Steve to Stevie to ?? Ch. 05

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Steve goes back to lounge.
5.6k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 04/15/2006
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Steve has been forced to suck the black cock of his Mistress. He has been forced to tell his Mistress and her maid, April, that he is a faggot and a cocksucker even though the thought of it still nauseates him. He can't believe he has let himself be put in this position but has found out he has been videotaped. In the video, it appears that he is begging to suck cock and that he loves doing it. His Mistress has informed him that the video will be sent to his family and workplace if he doesn't do as he says. After being used and humiliated, Steve is made to put on woman's capri pants and a pink tshirt with 'STEF' written on the front of it and has been pushed out of the house and told to go to the bar where he met his Mistress to get his car keys.

I start walking from the house. It is almost 11:00 at night so not many people walking in the area around Mistress's house. I look down at my clothes and can't believe that I'm dresses as I am. I got to get my keys and get home and figure out how to get myself out of this situation. As I walk along I hear a car approaching from behind me then realize it's slowing down. When I look over I see a black BMW pull over beside the curb next to me. Inside is a white guy around 40, he is looking me over good. The passenger window goes down.

"Hello," he says, "want a ride?"

I keep walking, trying to ignore him. He drives slowly beside me.

"I love the ways those pants fit you, they make your ass look so hot," he says.

"Please just leave me alone, I'm not interested," I tell him trying to sound as masculine as I can so he won't have any doubt that I'm a guy.

"I can pay you cutie, maybe just a blowjob," he says and I see him reach down and squeeze his crotch.

"NO just go, leave me alone," I tell him feeling like my life is out of control.

"Fag bitch!!!" he says then squeals out leaving me alone.

I stop, feel myself shaking. What am I going to do? I can't handle this. I'm not gay for god sake, I just wanted to meet a sexy woman and look at what is happening. Try to get control of myself as I stand there shaking, feeling like I'm about to cry. Who can I tell about this? How can I get out of this? Realize there is no one I can tell and really don't know what I will do.

As I get closer to the bar, that is located in the gay and xxx rated part of the city, there are more people on the street and I feel so self conscious. I feel like everyone is looking at me and I keep my eyes down and try to walk as fast as I can. I see a couple black hookers standing on the corner watching me walk as I come closer to them.

"Look at the pretty boy Desiree," one of the hookers say to the other, "isn't he so cute?"

"Hey sweetie, you want some of this," the other one says putting her hand down on the crotch of her hot pants.

I ignore them and walk on by but feel my face getting red.

"I didn't think so sweetie," she then says, "figured you were more interested in a big cock." The two of them bust out laughing.

Thinking about how it doesn't stop, I have to get away from here, this place, these clothes. As I walk on hear other men making some fag comments and a couple turn and follow me a little while making very nasty comments about what they want to do to me but they leave after I ignore them. Finally, I see the Pink Panther Lounge and hurry inside.

The place is pretty busy and I make my way to the bar. Feel my ass groped once but when I turn around, the guy is huge so I turn back around and continue to the bar. I hear him laugh. When I get to the bar, I don't see Alex anywhere. I see a bartender come over to me. He has leather pants on but the ass is cut out of them and a leather vest.

He looks at me, "What can I get you?" he asks pausing, "Stef."

Embarrassed, I look down, "Is Alex here?" I ask.

"The little bitch got off a little while ago," he says, "you her new girlfriend?"

"No, I just need to talk to her," I tell him.

"Wouldn't you rather talk to me, I can take care of you much better than that little cunt," he says as his eyes look me over.

"I really need to find Alex, is he here? Please?" I ask him feeling rather desperate, thinking about what I will do if he isn't here with my keys.

"Yea he's probably over there with the rest of the queer boys," he tells me laughing pointing to an area in the bar. "Come back if you decide you want a real man."

I move away and go back to the area he pointed out. I see Alex sitting with a couple other guys. I move towards them and he sees me. His mouth opens wide then he smiles and gets up quickly.

"Hello again Stevie," he says then smiling, "or should I say Stef."

"No it's Steve, do you have my keys?" I ask him quickly, "I got to go."

"Yes I have them Stevie," he says then smiling, "but sit down, I want to hear all about it."

He takes my arm and pushes me into the booth and slides in beside me. I look at the two guys on the other side of the booth and realize that they are what we used to call flamers. Both had eyeshadow on and I think they even had pink lipstick on.

