Something's Different About Mary 04


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George used his fingers to wipe Mary's hair away from her face, "If you want, I would be happy to get back in and let you come get me out." Seeing his attempt at levity failed he said, "I'm sorry, bad joke." He kept caressing her face as he said, "If you want to talk about it, you will find I have a good ear or shoulder to cry on."

Mary looked at him, really looked at him and realized he did want to hear her without judging. "Ever feel like you're on the outside looking in?" She gestured with one hand up to the second floor, "Right now, there are four people making mad passionate love to each other. I could walk up and open the door and all four would turn and try their very best to make me happy because I have made them happy with their needs and passions." She looked at him as a tear rolled down her cheek, "But I don't fit in George. The more I try the emptier I feel inside."

George nodded "I understand that feeling." He wiped the tear from her cheek and looked at the tear drop on his fingertip. "You see before you a man who loves high heels, wears them every moment he can and admires them on others." He looked at her and said, "You asked me before why I added the hidden programming. Looking down he said softly, "I made it so one day I could change a woman to accept me as I am."

He looked at Mary, "You asked me if I tried it and I said no." Shaking his head he held up his hands, "I did try it... on my best friend." He looked at Mary; "I wanted Steve to accept me as I am, and not the veneer he saw." He sighed as he looked down, "I then used the extra programming to have Sue accept me as I am."

Mary got up and sat down on the floor facing him. When he did not look up and face her she raised his head, "But it worked, I was there when Steve called you. He told me you were the one who turned him on to high heels and had the most beautiful feet in the world." She frowned, "Be that as it may, how does that tie in with my problem?"

George looked into Mary's eyes, "Because even after all that I felt empty." He looked away, "That was until tonight when I met you."

Mary shook her head, "That's the program speaking George."

He shook his head, "No Mary. I will admit I want nothing more out of life than to spend it at your feet worshiping you and them. But, I wanted that even before we went up to see the game going on upstairs." He bent forward and kissed her tenderly, "All the system did was allow me to admit it to you." He looked at her and suddenly understood Mary's problem. "You haven't been in it have you."

Mary shook her head and said in a small voice, "No..."

Standing he offered her his hand, "Come with me." Pulling her to her feet, George wrapped his arm around hers and led her downstairs. Standing at the console he looked at her not speaking. When Mary made no move to turn it on, he activated it and pulled up the menu.

Looking at her Gorge said, "Show me what settings you used on everyone please." Mary moved closer and walked through the process of setting latex and high heels at nine. "The hidden menu?" he prompted.

Mary looked down and typed in submission and set it at nine also before looking at him. "There, that is what I set for everyone," she said softly. She made a move to get into the system when he stopped her. Looking back at him she asked, "What?"

George looked at the console and then Mary, "A few things to change if I may suggest." Pausing to gather his thoughts he plunged in, "First you cannot be submissive, Mary. You have several people counting on you to guide them in their lives. So that needs to be set at zero. Also, your confidence needs to be boosted from a three up to a..." he looked at her and finally said, "eight." Smiling he added, "Don't want you so cocky that you will not take advice."

Mary nodded, "But wouldn't submissive being set at a zero make me a tyrant?"

George shook his head, "No, it will at most make you a natural leader, used to giving orders and comfortable in the position you find yourself in now." He smiled, "That my dear is why you are unhappy." He blushed, "Would it be okay if I add in a thing for nylons and feet?"

Mary looked at him, "Why? Do you want to have me use my feet to stroke you off?" His limp cock grew and soon was standing at attention. She smiled, "If that will make you happy then please do."

Once George had made the final changes he looked at her, "Okay it's ready for you."

Mary looked at the open door of the system and back at him, "You won't change anything once I am in?"

George shook his head, "No Mary. Not only will I not mess with it, I will sit here and wait for you to come out." He smiled, "Am I correct in guessing the four units are for you?" Catching her blush, he said, "I have an idea for some program changes I want to work out while waiting for you. If you want, I will be glad to make them or any others you wish."

Mary nodded, "I can't wait to see them." Stripping out of her clothes, she handed him her shoes and said, "Would you do me two favors?" George stared at the shoes and nodded. "Would you wear your shoes for me when I get out? And would you like to take care of these for me while I am inside?"

