Strange and Kinky Things

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April decides that her marriage needs a sex coach.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/05/2014
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Mel was thumbing idly through the channels in search of something worth watching when his wife April turned her Kindle over and switched it off.

"Honey," she began, "I've been thinking."

Melvin smiled benignly and hit the power button 'off'.

"Now April," he drawled, "you know how dangerous that can be. Be careful, hon."

April stuck out her tongue naughtily. "Ha, ha, funny man. But really I have been. I've been thinking we need a girlfriend."

The control dropped from Mel's stunned fingers and rattled to the floor. Slowly he reached up and stuck a finger in his ear and twisted it around. "We're getting' some funny acoustics in the room, April, it sounded like you said we needed a girlfriend."

"I did. I think we need a domme kind of girlfriend who can make us use strange things and do kinky stuff."

Mel's chin dropped and he looked at his wife from under bushy eyebrows. He took several breaths as though trying out the next sentence before he quietly responded, "I didn't know you liked kinky stuff."

April pinked just a little in the cheeks. "I don't know whether I do or not, Mel. We've never tried anything kinky. How am I supposed to know if I like it if we don't try? And the reason I think we need a girlfriend is that I'm afraid we're both too plain vanilla. We'd chicken out before we figured out what we were doing so that's why we need a—a sex coach."

Mel was very quiet for a long time but April could see the wheels turning in his head. His facial expression changed as he thought and at times she was tempted to giggle but she went back to her Kindle to let him think until at last he took a deep breath.

"Just what kind of 'kinky' did you have in mind, Baby? I mean, there're all kinds of things out there and I'm for damn' sure I don't want anything to do with a lot of them. I've been on the Internet, you know, and some of the things I've seen make my skin crawl."

April gave him a tiny pursed-lip grin that somehow managed to combine prim with wanton. "So have I, Melvin. But I'm sure that if we make it clear that there are limits we won't go past that we can find someone who will introduce us to fun and games beyond anything we've ever done. In fact, I know I can."

Mel reached down to the carpet to retrieve the control. "Oh? May I ask how?"

"You may. And I'll even answer. My hairdresser Maria is a professional dominatrix on the side. She's been teasing me about our 'American Missionary' love life when I get my hair done and dared me to take her up on an evening's entertainment. She even offered me a free session so we can see if we like it. So I told her we'd have an early light dinner Saturday and then she could come over and give us the treatment. Won't that be fun?"

"But—but I haven't said 'yes' yet!"

"Oh, don't be so prissy, Melvin. I can tell you're just as tired of the humdrum as I am so admit that you think it's a good idea. Think of all the fun we'll have."

Mel kept trying to come up with a decent objection but none of them seemed to work. The problem was that it was April who had come up with the idea and while there were some things on the Internet he wanted nothing to do with, some of the others . . .

"Oh, all right. What can it hurt? If we don't like it we don't have to do it again. Sure, tell her to come over."


Maria turned out to be delightfully curvy, plump and bubbly and Mel had a very hard time imagining her in thigh boots, black leather mask and harness with a riding crop and he said so.

She laughed long and loudly before answering. "I took a lot of drama classes before deciding that I could make more money doing hair than I could teaching high school so I just have to put on a good act when I'm with a 'client'. But that's not on the agenda tonight. April just wants to dip her toe in the pool of kink so that's all we'll do. I don't really see you two as happy submissives anyway. It's just about playing Mel, nothing else, and if you're not enjoying the game why play?"

"Why, indeed?" He drained the Manhattan Maria had suggested to 'uninhibit' the couple. "So what is on the agenda?"

Maria reached down next to the sofa and picked up a tote bag. She stood up, grinned and nodding in the direction of the master bedroom said, "Shall we find out?"

Once the king-sized four poster bed was turned down the trio undressed. "Tonight," Maria announced, "we're going to start gently—just a threesome."

"Ooo," April grinned, "with Mel in the middle."

"No," Maria firmly replied, "you're in the middle. Hold out your hands."

April's jaw dropped and she looked at the other two with wide eyes. "Me?"

"Yes, you," Maria insisted, "and I said 'hold out your hands'."

As April reluctantly complied the dominatrix reached into the tote and pulled out a length of soft rope. She quickly bound the woman's wrists together and then pushed her onto the bed. "Get in the middle!" Maria commanded, "And raise your arms."

