Stepping in It

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Being straight up has its rewards.
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This is a short little one that has been wanting to get out for a while. I am not a big fan of cuckold stories in general. If it involves humiliation than I am out totally. I thought it would be interesting to write something from a different perspective. Also I wanted a happy ending because the world has enough nasty in it right now. No sex in this one but it involves a Loving Wife



This joint was poppin. I sat with my back to the bar and checked out the scenery. I was feeling pretty good. This was the second anniversary at my job. I had just moved into a nice two room apartment with a pool. I saw my ex girlfriend yesterday and she was fat. I had a few people to hang out with from work although I was flying solo tonight. Another year and my student loans would be paid off. Thank god for the GI bill. I was in good shape. Another thing to thank the army for. I still got up and did my two miles PT every morning. I was never going to be a model but I knew I was good looking enough. I had a credit card I paid off every month. All in all I was a healthy, moderately successful 26 year old with the world at his fingers. At least that is how I felt that night. I was at the point in my life where I would like to settle down and start thinking family but if Miss Right didn't come along I was more than happy with Miss Right Now. Speaking of Miss Right Now, that blonde was looking pretty good on the dance floor.

She had some nice moves and danced close enough to be felt but not quite humping on the dance floor. I couldn't figure her out though. She was sitting by a group of girls but they weren't interacting with her. I first thought she was here with them but it almost looked like she was alone. Odd. She also seemed familiar but I couldn't place her.

I decided it was time to make my move and walked over to her table. She looked up and I was in for a shock. It was Aimee. From purchasing. Who was married to Scott from warehouse. I turned quickly before she noticed me and went to sit back down at the bar. Let's think this through.

She wasn't with the group of girls because they just left. I didn't see Scott anywhere. I noticed she went and started dancing with another young guy. As the drinks flowed into her she started getting closer to her dates and getting a bit of bump and grind on. The last couple dances defintley wouldn't have passed the boyfriend test. I called the night early and headed home. I couldn't get the thought out of my head. Should I let Scott know? We were acquaintances not necessarily friends. At the same time I would want to know. I went to bed with the conundrum rolling around my noggin.

Waking up I went through my morning routine and finally made a decision. I was going to tell Scott. It would be embarrassing but I figured if I was him I would want to know. I didn't know Aimee well enough to pass judgement on her but I felt a little disappointment that she was probably a slut.

I managed to catch Scott at lunch and slid into the table next to him. Like I said we weren't really friends but we knew each other. He looked at me with a little bit of askance. I took a deep breath.

"Hey Scott, I don't know how to say this so I am just going to get it over with. I was grabbing a couple of drinks at the Red Horse last night and I saw Aimee dancing and grinding on a number of different guys. What she was doing wouldn't pass the boyfriend test and I just thought you should know. I didn't take any pictures or anything so you are just going to have to my word for it but, like I said, I thought you should know." I let out. Here's hoping he doesn't shoot the messenger.

I expected him to get mad or to do something other than what he did. He seemed almost excited.

"So what exactly was she doing? Was she bumping and grinding? Did she let some of the guys grab her? Was she making out with them on the dance floor?" he asked almost breathily.

Ok the weird factor just jumped through the roof.

"Umm, dude, I just saw her doing some dirty dancing with some guys and I left. I didn't really stick around to get more information. I just thought you should know 'cause I would want to know if my girl was acting that way." I said cautiously.

"Oh, yes, Thank you. Ummm it isn't what you are probably thinking. Let me grab you a beer after work and we can talk." he said, now with some reservation.

"Sure thing, I'll catch ya at the Well at about five thirty. I am gonna get back to work. Take it easy bro."

With that I left. I had done my good deed and now I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I replayed the conversation a few times in my head as I was working and chalked up any weirdness to the fact that he had a guy he barely knew accusing his wife of impropriety. If he wanted to commiserate over a couple of beers I was down with that. It had to be tough knowing your wife was stepping out. Or at least was about to.

Five thirty found me grabbing a Miller Lite and catching the last available table. The Well was more of a dive bar than the Red Horse Saloon where I normally drank. They ran a better long neck special than the Red Horse though so it was pretty common to grab a couple long necks here and then move on to another bar when it got past eight. The special shifted to well liquors and they tasted like shit.

I looked around for a few minutes and saw Scott enter the building with Aimee on his arm. Oh boy. This should be interesting. They saw me and made their way to the table. They said hi and Aimee went to grab a couple beers. I noticed she wouldn't look me in the eye. Strange.