George looked at her as if she had just given him his first puppy. "Of course..."

Crawling in Mary positioned herself and looked up at him, "I hope this works."

George leaned in and stroked her cheek, "It will Mary. I am sure of it."

Mary didn't know what to expect other than a menu showing different game choices. Instead of that she found herself sitting on a throne and ruling over others as they completed missions she gave them. When they completed them to her satisfaction, she felt pleasure. When they failed the pleasure went away only to be replaced with frustration.

About fifteen minutes into the game, one of the characters not only failed, but failed miserably. Mary felt an anger sweep through her and found a whip in her hand. As her hand flayed his back the anger dissipated. After he was carried out another character entered fulfilling his mission. She was so pleased that she held out her foot for him to worship. The feeling of his hands and mouth on her shoe sent shots of pleasure rocketing through her body.

From then on, every time someone would do something right they would be rewarded by being allowed to worship her with their hands and mouth. At some point Mary found herself dressed in glorious latex with nylon underneath. The feeling was more erotic than the latex alone and every movement excited her sexually.

The failures were punished harshly. She worked up ways to punish someone, like not allowing them to orgasm. Or watch while bound as one after another would worship her and orgasm. Sometimes all it took was her to say, "I am disappointed in you," To reduce them to tears. That feeling of control also excited her. The stronger her hold, the more submissive her players were, the more she became excited sexually.

Finally, a man looking a lot like George walked up and asked, "Who are you?"

She looked at him wondering why he was not groveling. "Mary and who are you to question me?"

He shook his head sadly, "Wrong answer... You are Lady Mary, Mistress of all who you desire." He faded out and the screen overhead started flashing pictures of her dominating various people as the voice whispered to her.

Mary lost track of everything as her mind was pealed like an onion. The whispering words became her own voice telling her what she had forgotten. She was a latex dominatrix and her place was to lead. She loved shoe and foot worship, bondage, latex and of course nylon.

The pictures stopped, and the man walked in "Who are you?"

"Lady Mary, your Mistress and owner." She said confidently.

The man smiled and kneeled before her. Resting his head on the floor he said, "Correct answer, simulation complete."

The next thing Mary knew the door to the chamber opened and George was looking down at her. "How do you feel Mary?" he asked as he helped her out of the chamber.

Mary looked around and then back at him, looking him over she saw bright red four-inch pumps on his feet, "My name is Lady Mary and I feel much better." She pulled him to her and kissed him hard, "I'm glad you wore your heels for me." Tilting her head slightly she added, "Because you helped me find myself, I will not claim you as mine... yet." Her hand trailed down his chest and grabbed his erect cock. Looking him in the eye as her hand slid up and down his cock she added, "But we both know you are my slave and I am your latex dominatrix."

George gulped and looked down, "Yes Lady Mary," as his cock twitched in excitement.

Mary smiled and raised his head with her free hand. "Now George, I am going to shower. While I am showering, you will bring my heels; find a pair of nylons, garter belt, and latex to wear. Then when I get out, you will dry and dress me." She kissed him tenderly and added, "Then you will tell me your idea for programming changes as I torment your body with my nylon covered feet." She smiled slightly, "And when I finally allow you to orgasm, you will be mine. You want that don't you?"

George nodded as he looked at her. Finally, Mary's smile slid off her face and he realized she was expecting a spoken answer, "Yes Lady Mary."

Mary smiled again, "Good boy." As she turned she added, "If you please me enough, perhaps I will make you my dresser." Stopping at the door she turned and looked back at him, "Just think about it George, every morning waiting outside my shower to dress me and getting your reward before going to work." Without waiting for an answer Mary turned and went up to shower.

George watched Mary walk out. When she was gone, he said softly, "I would like that; I would like that very much."

Mary walked through the house and up to the second floor. She needed a shower to wash off the salty water from the system. Other than realizing she should be called Lady Mary, she didn't feel any different. When she walked into the master bedroom on the way to the shower she stopped and looked at the four latex clad bodies lying together in an orgy of pleasure. Finally, she said, "Who's wining?"

It was Steve who looked up at Mary and answered, "Baby Girl is Mistress. He looked down at Sandy and caressed her stiff form. "She has the best control of anyone I have ever met." He looked at Julie and added, "Julie fell on the first round while Sue made it to the fifth before crying out her pleasure."

