Slutty Archaeologist Finds a Mummy

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Archaeo and a guide delve into a tomb, uncovering passion.
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"The locals say two tourists went missing after they came down here," Jordan Hayes says as he waves his torch around the cool, cavernous chamber. The flames flicker, casting shadows thrice our size against the beige, sandstone walls. "English too, like you."

"Except I'm not a tourist." I smoothen my sweat-soaked shirt, caked with sand and grime from hours of trekking under the baking sun. "I'm an archaeologist."

He chuckles, flashing a handsome white smile. "I don't think mummies care what you do for work."

The gentle amber glow of the torch illuminates the walls, revealing what fragments are left of the tomb. While the walls are cracked in areas, now and then pieces of exquisite stonework appear left intact, like a giant, broken jigsaw puzzle. Rows upon rows of hieroglyphics, artworks of gods rising above their slaves, swirling with the blues of lapis lazuli and the reds of ochre.

"Is that what killed them?" I quip. "A mummy?" My voice echoes meekly down the dark cavern. Beyond the light of Jordan's torch, it is completely black, both in front and ahead.

Normally I would be scared, but my guide's presence has a calming effect on me. Jordan's a tall man and quite strong, too. His muscles ripple across his sun-baked skin, and his brown hair falls in damp streaks just over his ice-blue eyes--it's impossible to walk anywhere in Egypt without losing a bucket-worth of sweat. He can handle himself. You have to if you live out here. There's always a knife or pistol around his waist. He helps travellers from abroad find their way around the Valley of the Kings and navigate the locals, though his presence can be distracting. Sometimes I find my gaze lingering on him, first admiring his thick arms, the broad chest, then my eyes wander to his bulge, and I feel a heat in my loins. I know it isn't from the desert. I've often wondered how big his cock is, but then I have to snap out of it.

He nods. "An elder found a severed hand in the valley. And further down the path, a whole leg. Completely clean, apart from where they'd been cut, obviously. Precision like that requires a blade, a bloody sharp one too. But all I've seen from any of the locals are rusty curved swords, you couldn't cut limbs clean with those. They say they roused an ancient king, and in his anger, he dragged them into his tomb."

I roll my eyes. "They're called pharaohs. And that's peasant superstition--it doesn't even make sense. He dragged them in his tomb, but their limbs were outside?"

"I don't know," Jordan says dismissively. "Maybe he didn't need their arms and legs." Then he looks around, frowning as he walks ahead. He has a nice ass, too. "It's never good to disturb the dead." He shivers briefly but tries to hide it.

"Well, I would thank the pharaoh," I say with venomous wit. "If this is the tomb I think it is, it belongs to Raemkai the Third, and anyone who discovers it would be famous among Egyptologists." I hope it is his tomb, I can imagine the victory back home already. The papers I could write, how many times I'd be invited to speak of my discoveries in the halls of the most famous universities around the world. My heart rushes just thinking about it.

"There's too many damn tombs around here." Jordan looks as though he's chewing on something, and then spits. His saliva forming a sandy blob on the ground as his leather boots crunch past. I bite my lip, wondering if he'd spit in my mouth the same way. "And too many damn kings."

"Raemkai The Third was like no other." I pull on Jordan's shirt to stop him as we pass a wall of hieroglyphics. He turns, but his eyes fall on me instead of the wall I'm pointing to. Did I just see a hint of excitement? But he hides that, too. He's good at hiding things, my handsome guide, but not very good at hiding his cock. "I can read these. They speak of how the pharaoh was killed by a jealous priest because he tried to take Hathor, a deity linked to joy and pleasure, to wife. He turned to the goddess because it was said he had laid with all of Egypt's noblewomen, yet none could quench his lust."

Jordan makes a surprised face, creases forming above his brow, and seems to nod with approval. "Quite the guy. I'd want to fuck a goddess, too."

I want you to fuck me, I think to myself, biting my lip, but let the thought pass. I can't distract myself now, I need to verify exactly what this tomb is and report my findings. Besides, it's an absurd thought. Where would we even do it? Right here? It's so dusty, and beetles walk around our feet.

As we continue walking, the hall comes to an end, splitting off in two directions, darkness on either side. Jordan stands by the two halls, looking confused at either direction. "Which way?"

I'm rather puzzled myself. We will have to explore both at one point or another to uncover the tomb's secrets, so I don't think it matters much, I'm about to choose the right hall when a sharp gust of wind blows from the left. A refreshing breeze of cool air, accompanied by a cloud of dust and sand.

