Sticky Sweet Ch. 01

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Honey Trap hits the showers after her match with Hard Knocks.
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[pre-story]Hello again! I'm not dead, I promise! This one's the first half of a two-parter, so keep any eye out for the rest, coming (relatively) soon!

As always, I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: All characters are 18+

Content warnings: Trans woman, unrealistically huge dick/boobs, muscle babe, rough sex, excessive cum[/pre-story]

A quiet metallic squeak echoed off the tiled walls of the locker room, followed by the muffled sound of water rushing through pipes, before finally, the shower head began to spray, the large, empty communal shower swiftly beginning to fill with steam. Melina reached a hand into the spray, testing the warmth, before stepping fully underneath it and letting out a gentle sigh of relief. The almost-too-hot water was EXACTLY what she needed, it cascaded over her generous curves, soothing the dull ache throbbing through her muscles. She felt the water beading down on the tender, reddened patches of her pale, smooth skin where adhesive-soaked spandex had clung too tightly and taken the outermost layer of skin with it. It had taken so long to peel off her glue-splattered costume that her muscles had started to get stiff... She made a mental note to try and develop a faster-acting skin-safe solvent. All the other fighters seemed to have left already, and even the sounds of the crowd outside had died down. At least she had the showers all to herself...

Mel shook her head and reached up, grabbing an enormous bottle of her own unique formula of shampoo off the shower shelf, before popping open the top and pouring a generous dollop into her palm. You needed a lot of shampoo when your hair was long enough to reach the back of your thighs. She closed her eyes and quickly began working it into her extremely long, silky, golden hair, getting more shampoo from the bottle several times, and making sure to lather extra-thoroughly wherever her fingers found a glob of adhesive tangled in her locks. The solvent additive in her special formula quickly began to dissolve away the adhesive- thankfully, she'd gotten to the shower before they had turned her hair into a tangled nightmare. As she rinsed the shampoo out a moment later, her hair falling like a golden waterfall as she ran her fingers through it, the worst of the tangles parted, and she sighed with relief... before grabbing the bottle of conditioner next to it, and starting the laborious process of working it into her hair in turn. Her hair was a point of pride for her, but it certainly took a lot of work to maintain.

Her mind began to wander to chemical interactions- a higher concentration of the solvent additive in her shampoo might serve as a decent base for an improved skin-safe solvent. Previous tests had shown it causing some irritation in higher concentrations, but it couldn't be as bad as the irritation caused by peeling it off her skin, and perhaps she could combine it with some sort of lotion to counteract the worst of the side effects... To the outside world, she looked like she was daydreaming, rather than playing out complex chemical reactions in her head. As her villainous alter-ego Honey Trap, she had a reputation as a ditzy, low-tier black mask with a glue-gun gimmick. Few were aware that her various adhesive mixtures were her own formulas, or that she'd invented the glue-cannons and canister she wore that allowed her to adjust the mixture of her adhesive on the fly. She was a literal genius, certified and everything, but just because she sometimes got distracted thinking about how to adjust her mixture and ended up making a stupid mistake, everyone seemed to think of her as some airheaded bimbo!

Her figure almost certainly had something to do with that- with her hair taken care of, Mel moved on to her body, soaping herself up as her gold-painted fingernails began exploring her curvaceous figure in her usual post-fight examination, checking herself for injuries. One arm wrapped across her chest, her forearm lifting her soft, cantaloupe-sized breasts, squeezing them together unintentionally as her fingertips traced up and down the side of her ribs. She winced as she found a tender spot- she flashed back to Hard Knocks's literally steely arms coiling around her ribs, crushing the air from her lungs as the towering, muscular, metallic woman delivered the match-winning suplex that had ruptured the adhesive canister on her suit and glued her to the mat. Mel sighed, and hoped she wouldn't bruise too badly.

Her inspection continued, her other hand gliding over her fair skin on a thin layer of soap, moving down, past her narrow, lightly toned waist and over her wide, rounded hips, to the twin globes of her juicy, jiggling ass. A soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she recalled Hard Knocks delivering a stinging smack to her rear as she'd walked past Mel in the locker room after the match, while she was still trying to peel off her glue-soaked costume. She bit her lip softly as she remembered the way Hard Knocks's hand had lingered, fingertips sinking into the plump flesh of her backside for just a half a second, and the confident, playful grin Hard Knocks had flashed her as she walked away, a glint of hunger in her gaze.