Julie looked at him and then noticed Mary, "It's not my fault Mistress...I had to sneeze."

Mary looked at her and frowned, "It seems of all my latex slaves that you are the trouble maker. You may contemplate your fate while I am showering." Julie's look of fear gave her a warm feeling all over as she went into the bathroom and closed the door.

George walked in to the bedroom just as Mary gave a woman a warning of impending punishment. He saw her put her face in her hands and start crying. As everyone started to comfort her he said to Steve, "What was that all about?"

Steve looked up and saw George dressed in nothing but high heels and said, "Mary just dressed down Julie for sneezing." He looked towards the bathroom, "I have never seen her like this."

George looked at Steve and then the three women, two of which were hugging the third who was acting like her puppy had just been run over. He looked towards the bathroom and said, "That was my doing..."

Steve stood up and walked over to him. Taking George by the arm he led him out of the room and said softly, "I noticed Mary was wet..." His eyes got large as the pieces fell into place in his mind. "George, what did you do," he asked with alarm in his voice.

George looked at Steve and saw fear and anger. Looking away he said, "I have to get Lady Mary's clothing." He started to move away when Steve grabbed him by the arm.

Steve saw Sue, Sandy, and Julie come to the door and look at them. Ignoring them he said, "George you have been my best friend since college, but so help me if you don't talk to me I will make you wish you were dead."

From behind him he heard Julie say, "Lady Mary?"

George looked back at Sue and the other two women before turning to Steve, "Lady Mary was having a crisis. She didn't feel like she fit in here," He let out a soft bark of laughter, "I know how that feels." Looking at the one crying woman he added, "I went through the same process as you in the system." He looked at Steve, "All of it just so I could fit in here." He looked away and said in a profoundly sad voice, "When I got out, instead of Mistress welcoming me with love and latex, I found her in the living room curled in a ball and crying." Looking back at them he said, "I had to help her, help her find her place... Don't you understand her tears were like acid burning my soul."

Susan came forward and hugged George, "Oh you poor baby..."

Julie looked at the others, "We failed Mary... I failed Mary. She needed help and we were too busy with pleasure to help her." She looked at the others, "what do we do to make it up to her?"

Sandy thought for a moment, while she didn't understand everything going on, she knew what to do. "We beg forgiveness for neglecting her needs when Lady Mary comes out of the shower." She looked at the man wearing high heels and added, "And find our brother some proper latex to wear."

As the others nodded in agreement, George felt better about what he did. He looked at the young woman and said, "My name is George by the way."

Sandy blushed, "My name is Sandy, but please call me Baby Girl."

Julie chimed in, "My name is Julie but you can call me mud."


In a dead pan voice Julie replied, "Yes, it seems my name is mud."

Steve tried to hold back his laughter but failed when Susan started snickering. Soon they all were laughing. Getting a grip Steve said, "Let's get you some latex and then help you pull what Lady Mary wants." He looked at Susan, "Do you think you can help George find what Mistress needs while I look though my stuff?"

Susan nodded and took George's hand, "Come on brother, let's get Lady Mary's clothes."

Julie looked at Sandy, "Baby Girl would you help me change into something more fitting for the trouble I am in?" With Sandy's nod the five broke up into their different tasks.

When Mary came out of the shower, George was waiting for her with a towel in hand. She saw that he had dressed in a latex tank top and matching bike shorts. While the black did not go with his red pumps, she let it pass this time. She allowed him to dry her off and then started putting on the clothing he had picked out. Picking up the pantyhose she looked at him, "This is not what I ordered."

George nodded not looking up, "Yes Lady Mary. However, there were not any stockings in the house. Rather than give you nothing, I found the best pair of nylon pantyhose I could and cut the crouch out."

Mary nodded frowning, "Very well, but I expect nylons from now on." She let him finish dressing her including the latex dress and opera gloves. Looking at her reflection she said, "We will dispense with my hair and makeup tonight. But do not let this slacking on my part go to your head."

"Yes, Lady Mary."

When she exited the bedroom, she saw that the others were missing. "Where is everyone?"

George said, "Awaiting your inspection and judgment in the living room Lady Mary."

