back of each leg. She led us around each of the cars, discussing the features of each one. The words she was using were "sexy", "curvy", "Powerful" and the like. Each word really more accurately described herself than the cars. Paul's eyes never left her; of course, with her leading him and Phoebe and I on each side of him, even if he hadn't wanted to focus on her he would have had a hard time with it. Nonetheless, I was impressed that she kept him so focused on her that he never even glanced at the price of one of the cars.

Of course, he had no idea that we had already been working with Suzy for a while, or that we were here on anything other than a whim. Actually, we had already done everything, including having his credit line already set up. The contracts were already prepared; all we needed to do was convince him to sign.

Without saying anything, Suzy lead us into an office at the back of the showroom and indicated that we three should sit on one side of the table while she glided to the other side. Paul certainly didn't notice that she slid the thermostat way up as she crossed the room. Things would heat up in the office soon, in more ways than one.

As we sat, with Paulie in the middle of course, she reached the other side of the table and raised her leg nonchalantly and placed her heel on her chair, giving us a great view, but not too obviously, as she said to herself, "Damn, I think I have a run in my new stockings."

She looked over at us apologetically and asked sweetly, "Do you mind terribly if I fix this? I know it is not exactly professional, but this just drives me crazy."

"Of course not," Phoebe answered, "It happens to me all the time. Please go ahead."

Suzy sensually pulled her skirt up revealing her lace stocking tops and began slowly, slowly rolling them off.

She glanced up and softly spoke, "Sorry, I'm so slow, but I want to be careful that I don't ruin them anymore. I may be able to repair them."

"No worries," I replied. "We're just here on a lark anyway."

I turned to address Paulie, "You don't mind, do you?"

He just barely shook his head as he didn't want to take his eyes off of her.

As she slowly did one leg, then the other, Phoebe and I began rubbing our own legs against Paul's, and taking turns reaching under the table to either stroke him or take his hands in ours and guide them along our own stockings.

This went on for a while, as Suzy took a leisurely time removing her stockings, folding them up, placing them in a drawer, then opening a new packet, unfolding them and rolling each of them onto a leg.

When she finally sat down across from us, Paulie may as well have been hypnotized. She smiled and thanked us for our patience, then put a contract in front of us.

"Let me outline for you the cost of the car," she stated.

She began going through line by line of the contract, pointing at each portion of it with the end of her pen as she got to it. When not pointing, she brought the pen casually to her mouth where she would allow it to rest on her lips as she explained the point.

We knew that Paulie loved this and was not hearing anything that she said; he was focused on that pen, her lips and her mouth. Additionally, Phoebe and I were physically bringing him to a breaking point, as we undid his belt and pants and allowed his cock to pop free.

When this occurred, he broke his stare from Suzy and looked at me, horrified that he was exposed.

"It's alright, Paulie," I leaned in and whispered, "It's under the table, no one can see anything, Daddy."

He looked back at Suzy; she was still talking, but now casually tracing her ample cleavage with that pen.

"Darn, I dropped an earring." Phoebe announced.

She bent down to look for it, but instead of looking, when she got under the table, she quickly took Paul's cock into her mouth and moved her mouth up and down a few times. When Paul adjusted in his chair, Phoebe gave a little tug to his shorts. This pulled them down far enough to give us unimpeded access to his cock and balls for teasing purposes. She then returned to her seat.

"Did you find it, sis?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, no," she answered.

"I'll look," I helpfully announced. I then went down and repeated Phoebe's actions on Paul's cock before coming back up.

"Do you want me to come look?" Suzy asked.

"No," Paul nearly shouted, as Phoebe and I nearly laughed out loud, "I mean they'll find it themselves," he added, trying to act like he was still in control. He was now burning up. The room was hot and so was he. He was very uncomfortable and beginning to sweat.

"Oh, you just want me to get to the bottom line, Paul?" she asked.

"Yes, yes, please," he replied.

"Well, Paulie, it's this number." She said as she pointed with the pen to a number.

The number was just under $50,000.

"Just initial here, and sign the bottom line, and the car is yours, or should I say Phoebe's?" She laughed, handed him the pen and smiled at him.

"I don't think we are making a purchase today, but thank you for your information; we'll think it over." He replied.

"OK, then, no problem at all," she cheerfully answered. "Just keep me in mind when you decide to do something."

Paul relaxed until she stood to walk to the door, and he noticed that Phoebe and I were standing as well.

"Wait," he said.

"What? Daddy," I innocently asked.

Suzy was holding the door and waiting for us to leave the office.

"I can't stand up right now." He softly replied.

We all knew that he couldn't because his pants were down, but he didn't know that Suzy was in on it, so he couldn't give a reason.

"Do you want to continue looking over the numbers? Paul?" Suzy asked.

"Yes, yes, that's it." He quickly answered, clinging on to the first somewhat reasonable option presented.

"Sure, take your time." Suzy stated. "You don't mind if I freshen up my makeup before going back into the showroom, do you?"

