Spy Sisters


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"Hurry up!" Anna yelled.

Two very, very long minutes later, Anna emerged from the closet. She was almost naked. Attached to four straps around her waist was something Selma hadn't expected.

"What do you think?" Anna asked, turning sideways.

The strap-on was way too large at first glance. It was thick and veiny, curving upward almost thirty degrees. On Anna's feminine figure, it looked comically out of place.

"Isn't it a little big?"

"It's as big as Jordan," Anna said, grinning wickedly.

"No..." Selma gasped.

"Yes," Anna purred, stalking toward the bed.

As soon as she was within reach, Selma grabbed the silicone appendage. Her fingers barely fit around it. She tugged at it and Anna let out a squeal and a giggle. The base of the dildo was inside of her sister's pussy.

"You like my cock?" Anna asked.

"Are you sure it's the right size?"

"Yes, it is. Are you scared of your son's big cock, Gwyn?"

"Hey! That is not fair!"

"What if your pussy is too dainty for this beast?" Anna asked, crawling on the bed.

They kissed. A hot, passionate kiss that made Selma forget she was ever married. Anna pushed her and she fell on her back. The shaft pressed against her sensitive region. Letting her weight do all the work, Anna wedged the shaft between Selma's labia. They molded around the ersatz cock, clinging to it while Anna pushed and pulled.

"Fuck me," Selma rasped.

Pulling back, Anna pushed the tip down with her fingertips, positioning it at her hole. It was already coated in copious amounts of juices. She pushed tentatively, probing her sister's hole. Her worries were unfounded. The tip slid right in with barely any resistance, quickly followed by half of the shaft.

"Wow, look at your loose vagina," Anna giggled.

Selma was too enraptured to respond to the barb. The cock inside her was far bigger than any guy she'd ever been with. The only bigger thing that's ever been inside her was Jordan. And now he was coming back.

"Are you cumming already?" Anna asked, looking down at her trembling sister.

*** *** ***

Annoyed, Jordan pulled into the driveway next to Anna's car and got out. Gwyn had been an incredible pain in the ass the entire afternoon. On top of being annoyed about the video, she was annoyed about him leaving early the night before.

It didn't seem possible for her to be any more passive-aggressive but somehow, she had managed it. Every time he asked her what was wrong, she denied it and said everything was great. Then she went back to browsing her phone and ignoring him. He had tried to make a move on her but she just shot him down, saying he needed to rest up.

So he snuck out while she was in the bathroom. His phone had buzzed the entire ride home but he was just so tired of her games. He needed a change of scenery. A quick stop home to eat and then off to see a movie. Anything to take his mind off of Gwyn. And his aunt.

The kitchen was empty. So was the living room. And the garden. Despite both his mother's and Anna's car being there, they didn't seem to be around. Maybe Anna was taking a bath again, he thought and felt the heat rise to his head.

On the way up to his room, he heard something unexpected. It sounded like... moaning. His pulse quickened. Maybe Anna was watching porn again. He followed his ears, leading him straight toward his mother's bedroom.

"Ohh yeah, baby, take it. Take it, you bitch!" Anna shouted.

"Ohhhhh, ohhh, ohhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhh," someone else moaned, sounding muffled.

The door wasn't closed all the way. With trembling hands, Jordan pushed to open it just a crack. His heart hammered in his chest.

There were two women on the bed. One of them was on all fours with her head buried in the blankets, moaning. Kneeling behind her was his aunt, both hands on the woman's hips, thrusting into her with a strapon — incredibly fast. The slapping of her thighs crashing into the poor woman's behind reverberated through the room.

"Oh yeah, that's it, you slut!" Anna shouted and slapped the woman on the ass.

Every time she pulled back, Jordan saw the strap-on emerge a few inches. It was massive. As thick as his own. And the woman just took it at lightning speeds. All of it. His knees went weak. It was nothing like fucking Gwyn. Anna wasn't holding back at all.

"Oh my God this is so good," the woman roared and threw back her head.

Jordan's heart skipped several beats when he saw her face. His mother. Body covered in sweat, breasts jiggling, moaning with wild abandon. His mother. And his aunt. And his mother. And his aunt. Together. Fucking.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Anna saw the door push open an inch. She saw a flash of Jordan's eyes. She had no idea why he was home so soon but it was too late to do anything about it. Full steam ahead.