Once April's arms were over her head Maria hooked the rope to the headboard. "There now," she said in satisfaction, "doesn't she make just the most inviting little bundle?"

A glance at Mel's crotch showed that his wife was now quite an inviting little bundle, indeed. Maria leered slyly and rubbed full breasts against the man's arm and gave his stiffening cock a stroke or two. Then she reached into the bag again and pulled out a black silk scarf. Rolling it up, she blindfolded April and then, to the bound woman's astonishment, gave her a long, hot, full-mouthed, probing kiss. "Yes, April dear," Maria whispered in her ear, "you're in the middle."

April felt the bed bounce as the other two climbed in on either side of her. Once again Maria's perfume filled her nose as Maria's tongue filled her mouth. April felt a small hand grasp a bunch of her hair, holding her head and keeping her from turning away. A small hand grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed and kneaded while on the other side Mel's familiar lips tongue made beautiful music on the other nipple—and his hand played a familiar tune on her pussy. As he so often had, Mel slid a finger inside and stroked her G-spot while his thumb vibrated lightly on her clitoris.I'm helpless, April thought,tied down and I can't get away. They're doing whatever they please to me and I can't even cry out and complain. Oh gawd, that woman's kisses! Oh, I'm going to lose control, I'm gonna—cuuuuuuum . . .!

Faster than she ever had in her life April began to spasm, cry out, kick and convulse. Maria let go of her mouth and sucked on a breast forcing the woman into an orgasm that went on and on.

April cried out, "Please, no more, please . . ." but the other two were remorseless and kept her rolling with ecstasy until the tremors decreased and she collapsed, exhausted.

"Roll her over." Maria's voice was quiet but commanding and Mel obeyed. The dominatrix bent down to April's ear. There was suggestive laughter deep behind the words she whispered. "Now, April honey, I'm going to give your hubby a blow job and a half and when he's good and ready I'm going to lube up his cock and he's going to slide it, slow and easy, up your pretty ass. While he pushes in you push out. It'll hurt at first but when the burn goes away you give a little wiggle and then he'll go the rest of the way and buttfuck you to the moon. You are gonna be so used girl!"

April wanted to shake her head 'no'. Mel had asked for anal sex several times before and she'd always refused but somehow saying 'no' now was just—just wrong! She was the one in the middle, the one the other two had fun with. Besides, they'd just given her the orgasm of her life and she was too limp to do anything but lay there and take it.

Maria was as good as her word. April gave pretty good head, Mel thought, but Maria was the expert's expert. She took him all the way in, vibrated her tongue, stroked up and down and played with ass while she sucked. Finally she sat up and pulled out a tube of gooey lubricant. She squeezed out a big dollop on the end and then, spreading April's buttcheeks, growled "Let her have it!"

April felt the helmet of Mel's cock on her anus. She swallowed and as he pushed against her pushed back. She felt herself opening like a rosebud and then—he was inside!

"Ah?" April squeaked.

"Easy . . ." Maria warned and put her hand on Mel's belly.

The stretching and burning feeling faded after a bit so April took a deep breath and wiggled her butt. Mel smiled as Maria gave his ass a pat and slowly eased into his wife until his pelvis rested on her buttocks.

"Now fuck her!"

Mel pushed.

"Oh! Oh! Oooooh!"

At first Mel took slow, easy strokes, making his wife moan softly with each one but soon he began to speed up. "Damn, April, your ass is tight!"

Between gasps and moans April thought to herself,I'm tight? Mel, you feel like a baseball bat back there—but in a good way. Once again she felt the familiar tension rise. Another orgasm? From being sodomized? Really? "Aaaaaaaah!"

Mel plunged in and out of her a few more times and with a grunt shot a load up April's ass. Then he groaned and dropped to one side and lay there panting.


The next morning Maria drove home humming contentedly. Naturally when they'd invited her she'd spent the night in bed with Mel and April. It not only seemed the polite thing to do but when she curled up next to April who was spooning with Mel she felt vast satisfaction. Though she'd said otherwise Maria was quite sure that the couple was indeed a pair of submissives, ones that she could have a lot of fun with in the days to come. That April! Blond, pink and conventional as she looked, the girl was doubtless now as happy a catamite as her husband could wish to bugger. And as for Mel himself? Maria mentally went over her extensive collection of strap-on and strapless dildos. Yes, she would be introducing him to the gentle art of pegging as soon as possible. She had paying clients to deal with Friday and Saturday night but Saturday morning? She would have to raise the subject with April at her Tuesday hair appointment.


