Shadow Dagger Ch. 13

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Evelyn makes her choice.
9.8k words

Part 13 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 02/06/2010
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A shocked silence filled the room. Evelyn was sure she didn't hear Reynar right. "What?"

Reynar looked highly uncomfortable. He fidgeted in his seat before taking a deep breath to relax. "We have to get married. It's your baby's destiny."

"Destiny?" Evelyn repeated. Her brain seemed to be stuck in quicksand. The more she heard, the quicker she sank. "Married?"

Reynar frowned and clicked his tongue. "Come now, Evelyn, surely you can see why I ask this?"

Evelyn shook her head vigorously. "No, I don't! My soul-mate just died and you're proposing marriage? I don't even know you!"

Reynar stared at her so calmly that Evelyn felt a little of her panic recede. "Evelyn, my marriage proposal is not about love. It's purely political. My advisors have grown very worried. I'm 200 years old and I still haven't secured the line of Lobare. But what they don't know is that I've been waiting for this moment ever since I was told a prophecy."

"You've been waiting for me?" Evelyn asked incredulously.

Reynar shook his head slowly. "No...not you exactly. I didn't know who the prophecy referred to. Now I do. Evelyn, marrying me will secure the safety of your child and will ensure the safety of the entire world."

Evelyn rubbed her stomach. "My child...will save the world?"

Reynar nodded. "Yes, but only if it comes from royalty. Otherwise, in order to seize power, it will have to wage war to take it. But I don't think it would survive that long. Remember, Jon Laurent is out there and he knows about the prophecy. He will use your baby for his own ends."

Evelyn absorbed all of this in silence. Her brain was whirling in a thousand different directions. She asked the first question that popped into her mind. "So if I marry you, you will claim my baby as your own?"

"Yes. We would have to have the wedding by next week. We then would announce you were pregnant a month later. When you actually do give birth three months from now, we will have to hide that fact. You would have to pretend to be pregnant for 5 more months. But your baby will be very safe. Nobody will get past me, I swear it."

"We have to get married next week?" Evelyn gasped. Events were moving were way too fast for her.

Reynar sighed. "I'm sorry, Evelyn. I can't give you more time. I will let you sleep on it but you have to decide by tomorrow."

Evelyn closed her eyes and tried to gather her thoughts. She hated being rushed into making decisions. "What if I said no?" She opened her eyes and watched him carefully.

Reynar studied her for a few moments, his finger tracing the shape of his lips. "I won't force you, Evelyn," he finally said, somberly. "I would protect you and your child as best as I could. But..." he shrugged his shoulders, holding up his hands helplessly. "Without royalty to cloak your baby in, it would be at the mercy of Jon Laurent. And eventually your baby would need to seize power in order to wrought the changes needed to save this world."

"So you're saying I have no choice?" Evelyn sighed.

"You have a choice," Reynar said quietly. "But they're tough choices, I grant you that."

Evelyn stared at him sightlessly. Her mind was far away, considering every branching point in her future. She shook her head angrily. "Why am I just supposed to believe you? You're telling me that I'm giving birth to a true-born Magi and that it will save the world. Well, I didn't know the world needed saving! It seems perfectly fine to me!"

Reynar said nothing but stared at her rather curiously. He tapped his lips thoughtfully. "You know, you're a very intelligent women. It's been ages since I had an intelligent conversation."

"I'm glad you're pleased," Evelyn said slowly, completely thrown off balance by his sudden change in topics.

Reynar smiled. "You brought up some excellent points. Howare you suppose to believe me? My answer to that, my dear Evelyn, is to look around!" He gestured to the windows all around the room. "Just open your eyes! What do you think the war with the Magi Victus is all about? Do you really believe things can go on much longer as they are now? Eventually the Magi will die off. This country would lose its pillar of support. It would once again descend into anarchy and lawlessness."

Evelyn frowned. She knew Reynar was right. The situation with the Magi Victus was getting worse. The Magi had twice as many members 200 years ago as it did now. "But how does that signify the end of the world?"

"Do you really think this country would survive without us? Remember your history about the Warlords and how the world almost ended."

Evelyn couldn't argue that point. "And my child? What would its role be?" she asked quietly.

"Your child's powers of creation will be unparalleled. Just imagine the possibilities! Imagine the discoveries that will be made!" Reynar's eyes shone with passion. He stared past her, as though his eyes were already beholding wondrous sights. "You're child will have the power to bring peace to this world! No more wars, no more fighting..."