Come... a faint voice whispers into my mind. Did I just imagine that? Should I be scared? I feel like I should, yet something, my scientific curiosity perhaps, compels me to follow the voice. I could be on the verge of a breakthrough here. "Left," I say, already walking without waiting for Jordan.

"Amelia, stop. Are you crazy?" Jordan chases behind me, firmly grabbing my arm to stop me. I turn, feeling how strong his grip is clenching my skinny arm, like a coiling python, his fingers manage to wrap themselves all the way around it. "I think we should walk away from the weird dust cloud."

I giggle. "It's just the cave breathing. Are you coming? I'm exploring with or without you." I never took him for the superstitious type, but I'm enjoying dragging him along with me.

He purses his lips but says nothing. There we go, I think slyly. His pride won't allow him to stay, not now that I've challenged him. I'm quite enjoying this.

We continue walking in silence, Jordan suddenly isn't very talkative anymore, but I'm optimistic. The hall opens up into a wider chamber, the light of the flames catches glinting gold and jewels of reds, blues, greens, and violet. "Oh my god!" I gasp, clutching Jordan's shirt and pulling him forward. "This is it, this is the tomb. Look at all of the treasure!" A shiver runs down my spine. The air is heavy with the weight of many centuries, thick with the scent of dust and decay. The narrow passageway stretches ahead, lined with towering pillars adorned with hieroglyphics and painted scenes of gods and pharaohs. Each step reverberates through the chamber, the sound echoing off the ancient stones, reminding me of the sacredness of this place. It's as if time itself has paused within these walls, and I can't help but feel a sense of reverence and awe as I venture deeper into the heart of the tomb, drawn inexorably towards the enigmatic presence of the long-dead pharaoh.

Jordan looks around in awe. "That's a lot of gold." And it's not just gold. There's the canopic jars to hold the pharaohs organs, things from his daily life like clothes and cosmetics, rich silks of lilac, deep blues, and greens.

And just ahead is the crown jewel, the sarcophagus. It's solid gold, shining sharp under the light of the torch. That gormless face looking up at us, the blue strips of lapis lazuli along the crown. "It's magnificent!"

"There's a dead person in there..." Jordan looks directly into the sarcophagus's eyes. "Kinda eerie, if you think about it."

Come... the voice whispers again, and gooseflesh crawls across my skin. It's louder now and didn't sound like it was coming from my head, but below... inside.

Without thinking, my fingers glaze across the cold golden coffin.

"Amelia?" Jordan says and tries to move my hand, but it's too late. A cloud of dust explodes from the sarcophagus, throwing me and Jordan back against the walls. I hear the crashing of a gold plate behind me. "What the hell was that?"

As I regain my composure, I see the top of the sarcophagus is gone, and from it emerges a hand wrapped in dusty cloth. A pit opens up in my stomach and my heart thrashes. What have I done? Is that him? The pharaoh?

"Amelia come here!" Jordan screams as he takes his dagger out, but I'm too transfixed on the display in front of me to pay attention to his words.

The mummy emerges from the sarcophagus, looking me dead in the eyes. My blood freezes as he steps out of his coffin and walks right towards me.

"Hey!" Jordan yells, approaching the walking corpse with his dagger. The mummy turns, again throwing him back with a gust of wind, this time knocking Jordan unconscious as he hits the wall.

My breath leaves me in cold gasps as the mummy once again turns its attention to me. I slither back against the wall, hoping it will open up and allow me to escape, but nothing happens. The only thing I can think to say is: "Raemkai?"

He stops, and I see two eyes widen beneath that dusty mask of woven cloth. "My Hathor?" he speaks in ancient Egyptian, his voice smooth as though he had been alive under there all this time, I can make out the words due to my hours of study at the university.

The pharaoh moves that old hand to his head, and slowly starts to unwrap himself of the cloth used to preserve his body. I expect a hideous sight, a gruesome corpse wrapped up in a dusty sheet of wrinkled skin rotted away by time, but what greets me is quite the opposite. Instead, I see a broad man with gleaming bronze skin, brown eyes, a clean bald head, and a physique that looks like it was sculpted from marble by angels. This man died in his early twenties, and he doesn't look like he's aged a day since then!

The cloth keeps unravelling, past his abs and down the sharp V line that leads towards his cock.