"Hey Colt, thanks for saying something to me about Aimee. I know it must have been really awkward for you and it shows what a straight up guy you are. I want to let you know though that I knew about Aimee going out and dancing. She wasn't doing anything behind my back." he told me.

Wow. Okay, I started to get the feeling that I was in over my head here. I sipped on my beer and kept my mouth shut.

"Not that I want this spread around but I really like having Aimee go out, get guys worked up then come home and take it out on me. It is cool knowing I have a wife that other guys want be with." he continued. "What you saw was our kind of foreplay, well mine actually, she just likes to go out dancing. I am trying to get her to go farther and was wondering if you would like to take her out on a date sometime."

I almost dropped my beer. Aimee was easily an eight on the hotness scale and when she starts moving she ratchets up to a ten. Wait, what did he mean when he said he wanted her to go farther? About this time she came back

"Hey babe," she said as she dropped off his Budweiser and gave him a big kiss.

"Hey beautiful," he responded. "I was just telling Colt here that what he saw last night wasn't what he thought."

Her face went red. She looked beautiful even when she was blushing.

"Oh my God, you saw me last night?" she asked.

"I'm afraid so." I responded.

"Dammit, from now on you are coming out with me Scott. I don't care if you like dancing or not I'm not going to have people think I am stepping out on my husband." she turned to me.

"I wanted to go dancing last night and Scott has two left feet. He encouraged me to go out and have some fun and come home and tell him about it. I want you to know that Scott knew everything I was doing. I have never cheated on anyone in my life." she told me.

Great, now I was embarrassed, I should have just kept my mouth shut. They were just a couple doing their thing to spice it up a bit.

"Guys, I am so sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion. I didn't realize what I was seeing. I hope this doesn't make things weird for us at work. Please know I won't be talking about anything I saw." I replied.

"No harm, no foul, mate. Did you maybe want to take her out on a date next week?" Scott said as he took a swig of his beer.


Aimee didn't look awkward as much as she looked pissed.

"What the hell Scott?" she almost shouted. "Me going dancing by myself is a lot different than going on a date with someone." she said as she turned to me. "I'm sorry, I can't believe he asked that."

"I agree," I responded. "Any guy would be honored to have such a cool and good looking lady as Aimee on his arm, but I make it a point to only date with single women." I said with a laugh and a wink.

This was getting weird and I wanted to get out of here.

"Okay, okay, forget I said anything." he mumbled.

We went on to shoot the shit about work for the next 20 minutes and then I made my excuses and left.

On the way home I made it a point to not stick my nose in any one else's business ever again.


Things with Scott were a bit weird for the next couple days but eventually it returned to normal. After two months I got a transfer to our plant in Indiana and was preoccupied with getting things ready to move, so I didn't really talk to anyone.

I had been down there two years and just made processing manager when I heard about a cute chick that was transferring in from my old plant. I hadn't seen her yet but she was supposed to be a whiz at purchasing. It took me a couple weeks to wander down there to meet her and in the meantime I heard she was a real ball buster. I had put the whole Scott and Aimee thing out of my head a long time ago so I was shocked to see the tall blonde chewing someone a new asshole on the phone.

"Asshole!" I heard her mutter under her breath as she hung up the phone. She looked up from her desk and noticed me.

"Colt? Wow, how are you doing?" she got up and gave me a hug. "It is great to see you!"

This was the ball buster? She was adorable.

"Aimee! I had no idea it was you. How have you been?" I asked as I hugged her back. Even if she was married, those breasts felt good pressed into me. Wait a minute, she wasn't wearing a ring. Interesting.

"Good now that I got rid of the dead weight. Can we catch up over a beer tonight? I am working my butt off trying to get things organized here but I could really use a friend," she replied as the phone rang again.

I gave her a thumbs up and a business card with my cell number on it. She smiled and went back to talking to whoever was on the line.

Five thirty found me sitting at Happy's Tavern. This was the bar where almost everyone from work knocked back a couple cold ones before going home. It was a little heavy on the sports for my taste but they had three dollar domestic pints until eight so I could put up with it. Not that I don't like sports, I just don't like them mixed with my bars.

I didn't see her walk in at first but I did see a few guys start staring at the door. When she made her way through her crowd of admirers, I felt like the king of the hill. She walked right up to my table and tossed her purse down. She went to go order a drink from the bar but I remembered she drank Bud Light last time so I had one already there for her.

She took a long drink and set the glass down. She closed her eyes in contentment and let out a long sigh.