Mary looked at him and nodded, "Good." She walked down to the living room and found everyone kneeling facing the door. While the others had what they had on when she entered the bedroom, Julie was dressed different. She looked at her lover and saw that Julie was wearing the straight jacket and eyeless hood. Looking at Susan she said, "Was the change of clothes your idea Susan?"

Susan looked down, "No Lady Mary. It was Julie's. She did not know what gag you wanted so we left one off."

Steve looked up and said, "May I speak?"

Mary nodded, "Of course Steve. The day I do not listen to your counsel is the day I hang up my whips."

Steve looked down, "We are all at fault Lady Mary. We should have been there in your time of need. Please forgive us."

Mary sat down and looked at them. "I forgive you." She paused and then added, "Though there will be some changes made." She looked at Sandy, "Baby Girl, since you did such a wonderful job picking out my shoes and Julie's locking boots. I want you to pick out shoes for everyone else. From here on in, you oversee foot wear."

Sandy looked up smiling, "Oh thank you Lady Mary. I will do my best."

Mary smiled back, "I know you will dear." She looked at Steve as she added, "Make sure everyone has at least two pairs of high heels to go with their outfits."

Sandy looked at Steve and said, "Everyone Mistress?"

Mary nodded, "Everyone. Also, I want to make sure the shoes go with the outfit." She paused and then said in a harsh voice, "George front and center!" When George had moved to stand before her she pointed at his shoes, "Now I may not be the world's foremost expert in fashion. But black latex with bright red shoes does not work for me." Looking at Sandy she said, "You did not know that this was your job. But, next time I want the clothing and heels to match."

Sandy gulped, "Yes Lady Mary."

Steve opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself. Mary looked at him and said, "Your brother and sisters all wear high heels for your shoe fetish Steve. Don't you think it is time you accommodate theirs?"

Steve nodded, "Yes Lady Mary." He looked at Sandy and added, "I wear a size eleven men's. If you cannot fit me, then the fault is mine not yours."

Mary looked at Susan, "Baby, will you oversee picking out latex?"

Susan looked up to see who Mary was looking at and smiled, "Of course Mistress." She smiled, "I am sure I can get a discount at the adult store now."

Mary nodded, "Two things though. First, I do not want you to go broke buying everyone latex. Your brothers and sisters should share the cost. Also," She looked at Sandy, "Baby Girl needs something special for winning tonight, a reward." Looking back at Sandy she said, "Something that would go with her name and pigtails."

Susan looked at Sandy and smiled, "Something with a pair of Mary Jane pumps perhaps?"

Sandy nodded and smiled. "Blue?"

Mary looked from one to the other, "I will let you two settle it alone later."

Susan looked back at Mary and said, "Yes Lady Mary."

Raising her voice Mary said, "Julie can you hear me?"

Julie nodded, "Yes Lady Mary."

"Good," Mary replied. She looked at the others and said. "Why don't you Susan, Baby Girl, and Steve head upstairs and start working on clothing. I need to talk to George a bit and then he will join you three."

As they stood Susan looked at Julie kneeling there, "And Julie? Will she be joining us tonight?"

Mary looked at Julie, "No, Julie and I will be spending tonight alone. It is time we had a long and much overdue talk." She looked up at Susan, "However, will you take her up to the spare bedroom and sit her in a chair while waiting for me."

Once Mary and George were alone in the living room she looked him over from head to toe slowly. Seeing him in latex and wearing high heels excited Mary greatly. However, she would not let herself get lost in pleasure. She had to deal with Julie tonight and if she gave in to her needs now, she would never make it to her later. Finally, she looked him in the eyes, "You may worship my shoes and feet while you tell me of your modification ideas."

George felt his heart flutter. Getting down on his hands and knees he started nuzzling Mary's shoes and ankles as he talked. There were times when his mind lost focus on his modifications and Mary had to remind him why he was there. When he had finished he looked at her, "Does those meet with your approval Lady Mary?"

Mary caressed his face with her shoe as she thought. Everyone who entered the system would come out submissive while also needing the feel of latex, high heels and nylons against their skin regardless of what settings were used. "That is a start; however, there are a few other things that need to be added. Love of bondage for one and a lack of inhibitions or willingness to do as I command are two that comes to mind." She smiled as he started sucking on the tip of her shoe. "For example, my Lady's maid should dress the part."