A couple of nights later, April was finishing up the dishes when Mel came up behind her and gave her a hug. Nibbling her ear he whispered, "Put your hands behind your back."

"What? Mel, I'm . . ."

Her husband reached around grasped both her wrists and pulled them behind her. Quickly he tied them together with the same rope Maria had used and over her protests brought out the black scarf and once again blindfolded her. Then to April's amazement Mel lifted her up in the air and threw her face down over his shoulder and carried her off, kicking.

When he tossed her down she felt their bed beneath her for a moment before he rolled her over face down and lifting her hips stuffed a round bolster beneath her hips. Reaching beneath her he unfastened her jeans and pulled them off exposing her silk panties.

"Well, what have we here?" Mel chuckled as he read the printing on the back, 'It ain't gonna spank itself'. April swallowed and tensed. She'd bought the pair as on a whim, mostly as a joke but right now she had a strong suspicion that the joke was on her. She was right. Mel's fingers slipped inside the waistband and slowly peeled them off.

"Mel? It was a joke, Mel."

A sharp smack sounded through the bedroom as his hand cracked across April's buttocks. She squeaked and then, unaccountably, giggled. "Not too hard, Mel," April pleaded. Another smack followed and another, one on the left another on the right is quick succession. April kicked and protested to no avail until at last the barrage stopped. Surprising warmth spread from her abused ass down her thighs and up her back. Then Mel's hand was on her again but this time rubbing, bringing the heat up higher.

"Ooo, don't stop, honey. Mmm, that feels good!"

Mel reached between his wife's thighs and found that her pussy was also warm, puffy and wet.

"Liked that, did you?" he chuckled, "You know your butt is as red as a chimp in heat's. It kind of gets to me."

April wiggled. "Then maybe you ought to get to me. Climb on, honey. I'm already. Shoot me a charge, Mel, fill me up."

April spread her legs as she heard Mel's jeans drop to the floor. She arched her back to give him a better view. Spanking as foreplay was a new and interesting idea, one of those strange and kinky things she'd read about. She hummed happily as he climbed on her and then he was inside her, making her moan in delight.

"Fuck me, Mel," April whispered, "fuck me blue!"


"It's not that I didn't like getting spanked," April said thoughtfully as Maria washed her hair, "I actually did. But he should have at least asked me."

"Yes, he should," Maria agreed, "And I think that's something we need to clarify right away. This sort of play has to be agreed on. It's fine if you want it to be spontaneous but the spontaneity has to come after discussion and agreement as to terms and such."

"That's what I kind of thought. That's why I told him that when you come over Saturday morning, we're all going to discuss what is okay, what isn't and what is going to happen when it's his turn to be on the receiving end."

Maria paused and then nodded. "So, you have established that at some time Mel gets to be the bottom?"

"Yes!" April was emphatic, "I don't want to be the submissive all the time. I want to be able to do things to him, things that he ends up liking."

Maria smiled like an alligator on a sandbank. "Do you, now? Well, I'll bring over a selection. Maybe we'll just spend some time introducing him to his feminine side."


When both women sat on his lap, one on each knee, Mel had a feeling that the momentum was about to shift against him. The only problem with the thought was that he wasn't sure it was such a bad thing. Since April had brought Maria into their relationship, Mel's interest in sex, never low at any time, had increased and April's response had been enthusiastic. So he put on a cheerful face and waited for the opening comment.

"You, Melvin Carmichael, are an adorably sexy man," Maria began, "but up to now you've been a little pushy."

"Right," April chimed in, "the next time you want to introduce something different into our sex life you have to clear it with me."

"And," Maria continued, "the reverse is equally true. And if I introduce something it has to be okay with both of you. Sound fair?"

Mel thought a bit and then nodded.

"Good. So, dear, has April ever given you a prostate massage?"

Mel looked startled. "How do you massage a guy's prostate? It's inside."

"Why with her fingers, of course. It's good for you and it feels amazing—or so every man I've ever done it to thinks. So since she hasn't, I'm going to teach her how. That's step one. April, besides last week, have you ever made it with another woman?"

"Uh, no," April blushed, "but last week was fun . . ."

"Good," Maria shifted on Mel's lap, "then that opens up step two which will take us to step three, which is Mel watching us get it on and then me taking him the way he takes you."