"Damn, I needed that," she said as she smiled. "Thank you, I am surprised you remembered what I drank."

"I try." I said with a smile. "How have you been?"

She gave me a long look. Then her face softened and she looked despondent.

"I can't believe you haven't heard although it makes me feel like I can get a fresh start here. So you know how Scott had me go out that one night and dance with some guys." she paused.

I nodded.

"Well after that I was really pissed when he offered me to you on a date. Then things got even more weird. He would go with me dancing but just sit and watch. Then he started sending guys over telling them to dance with me and to not be afraid to grab at me. At that point I was weirded out and stopped going. We got into a fight because he kept pushing it and I was really uncomfortable. He finally talked me into it one more time and we went out. I was having a good time dancing when the bouncer tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to go to the bar. It turns out that the bartender overheard Scott telling a guy to slip some powder into my drink and we would take him home and he could have sex with me." She stopped to take another sip of her beer.

I was horrified. What the hell was this guy thinking? He set his own wife up to be raped? My expression must have relayed my shock and horror.

She gave me a sympathetic look.

"Yeah, the bartender had called the cops and it turns out my drink had Rohypnol and ecstasy in it. The cops arrested the stranger and Scott then things got really weird. The guy told the cops that we were into kinky shit and we set him up. I had no clue about it and Scott said he just wanted to see me fuck another guy. That was a shock to me because I thought we were just messing around with some role play. I was never going to fuck another guy and apparently Scott got tired of trying to talk me into it so he figured he would jump start it. I found out later he thought if I did it once and had fun I would want to do it more. I never knew he was so sick in the head. I was so disgusted that I let him post his own bail and I served him with divorce papers. The freak was going to get me drugged and have me raped for his own sick pleasure!" She exclaimed.

She finished her beer and let out a lady burp. You know what I mean, hand covering mouth and more like air expelling than a barbaric YOWP.

"So that is my story, things were fine until it got out around work why we divorced and somehow things got twisted to the point where I was a sexual deviant that had rape and gangbang fantasies and Scott was a wimp husband who liked to suck the guys dicks that fucked me. It was terrible. I had all types of inappropriate remarks made to me to the point where I just wanted to leave. I brought the first few up to HR but nothing really seemed to come of it. When I heard there was a position open here in Indiana I decided to take it. I didn't realize you were here. It is nice to see a friendly face." She said that last part as she grabbed my hand. There was a spark that we both felt when we touched. That was the point I knew we would get married. We grabbed another beer and shared a plate of nachos while finding out all we could about each other. They kicked us out at last call.

That was six years ago. We are coming up on our three year anniversary. I am excited because she is going off her birth control. I just know we are going to have a boy. We are in our mid 30's and we want to be able to have enough time left to enjoy our kids plus enjoy time after our kids. It hasn't been easy. Aimee had a lot of trust issues. She still liked to dance and get guys worked up, although from what she says it was nothing like before her divorce. I found I have a slight jealous streak so we had to make some rules. I would go dancing with her whenever she wanted and let her dance as much as she could. She had to shut down any touching of her swimsuit areas or I would do it for her. Also all slow dances were with me. She loved it and I was okay with it so it worked. After a little bit we started doing other couple activities. Like fishing. She got bored as hell sitting in the boat, but put a fly rod in her hand and she could hit a dime with a size 18 nymph in a hurricane. She loved catching bigger fish than me. It also helped that inevitably we would spend some time out of our waders and making love au naturel. We did pretty good at bowling also. In the sense that we both sucked, but we had some friends that always made it a good time. She did have a girls night, but it was a girls night in at our house and I just made myself scarce. It got a lot more fun when one of her friends started selling adult novelties. Those would probably have to stop when our boy gets older. That's a shame.

All in all things are looking pretty good.

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StubbyoneStubbyone12 months ago

In the wrong category AGAIN. What the hell ? Another disappointing 3. While your writing is top notch, you seem to be afraid to include any cheating or hard core sex or confrontation in your stories. Move it to ROMANCE if that’s what you’re going to write about. I think you have good LW stories in you. Let them out !!😊. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Charming story about two decent people who found each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I have to agree with those who say the MC's relationship with Aimee is far from idyllic. The continued desire to dance with and excite other men is a red flag. The first time he had to stop one of the guys from touching his wife should have been the last. Repeatedly placing herself in such situations is a sign of extremely poor judgment, serious selfishness and other psychological issues that need to be addressed.

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