I bite my lip as a ravenous hunger awakens in me. My god, am I truly thinking this? Is this actually happening? I see his eyes devouring the sight of me, undressing me with his mind, and it makes me drip between my legs.

I can't help but wonder if he's working some kind of spell on me, the way he drew me to him in the first place. But I don't care. I've always fantasized about fucking a celebrity, or some sort of royal, powerful man. And this man checks all the boxes, not to mention how handsome he is. It's no wonder every noblewoman of Egypt fucked him, now it's my turn, and I'll show him what an English girl can do. I'll show him how much we've progressed since his time.

I'll be his goddess.

He lets the cloth fall past his waist, and one of the biggest dicks I've ever seen falls out from the wraps. Slightly curved towards the tip, its big and meaty with veins running like roots along its length, and it slowly rises the longer he looks at me. His eyes fall to my chest, and I see my nipples are betraying my lusty thoughts, hard and pointy, all but piercing my shirt.

My bulging pussy throbs with heat as his strong hand takes my jaw. He towers over me. He's one of the biggest men I've ever seen. "Let me worship you," he whispers in my face and sticks his tongue down my throat. I don't resist, and within minutes his hands tear my clothes off, ripping my shirt from my body. My plump tits fall out, and he cups them with those strong hands, pinching my hard nipples.

"My pharaoh," I moan as the warm juices soak my pussy. I pull my trousers down and wrap my slender fingers around his throbbing cock, now fully erect. It's so big I can grip it with both hands, and that's exactly what I do.

I massage it gently, hearing the pharaoh moan with pleasure, then I get on my knees to put it in my mouth. I see Jordan still resting unconscious behind the pharaoh, but I don't care, he'll wake up. And what I sight that will be...

I wrap my lips around his cock, letting my tongue swirl over the tip, then take it deeper in my mouth. There's no way I'll get the whole thing in there, but I never back down from a challenge. He moans again, throwing his head back with his mouth gaping open, then grabs a clump of my hair and thrusts further into my mouth so that the tip hits the back of my throat. I don't gag, that reflex is long gone, and I heave for breath with each of his backward thrusts. I slobber all over his dick as it slides in and out of my mouth, and then he shoves it out.

"Let me take you, my goddess," he says with such authority. I obey without hesitation. His voice has a regal power to it.

I stand up, and he puts his hands under my arms and lifts me with such ease it's like I weigh nothing. I gaze into his hazel brown eyes with a lusty smile, and he carefully lowers me down onto his cock. The long shaft slides easily into my dripping wet pussy, I gasp as I let the glorious feel of it overcome me and throw my head back, letting the pharaoh have his way. With his arms he throws me up and down, sliding my cunt on his huge dick. "My pharaoh," I moan.

He turns us around and rests me against the wall as he fucks me. The coarse stone grazes my back, but the pain is sweet. I always liked it rough anyway.

"Amelia?" Jordan's startled voice echoes across the cavernous chamber and we both stop. Even the pharaoh looks startled, and then a look of fury sweeps across his face. "What the fuck?"

"I'll kill this pest!" Raemkai roars as he's still inside me.

"No, my lord!" I gasp to the mummy. "He's a friend." My new lover turns to me, confused.

Jordan steps across the chamber, looking for his dagger, but it fell somewhere when he was thrown against the wall earlier. "Are--Are you fucking the mummy?"

"You don't understand," I yell across the room. "It's the curse of Raemkai, we have to fuck our way out of here if we want to live!" I totally made that up, I just wanted to fuck this magnificent pharaoh, but when I saw Jordan wake, a dirtier, bolder thought came to mind...

I can see the plethora of thoughts running through Jordan's head right now, it's written all over that confused face, but that gaze lingering on me as I'm naked with another man inside me. I whisper into the pharaoh's ear. "He's a friend. He will help us." And the mummy turns around, looking almost as confused as Jordan, but is quicker to accept.

I am his goddess, after all. His Hathor.

"This is crazy!" Jordan yells.

A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth, and I bite my lip. "Don't act like you don't want it. I see the way you look at me." Then my eyes drop to his bulge, it's getting larger, like a little snake trapped down his trousers. "Now come here big boy."

I get off the pharaoh and then command him to fuck me from behind, doggy style. While he's doing that, I'll be busy milking the cum from Jordan's balls. We get on an ancient, jewelled couch in the corner of the chamber, one of many items of furniture that was to go with the pharaoh into the afterlife. Looks like he's going to get some good use out of it now.