Evelyn rubbed her stomach.Is my child really capable of that? She felt a swelling of pride as Reynar's words swept her up and carried her along with him. The Magi had already benefited the world so much with their research and use of magic. Her child would make all that look like child's play. She knew it had that power. She could feel it inside her.

Still, she wasn't quite ready to decide. "And what of Jon Laurent? You speak of him as though he were the world's foil, it's bringer of destruction."

Reynar's smile slid off his face. He grimaced angrily. "Jon Laurent has already betrayed the world once, for his own power. No doubt he wishes to use your child to claim that power for himself."

Evelyn shuddered and nervously smoothed the robe over her stomach. "Can he really steal my child's power?"

Reynar snorted. "I have no doubt that he's been preparing for that for the past 2,500 years. Jon Laurent has many tricks up his sleeve. You need only look at the Shadow Dagger at his side to see my meaning."

Evelyn gasped. "Are you saying you know what a Shadow Dagger is?"

Reynar scowled and shook his head. "No, the Magi Victus guard that secret with their lives. Whatever secret lies behind the making of a Shadow Dagger, I would bet my crown that it's related to Jon Laurent's plans for your child."

Evelyn remained silent. She hated Jon Laurent for murdering her husband. She tried to put that aside to really look at him, to see if she could see the monster that Reynar believes lurks in his heart. If it did lurk there, he hid it well. He wasn't that unpleasant during the brief time that Evelyn spent with him.

"Evelyn," Reynar said, snapping her out of her thoughts. "I know I dumped a lot of information on you. I want you to take some time to think about everything I said. I hope you come to the conclusion that I'm telling you the truth. But if not...well, it's your choice."

Evelyn nodded and stood up. She had a lot to think about tonight. "Thank you for the breakfast. It was...lovely."

Reynar smiled, his dark eyes twinkling. "Anytime."

She didn't turn to leave. She couldn't leave here without getting more time. "I can't decide in one night. Please, can I have one week?"

Reynar thought it over for several moments. "Ok," he replied at last. "I can give you one week."

"Thank you." Evelyn turned to go but stopped at the door, a sudden thought hitting her. She looked back at Reynar. "By the way, where did you learn all of your information?"

Reynar's smile said he had been expecting that question. "That's a story for another breakfast. Perhaps tomorrow?"

Evelyn nodded. "Perhaps." She closed the door quietly behind her. She let out a long sigh and fell back against the door.Daminus, what should I do?


Reynar watched her closed the door, his smile slowly fading from his face. He listened to the sound of her fading footsteps before erupting. "DAMN ME!" he roared, seizing a glass of wine and hurling it against the wall. The glass shattered into miniscule shards. He roared a wordless shout and upended the breakfast table. Dishes clanged loudly off the floor and food flew across the room.

Reynar stood in the middle of the mess, breathing loudly through his nose.What kind of monster am I? Am I any better than Jon Laurent? She was beautiful and intelligent and she deserved better than the lies he was forced to give her.

He strode angrily out of a connecting door and into his personal chambers. He walked to his desk and stared hatefully down at the innocent-looking wooden box. "Damn you," he whispered. "Damn you, old woman."

For a moment, he had a strong urge to pick up the box and hurl it through the window. Let the world destroy itself if it spared Evelyn any more pain. He had sacrificed too many lives. He was going to draw the line here and now. He reached for the box and hesitated, his finger underneath the crease of the lid. He didn't want to look at what was inside. He needed to. He needed to be reminded of why he was doing what he was doing.

"My liege," Sereph's voice came from behind.

Sighing, Reynar took his hand away from the box. "What is it?" Reynar asked quietly, his gaze still focused on the box.

"It has to be done," Sereph said firmly. "I understand your frustration, my liege. But you need to remember that the fate of the world lies on your shoulders. The world is worth far more than one life."

"Two lives," Reynar corrected him quietly. He turned and stared fiercely at his manservant.

Sereph bowed his head. "Two lives, as you say. Still, when compared against the entire world, those lives are meaningless."

Reynar glared at him. "No life is meaningless. Life is a matter of perspective, Sereph. Remember that when your time comes."

Sereph bowed again. "It is as you say, my liege."

Reynar snorted, his anger slipping away into wry amusement. "One of these days, I'm going to get an intelligent argument out of you."