"Stevie, this is Crystal and Denise. They are so much fun," Alex tells me and I realize how gay he sounds now. "Stevie went to Ms Storms house with her earlier tonight, didn't you Stevie?" Alex says reaching down squeezing my hand.

I pull my hand away from his and when the other two say hello, there voices couldn't have been more fem. I can't believe I'm sitting here with these fucking faggots. "Please Alex, just let me have my keys, please?" I ask

"In a while Stevie, where did you get those clothes, they look so hot on you. I didn't realize what a cute ass you have," he says.

"Its all they gave me to wear, I didn't have a choice," I tell him trying to make him realize that I don't like them.

"Would you like to dance?" the guy named Crystal asks me. His hair is long and is yellow blonde and down to his shoulder.

"No, I don't want to dance," I tell her rather rudely getting very frustrated.

"Sorry Crystal, the first dance is mine," Alex says as he take me hand. "Come Stef, you don't want me give Ms Storm a bad report do you?" he whispers in my ear, squeezing my hand.

Alex leads me to the dance floor, takes my arms and put them around his neck. "Behave Stef, she has spies everywhere," he tells me quietly as he puts his arms around me and pulls me closer. "Did she get video on you Steve?" he asks me quietly.

I look at him and see the concern in his face. I nod my head yes.

"Then she owns you Steve, I'm sorry, I wish I could have warned you, you seem like a nice boy," he tells me. "I have seen boys before that didn't do as she asked and she ruined their lives and they ended up as gay whores anyway. I'm sorry," he says.

"Isn't there anything I can do," I ask him, "please tell me what I can do."

"Unless you are willing to have your family, friends and coworkers to see the videos, you have to do as she says till she tires of you," Alex tells me solemnly, "I know how it is."

"She did it to you too," I ask him surprised.

"Yes Steve, I was once in your shoes except that I knew I was gay before I met her," he tells me.

"But I'm not gay, I've told her that over and over," I tell him. "It really doesn't matter Steve, unless you are willing to suffer the consequences, you must do as she says," he tells me.

"I can't let my dad and brothers know, I just can't," my emotions getting the best of me. "And my job, oh god, what am I going to do Alex?"

"Obey Stef, you are going to obey," he tells me softly. "You must believe me when I tell you she always has people watching and it can get pretty bad if she knows you have not done as told. Do you understand?" he asks, seeming very concerned. "She always knows."

"But Alex..." I start to say but he interrupts me.

"Some things will be very hard for you to do Steve, but you must," Alex tells me. "She really will try to ruin your life if you displease her."

"Now Stef, when you go back to the booth, you will ask Crystal to go to the jukebox with you. You will lean on the jukebox and push your ass back and sway to the music. It will be very sexy like you want ever man to be watching you. You will giggle and flirt with Crystal until she has no doubt how bad you want her to kiss you," Alex tell me, the tone of his voice totally different. "Do you understand Stef?" he asks me staring.

I look at him and I realize what is happening here, that Alex is giving me her orders. "But Alex?" my voice pleading. He looks at me coldly.

"Do you understand Stef?" he asks emphasizing the Stef.

I nod my head yes.

"Then you know what to do, I have some things I have to pick up." Alex tells me. "You go be a sweet sissy with Crystal. She always knows, and she won't be happy if she sees Steve or Stevie at the jukebox. Now go Stef."

She leaves me standing there and I see men staring at me so walk back toward booth slowly. How can I do this?' I ask myself. I see the two flamers staring at me and smile. I move over and stand in front of the booth. Can feel my face getting red as I lean over a little and ask, "Crystal, will you help me pick out some songs at the jukebox?"

"Sure Steve, of course," Crystal tell me almost giddy.

I look at her and ask her quietly, "Please call me Stef."

She giggles in her fem voice, "Oh yes, I'm so glad you want to be like us."

I start to reply and tell him that flamers disgust me but know I can't. He gets up and grabs my hand. I pull it away.

"Hold my hand Stef and you will swish your ass and try to move like me when we walk to the jukebox," Crystal tell me, her voice still fem but I can tell she is making a point. "She always knows."

I look at her and she smiles at me.

"Let's go girl," she says as she starts pulling me after her.