"Well, well, well." A deep, rich, womanly voice suddenly purred from the doorway to the showers. Mel startled, giving a small jump as she hastily wiped the soap from her eyes and began peering through the steam, looking for the source.

"Looks like somebody's havin' fun." Hard knocks commented with a smirk, her mahogany features framed by a dense afro of curly black hair, almost like a halo. She leaned against the doorframe with a hand on her hip, the corners of her full, dark lips curling up in a wry smile and her deep brown eyes gleaming with wicked intent. Her strong, proud features bore evidence of a rough and tumble lifestyle full of combat and danger- there were a handful of tiny scars on her forehead and jawline, and her nose wasn't quite straight, it must not have healed correctly after a break at some point. Internally, Mel wondered who could break the nose of a woman who could literally turn her body into solid steel or concrete at a moment's notice. Admittedly, there were a few superheroes- or villains, for that matter- that she was aware of who might be able to do it, it wasn't like it was impossible, but it was still a relatively short list.

Mel couldn't help but take in the sight before her. Her eyes roamed over Hard Knocks' powerful arms, layered with supple, corded muscle. Her full, firm breasts, each the size of a grapefruit and crowned with dark nipples. Her rugged, washboard abs, her cock... Mel's eyes widened as they fell upon it. It was bigger than some of her ex-boyfriends', and it wasn't even hard! It hung between Hard Knocks' legs like an enormous, thick, meaty sausage, reaching nearly halfway down her powerful, sculpted thighs and making Mel's mouth water. Behind it, a pair of fat, swinging balls the size of eggs hung low and heavy in their sack with backed-up cum. Mel knew she'd felt something press against her ass when Hard Knocks had grabbed her from behind, and it wasn't like the fact that she was trans was a huge secret, but she hadn't expected anything like THIS!

"Mind if I join you?" Hard Knocks asked, arching an eyebrow, smirking at Mel.

Mel blinked in confusion for a moment at the tall woman's question, before realizing what she must have looked like, standing naked in the shower, cradling her breasts with one arm, the other hand squeezing her ass while she closed her eyes and bit her lip. A rush of embarrassment came over her- some part of her wanted to explain she was just checking for injuries, that she wasn't doing anything indecent... She saw the gleam of hunger in Hard Knocks' eyes, and felt her nipples stiffen.

"Hmmm..." Mel muttered, a smirk spreading across her lips as she feigned indecision. "I suppose I wouldn't mind a little... company." She purred, squeezing her breasts together intentionally this time, lifting them slightly to better show them off.

Hard Knocks' smirk widened into a grin as she pushed off the wall and began to approach Melina. She prowled across the tiled floor, her wide hips rolling with every step, the motion sending that fat slab of cock between her legs swaying hypnotically, slapping against each sculpted thigh in turn. A shiver ran down Mel's spine. She could practically feel those dark brown eyes roaming up and down her pale, curvy figure like she was a three-course meal- all served up and ready to eat, and all that remained was deciding what to taste first.



Melina's soft moans were muffled by a pair of full, dark lips mashed firmly against her own. Hard Knocks' powerful, muscular arms were coiled around Mel's body like pythons, lifting her up onto her tiptoes as the taller woman kissed her passionately, hot water cascading over them both. She held Mel's soft, supple body tightly, one hand on the back of her head, fingers woven through her luxurious golden locks, the other gripping her soft, plump ass, her fingers sinking deep into the pale flesh as she roughly squeezed Mel's shapely rear. Their breasts flattened against each other's bodies as Hard Knocks' tongue drove between Mel's lips and began to hungrily swirl around her tongue, their rock-hard nipples grinding against each other.

As Mel returned the passionate kiss with equal fervor, she melted into Hard Knocks' forceful embrace, her hands roaming up and down the sculpted muscles of the amazonian woman's back as she clung to her. All the while, Mel could feel it; that enormous cock sandwiched between their bodies, trapped between Hard Knocks' rugged abs and her soft stomach. It throbbed against her, growing longer, thicker and harder with every pulse- she could feel it's helmet-shaped head inching its way up her abdomen, pushing up until it grazed the undersides of her squished breasts. Mel let out another muffled moan into the kiss as she realized just how deep that monster would go inside her, her core clenching with need.

The kiss seemed to last an eternity, and yet, when Hard Knocks pulled her lips away, Melina couldn't help but feel like it hadn't been long enough. Hard Knocks' cock felt like a red-hot baseball bat pinned between their bodies, grinding against her core, desperately longing to go inside and indulge its primal instincts. Fully hard now, it was HUGE- probably as long as Mel's forearm and insanely thick, like a pair of soda cans stacked on top of each other, capped with a helmet-shaped crown the size of a baseball. Every inch of it was covered with winding, throbbing veins that pulsed with the beat of her heart. Mel shivered with lust.

