Strawberry - A Shanghai Girl in America Ch. 04


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"You better take your little drama queen inside, Alan, get her cleaned up," Grandma say. "Feed her some tranquilizers or something. Rest of the family's in town shopping, ran into them at the supermarket, they said they'd be back soon. Your Mom's doing dinner tonight. Everyone's coming over to meet your new girlfriend. Better get her cleaned up and calmed down before they turn up."

Oh no. No! Not just Alan's Mom and Dad? Everyone? To meet me? Tonight! So terror! So panic! I start to shake. Blllaaaaggghhhhhhhh. I throw up again, right on Alan's shirt, throw up so fast I don't even have time to turn my head, it just comes up. On Alan's shirt. In my hair. So horrible.

"That's just disgusting," I hear Grandma. "I need a drink. After I clean my shoes."

"Grandma, will you shut up." Alan finally lose his temper with nasty old witch. "Strawberry's nervous enough about meeting everyone, you're making it worse. You promised not to do this again. Just leave her alone and go away."

"Alan," Grandma sounded totally disapproving. "Your girlfriend spits in public, she swears like a trooper, she throws up like a sick puppy and she's a drama queen on top of that. Honestly, boy, you'd have had to work hard to have made a worse choice."

I cling to Alan, crying my eyes out. I so insulted. Disaster. This so utter disaster. I going home. I so going home, right now. As soon as I stop crying I going to Duluth Airport and getting a plane home. If Alan not take me, I calling a cab. Awful. This so awful.

Engine noises. Crunching of tires on snow. Another car on the driveway coming closer. Parking. Doors. Voices. Ohhh no, this just so humiliating. So catastrophe. This so worse than not placing in top three in Miss Shanghai contest.

"Alan, you're here already? How wonderful. Is this Strawberry?" A woman's voice. So happy. So enthusiastic.

"Hi Mom, she's not feeling well, and Grandma's been scaring her." Alan holds me tight. "Hi, Dad."

"Alan's girlfriend's been puking like a sick puppy." That horrible nasty rude old woman. She sound so satisfied. Evil nasty horrible rude old woman. I so in despair.

A man's voice. "Mom, that's enough. You did this to Gwen's girlfriend last time. Strawberry doesn't look well and I don't blame her, that's a long drive and you being a bitch doesn't help anyone. Here Alan, use these to clean Strawberry up, you and your Mom get her inside, everything's ready for her in the spare bedroom. We'll bring the luggage in. She needs a shower and a rest and a nice hot drink. Pat, you give me a hand bringing everything from the cars into the house. Mom, you stop being snarky, keep a civil tongue in your head and make some of that jasmine tea we bought for the poor girl."

"Hot chocolate," Alan say, "she prefers hot chocolate with cream and sugar."

That so nice of him to remember. He lift my face of his chest, starts wiping my face with a handful of wet wipes. I keep eyes closed so tight, so crying. Not wanting to see anything. Only planning on opening eyes when I at airport waiting for plane home.

"Come on, Strawberry." Alan's mom's voice again. So friendly. So gentle. "Let's get you inside, don't mind Mom, she gets bitchy when her meds get out of whack. We're all used to her."

"Strawberry isn't used to her," man's voice say. "You just ignore her, Strawberry. She's like this to everyone. Alan should've warned you."

"She promised she'd behave after last time with Gwen," Alan say. I tell he so angry. He so tensed up.

"Yeah, well, you didn't tell me she spat everywhere and she swears like a trooper," so evil nasty Grandma mutter. "And she pukes like a sick puppy."

"Jesus Christ, just shut it up, Mom," man's voice say. "Keep this up and it'll be me spitting and swearing like a trooper."

I so not feeling any better. I shivering. My eyes squeezed shut so tight, so not wanting to see anything. Shivering and clinging to Alan and sobbing so hysterical. "I want to go home, I want to go home."

"Let's get her inside, Alan," the woman's voice say. "You carry her. Mom, if you say another word, you're going to have to go stay with Louise and Fred for the rest of the holidays."

