Smartphone Spellbook Ch. 07

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Ethan changes Ruby and Vex schemes.
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Part 7 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/07/2020
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Ethan smiled as Ruby sucked his dick. It had become their new morning routine, she'd make breakfast, they'd eat, Anna would leave and Ruby would suck his cock. After a week it had got to the point where he didn't even need to ask anymore, she just did it as soon as Anna left the room. Ethan had debated fucking her over the table, he was sure she would be more than willing, but he wanted to wait. He wanted his first time fucking her because she offered herself to him freely as his pet. A goal which Vex claimed he was close to achieving, although she had other plans in mind too.

One of which was a potion, something she assured him he would enjoy. He was waiting on a final ingredient which had been harder to get hold of than he thought, but he had finally tracked it down online and was waiting for the delivery.

Ethan groaned as he came hard down the back of Ruby's throat. He had discovered she had a talent for deepthroating and apparently enjoyed it as every time he thrust down her throat, she began to masturbate even harder. It seemed she had a few kinks of her own. Just as she moaned and shuddered in orgasm, the doorbell rang. Ethan stood up, leaving Ruby panting for breath under the table as he answered the door.

He signed for the delivery and returned to his bedroom. The spell bowl was on his desk, the rest of the potion already mixed. He opened the package, it was branches of the Dragons Blood tree. He plucked one of the leaves, dropping it into the potion and watching the brown liquid glow purple before turning clear. He poured the contents into a glass.

"Now what?" He asked Vex.

"Tell Ruby to drink it," she replied.

"And what will it do? I don't appreciate you not telling me."

"It'll just help her where she is lacking, trust me," Vex replied. Ethan sighed, he didn't like her not telling him things, but he knew that trying to persuade her to tell him would be a waste of time.

"How much should she drink?" Ethan asked.

"All of it should do," Vex answered.

Ethan went downstairs and found Ruby. She was back on her feet and cleaning up from breakfast, something she would never have done before. Ethan walked up behind her and grabbed her ass. She turned around looking furious at him and he chuckled. She'd happily suck his cock every morning, but still despised him as a person.

"The fuck do you want?" She snapped.

"Drink this," Ethan ordered, holding up the glass. She took the glass and began to drink without question. Ethan watched as she drained the glass and handed it back to him. Suddenly her hands shot to her chest. Her almost flat breasts began to swell, growing larger and larger, filling her hands before becoming too big to contain in them.

Ethan watched in fascination as they ballooned outwards. Ruby was looking confused and horrified as her tits continued to grow. They finally stopped when they reached the size of small watermelons.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Ruby yelled as she stared at her new chest.

"Calm down," Ethan commanded. Ruby instantly seemed to relax at his command.

"But how?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it, just be happy with them and if anyone asks how you got them, just say you don't know it just happened," he commanded again.

"They are great," Ruby replied, a smile spreading across her face as she cupped her new breasts. Ethan looked at them, they were round and perky, the nipples standing proud and erect. Despite their size, they seemed to defy gravity as they hung from her chest with no sag at all. Another bonus to the potion he assumed.

Despite recently having his dick sucked, he found himself growing hard at the sight of Ruby's magnificent chest. He sat down and smiled over at Ruby who was ignoring him and playing with her boobs, grabbing them and dropping them, making them bounce.

"Come and give me a boob job," Ethan commanded. Ruby looked over and saw him sat with his erection in his hand. She moved towards him and kneeled down. She took his cock in her mouth, coating it in saliva and lubricating it before placing it between her breasts.

She cupped her breasts and pressed them around his hard shaft before beginning to bounce them up and down. She tits felt amazing around his cock, the flesh soft and silky smooth. She started panting, Ethan couldn't tell if it was from the effort she was putting in or if she was getting aroused, so he reached down and pinched her nipples. She paused her movements and moaned as he gently tugged on them. It seemed the potion had also increased her sensitivity.

Ethan let go and looked down at her and she dutifully continued massaging his cock in the canyon of her breasts. To his surprise, she leaned forward and began licking and sucking the tip each time it breached the top of her tits. He groaned and felt his balls begin to tighten. Ruby seemed to sense this and picked up her movements.

