Sometimes Friends Need Love Too

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Helping out husband’s friend after a breakup.
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Authors note: First of all, thank you to all my fans. I now have almost 4800 followers. That makes me the 33rd most favorited author on Literotica

. I don't know how to thank you. I promise to keep writing.

This summer I reread a lot of the comments you have all left me. I thought it might be fun to do a kind of writers meet and greet for my fans.

To do that I will be responding to all your questions and comments in the comment section.

Please keep voting, favoriting my stories, favoriting me as an author, and commenting. It's you who keep me writing. I love waking up to new comments and feedback. I try to answer all feedback.


Tim, my husband, and Brian had been best friends forever. So it didn't surprise me when Brian called and asked if he could crash with us.

Brian's wife had just dumped him for another guy. Brian was devastated, none of us were surprised. They had married three months after meeting. It was a whirlwind romance and wedding.

We all saw the warning signs, he didn't. She drank too much and smoked too much pot, flirted with everyone, and she was quick to spend his money. He was not blameless, after all, he went along with it, but still I felt bad for him.

I was home when the call came in. Tim answered the phone.

"Hey buddy.

Yeah I know.

I'm so sorry.

How does she get to kick you out? Isn't your name on the lease?

Ok,ok, I get it.

I don't know man, Barb and I gotta talk it over.

Let me call you back."

That last line reminded me of why I loved Tim. He wouldn't make this decision without talking to me first. From the conversation I figured Brian wanted to crash here.

Tim hung up and turned to me.

"You hear that?" he asked.

"Yeah, the bitch through him out?" I replied.

"Yeah, I feel bad for him. I mean we all knew it was coming,but stil..." mused Tim.

"I love Brian," I said, "but sometimes he can be so dense,"

"Yeah," agreed Tim.

I thought about it. Tim and I were both 30. We'd been married for three years and bought this house when we got married.

I knew it really wasn't a question, I knew I'd say yes, we had plenty of room and we both loved Brian. Our house was a ranch with a walkout finished basement. The basement had its own bathroom, a guest room and game room with a big TV. Hell, he'd have his own entrance and exit

"Of course he can stay with us, we have the room." I replied. "I wonder how long?"

"I don't know," said Tim. "But I'll call him back. He'll be relieved."

Tim called Brian. It was agreed he'd move in the next day.

I thought about Brian. Handsome and a good job. He should be a great catch for someone, but looking back every woman he dated was a bit on the wild side. I know Brian was raised by his dad. His mom left when he was 11. From what I understood she drank and partied too much.

Brian showed up the next day. He had two suitcases. He was putting the rest of his stuff in storage.

I gave him a hug

"Just put your stuff downstairs in the guest room. The room and bathroom are all yours," I said.

"Thanks Barb," he replied. "I don't know what I'd do without you and Tim . You're great friends. Thank you."

I left him to put his stuff away and went about my housework. Tim would be home soon. I was making dinner.

As I cooked I thought about how having him there would change our lives. Well for one thing, no more running around in my underwear. I was used to running downstairs to get the laundry.

That made me laugh. Brian had seen me in a bathing suit plenty of times. My bathing suits barely covered what they had too. Hell, we'd been naked in a hot tub together. I wasn't a prude. In fact I was proud of my body. At 5'3" and 130lbs. I had a curvy figure, but all in the right places. I kept my hair about shoulder length.

However, no more watching TV in just a T shirt and no panties. I laughed to myself. I wondered how they'd both react if I did. When Tim and I got married he told me 'no panties around the house'. It was kind of a joke between us but it had become one of those little things married couples do just because.

Tim often walked around in boxers. Would that change? Would he want to be shirtless all the time?

I finished dinner just as Tim walked in.

"Hey babe," he said and kissed me on the cheek. "I saw Brian's car out front."

"Yeah he's downstairs putting his stuff away," I responded.

"Oh cool," said Tim and headed downstairs.

They both came back up and into the kitchen in a few minutes.

Brian looked around and saw me cooking.

"Anything I can do to help?" he offered.

I appreciated the offer.

"You guys can set the table if you want," I replied.

The guys went around setting the table. When dinner was ready we all sat down to eat. As usual with Brian, conversation flowed smoothly. We let him complain a bit, but also chatted about other stuff.

After dinner we all settled in to check email and do our own thing. I turned on the TV. I then realized that I wanted to get comfortable.