"I would never dare to argue with my liege," Sereph said, alarmed.

Reynar waved his hand, dismissing the matter. "Don't worry, Sereph, I still intend to follow through with the plan." He sighed heavily, the weight of his burden settling once more on his shoulders. "I just don't like it."

"You wouldn't be the right man to save the world if it didn't bother you," Sereph said consolably.

Reynar nodded his thanks for the kind words and sat down behind his desk. "What's on my agenda today?"

"Your man is here," Sereph said pointedly, his eyes shifting sideways toward the door.

Reynar nodded. "Let him in."

Sereph bowed and opened the chamber door. He stepped back as a tall man walked past him and into the room.

"My liege," the man said, bowing low.

"Take a seat," Reynar commanded.

The man sat in the chair in front of Reynar's desk. Reynar saw him glance sideways at the adjourning door that led to Reynar's dining room. Reynar had left the door open. No doubt the man had seen the destruction in the room. Sereph must have noticed the man's glance because he strode swiftly across the room and shut the door.

Reynar returned his attention back to the man in front of him. "Were you followed?" The first question he always asked.

The man shook his head. "No, my liege, I left the council chambers quickly before Raynolt noticed my departure."

"I'm glad Raynolt remains ignorant. I'm sorry to say that our little ruse with Morgana worked all too well. It's my deepest regret that we tricked her the way we did. She was a fine Magi, if a bit too power hungry."

"She was a regrettable loss," the man agreed. He sighed heavily. "Still, it was worth it. I believe Raynolt is beginning to trust me more."

"Good," Reynar replied absently, his gaze far away as he looked out a window on the opposite wall.How easily we make sacrifices. What am I now? Am I still the same man I was before?

"My liege," the man said hesitantly. "Are you well?"

"What?" Reynar said, tearing his gaze away from the window and shaking his head. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. So, what do you have to report?"

"Nothing good, I'm afraid. It seems that Raynolt and Sanje really did lose Laurent's body."

"So he's not hiding Laurent's body, then?"

The man shook his head. "No. I guess I was wrong. Laurent must still be alive."

Reynar sighed. "Well, I can't say it's a total loss. I want to find Laurent alive. I need to have a talk with that man before I kill him."

"I still can't believe they managed to lose him," the man said, shaking his head. "How do you let somebody escape after dropping them from a roof?"

"Laurent is a slippery bastard," Reynar growled. "Continue to push Raynolt into finding him. I want Sanje worrying about both Laurent and the war. He will be easier to manage if we can split his focus."

"Yes, my liege," the man said.

"Keep me updated," Reynar said, dismissing him.

The man stood up and bowed. He walked back to the door and stopped next to Sereph. Sereph handed him a bag of gold. The man nodded his thanks. He was almost out the door when Reynar stopped him again. "Oh, Lenard, do try to restrain Raynolt from attempting to kill Jon Laurent again."

Lenard Demps bowed low once again. "I will do my best, my liege."

Reynar continued to stare out the door even after Lenard left, his mind returning to the problem that was Raynolt Teryus. He looked over at Sereph. "Summon Raynolt. I believe I still need to talk to that man about obeying my orders."


Raynolt took a deep breath and tried his best to calm his fear. His stomach had been in knots ever since he received the summons. He had barely made it back to the Emporium after the council meeting before he had to turn back around and come right back. He had no idea what Reynar wanted to talk about. That was probably what scared him the most.

He ignored Reynar's personal guards on either side of the door as he knocked loudly. The door open almost immediately. Sereph bowed to Raynolt. "Grand Master," he greeted him as he stepped back from the door.

Raynolt walked nervously over to Reynar's desk. He stifled a fleeting moment of panic as he took in Reynar's angry scowl. "My liege," Raynolt greeted him, bowing low. His voice almost broke from fear.I hate this feeling! Where in the nine hells did this man come from?

"Take a seat," Reynar said coldly.

Raynolt composed himself as best he could as he sat down. He hoped he looked calm to all outside appearances. His stomach was continuing to flutter and clench at the same time. "What did you want to see me about, my liege?"

Reynar surveyed him for several long, pain-staking moments. Raynolt could feel sweat trickle down his back. "Jon Laurent," Reynar said quietly, his eyes boring into Raynolt's.

Raynolt sat frozen before him. He knew now what this meeting was about. Reynar, it seems, was not in the dark when it came to what happened yesterday. "Jon Laurent?"