"Mmmh... Is this why they call you HARD Knocks?" Melina asked once she caught her breath, grinning playfully up at Hard Knocks.

Hard Knocks smirked. "Cute. Though I think we're past the point of using code names, at this point. You can call me Bebe."

Mel nodded. "Bebe. I'm Melina. Or Mel." She quickly replied, then smirked teasingly. "But if you fuck as good as you kiss, you can call me whatever you want."

Bebe chuckled, a wicked gleam in her eye. Mel felt Bebe's cock throb against her stomach. She leaned in, craning her neck forward, putting her lips at Mel's ear. "That's good... 'cause I'm about to make you my bitch." She half-purred, half-growled.

Mel shivered in Bebe's embrace. Suddenly, the towering, dark-skinned amazon grabbed a fistful of Mel's long, golden hair and tugged sharply, forcing her head to tip back as she let out a soft cry of surprise and alarm! Bebe lowered her head, her dark lips trailing over the sensitive skin of Mel's exposed neck as she kissed her way down her throat, occasionally grazing the pale flesh with her teeth as she teasingly nipped and nibbled at it. Mel let out a soft whimper, pale hands clinging to the sculpted mahogany muscles on Bebe's back, gold-painted nails scratching lightly over their unyielding contours.

Bebe's superpower let her make her body take on the material properties of anything she touched. She could easily turn her flesh to marble like the tiles under her feet. Melina was just a normal woman, albeit a genius with a relatively well-trained body- but Bebe was a tank compared to her. Even without using her powers, her body was practically as hard as granite. Mel was utterly outclassed, completely at Bebe's mercy. As Bebe's teeth grazed her throat again in a teasing nibble, her head pulled back by the handful of hair gripped in Bebe's fist, she let out a soft moan as a feeling of helplessness came over her. There was nothing she could do to fight Bebe off even if she wanted to- no way she could stop Bebe from using her entire body like her personal toy!

Another shiver ran down Mel's spine as something deep in her core clenched with need. She needed Bebe's massive cock inside her- and she knew only one way to ensure that happened! Gathering her composure, Mel managed to piece together one word. "Well?"

Bebe blinked in confusion, pulling away from Mel's neck and straightening up, looking down at the blonde bombshell in her arms. "...Well, what?" She asked.

"Well, is that it?" Mel asked. "I thought you were gonna make me your bitch. Is that the best you got?" She pressed. Despite her head being tipped back by Bebe's grip on her hair, she locked eyes with Bebe and flashed her a teasing, playful smirk.

Bebe grinned at Mel's taunting, her eyes narrowing as they flashed with wicked intent. "Ahh, I see how it is." She purred.

Suddenly, Bebe let Mel go, releasing her grip on her hair and pulling her hand off her ass. Suddenly unsupported, Mel stumbled backward a half-step, trying to regain her balance- but she never got the chance. Bebe's hand pressed flat against her chest and shoved, forcing her back until her shoulders hit the cool, tiled wall with surprising force. The hand held her there, pinning her to the wall as Bebe leaned forward, bracing her forearm on the wall above Mel's head as she loomed over her. Her muscular frame eclipsed the overhead lights, casting Mel's curvy figure in shadow as she leaned her head down until her face was inches from Mel's, a wicked grin on her lips.

"I'm gonna enjoy putting you in your place." Bebe purred. "On. Your. Knees." Bebe commanded, her tone level, with an edge of danger to it.

Mel shivered, biting her lip. Suddenly, Bebe's hand moved from her chest to her shoulder, gripping tight and pushing down hard! Mel put up a token resistance before letting her legs give out, sinking to her knees- the tiled floor was cool and hard, despite the steamy water flowing over it. Suddenly, she was face-to-face with the head of Bebe's monstrous member- a deep pink, helmet-shaped crown nearly the size of her fist! It throbbed with Bebe's pulse, bobbing in the air just inches from Mel's face, atop a long, thick, mahogany shaft, like two soda cans stacked on top of each other, every inch covered with bulging, winding veins. It had felt enormous grinding against her body, but seeing it up close like this, it was positively awe-inspiring! Would this monster really fit inside her?

