Star Trek - Klingon Femdom

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Fanfiction - Klingon female mounts human male.
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Klingon: Fearsome humanoid warrior race in the Beta quadrant. Both male and female are bipedal with a sagittal crest, beginning on the forehead and typically continuing over the skull. A Klingon cranium possesses a feature known as the tricipital lobe. On average, Klingons are larger and physically stronger than Humans - their surface body is reinforced with an exoskeleton protecting vital organs and the spinal column, though they possessed a much lower tolerance for cold weather. Compared to their human counterparts, Klingons are approximately 30% larger and heavier. An average adult Klingon male is 6'6" in height and weighs around 320 lbs. An average adult Klingon female is 6'2" in height and weighs at around 250 lbs.

Klingons have different, not fully compatible reproductive organs than Humans. The mating rituals of Klingons are considered by many races to be abusive and violent. Klingon females are nearly as strong and durable as the males, and even among a purely Klingon couple, mating usually results in minor injuries to both parties.

While human males possess 2 testicles, and females 2 ovaries, in Klingons males have 3 testicles, and females 3 ovaries - part of Klingon evolutionary biological redundancy. A Klingon male has a permanently rigid penis with protective scales not unlike the shell of an armadillo. Average length is 12". A Klingon female vagina is a contractible but rigidly ribbed tubule similar to a vacuum cleaner hose. The vaginal ribbing is designed to contract around and interlock with a Klingon male's penis ridges - successful copulation requires genital locking. Once a Klingon penis is locked in intercourse, the Klingon female will secrete several lubricated cervical micro-tentacles which lasso around the head and shaft of the penis to secure the genital locking, increase chances of fertilization by semen filtering, and provide extreme pleasure to the female. These micro-tentacles can extend outside the vagina to guide in a penis and assist in genital locking.

During normal consensual coitus, the Klingon male vigorously thrusts his penis to actually try to break free of the ridge-lock as well as the coils of micro-tentacles. The out-strokes provide stimulation along the head of the penis necessary for ejaculation. Reciprocally, the in-strokes of the penis head against the ganglia of micro-tentacles can produce orgasm for the female. It is this tug of war between the male's penis and the female's ribbed vaginal walls and prehensile tentacles which the Klingons call 'The War of the Many' (1 penis vs all the female genitalia). However, because of the rough texture of a Klingon penis, female orgasm is not guaranteed.

Thanks to the natural of Klingon reproductive physiology, oral and anal sex are unknown to their race. Sex positions are typically male-superior, though Klingons females are known to pin down and ride males of inferior houses or smaller statures when the purpose of intercourse is for the female's pleasure, not for reproduction. Klingon culture is lesbian-friendly. The female's micro-tentacles can be digitally stimulated to orgasm. Klingon females masturbate with fingers or with a naQHom - a dildo that is softer and more pliant than a Klingon penis. Klingon males officially do not masturbate as "self-abuse" or "self-pleasure" is considered culturally unacceptable. Males can be manually stimulated to orgasm though culturally this is considered humiliating in Klingon warrior code. Klingon history has numerous accounts of defeated Houses where male prisoners were publicly displayed, brought to their knees, and manually stimulated - the forced spilling of seed "puq pum" symbolically depicts loss.

During the Battle of the Binary Stars, Klingon cruiser Lomqa commenced extermination of surviving humans on remaining Federation ships. Captain L'Rell, she of House Mo'Kai, was looking through the wreckage of USS Yeager when she spotted the unconscious body of Lt. Ash Tyler. Realizing food supplies were low, she instructed her crew to take his body to her quarters. She had tasted human flesh before and it was not unpalatable.

7 hours later, after mopping up operations were complete, Captain L'Rell returned to her quarters to see Tyler stripped of his hated Starfleet uniform, tied, bound and still unconscious. Ship physician K'haal advised that Tyler had been cleaned and decontaminated before beaming onto her ship in case she was going to consume him right away.

Human males averaged 6', so L'Rell regarded the prone body of Tyler with curiosity and amusement. "Little people," she mused. She walked around the table where he was lying on his side.

"Human male. 6' tall. 180 lbs. Only injury is a minor phaser blast as well as a concussion." She stretched out her large clawed hands around the back of his head. I could crush his skull with one hand, she thought. "Human skull lacks Klingon density and ridges." She circled the table and reached out to feel his back and spine - she sneered, "Human spine completely without ridges. No scales or protective cartilage." She stroked him from his neck to the curve of his buttocks. "Humans are so soft and fragile!"

She continued to circle the table, and she grabbed his foot, "Chal! These creatures are soft!" With one long fingernail, she traced the sole of Tyler's foot. He had no armor anywhere. Everything about the humans are so soft. How could they be at war with such a jellified race?

Curiosity got the best of her. L'Rell rolled Tyler onto his back. She was genuinely surprised to see his soft worm of a penis and sack of testicles. Klingon males had long hard penises, ridged with cartilage, permanently erect and tied up against the waistband of their undergarment. The Klingon equivalent to testicles were inside the abdomen just below the base of the penis - not this floppy pink human scrotum that just invited damage and tearing!