Ethan began to thrust into her chest as he reached his orgasm. With a loud grunt, he emptied his load over her tits, a couple of spurts reaching up and landing on her face while the rest coated her pale flesh. Once his orgasm subsided, Ruby reached down, scooping the sticky fluids from her chest onto her finger. She looked him dead in the eye as she brought her finger to her mouth and sucked it clean.

"Such a slut..." Ethan chuckled.

"Fuck you," Ruby replied. Despite the anger in her eyes, she scooped another load and licked her finger clean. She didn't know why she was doing it, she just knew she wanted to despite being mad at Ethan. She had no clue it was because Ethan desired it that she was doing it.

Ethan stood up and stretched before returning to his room. He picked up Vex and lay down on the bed, talking to her as her image moved around on screen. Since he had started generating so much power for her, she had decided she much preferred appearing on the screen than just being a disembodied voice.

"That was a good potion, although why didn't you tell me what it did? It's not like making her tits bigger was a huge shock," Ethan asked.

"No, but you might have figured out the other problem you just created, which I'm going to leave you to figure out how to solve," Vex replied.

"What problem?"

"The fact Ruby now has much larger breasts, which I assume you just commanded her to accept having. The problem is, what will Anna say when she notices her daughters breasts have grown massively since breakfast?"


Vex was right. Ruby could be commanded to accept pretty much anything at this point and she'd rationalise it away as just a thing she shouldn't question. Anna on the other hand, she wasn't under the influence of any spell except the one keeping her naked. She would definitely notice and ask questions.

"So, what's the plan?" Vex asked.

"I don't know. Shit, you could have warned me and then maybe I'd have thought of something first!"

"I could have, but where is the fun in that. Besides, consider this a test. If you're going to have magic, you're going to have to keep it a secret. I'm curious how you'll achieve that."

"What if I just told her about magic?" Ethan pondered.

"Which part of keep it secret did you just not understand? The keep? The it? or The secret?"

"Oh come on, I trust Anna."

"You might, but what if she slips up? Accidentally mentions it to the wrong person or someone overhears? Trust me, I've seen this happen plenty of times. Unless you can guarantee their silence, you can't tell anyone."

"I could put her under the same spell to obey me as Ruby, I should have the things to create another idol."

"You could, but why not just use the same spell you want to use to enslave Ruby on Anna too?" Vex suggested.

"You think I'm ready?"

"Yeah, you have more than enough power now," Vex replied.

Ethan paused and pondered a moment. He had never planned on enslaving Anna, he had only wanted to do it to Ruby as pay back for how she had treated him all these years. Now though, the idea of having them both under his total control made his cock twitch with excitement.

"What do I need to do?" He asked finally.

It took another two weeks to get everything ready. Some of the ingredients were rare and expensive. Ethan didn't actually have enough to pay for it all and had had to command Ruby to give him some money, which she had done without question. Having her so receptive to his requests was fun, but he had grown annoyed by how grumpy and hostile she could still be towards him.

He shook the ache from his wrist. He had been mashing ingredients together in the spell bowl for almost an hour and it had begun to hurt. He was almost done though, if he had everything right, all that was left to do now was add some blood. All that was needed was a drop from him and from Anna.

He had decided to do Anna first as she posed the most risk. He had spent the last week ordering Ruby to avoid Anna at all costs and keep her breasts hidden, which hadn't been easy. Getting her blood had been tricky as it needed to be fresh. So that morning he placed a piece of glass inside one of her shoes. When she put it on to go to yoga, it had cut her foot. From there, he had simply retrieved the paper towel she had used to stem the bleeding.

He didn't feel the slightest built of guilt for hurting her, something he would have done before this all started. Now though, he was far more excited about what he was doing than caring about how he did it. He hummed to himself as he picked up a needle and pricked his finger. He squeezed a drop of blood into the bowl and then threw in the bloodied paper towel.

With one final mix he recited the spell that Vex had taught him. He felt his head swim as the mixture in the bowl glowed purple. He watched as it grew brighter and brighter before blinking out of existence, leaving the bowl completely empty. His head swam and he blacked out.

Ethan woke up a short while later to find Vex standing over him, looking a little concerned. She actually smiled when she saw him stir and vanished back into the phone.