"Don't play games with me," Reynar said, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes were flashing with anger. His quiet demeanor was more frightening than outright anger.

"My liege...I...I don't know..."

"What were my orders?" Reynar cut him off, his voice still as soft as silk.

Raynolt knew lying would get him nowhere.Is this it? Have I outlived my usefulness? "Jon Laurent was to be captured alive," he replied.

"Alive..." Reynar mused, his eyes once again boring into Raynolt's. "Are you familiar with that word?"

"My liege, I assure you, Jon Laurent would not let himself be captured alive. He performed magic, for God's sake!" Raynolt felt a flash of embarrassment at how shrill his voice had become.

"I warned you about him!" Reynar snapped, showing a flash of anger for the first time. "I told you he wasn't just a Magi Victus! So don't give me that excuse."

Raynolt shook his head. "I didn't believe you! I admit it, I didn't take your words very seriously. I mean...Jon Laurent a Magi?"

Reynar didn't respond immediately. He just continued to give Raynolt that piercing gaze of his. "Yet you obviously took that possibility into account, what with all the Magi and Magi Victus you gathered to go after him."

"I still didn't expect...I just wanted to be prepared for anything. I had no choice but to kill him at the end."

"Do you value your life?" Reynar asked suddenly.

Raynolt felt an icy stab of fear in his gut. "My life?" he stammered. "Yes...yes I do."

"You don't act like it. I hope you don't really believe that I buy your story. Do you really think me to be a fool?"

Raynolt shook his head vigorously. "No, of course not, my liege!"

"Then it stands to reason that you disobeyed my orders deliberately, doesn't it?" Reynar didn't look angry, but his gaze was still razor sharp.

Raynolt swallowed. "Yes," he admitted, his pride finally giving in.Do your worst, Reynar.

Reynar, however, suddenly smiled. "So, there is some courage there," he observed. Then the smile slipped off his face so fast that Raynolt was sure his mind had been playing tricks on him. "Do you know why I keep your alive?"

Raynolt opened his mouth but no sound came out. Reynar continued. "The only reason you're still breathing is because I need you to run this war and to control the rest of the council. Believe me, if there was a better candidate to lead this war I would kill you in a heartbeat."

"My liege...I don't know--"

Reynar cut him off. "Alas, I'm stuck with you and your petty schemes for power. Remember what I said at our very first meeting. When the day comes that you're no longer useful to me, I will kill you. So if I were you, Raynolt, I would make myself very, very useful. Do you understand?"

Raynolt nodded shakily. "I understand, my liege. I will redouble my efforts to win this war. I have Sanje right where I want him."

"Good," Reynar said. "I want daily reports on the progress of the war. I hope Sanje doesn't outsmart you, Raynolt. I want the Magi Victus wiped out once and for all."

"There will be, my liege, trust me. Sanje doesn't know what I have in store for him."

"I will take your word on it, for now. Now, do you have anything to report?"

Raynolt shook his head. His brain was nowhere close to working. Still, he tried his best to remember something. "I was just about to make preparations for tonight's patrols." Once he started talking, a sudden idea came to him. "My liege, I was informed that Evelyn Ventus was spotted alive and that she left with you yesterday."

Reynar's eyes flashed dangerously. "What of it?"

Raynolt felt another stab of fear. The man looked ready to spit him on a lance. "I need to talk to her," he said cautiously.

"And why is that?"

"I am the Grand Master and she is still a Magi. I believe I still have the authority to talk to my Magi, don't I?" His question was genuine. He really didn't know how much power Reynar had left him.

Reynar stayed silent for several long moments. Raynolt fidgeted nervously in his chair. "I suppose you do have that privilege," Reynar said slowly. "You can find her in the living quarters. A servant can direct you to the right room."

"My liege--" Sereph began, stepping forward, but Reynar held up his hand. Sereph fell silent immediately.

"Is there anything else?" Reynar asked, his eyes daring Raynolt to ask for another favor. Raynolt shook his head quickly. "Then get out of my sight before I change my mind."

Raynolt didn't need to be told twice. He stood up jerkily, bowed low, and hastily made his way out of the room. Once he got two hallways away, he fell back against the wall and vomited on the ground.

"Damn you, Reynar," he rasped. His stomach had been tense throughout the entire meeting. Wiping vomit from his chin with the sleeve of his robe, he looked around. He knew the living quarters to be on the east wing somewhere.