Crystal is taking small steps, her ass swaying from side to side looking very fem. Embarrassed enough holding hand with this flamer, but I know I must try to do as ordered, so try to walk like she is. We finally get to the jukebox stopping facing each other.

"I didn't think you like me Stef," she says smiling at me.

I look at her, her blonde hair framing her face. With the makeup, she really does look rather feminine. "No Crystal, I just haven't met you," I tell her after catching myself on how to describe her.

She looks up at me slowly licking her lips, "Do you think I'm pretty?"

I'm kind of staring at her, "Yes Crystal, I do," I tell her realizing I do think she is pretty when you look at her as a girl and not a boy.

She giggles and grabs both my hands and pull them up in front of her. "I'm so glad, I think you are pretty too," she tells me and moves to where we are looking down to the songs.

Can feel my face getting red as I lean over resting my hands on the jukebox rather disturbed that she is talking to me like we are alike. When she selects some songs, I force myself to lean back trying to stick my ass out provocatively and start moving to the music. I get caught up in the music a little trying to move in a way that I think I would like to watch a girl move.

Crystal is facing my side and moves down to where she can whisper to me. "Show them Stef," she says quietly, "show them your pretty ass."

Embarrassed to having her talking to me like that but keep moving to the music..

"The men are looking at you, thinking about what they want to do to you," she whispers to me her mouth so close that I can feel her warm breathe in my ear. "How they want to touch your ass, run their hands over it. Slide them between your thighs." Her voice so silky, "Can you feel their eyes?"

Her voice almost hypnotic, and realize that her talk is turning me on and that I'm really getting into moving for the men.

"Do you want me to touch it Stef?" she asks.

My mind racing but nod my head yes.

"You must ask me Stef, I need to know you really want me to," she tells me in that voice.

"Please Crystal," I say quietly, still facing down.

"Only if you sound like Stef, I don't want to rub Stevie's ass," she tells. "Be a good sissy for Crystal.

Realize I really want to feel her to touch me and I ask her again trying to sound more fem, "Please feel my ass Crystal, please touch me."

I feel her hand cup one ass cheek softly and try to move back so as to feel more of her touch.

Her voice soft and smooth as she starts running her long fingernails on my ass. "They are watching me touch you," she says, "what do you think they are thinking about you?"

"That I like you touching me like that," I say moaning loudly as you slide your hand between my thighs.

"Do you think they would like you to spread your legs apart for them?" she asks, "and Stef. moan like a sissy." Her hand pressed up against my balls rather roughly.

"Probably," I tell her.

"Do u want to do it for them?" she asks and I nod yes. "Why do you want to do that Stef?" she asks me then.

Her hand presses up against my balls hard and I moan and I try to make it sound more fem and surprised how fem it really sounds. Embarrassed I tell her, "I want them to watch you touch me more." Her hand move to my inner thighs and starts pressing till I spread my legs wider. Once they are apart her hand move up and with her palm up, presses hard against my cock and ball lifting my crotch up till my legs are straight.

"Hump my hand Stef, you know you want to," Crystal tell me.

I can't help myself and start humping your hand. I haven't cum all night and it feels so good.

"What do you think they think about you now Stef, do you think they think you are a slut,"she says, her voice so sultry. "I think you are, Stef. I saw the way you looked at me earlier and look at you now, humping my hand like a slut."

I don't answer right away and suddenly she moves her hand away. "Please don't stop," I plead.

"Tell me what you are then Stef," she says.

"I'm a slut," I tell her quietly.

"You don't sound like a slut to me," she says.

I raise my voice and say it again, "I'm a slut."

Her hand starts rubbing my crotch again and I moan.

"Keep saying it Stef, and louder. I want to you to believe what you are saying." she says as her hand feels so good.

Know I will come soon if she doesn't stop but I need it so badly that I'm really humping her hand. Between my moans, I start repeating it over and over, louder and louder till I'm sure the closest men must hear me.

Suddenly she stops again and pull me upright and turns me to face her. I'm panting, so turned on, and I move to her and she brings her lips to mine and kisses me. Her lips are so soft and I open my mouth when I feel her tongue as we kiss and kiss. My arms go around her neck and hold her close. Her tongue explores my mouth, my moans flowing into her mouth.

When she breaks the kiss, her face goes to my neck and starts kissing and licking it making me moan loudly. Look up and realize I'm looking right at the men who have been watching me. Some of them have their cocks out and are stroking themselves. A couple of the boys on the floor are sucking their Masters.