"Well, that was dramatic," she chuckled.

"What happened?" Ethan asked groggily.

"You hit your limit and I mean really hit it. Perfectly in fact. If you had used any more magic, you'd have burned out your soul and died."

"I thought you said I was ready!"

"It's been four hundred years since someone has used that spell, excuse me for being a little off on knowing how much magic it'd require. Besides, you didn't die did you? Next time you'll be fine, give it a day or two and your soul will recover and be even stronger than before."

"Alright, but next time there's a risk of me dying, warn me."

"I shall."

Ethan looked at the spell bowl and remembered what he had just been doing. The spell he had just cast should have bound Anna to him. It was the ultimate spell of control, she'd be unable to resist anything he told her. He could control not just her body, but her mind too. Anything he told her would become real, if he told her she believed he could time travel, she'd believe it without question.

He smiled and stood up, walking down the hall to Anna's bedroom. He opened the door without knocking and found her reading on her bed, totally naked as usual. She smiled as he entered. Ethan wasn't sure what he was expecting, she seemed totally normal, for a moment he wondered if the spell had worked at all.

"Come here," he said. Anna instantly jumped off the bed and walked over to him. "Kneel."

Anna knelt down in front of him. She looked up at him with a slightly confused look on her face. Ethan grinned.

"From now on you are my slave. You will do everything I command, you won't question anything I tell you to do and you will enjoy every moment serving me. Serving me makes you happy, there's nothing you enjoy more in life than seeing to my every need," he told her. He hadn't planned on that, but once he started, the words came flowing out.

"Of course master," Anna replied. Ethan wasn't expecting that, but he liked the way it sounded.

"Yes, I am your master," he confirmed. "Now, you may not have realised, but I have magic. I have been using it on you and Ruby, but you don't mind, in fact you like the idea of me using my magic on you. You aren't surprised I have magic, or even that curious about it and you are forbidden from ever telling anyone about it."

"Yes master," Anna replied. She genuinely didn't seem to care he had just told her he had magic or that he had used it on her. Ethan smiled as an idea to see just how much he could control her formed in his mind.

"Get on the bed."

Anna stood and walked over to the bed.

"From now on, whenever I say the word pineapple, you will cum instantly, harder than any time you've cum from us fucking before."

Anna looked at him expectantly.


Anna's eyes instantly rolled back as she flopped back on the bed, her body shaking as she moaned loudly as one hand delved between her legs and the other grabbed her breast. Her back arched and her legs quivered before clamping together as her orgasm exploded through her core.

Ethan watched her tremble before finally relaxing. He had just made her cum with just a word. Anna lay there breathing hard, looking at him with a look of bliss on her face. He wanted to stay and play with his new slave, but he was tired. Nearly dying had really drained him.

He left Anna in her room and returned to his with his eyelids feeling like they each weighed more than a bus. He barely made it to his bed before collapsing onto the mattress and instantly falling asleep.

The next morning he awoke to find Anna between his legs, his cock in her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down. He didn't question it, instead he just lay back and enjoyed the feeling of her hot wet mouth pleasuring his cock. The smell of hot coffee wafted over his nose and he looked to the side to see a fresh cup sitting by his bed. A blowjob and a hot cup of coffee, he could get used to waking up like this.

"Deep throat me," he lazily told Anna. Within seconds, her nose was pressing against his stomach as she gagged on his cock, but didn't relent. She slid his cock in and out of her throat and Ethan felt himself quickly approaching orgasm. He grabbed her head just as his cock swelled and pulled her downwards, trapping his entire length inside her throat as he came hard.

He felt the muscles in her throat massaging his cock as she desperately tried to swallow his load. Her eyes watered from the effort, but she didn't resist until he finally let her go. She pulled back and gulped down breaths of air before grabbing his cock and sucking and licking the head clean.

"That was a nice surprise," Ethan said casually as she cleaned him. She pulled his clean and softening cock from her lips with a slight pop.

"I just want to serve you well master and I thought you would enjoy waking up this way," she replied, kneeling in front of him on the end of his bed.

"I did, you did well," Ethan replied. Anna smiled proudly at the compliment.