"Wait up." Mel protested, "You're talking about strap-on dildos, aren't you. That's one of those kinky things I'm not playing. I am not and will not be anyone's sissyboy. Understand?"

Maria reached out and took each on Mel's ears in her hands. She brought her face down to his, nose tip to nose tip. "And no one wants you to be one, honey. I'm just talking about letting yourself get loved as hard as you love a woman. I'm talking about your finding out how much fun it is to be the receiving partner for a change. Believe me, we love getting taken. In fact, I'm looking forward to having you do me good and proper, whenever April gives the okay, but until then I think you need to find out how good it feels. So let's start with step one. Go shower."

Back in their bedroom, April and Mel lay on the bed while Maria explained. "Now kids, a man's prostate gland is just about a finger's length inside his rectum and that makes it really easy to reach. April just puts on one of these latex gloves and squeezes some lube on her fingertips. Go on, do it. Now Mel, you raise your legs up high so she can rub the gel around your anus. Now April, this is important. You don't just jab your fingers in. Start with the pad and press. He'll open up automatically and then you slide your fingers in nice and easy, just like when he buttfucked you. Now curl your fingers. You ought to feel a knob about the size of a walnut."

Mel gasped.

"Ah," Maria chuckled, "I think you found it. Now stroke it soft and slow. See how good that feels, Mel?"

Mel went from gasp to moans, repeated moans of pleasure. April grinned up at Maria. "So that's how he's going to feel when you peg him?"

"Mm-hmm. And the way he's going to feel when you peg him, too. We're going to turn you into a happy switch, Mel, just as glad to get fucked as to do the fucking. It's going to be so much fun."

Orgasmic tremors rippled up Mel's body from deep inside. April never sped up or increased pressure and never let him come—and he didn't care. He just lay there in happy enjoyment that seemed to go on endlessly.

Finally, Maria announced he'd had enough for the present, adding, "Now Mel, honey, you just slide over a little and give your wifey and me room," and she descended on April like a starving thing. It was, April decided when she had time to think about it, what 'ravished' meant—almost rape but without the violence. Mel watched in amazement and increasing arousal as Maria kissed ferociously, pinched, squeezed, slapped and nipped making his wife alternate between protest and ecstasy. At the end she swapped ends and covered April's mouth with her sex while attacking April's with tongue and lips. Only a few minutes passed before first Maria and then April bucked and spasmed in climax before falling away from each other.

"Phew!" Maria grinned happily. April was speechless.

Rolling off the bed, Maria stood up and looked down at Mel's semi-erect cock. "Good show, huh? Well now, lover, April gets the show." She leaned down and took Mel in her mouth sucking hard and bobbing her head slowly to bring him solid and stiff. She turned to April. "Keep sucking him, hon, while I get ready. Mel, you're about to get in touch with your feminine nature—the one you didn't even know you had."

Again she reached into the tote bag and pulled out an impressively large, purple double dildo. One end was anatomically correct but the other was oddly bulbous. Maria slipped the bulb into her pussy and then buckled a black and chrome harness over the outside.

"Normally," she said in an off-hand manner, "I don't bother with the harness but I'm so wet and slippery now it wouldn't stay in if I don't tie it down."

She climbed onto the bed between Mel's feet. "Lift his legs, April. Oh my, flexible, isn't he? Well that's wonderful."

She scooted forward and gave his cock a friendly stroke or two before squeezing out a big dollop of gel onto the head of the dildo. Then she put it at the opening of his anus and with a mischievous grin gave a little push and in it popped.

"Oh!" Mel managed to groan and gasp at the same time.

Maria leaned forward and hooked her elbows inside his knees. She looked down at him lovingly. "Now, sweetheart, this isn't at all about domination or humiliation. This is just about loving surrender, just like April does for you only this time you surrender to me. And here it comes."

She pushed strongly but slowly with her well-practiced hips, driving the entire length of the dildo into Mel. He let out a long, soft moan.

Gee, thought April,he makes the same noises I do only an octave deeper. And just look at his face! He's in heaven. Oh, I'm going to have to get one of those!

Trapped, pinned down and penetrated, Mel looked up at Maria's face.I'm in love. This wasn't supposed to happen. Maria was just supposed to help us broaden our sex lives not make me fall in love with her. And she looks like she loves me, too. What are we going to do? How do I tell April?