She moves to my ear, "Repeat it slut." She moves back to my neck starting to suck on it high up on the side.

I look at them, look at the cocks, then do it, "I'm a slut," I say quietly. Crystal keeps sucking on my neck and realizes she is giving me a hickey but I can't stop her, it just feels too good. Soon I realize I'm saying it louder and louder with my moans also getting louder and I can hear how fem they sound but I just don't care.

Suddenly she stops and moves behind me pulling my arms behind my back. Let them see how smooth you are Stef," she whispers in my ear. "Let them see that you don't have a cock. They will know Ms Storm has taken your manhood from you and that you belong to her."

I see them looking at me and down at my smooth crotch. Know they are thinking I'm a sissy faggot for sure. She turns me around and kisses me again, her hand pulling my ass cheeks apart for the men to see. I'm so turned on and need to cum so badly but she breaks the kiss and taking my hand starts leading me back to the booth. I'm so out of it, I follow her obediently.

Alex is waiting in the booth. Crystal is all smiles. "Alexis, Stef likes being a sexy girl and likes showing off for the men. Didn't you just love it Stef?" she asks.

She leans over and kisses me right in front of them and I let her and I find myself kissing her back. When we break the kiss, it hits me what I have been doing. How could I behave like that. Why did I do it and then I think about what could happen if I didn't do it. But what really bothers me is how I felt. How much I wanted it and how I feel now. I need to cum so badly.

Alexis picks up a purse and takes my hand and leads me into the woman's room. "You must always use this bathroom Stef, the other one is for men," she tells me. She holds a finger up when I start to talk letting me know to be quiet. She reaches into the purse and takes out a bottle of pills. "Your sexually activities are going to increase Stef, you must take these to keep up your strength," she tells me. "Take them twice a day even though instructions say once a day. She will know if you don't, she always know," she tells me repeating the mantra.

Reaching back into the bag she comes out with a black dildo. Then I realize it's a butt plug. It was different though, with four different size bulbs on the plug, each bigger than the preceding one. It was made of some type of silicone. She hands it to me along with a small bottle of lube. "Do you need help with this." she asks me.

"What am I suppose to do," I ask knowing the answer.

"Well sweetie you can go into a stall and put this into your pussy or I can help you do it out here, but one way or the other, this is going to be in your cunt when we walk out of here," she tells me almost sounding angry. Was she mad about what I did with Crystal?

I take the buttplug and the lube and move into the stall. I look at it, it's about 5 inches long, the biggest protruding bulb about an inch and a half at its widest. I start lubing it up and then unzip my slacks. Feel so weird to have them unzip there. I push them down to my knees and spread my legs as much as the pants allow. I lean over and put the plug against my asshole and start pushing. The first bulb is small and slides in without much discomfort. The next one is harder and I moan as I slides in. Feels deep in my ass already.

"Don't take all day bitch," Alex shouts at me.

I start pushing hard but its too big and I don't get the third bulb in but moan loud. "I think it's too big," I tell Alex.

'Open the stall door bitch," Alex tell me.

When I do, I look out and Crystal and Denise are standing there with him, holding hands. Alex reaches in and pulls me from the stall. I have to waddle out since the pants are still at my knees. She takes her hand and presses down on my back making me bend over. Her hand pushes mine from the buttplug and I feel her grab it, wiggling it around a little.

"Don't you like it slut?" Alex asks. "If you don't, you probably are really going to hate this," she says as she pushes the rest of the plug up my ass in one hard shove.

I cry out loudly when the pain hits. Feels like something in my ass has been ripped. "TAKE IT OUT! TAKE IT OUT!!!" I plead with him. "It's too big."

"I think someone is jealous," Denise says, her and Crystal giggling.

"Why don't you bitches just shut up," Alex tells them.

I'm still being held bend over, the pain in my ass so intense. Tears running down my cheeks.

"You can only remove that when you need to go to the bathroom bitch,' her voice cold and angry. I wonder if he really is jealous of what I did with Crystal. He did tell me do it after all. "Go to your knees, NOW!" he barks.

I do it, going to my knees, the plug moving making me cry out loudly.

"Since you are so proud of being a slut and enjoy telling everyone a slut you are, why don't you come suck my cock," Alex tells me coldly. "Get it out slut."