With both hands, Anna grabbed a fistful of Anna's hair and pulled her head back. Selma gasped sharply and she had no choice but to follow Anna's guidance. Anna tugged until Selma's hands left the mattress and she hovered mid-air.

"You're so hot, mommy," Anna rasped.

"Ohhhh, Jordan," Selma moaned, playing along.

"I'm so glad I dumped Gwyn for you!"

"Yeess, baby," Selma gurgled. "Fuck my cunt with your big cock."

"Oh yes, it's so much bigger than Dad's."

Selma giggled, which turned into a moan.

"Oh no, I'm gonna cum in you," Anna roared.

"Do it, Jordan, do.... ohhhhhhh..."

As soon as her sister started convulsing with her orgasm, Anna let go of her hair. With a high-pitched cry of surprise, Selma went face-first into the blanket. Anna followed, planting her fists beside her sister's breasts. She raised her hips and thrust down, making the mattress bounce.

It was time she had hers. She raised her hips again and brought them down, hard. Up and down with all the strength she had until the fire between her own legs consumed her.

At the very last second, Jordan remembered where he was. He clamped his hand over his tip and shot his first spurt into his palm. A few drops dribbled down before he wrapped his erection into his t-shirt. Only then did he let go all the way and blow the rest of his load.

All without taking his eyes off of the scene on the bed.

Even in the post-orgasmic moment of clarity, he was barely able to comprehend what had just happened. Not only was his aunt fucking his mother but they were roleplaying fucking him. Him! He felt dizzy.

After they both came, things slowed down. Anna slipped off of his mother and the two started kissing. That, somehow, was more obscene than the fucking. They weren't just kissing, they were making out — with tongue and all.

Pulling back into the hallway, Jordan took a deep breath. He was still hard. A large wet spot on his abdomen had formed near the tip. His temples were throbbing. He rushed to his room and closed the door behind himself.

Panting like a racehorse, Jordan was trying to process everything.

*** *** ***

"How long has he been in his room?" Selma asked.

"Two hours," Anna said, looking at her phone.

"When is he gonna come out?"

"I don't know."

It was the dozenth time they had the same conversation. Selma had been mortified when Anna told her that Jordan had watched them fuck. She had been completely unaware of the surrounding world.

And now it was a pivotal moment. If it fell one way, her life would be ruined forever. She had gambled everything she worked so hard for at the drop of a hat, just because her sister blinked her eyes and told her it would be fun. If it fell the other way, however... a ripple of excitement emanated from her nether region just thinking about it.

"We should go in," Anna suggested.

"No!" Selma blurted out.

"It's not like we can make it any worse," Selma said. "It can only get better."

"Or stay the same."

"Either way, it's better to know for sure."

"How do I look?" Selma asked, patting down her hair and straightening her dress.

"Sexy, sultry, sweet," Anna said, kissing her. "Come on, let's go."

Grabbing her big sister's hand, Anna stood up and dragged her up the stairs. The door to Jordan's room was still closed and everything was quiet. Despite her brave exterior, her stomach was a knot of buzzing bees.

But with her sister at her side, she felt like she could do anything. She took a deep breath, raised her hand, and knocked.

No response.

Anna knocked again.

"Maybe he escaped and we didn't hear it?" Selma asked, sounding worried.

Anna grabbed the handle, turned, and pushed in.

Sweat rolled down Jordan's spine. He watched the door open, feeling like he was going to throw up. Anna entered, followed hand-in-tow by his mother. His fingers dug into the sheets and his legs were numb.

"I thought I saw your car outside," Anna said in a pleasant, melodious tone. "Why didn't you say hello?"

Why didn't he say hello? Because the two of them had been fucking. That's why.

"Sor—" he swallowed a lump in his throat "—ry."

"Are you hungry? We were thinking about eating dinner," Anna said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed next to him.

"N—no," he stammered.

His mother sat down on his other side. The mattress descended with the weight of the three of them. Why were they acting like nothing was wrong? Why were they sitting so close?

"Is everything alright?" Anna asked in a husky tone of voice. Her breath tickled his cheek.

"You look a bit flushed," Selma said.

Nothing was alright. He might have changed his shirt and his pants but his cock was still turgid.

"I'm fine," he lied.

"Did you have a fun day with Gwyn?" Selma asked.


"We were really bored here, I'm glad you're back," Anna said.

Why were they pretending like nothing happened? How could they have raunchy sex one second and then be normal the next? How long had they been sleeping together?