"Ruby is downstairs preparing breakfast, but I can bring it here if you would prefer?"

"No, that's alright, we'll go downstairs. I still want Ruby to think things are normal for the next couple of days," Ethan replied.

"As you wish master, might I add her new breasts look wonderful, I assume that was you?" Anna asked.

"It was," Ethan replied. Anna nodded and stood up, gracefully stepping from the bed and going downstairs. Ethan grabbed his coffee and followed her, his eyes glued to her tight ass as they descended the stairs. He was looking forward to having both of the women under his control. He wished he didn't have to wait another day to cast the spell on Ruby, but he didn't fancy dying so he had no choice.

Breakfast was laid out on the table, pancakes, strawberries, syrup and orange juice. That was one thing Ethan couldn't deny about Ruby, she made damn good pancakes. They sat and ate breakfast together and Anna left as usual. Ruby got down on her knees in front of Ethan as usual and he smiled at her.

"Not today," he said.

Ruby's brow furrowed a little as she looked at him confused. He debated telling her that Anna had already taken of him, but instead just stood up and left. He briefly glanced at Ruby and noticed she looked somewhere between confused and maybe even a little disappointed. After all, she did get off whenever she sucked his dick in the morning too, maybe she had come to actually look forward to it.

"So, things are going well?" Vex asked, making Ethan jump as she was sprawled out on his bed.

"Why are you out of the phone? Doesn't that use up your power?" Ethan asked, flopping down in his chair.

"Yes, but I was bored and I've spent so long in there I needed to get out for a bit. Besides, you're generating plenty of power, soon I'll have enough to break free of that fucking thing."

"What do you plan to do when you're free?"

"I don't know. Things will have changed a lot since I was in there, I have no idea about other demons and who is currently running things, so I'll have to find out about that first."

"Running things?"

"Yeah, demons have a hierarchy. Most ignore it and that's fine, usually whoever is in charge is only interested in power, which they get from their followers and create their own sort of army, but if you aren't interested in joining them and don't get in the way, they'll leave you alone."


"But sometimes you get one who wants to dominate everyone. They want all demons to serve them, to be the ruler everyone bows down it. There's only been a couple like that in my life time, but they're a pain the ass. Truth is, most demons want to just live in peace."

"But if everyone starts following them, how have they been defeated?"

"Usually they push things too far, they get greedy and start demanding too much. At which point their followers turn on them and a rebellion happens. Remember the fires of London? You've read about that right? Well, that was spillover from the last war. Luckily I was trapped inside that book so I avoided that one."

"So why do they do it if they know eventually the others will turn on them?"

"Because they think they can control everyone. It'd take a demon of immense power to really rule the others. One so powerful that even the combined forces of the rest couldn't defeat them. There's never been one that powerful, but they like to think they are."

"Huh, interesting..."

"Anyway, I should get going. Unless you want to have some fun...?" Vex purred, stroking her hardening cock. Ethan looked at it and looked at her, knowing what she meant.

"No thanks," he replied dismissively.

"You're no fun, you know that? One day you'll say yes," Vex grinned before vanishing back into the phone.

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AndreAIXIDORAndreAIXIDOR8 months ago

I agree on the anna part, the breast although I think small suited her more I think it's good it's a mark of the power of Ethan

Now something I was wondering is it possible that he isn't recovering his soul but consuming instead? This could explain his lack of emotions and care toward others

Lord_JohnnyLord_Johnnyover 1 year ago

Agreed. There is something vetter about willing service.

LooselyhumanLooselyhumanabout 2 years ago

I also didn't enjoy MC making Anna a slave, nor him falling contentedly into something like megalomania. Although, the veiled warning about megalomaniacal demon kings was interesting.... Also, you kind of ruined Ruby for a lot of us. Ridiculous breasts are ugh, but more importantly, her having small breasts was a great compliment to her shitty/fiesty attitude.

gkrishnagkrishnaover 2 years ago

Agree with the Anon, kinda disappointing (and boring) to see Anna turned into another slave. With Ruby at least it felt like she deserved it, Anna was cooperative enough and nice enough already.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I'm kind of disappointed he turned Anna into a brainwashed slave, she was already dtf and seemed like a pretty cool chick.

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