"I'm going to get out of these clothes and get comfortable," I said as I stood up and headed for the bedroom.

"Lucky us," quipped Tim as I walked away.

"What's comfortable?" asked Brian.

"You wish," I replied to Tim and then to Brian, "I don't know, having you here kind of changes the definition."

"Don't go out of your way for me," Brian replied with a smile.

I wiggled my ass at them and headed into the bedroom to change. I laughed to myself. Wouldn't they be shocked if I did walk out in just a t shirt and no panties. I was surprised because the idea kind of excited me.

I pulled on some workout shorts and a loose T and headed out. Brian had also changed. Also wearing workout shorts and a T. Tim headed to the bedroom. I sat on the couch, picked up my tablet, and started playing online. Email, Facebook, Instagram, messaging friends. You know the drill.

Tim came out of the bedroom in just boxers, I looked at him, as did Brian.

"Well, you look comfortable," I said.

He just looked at me.

"Never mind," I said.

In my head I again wondered why I had to be wearing gym shorts and a T when he can just hang out in his boxers as usual. I mean, I didn't really resent it. I just found it funny. Well, maybe I resented it a little.

We settled down to doing what we were doing. TV, online stuff, just chilling. The next day was a week day so for me bed time came around 10:00.

"Ok guys, I'm off to bed," I said. "Brian, towels and sheets are downstairs. Help yourself to any food. Anything else you need?"

"I don't know," "I've never been kicked out of my home before," he replied.

"I know," I responded, "it sucks, but you're welcome here."

"Thank you, you and Tim are good friends," he replied.

" 'Night," I said as I left the basement..

"G'night," he replied.

As I headed upstairs I looked over. Brian's back was to me and he was taking off his shirt to climb into bed. I have to admit I noticed the muscles. Hey, I'm married not dead. Brian worked out and it showed. I headed to our bedroom.

Tim was in the bathroom. He was naked and brushing his teeth. We always slept naked. I liked the way he looked. He wasn't chiseled like Brian, but he had a nice body. I stepped up behind him and kissed his neck.

"Mmmm," he said. "What was that for?"

"I think it's sweet the way you help your friend. You're a good person and I'm glad I married you," I replied.

Tim turned around and took me in his arms. "I'm glad you married me too," and kissed me.

We made out a bit in the bathroom, finally, I said, "let's go to bed.

I took his hand and led him to the bed. Standing next to the bed I pulled off my t shirt and kissed him again. I think Tim got the idea. His hands slipped to my ass as he pulled me in to kiss me.

"Mmmmm, I love you," I moaned into his mouth.

I felt his thumbs go to the waistband of my shorts. He pushed them down to the floor. There is something sexy about being undressed and I loved it. I stepped out of the shorts and plastering my body against Tim I kissed him. This time my hands on his ass.

Tim scooped me up in his arms and dropped me lightly on the bed. He climbed in beside me. He kissed me again and as he did he had his had on my chin holding my lips to his. It was forceful but not too much. There was urgency in his kiss. I returned the urgency.

His hand slipped to my breast. One hand almost covered my whole breast. He lightly played with my nipple. "Mmmmmm..." I sighed.

I ran my hand down his chest. Tim was about 5' 10". He had a nice chest. I liked the way I fit in his arms. As I slid my hand past his belly he gave an intake of breath. My hand finally reached his cock. As I did I felt his lips engulf one of my nipples. He pulled at it softly. I moaned.

My hand encircled his cock. It was a nice cock, not the biggest I'd had, not the smallest. My hand just fit around it. It wasn't quite hard yet. I could feel it stiffening under my fingers. It always turned me on. That hard pole under such soft skin.

As he played with and sucked my nipples I stroked his cock. His lips went from kissing my lips to kissing my breasts. His hand moved down and found my pussy. I was already wet. He stroked the lips of my pussy as he continued to kiss me.

I was getting hot. His fingers slipped inside me. I moaned again.

He rolled me on my beck and rolled on top of me. I spread my legs as he knelt between them.

"You're beautiful," he said.

"I'm glad you think so," I replied.

He leaned over and kissed me again. Then he reached down and positioned his cock against my wet opening. I raised my ass and tried to get more of his cock into me. He teased me and just kept the tip at the opening.

"Tease," I hissed.

He laughed a little. "Oh? What do you want?" He teased.

"Jerk," I laughed back. "I want you inside me."