"I think he looks handsome," Anna said. She reached up and brushed a lock of hair away from his forehead. "Don't you think so, Selma?"

"My handsome boy," Selma cooed.

It was too much. One more second and he was going to explode.

In less than one second, Anna leaned in, pressing her voluptuous breasts into his upper arm. Her mouth moved close to his ear.

"Did you have fun watching us fuck?" Anna whispered.

"Y—you know?" Jordan stammered.

It was too much for Selma. She started giggling. At last, Jordan moved his head. He whirled to look at her, then at his aunt. Anna was trying so hard not to laugh she was biting her tongue. When he looked back at her, Selma nodded.

"I didn't see anything," Jordan blurted out. "I'm sorry!"

"Don't be sorry, my dear," Anna said, placing one hand on Jordan's thigh.

"I'm dreaming," Jordan said, pinching the inside of his arm.

Selma felt sorry for her son. She had years to get used to fucking her sister and at least a couple of days to consider fucking her son. Jordan, on the other hand, had just about two hours.

"Sorry you found out this way," Selma said quietly.

"Yes, that wasn't our plan," Anna added.

"Plan?" Jordan asked, looking at both of them.

"Yes. Start off easy. Just a friendly hug from your dear aunt... a little too friendly for a nephew. Just to make sure you are the guy for the job. And you are, my sweet boy. You even were nice enough to help poor old me with my computer troubles! Silly me, unable to figure out how to open a program. What a dum-dum I am. I can't believe I just opened my laptop in the bathroom and forgot allllllllllll about the camera. My oh my, what my nephew must have thought, seeing me like that."

"You knew?" Jordan asked realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

"I'm so sorry, Jordan," Selma said, sensing it wasn't going too well. "We didn't mean to hurt—"

On Jordan's other side, Anna leaned in even closer. Her warm lips tickled his earlobe. Her hand moved from his thigh to his crotch, grabbing the outline of his cock through the jeans.

"You wanna fuck me?" she whispered.

"Anna, no!" Selma blurted out.

Everything was too surreal. It couldn't be real. And if it wasn't real, he didn't have to worry about the consequences. And if it was real, there wouldn't be any consequences. Jordan made a decision.

"Yes," he said.

"You do?" his mother asked, surprised.

Anna pounced. She pushed him onto the bed and pressed her lips on his. He was surprised at how sudden it was and it took him a moment to remember how to use his mouth. Her playful tongue dipped inside his mouth. Her hand fumbled at his zipper. He took over, doing it himself.

At last, his cock was free and the pain lessened. He had never felt so hard or so big. Anna broke the kiss, leaving him gasping. She turned to Selma.

"Go ahead. He's your son."

Staring at the monster in front of her, Selma couldn't believe how big it was. If anything, it was even bigger than her sister's strapon had been. Seven monstrous, veiny, uncut, throbbing inches of manhood.

She leaned in and wrapped her lips around the tip, immediately tasting precum and leftover cum. She pushed her lips down his shaft, exploring every bump with her tongue. Musk filled her nostrils, familiar but different. She felt the blood rushing just underneath the surface.

Jordan let out a groan. He looked down his body to see his mother's lips wrapped around his penis. She had three-quarters of it inside of her. Her hair tickled his groin. Gwyn had never even come close to that. That sensation of his cock being enveloped by something warm and wet.

If he hadn't jerked off earlier, he would have already popped.

While her sister was busy blowing that magnificent cock, Anna stood up and pulled her dress over her head. She was completely naked underneath. She moved behind Selma and yanked up her dress, revealing her stunning body to her son.

Grabbing a fistful of Selma's hair, she pulled her sister's head off of his cock. She kissed her sister, tasting her and her son at the same time.

"Are you ready to fuck your mother?" Anna asked.

"Yes," Jordan said.

A shiver ran through Selma upon hearing those words. She watched Anna help Jordan undress and finally guide him to lie in the center of the bed — cock pointing straight at the ceiling. Her knees were weak as she crawled toward him. Her brain was mush as she straddled his stomach.

The hard, throbbing cock pushed into her vagina. She let out a gasp. It was a little bigger than the strapon. And warmed. She relaxed herself and felt it slide all the way in. Anna grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her down even further.

It was better than anything he imagined. Jordan's entire cock was inside of a pussy. It just slid right in, despite the walls hugging his cock tight. It was a sublime sensation.

Anna assisted her sister, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her up.

"Thank yooooooohhhhh," Selm said, turning into a moan. "Ohhhhhh, mmmm..."