"No, of course, not," I answered. "You go right ahead."

As Suzy began teasingly primping, Phoebe announced that she was going to find her earring and disappeared back under the table. This time, she wasn't just teasing. She took his cock in both hands, and gave long, slow licks up the entire length of his shaft, focusing on his most sensitive underside. This would drive him insane, but she was not gripping or pumping so it would not bring him to release.

As Paul watched Suzy and felt Phoebe, I leaned in and whispered to him. "C'mon Daddy, just sign the damn contract. Phoebe needs a car anyway, and she will take this as an incredibly sweet gesture, as will I."

My tongue entered his ear as he answered me, "But, it's $50,000."

"So? you can do that, Daddy, that's not a problem for a guy like you," I directly told him.

"Oh my God," he uttered, as he was watching Suzy reapplying her lipstick and tracing her lips with her tongue as Phoebe began taking his whole cock back into her mouth.

"What's that, Paul?" Suzy turned and asked.

"I think he just decided to buy it, right Daddy?" I asked, putting him on the spot.

"Yes, fine," he answered, picking up the pen and initialing and signing the contract.

"Great, Paul," Suzy answered, coming over and picking up the contract. She walked to the door, opened it and called another employee over. Handing him the contract, she instructed him to get the blue car ready and pull it around for us.

She returned to her seat across from us.

"I don't know what it is, but I am awfully hot," she said.

"Me, too," Phoebe answered, just back from under the table. Her hand was still underneath it, as was mine, slowly stroking Paulie, keeping him fully aroused and right on edge.

Suzy stood and turned towards the wall, she lazily let her suit jacket fall off of her and she placed it on a hook on the wall. As she turned back to us and sat down, Phoebe and I felt Paul's cock as it twitched to attention as she was in a strapless top that looked more like lingerie than a professional top.

She smiled while placing another contract on the table.

"And here's the one for the red car; I understand that this one is for Toni," she teasingly said. "As you can see Paul, the numbers were exactly the same."

Paul was stunned; this completely blindsided him. "The red one, Toni's car, where the Hell did that come from?" he thought. He was certain that he hadn't heard any of this before.

As these thoughts went through his mind, I spoke, "Ooh, Phoebe, I think I see your earring. " And with that I disappeared under the table to continue his blowjob.

As I slowly took him fully in my mouth, he groaned a little.

"Is there a problem, Paul?" Suzy asked, "Anything I can clarify for you?"

As she spoke, she reached into a small candy dish on the table and picked up and unwrapped a small lollipop.

"No, no just thinking," he answered.

Suzy nodded, while casually licking the candy.

Phoebe now whispered into his other ear, as I relaxed my pace below, keeping my moist mouth and tongue on him, but giving nowhere near the motion needed for him to climax.

"Daddy, surely you know that you can't buy one daughter a car and not your other one," she whispered. "I am honored that you thought enough of me to buy mine first, and I will reward you for that, Daddy,"

Her tongue now explored his ear, before she continued, "But, Daddy, I'm just trying to help you out right now. Uh, huh, your little girl Phoebe is trying to take care of you."

She continued, "Toni, as amazing as she is, I know you know what I mean, you feel it right now on your cock, don't you?"

He nodded, as she went on, "Amazing as she is, can be a vindictive bitch, I'm sorry to say. I hate to think of how she'll treat you if she feels that you favor me over her, and that's how she might interpret your buying me a car and not her."

He nodded in slight agreement, still staring at Suzy. I couldn't blame him; she was beautiful. Additionally, what her mouth was doing to that lollipop had to be driving him completely insane. She would lick it, swirl her tongue around, take the whole thing in her mouth and suck, all while watching Paul from just across the table.

"On the other hand," Phoebe continued, "I am sure that your rewards will be great if you buy it for her. She does do some amazing things sexually. I think you can imagine. Things that I doubt mommy does and of course things that mommy will never even know about."

Suzy had been looking down and gently rubbing her exposed cleavage, as though removing a smudge or something but now looked up at us.

"I can at least come help look for the earring," she announced and stood.

"No," Paul said quickly.

"Why not?" She quizzically asked. "I should at least help with that while you are thinking about the car.

Suzy began walking around the desk to our side, as Paulie became frantic to think of a way to stop her.

"Sign it, quickly, Daddy, and she'll leave." Phoebe whispered.

"Yes, yes, but Suzy, I need you to take this and get the red car, please?" He announced as he signed the second contract and practically threw it at her to stop her from coming closer.

"Of course," she answered. She smiled, took the contract and left the office.

Phoebe and I stood up, straightened our clothes and instructed Paul to dress himself and come along.

"But I'm not done yet," he said.

"Of course not, silly, not here," Phoebe answered. "We can't have you making a big mess on Suzy's desk or carpet, can we? How would that look?"

Defeated, still full of cum and out nearly $100,000, he buttoned his pants and walked out with us. He walked toward his car as we each walked towards our new cars, parked out front and ready for us.