Bebe stood up straight, freeing her hand from holding her up off the wall, and reached down, gripping the base of the fearsome weapon- Even her own hand couldn't close all the way around it's girth! It seemed Mel wouldn't have much time to wonder about the practicality of it- Bebe angled the beast down and pushed her hips forward, until that fat, throbbing head pressed against Mel's soft pink lips.

"Open wide, slut." Bebe commanded, her voice husky.

Mel shivered- it felt so hot, and she could taste the salty, musky flavor of her precum as Bebe smeared the head over her lips. But tempting as it was, she resisted the urge to just open her mouth, roll out her tongue and stretch her lips around the fat crown- she knew it would be all the sweeter if she made Bebe work for it. As seconds ticked by with Mel's mouth stubbornly closed, Bebe's cocky, playful grin turned darker and darker, her eyes filling with anger.

"I said. Open. Wide." Bebe growled, her tone dangerous.

Bebe gripped the fat slab of cockmeat and swung it like a club, slapping the weighty shaft against Mel's lips, her cheeks, her face. She laid the throbbing, vein-marbled pillar across Mel's face, sawing it back and forth for a moment, even dragging her fat, churning balls across the blonde's face until her nose was buried in her smooth, weighty sack. Mel's mouth remained stubbornly closed, her lips curled in a taunting smirk as she looked up at Bebe.

"I see how it is." Bebe growled. "You wanna play rough? Fine. Let's play rough!"

Bebe adjusted her stance, let go of Mel's shoulder, and grabbed her hair again, gathering the long, silky golden locks into a single bundle, closing a fist around it, and tugging sharply! Mel gasped in surprise- and that was all the opening Bebe needed. Before she could make a sound, Bebe forced the blunt tip of her fearsome cock between Mel's slightly parted lips and yanked her head forward, using her hair as a handle. Mel's eyes widened as her jaws were suddenly pried apart to make room for the flared crown of Bebe's cock, her lips stretching wider and wider! Just when the corners of her mouth began to strain, feeling like they couldn't stretch any more, there was a soft pop as her lips slipped over the ridge of the crown, and the entire head was inside her mouth! Mel made a small, muffled noise, eyelids fluttering slightly.

"Hah, you liked that, didn't you, slut?" Bebe grinned wickedly, yanking Mel's hair to pull her head forward, driving another inch of her shaft past those well-stretched pink lips.

Mel couldn't really reply, considering her mouth was stuffed to its limit with Bebe's cockhead, the sheer girth of the throbbing crown pinning her tongue to the bottom of her mouth- though the muffled noises she made as Bebe's enormous cock pushed against the entrance to her throat seemed to confirm Bebe's suspicion. Her hands came up from her sides to grip the brutally thick shaft- though neither was able to close completely around it, together they managed to encircle it properly, one hand next to the other as they began to stroke up and down the length.

"Oh no you don't." Bebe interrupted.

Mel looked up at her, confused, only to see the wicked grin on Bebe's lips as she looked down at Mel. Bebe's hands suddenly moved to grab the blonde's wrists and pry them off the mahogany shaft. She took a half-step forward, her cock grinding at the entrance to Mel's throat and forcing her to pull back until her shoulders hit the tile wall of the shower. Mel felt her wrists getting pinned to the wall as well, held in place by Bebe's unyielding grip. Mel looked up at the villainess towering over her, and watched as Bebe licked her lips in anticipation.

"Bitches don't get to use their hands." She explained, eyes gleaming with predatory hunger. "I'm gonna fuck your thoat until I'm satisfied. I'm gonna make you take..." She purred, grinning wider as she continued. "Every. Last. Inch..."

Melina whimpered around the cock grinding against the back of her throat, her pussy clenching in envy.

Bebe paused for a moment, her expression shifting to something more serious. "Snap your fingers if you need air. Thumbs up if you understand." Mel hastily jabbed her thumbs in the air with both of her trapped hands as she rolled her tongue against the underside of Bebe's fat cockhead. Bebe 's grin returned. "Good bitch..." she purred.

With that out of the way, Bebe shifted her stance, raising her hips to angle her mahogany shaft down as she began to push forward. Mel felt her jaw strain as the baseball-sized head of Bebe's shaft began to grind against her uvula. "NG-!" Mel choked, eyes widening as her throat spasmed involuntarily, trying to hold back the invader! "GL-!" She added as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to forcibly suppress her gag reflex. She usually didn't have any trouble deepthroating- but then, the biggest cock she'd ever seen before Bebe's had been little more than half as long, and less than half as thick!