Selma squeezed her own breasts. Anna reached around the back and started to rub her clit.

"How do you like your mother's pussy?" Anna asked.

"Oh God, it's so good."

"Do you hear that, my love?" Anna whispered into her sister's ear. "It's soooo good."

"Oh yes, oh yes, it's good..."

It barely took any effort to draw the first orgasm out of her sister. Anna gently bit Selma's shoulder while holding her close and feeling her tremble.

"Ohhhhhhhhh," Selma moaned.

Falling forward, Selma was only dimly aware of her son underneath. She pushed herself up and went for his mouth, kissing him not like a mother but like a lover. He reciprocated hungrily while thrusting inside her.

Anna pushed on her butt and Selma accommodated her, raising her ass. Any other man's cock would have slipped out but not Jordan. He just kept thrusting, his glans sliding along her most sensitive spot. Something wet wiggled between her asscheeks, finding her sphincter.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"

For the second time in a minute, Jordan felt his mother climax. Over her shoulder, he watched his aunt rim his mother. When she was done, he felt Anna's tongue slide down his shaft to his balls. Anna pushed his legs to the side and began gently sucking on his testicles.

"I'm gonna—" he groaned.

Selma pushed down on him and he pushed up. The tip of his cock bumped into a wall, deep inside of her. Her wet, hot labia touched his groin. It wasn't possible for him to be any deeper inside of a woman. All the way from his tip to his base, surrounded by his mother's pussy.

Cumming had never felt so good in his life. A thousand fireworks exploding at once.

Anna waited as long as she could before firmly grasping her sister under the armpits and pulling her off her son. She fell on the mattress beside him, still twitching.

It wasn't too late. The cock in front of her still pulsated and throbbed. She wrapped her lips around it, tasting his seed combined with her sister's essence. An incredibly intoxicating mixture. She opened her mouth wide and pushed down until her nose touched skin. She closed her lips tightly around his base and then dragged upward slowly.

Jordan sucked in air. He couldn't believe it. He had just watched his entire cock disappear in Anna's mouth. It didn't seem possible and yet he felt more than enough proof. Her lips pressed way too tight on his too-sensitive cock.

And then he came again. Not as powerful as the first time but with a lot more sharpness to it. Anna eagerly accepted his offering, sucking every last drop of cum out of him.

"That was amazing," Selma murmured.

"Uh-huh," Jordan groaned.

"I got dibs on next round," Anna said, beaming down at the two of them.

*** *** ***

All evening and well into the night, the house was filled with moans of pleasure and screams of joy. Every room was permeated with the stench of sex. Furniture only existed if it could be used for carnal passion.

After Anna got what she wanted, she told Jordan that from now on, he could do whatever he wanted. Anything he wanted. Any fantasy he ever had but couldn't do with Gwyn, any dirty thought that came up while watching porn, all he had to do was speak it and it would come true.

It was like paradise on earth. He watched the two of them make out. He ate out his mother while getting rimmed. He fucked his mother again. He watched Anna eat the creampie out of Selma's pussy and then kiss her, swapping his load between them until it disappeared. He fucked Anna in the ass. He fucked his mother while Anna fucker her ass with the strapon. He made out with both of them, waiting for his cock to harden. He received a tit job and had every inch of his body licked. He spanked his mother until her cheeks turned red. He made love to his mother, slow and sensuous. He got a lap-dance from each of them. He listened to his mother's instructions on how he could make Anna climax by just playing with breasts, and then he did just that. He coated both their faces in his jizz.

Well after midnight, the three of them found themselves in the living room, lying on the soft carpet. Selma nestled up against her sister's side, one leg hooked around Anna's. Jordan laid with his arms folded behind his head and his soft, tender cock draped over his thigh.

"It still feels like I'm gonna wake up any second and realize it was all a dream," Jordan said.

"I know what you mean," Selma said.

"I worked long and hard enough to make this happen, I have no doubts this is real," Anna said.

"I can't believe you have sex," Jordan said.

Selma giggled.

"We've had sex together since before you were born."

"Really?" Jordan asked, surprised.

"Yeah," Selma confirmed.

"I had sex with your mother while she was pregnant with you."

"I was lonely," Selma sighed.

"And I was crazy for you. Still am."

"I love you, too," Selma whispered, kissing her sister on the cheek.

"This is so weird," Jordan said.

"I love you, too," Selma said.

"And I love you cock," Anna said, laughing.