She grabbed his legs and held them up so that she could examine him more closely. She ran her fingers along his hairy legs - she had heard that humans were descended from primates. She was curious now about human anatomy. And she was also a little hungry.

After a thorough examination of the unconscious human, she kept going back to his soft bud of a penis, wondering how humans mated. To initiate a Klingon mating ritual involved biting, punching, and the breaking of the mate's clavicle. Then, the Klingon male would aim his Da'oghlaHneSchugh and ram it into her och. The ridges of the male's Da'oghlaHneSchugh would interlock with the ridges inside the female och. If the female was fortunate, the male's Da'oghlaHneSchugh would stimulate her ghargh je tentacles to orgasm. Copulation would thus began in earnest until a biting signified ejaculation of the male's nIM - Klingon semen is dark orange.

With her perfectly sharpened fingernail, she poked at Tyler's soft penis. She wondered how human females could stuff such a soft organ inside an och for reproduction. L'Rell was not a scientist, but having this naked human male lying in front of her made her wonder about their enemy.

Tyler was slowly waking up. His head hurt and he soon realized three things. He was naked. His wrists were bound. And there was a Klingon female looking him over.

"Get away from me!" he yelled. He tried to kick at her, but she easily grabbed him by his ankle until he stopped.

L'Rell laughed, "Human, you are in no position to give orders." She walked around the table, enjoying his panic at his predicament. "I am Captain L'Rell and you are my prisoner. The rest of your crew? They are being tortured or eaten." She let that sink in as he struggled against his bindings.

Tyler yelled, "Untie me! Give me back my clothes! This is uncivilized! Even for a Klingon!"

"I have never seen a live human male this close." She walked around to face him and sneered at how he brought up his knees to protect his soft little genitals. To remind him of her strength, she grabbed both his ankles and held his legs up in the air. He flailed about, but he could not break free from her clawed grip.

"What is your name, human?"

"Ash Tyler, I'm a lieutenant of Star Fleet, USS Yeager." He kept his eyes on her as she paced around the table again, circling him.

"Lt. Tyler. You are my prisoner. By Klingon rite of defeat - the Jey Tay - I should have you spilling to the ground. But you present an strange question to me." She completed a circle until she was standing facing him. "How do humans reproduce?"

"What? What the hell?" Tyler was confused. "What do you mean?"

"I have read that it is similar to Klingon, but..." she poked at his soft penis which made him jump - "I don't see how your anatomy can perform."

Tyler blushed and said nothing.

"If I brought a human female here, can you demonstrate how you copulate?"

"Go to hell!"

"There might be a female prisoner on board. Maybe not. Maybe you're the last human alive from your ship." L'Rell laughed harshly, then she poked at his penis again. "How does this work?"

"This is against all civilized behavior! You can't treat a prisoner of war like this!"

"Human! Don't judge me by your standards. I am trying to decide whether to eat you or not, so you are alive now only because I am curious about your anatomy. If you do not answer my questions, I might as well kill you now!" She pulled out a blade...

And Tyler quickly yelled, "No-no-no! I'll tell you, I'm tell you!"

She put back her blade. "Well? Explain!"

"Um, well, human males - we insert our penis into the female and ejaculate. That fertilizes the female and a baby is born 9 months later."

L'Rell shook her head, "That is similar to Klingon biology!" She pointed at his groin again, "Is this not your penis?" Tyler nodded. "Then, how can that soft little ghargh be inserted anywhere?"

Tyler blushed again - interesting response, L'Rell thought. "Well, the penis has to be erect when it is inserted."

She slapped her forehead in realization, "AH! Of course, it must change state! Show me!"

"I can't just show you. That's not how human's work."

"Pitiful! Klingon males are always - what is your word? Erect. What is the point of this soft state? Show me yours erect now!"

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"I would have to be stimulated. That's not going to happen when I'm being interrogated in a Klingon prison."

"Of course! Stimulation. You require a female for stimulation?"

Tyler gulped. He didn't want to say anything about a handjob in case this Klingon captain decided she would try jerking him off. Of course, he didn't know that in Klingon culture, a handjob was a sign of a humiliation.

"I cannot be stimulated." Tyler stammered. "On this ship, in this environment, no human male would be stimulated."

"Nonsense! Even for the pleasure of intercourse?" L'Rell suddenly began unfastening her uniform's pants. She smiled to show off her sharpened teeth. Tyler was horrified to see that a Klingon female's dark muscular legs were lined with ridges from the top of her thighs to the tip of her clawed toenails.

She pulled off her leather panties to reveal a hairless body. But below her belly button was more ridging, forming a pelvic plate. Her labia lips were long and red. Tyler was shocked to see her labia lips pucker and chew.

"Come, now, human. Let us play!" She climbed onto the table, threw a leg over and straddled him. With one hand, she held his chest down while she hovered herself over his crotch.