"How are you commanding him?" Jordan asks, still not taking his clothes off.

I get on my knees on the soft couch with its lilac cushions. "Never mind that now, I told you we have to fuck our way out of here. Now get those trousers off."

The hint of a smile almost makes it on his face, and I'm sure I saw his eyes light up a little, but Jordan's still trying to act like he has to do this, not that he wants it. But I know better. He unbuckles his belt and lets his half-erect cock fall out of his trousers. It's not nearly as big as the pharaoh's, but not small either. It might be a refreshing change, I couldn't get the pharaoh's dick in my mouth in its entirety, but I'll be able to deep throat Jordan with ease. I grab it and massage it with twisting motions to help him get it up. As I do that, the pharaoh enters me from behind. Another high-pitched gasp escapes me as he thrusts. Fuck, it's so big.

Jordan's dick stiffens like an iron rod, and I take it into my mouth as the pharaoh smashes against my ass from behind with his powerful thrusts, pushing Jordan's dick further into my mouth. Each thrust sounds like a heavy slap, ringing across the dark, wide chamber. Now they're both groaning with pleasure, I wonder which will come first. The pharaoh's been going at it longer, but he shows no sign of slowing down, while Jordan's moans are getting louder.

With my hand I keep twisting it as I suck, wanting to milk his balls dry. Copious amounts of pre-cum drip into my mouth, and I savour the taste as I bob my head up and down on his cock.

The three of us moaning rises to a crescendo of hedonistic pleasure in the time-lost chamber. "Come inside me, my lord!" I yell in the pharaoh's tongue. Jordan seems to pause a moment as he wonders what I say, then eagerly shoves his dick back into my throat.

The pharaoh clutches my hips with a firm grip, his nails digging into my tender flesh with a sweet pain and pulls my body onto his cock with each thrust. "You will have my seed, my goddess."

Each thrust gets more powerful, only fuelling the furnace that is my plump pussy. The tingles creep up inside me, and I can't help but moan louder. It feels so good I have to stop sucking Jordan's cock because it's becoming too distracting. Jordan takes matters into his own hands, masturbating into my face, about to shower me with his cum.

"My lord!" I cry as the orgasm flares up within my body, coming at me like a tidal wave of tingly pleasure, racing through my blood. My shrieks of pleasure bounce across the walls like a banshee's wail. The pharaoh keeps pounding away at me all the same.

Jordan's hand moves faster as he groans, his dick wafting rapidly in my face, and then he gasps. A shower of his stringy fluid shoots at my face, glazing down my cheeks and lips. I lick up what I can and swallow, smiling as I do so while the rest of the warm, gooey fluid drips down my face.

The pharaoh thrusts away at me until he roars out with pleasure. He then slowly stops, thrusting just a little longer to make sure all of his come is inside me, then lets his dick fall out of me. His seed runs down my leg and I fall onto the soft cushions in sheer ecstasy between the two men.

Raemkai lies down, wrapping his huge arm around me, and I rest my head on his chest. "My Hathor," he whispers, running his fingers through my hair. "You are as magnificent as I had imagined you, the centuries lying in wait of your coming were worth it."

Jordan awkwardly throws his trousers back on, looking at me with a strange glance. "Is the curse lifted, can we leave?"

I smile, nodding.

"Are you coming?"

"I don't know," I say, looking at him and then to my pharaoh. In the outside world, I'm Dr Amelia, the archaeologist. But down here, in the time lost depths of the Valley of the Kings, I am a goddess of love, joy, and pleasure. "I think I'll stay a little longer."

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

From a man's point of view, a sensual woman is not opposed to finding pleasure. She is not shy. A slut is a woman with no sense of self-worth and has no discrimination. She lives for sex and will have it with anyone. I don't think your heroine is a slut...

claudiogerkoniclaudiogerkoni2 months ago

oh how I love it!

hope to read more soon ;)

SummoreSummore3 months ago

I loved this story Julia and the way that you write keeps the momentum going beautifully. It reminded me a little of the description of Howard Carter when he first knocked a hole in the doors of the treasury room of Tutenkhamun. Given that the Valley of the Kings has been so extensively surveyed, I think that the story could have been enhanced slightly if you were to crack a hole in the door of the pharoes tomb rather than just walk in. It's just a really minor point but this still rated five stars from me! Please give me more!

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