"Your wish is my command," he said. He thrust his cock into me.

"I love you," he said as he started to pump his cock in and out of my pussy.

I wrapped my arms and legs around him and pulled him close. "I love you too." I said.

We made love slowly and gently. Tim was an amazing lover. Sometimes I liked it hard, sometimes soft and loving. Tonight soft and loving was perfect.

He thrust his cock deep inside me and then would pull back to where just the tip was barely inside me. When he did that I'd thrust my hips towards him. I wanted him inside me, but I could feel the tip against my pussy. Rubbing my clit. It felt wonderful.

We made love like this for a while. I lost track of time. Soon I felt my orgasm building. It was a slow burn. It started in my toes and radiated through my body.

I pulled him closer. He thrust deep inside me. I wrapped my legs around him and held him there. With his cock filling me up my body shuddered as I came.

He felt the orgasm inside me and responded by cumming in my pussy. I could feel the hot jets against my pussy walls.

We both lay there, holding each other catching our breath. Slowly as his cock softened it slipped out of me. We just laid there together in each other's arms. We fell asleep.

I woke up to the alarm tone. It was a workday after all. Tim was already in the shower as soon as he got out I got in. I dried off and started to get dressed. I got my blouse, bra, and panties on when I remembered my skirt was hanging in the laundry room. I headed out to get it.

Yes, the laundry room is downstairs, you're right, I should have remembered Brian was down there, but I didn't.

Not thinking I walked down the stairs to the basement. As I got to the bottom, the bathroom door opened and out stepped Brian, fresh from the shower and wrapped in a towel.

Our eyes met, then I saw his eyes drift to my panties. All of a sudden I realized I was half naked. I realized I was standing there in a blouse and little string bikini panties.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed. "I totally forgot you were here. I'm so sorry."

Brian laughed, "don't apologize, I could wake up to this view everyday."

I started stammering, "oh, oh,oh. I,I,I I'm jjjjust here to get a skirt from the wash."

"You can come get a skirt anytime," he responded.

I'm sure I blushed. I wasn't sure what to do. Should I just go get my skirt? Should I run upstairs and put on a robe? I mean what's the big deal. I was completely covered. More than I would be at the beach.

I opted for just getting the skirt.

"I'm sorry, I'm just going to get that skirt from the laundry," I murmured.

I went to the laundry room.

Brian laughed, "well, don't put it on for my account."

I put the skirt on in the laundry room.

"Sorry," I said again. "I better go get some breakfast. You going to join us?"

"Be right up," he said and headed to the bedroom to get dressed.

I stood there and watched. I don't know why, I was checking out his hips and ass under the towel.

Then I caught myself. 'What am I doing?' I thought. I realized I was kind of turned on. Being caught like that made my heart beat faster and, truthfully I could feel my pussy reacting to being caught. I headed upstairs.

"Hey there," said Tim. He had coffee made and had started breakfast. He looked at my face. I must've been flushed. He looked at my face. "What's wrong," he asked.

I just blurted out the whole thing. Except the part where I felt a little turned on.

Tim looked at me for a moment. I wasn't sure how he was going to react. Then he burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, that's hilarious," he laughed. Then he added, "I'm sorry, I'm sure you were uncomfortable with what happened, but I bet Brian was really happy. He's always told me how hot you are."

I gave Tim a look, "it's not funny," I said.

He saw that I was a little upset and changed his tone. "I'm sorry baby, but it's not a big deal. First of all, you were more covered than a bathing suit. Second with that body, it's not a sin to show it off. Besides, make Brian a little jealous of me."

"Jealous?" I asked

"Sure, he was always the guy to keep up with when we were younger. Now I've got the perfect wife. I don't mind showing you off," he kinda chuckled.

"Showing me off?" I repeated.

"Sure" Tim said." I know how lucky I am, why not. In fact, it's probably hard for him to see you. Knowing he screwed up, and I have you, and you are so beautiful and sweet. You're his fantasy girl.

"Plus, like I said, he probably got a little thrill. If his marriage broke up he probably hasn't had sex for a while. You've given him something to fuel his fantasies."

"Fantasies?" I repeated like an idiot.

"Of course," he said. "I bet every guy who meets you has some fantasy about you. You're hot."

"Oh come on," I pushed back.

"No seriously," he continued. "You don't see how guys look at you? How they treat you?"