With his wrists tied, Tyler was horrified at the sight of being mounted by the Klingon female. But there would be more shocking and alien sights to see... She exhaled and made grunting sounds as if she were defecating, but in fact, she was pushing something else out. Tyler's eyes widened as he saw strands of her micro-tentacles spread out from her labia lips - small strands sprayed out like a can of red silly string, larger strands pushed downward like crimson hermit crab claws reaching out from its shell. She was bearing down, extending them out as she squatted over him - the pink and red tentacles reached his soft penis and promptly began encircling him.

"Oh shit, oh no, this is obscene!" he yelled. Then he laid very still as he felt the odd sensation of the hot moist tentacles wrapping themselves around his organ. He remembered that Klingon blood temperature ran much higher than human. Once ensconced, they began pulsing and undulating. Some tentacles tickled their way into his urethra. Others down his taint toward his anus. He squirmed and tightened his legs together defensively but they easily worked their way in between his thighs.

"Oh... no..." he moaned as the wrapping and milking sensation forced him slowly to power. What was first shriveled in cold and horror was now erecting in the hot grasp of the Klingon female's alien genitalia.

"Yes, yes, my pet." L'Rell smiled. Her super-sensitive tentacles were feeling his engorgement - she was surprised at the change in size and firmness. Her tentacles were slimey with lubricated desire as they grappled his growing shaft. So soft, compared to a Klingon penis, she thought, but she marveled at the human male's body: the penis head was now a glistening red ruddy mushroom, the shaft was swelling with dorsal veins. The softness of the human male's organ seemed to tickle her tentacles much more pleasurably than being rammed by an armored Klingon male. She moaned again as she commanded the tentacles to pull Tyler deeper into her.

As he laid on his back, Tyler watched his erection be drawn up into her body. The quivering labia lips took hold and sucked him in, as she lowered herself onto him, he felt the odd sensation of her rigid, ribbed vagina. He was maybe 6" inches hard so he wasn't big enough to fill her walls but for L'Rell, it was all about the pleasure of her tentacles wrapping themselves, tensing around him, savoring his tender meat.

When she had fully mounted him, the hardness of her vaginal tube felt odd as it contracted around his penis - now he realized why the female had the pelvic plating. It was like sticking yourself in a plastic shampoo bottle, he mused. She stayed on him, her eyes closed, breathing heavily, enjoying this inter-species mounting. Tyler had to admit that if it wasn't for the tentacles, the sight of a Klingon woman would not have excited him. But now, his penis felt like it was being massaged by a couple of warm octopi. He glanced down at her groin and thought that his penis was being gobbled up by someone sloppily eating a spaghetti covered hot dog.

"Your human penis does not fill me like a Klingon would. And yet, to my female ghargh je, they enjoy wrapping around your organ - so firm yet soft and fleshy. Hard but pliant." She slid up and down on the human - her excited greasy tentacles danced and tightened around his erection, feeling him up, even enjoying tightening around his sack of testicles. This is more pleasurable than a naQHom dildo, she thought.

Tyler could only lie back and gasp as L'Rell grinded against him. Klingons were neither mammal nor reptile - something in between. He moaned as her prehensile tendrils lashed and trussed his erection, then unwound themselves and slipped off only to re-tighten again.

Suddenly, L'Rell shuddered and began an inhuman roar. She looked upward and pushed down on Tyler's chest to the point of pain. Her entire body was shaking violently as her micro-tentacles were whipping around and lashing his phallus inside her. He wondered if he would be killed by a Klingon orgasm.

But her roaring grew louder and louder until she shrieked with a blood-curdling cry. L'Rell shuddered, her once tense tentacles drooped, relaxed in a postcoital state. She opened her eyes, softly growling, looking down at the prone, sweaty human beneath her. She abruptly got off Tyler, retracting her now limp tentacles back up inside her with a noisy slurp. "Get on your knees! NOW!"

Tyler wasn't sure why she was now so angry, but he got up on his knees, balancing carefully not to fall off the table. She walked around the table and looked closely at his still erect penis which was slimey and wet from her juices. Suddenly, she grabbed a hold of his shaft - her hands felt callused and rough.

"You are a defeated warrior - a jey SuvwI'! I take my rights to humiliate you and your house! Repeat your name!"

"Ash Tyler?" he was puzzled.

"Ash, House of Tyler, of the Federation! You are a defeated jey SuvwI' and I claim the right of the puq pum!" At that she started jacking him off. Roughly, quickly. He barely had time to enjoy himself in her callused hands when he felt the stirring.

"I'm going to cum." He tried to adjust his hips to slow down the urgency; he tried pushing his organ in the same direction to match the motions of her hand, but L'Rell kept stroking him methodically, insistently, careful not to claw him. "I'm going to cum!" He yelled. At that, he spurted gobs and gobs of cum on the table. L'Rell kept stroking until she realized he was softening and returning to his original flaccid worm. She looked at how the human male was panting, kneeling before her, dripping a pool of translucent white semen, his shame. She had mounted and defeated her first human male. And she would use him as her naQHom for as long as he survived on her ship.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

To bad that can't happen in real life, would not mind to commit to one as it is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

this should be continued.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Strang yet exciting.

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