"They're just being nice," I answered. 'Men fantasize about me?' I thought.

"Trust me, they're being nice, but because they want to be close to you," Brian went on.

Just then Brian came up for breakfast. He saw us standing there talking.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said looking at our faces.

"We're just having coffee," I replied.

"And I'm telling her how hot men think she is," Tim threw in.

I gave him a look.

Brian went with Tim. "Well, he's right there. You are hot."

I found myself really liking the attention but wasn't going to admit it.

"I'm too fat to be hot," I said.

"You're not fat, you have amazing curves," said Tim .

Brian agreed.

"Tim's a lucky man," said Brian. "I can see why he likes showing you off."

"Showing me off?" That was the second. Time I'd heard that phrase.

Tim gave Brian a look. Brian missed it.

"You bet," Brian continued. "He's always telling me about a sexy dress or low cut top you're wearing and how men reacted to it. He loves it. I mean in some of your pictures you are amazing."

Pictures? what pictures? I mean Tim has taken pics of me in lingerie and nude, but I doubted he meant those pictures.

I think Brian then saw Tim's face. He tried to catch himself.

"Ummm, after all, what guy wouldn't be proud to be seen with you," he said.

I was left with a lot to think about. I looked at Brian. He kind of looked down. I thought we'd talked about this enough.

"Ok, ok, I'm hot," I laughed. "Let's eat breakfast."

We changed the subject to what our days were going to be and what we were going to do for dinner. Brian Offered to go to the store and pick up some roasted chicken and make a salad. That sounded perfect.

On my way to work I had time to think. Tim likes to show me off? Did he show Brian some of our pictures? The thought made my heart beat faster. I wondered how much Brian saw. Then I'd pull myself back.

Work was no different than the day before, but today I kept on remembering that Brian had seen me in my underwear this morning. I'd wonder what it would feel like for these other men to see me in my underwear. My mind kept going back to the words, 'showing off.' I wondered what pictures Brian was talking about. Truthfully, it was making me horny.

I got home first. Tim got home maybe five minutes later. We were not sure what time Brian would be home. Truthfully, I didn't care, I was horny and Tim was home.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the bedroom. I kissed him passionately.

"Whoa, what's this all about?" he asked.

"Shut up and fuck me," I said.

Like I said, he knows how to make love. He also knows when to fuck. This was definitely a fuck moment.

As we kissed I started to undo his belt. He reached down for the hem of my skirt. As I unzipped his pants he pulled my skirt up around my waist. His hands went to my ass as he pulled me in. I felt his fingers trace my panties.

"So these are the ones you showed off to Brian," he teased.

"Shut up," I said breathlessly and kissed him.

He turned me around and kissed my neck. He unbuttoned two buttons on my blouse and then pulled it off up over my head. I leaned back into him as he kissed my shoulder.

He leaned me forward. I put my hands on the dresser to steady myself. He stuck his hand in my panties and started playing with my pussy. I started moaning. It felt good.

I felt his other hand move. Then I felt his cock against the back of my panties. I pmoaned and pushed back into it.

"What do you want?" Tim asked.

"Shut up," I replied.

"Tell me," he insisted.

"I want to be fucked," I whispered. "I want your cock inside me."

He unhooked my bra and pushed my panties to the floor. His cock positioned itself between my legs.

"What made you so horny," he asked.

"Shut up and fuck me," I repeated.

His hand went to his cock. He bent his knees and positioned it at the opening of my pussy. I moaned, stood on tip toes and bent forward. He slipped his cock into me.

He started fucking me. He had one hand on my hip and the other in the center of my back holding me in position.

He leaned forward and again said, "what's made you so fuckable tonight?"

I didn't know what to say. I moaned in response. I mean what was I going to tell him? I enjoyed being looked at all day? I was thinking about how Brian had seen me in my underwear?

I realized I had always worn skimpy bathing suits. I'd enjoyed being looked at on the beach. Did I like showing off?

My reply was, "fuck me."

He kept thrusting into my pussy. I pushed back in rhythm to his thrusts. It felt good. After a few minutes he pulled out of me. I whimpered when he did. He grabbed me around the waist, turned me around, and pushed me down on my knees in front of him.

The front of his pants had a big wet spot from where my juices soaked him. His cock was standing straight out. I wrapped my hand around it and started sucking it. I got as much in my mouth as possible. I am not a deepthroat queen, but I know what I'm doing. He moaned.