"I've got you, Strawberry." Alan lift me up, carry me easily in his arms, my face pressed into his shoulder. Walk with me inside, walk and walk, ease me through what must be a doorway, sit down, still holding me. I so not letting go of Alan. Alan only place of safety in so terrifying hostile place.

"What on earth did Mom say to her, Alan?" His mom's voice. I feel hand on my shoulder. So gentle. "It's okay Strawberry, Mom can be a complete bitch sometimes, it's her meds, but the rest of us are really nice, we've all been looking forward to meeting you so much. We've heard so much about you, Gwen was so excited that Alan was bringing you home. I'm so sorry she upset you."

I want to stop crying but I can't, I can't. I so unhappy. So scared. So nasty cruel Grandma. So clinging to Alan. So not letting go of Alan. "I drama queen," I hiccup, "I drama queen, she hate me, she hate me. So rude, she so rude to me, I go home, I want to go home Alan, take me home." I so crying even harder now. So sad. So many tears. So heartbroken. So disastrous introduction to family. So humiliation. So alien country. So scary people.

Cannibals. Bears. Wolves. Somalis. Probably trolls somewhere too. Hearing about American trolls. So scary, those trolls, all over internet. Maybe real trolls here in far north. All too much. I so wanting to be back in so nice safe Shanghai and staying so safe with my Daddy. My Daddy take care of me. No wolves. No bears. No cannibals. No nasty grandma's. So definite no Somalis. No trolls. American Trolls so nasty and scary. I always so looked after in Shanghai. So nice Housekeeper. Cook. Maids. Driver for car when needing to go anywhere. So tough bodyguard when necessary for keeping self so safe from nasty bad people. So wanting to be back in Shanghai. So knowing not possible. Knowledge so adding to sadness and despair.

"Here're all the bags and boxes and things, Alan." Big brother's voice?

Alan's dad's voice. "Why don't you leave her with your Mom to get cleaned up?"

"No .. no ... " I cling so desperately to Alan. The only familiar thing in this scary alien place. "Alan not leaving me ... Alan not leaving me..."

"Jesus, I'm gonna kill Mom," his Dad's voice say. "She promised after last time she wouldn't do this again. ... Strawberry, you just relax, okay. Alan and my wife're going to stay with you, okay, help you get cleaned up. You take as long as you like and I'm sorry about Mom, she can be a real bitch sometimes, specially when her meds get screwed up, we didn't realize she was coming up today, we thought it was gonna be tomorrow. Alan, you just take care of Strawberry, okay, we're putting your bag in your old room."

"Thanks Dad," Alan say. "Mom, can you get some washcloths to help me wash Strawberry's face."

"Of course, dear," his Mom say. That hand give my shoulder little squeeze. "I'll be right back, Strawberry."

"You stay with me, Alan," I sob, curling my fingers into his shirt. Holding Alan so tight. "Not leaving me."

"Don't worry, Strawberry," Alan kiss my head. My so messy head pressed to so messy shirt. He not care. I know he love me but still I feel so awful. So humiliation. So embarrassment. "I'm staying with you, okay. Breathe in slowly, breathe out, breath in ..."

I do what he say. Breathing slows. I stop sobbing, stop hiccupping. Stop panting. His Mom come back with warm wet washcloth. Wipe my face so gentle, like my amah when I little girl. I feel so bad now. So exhausted. So drained. I so drama queen, I knowing. So pathetic silly behavior. So not being an independent American girl looking after self. "Sorry," I whisper, "I so sorry, sorry to make so much trouble, so sorry to be so inconvenience, I sorry, I sorry."

"That's okay, Strawberry, you aren't trouble at all and I'm so dreadfully sorry about Mom," Alan's Mom say. "Why don't I take you into the bathroom, help you get cleaned up? You take a shower, put some clean clothes on, have a little nap, okay."

"No ... Alan not leaving me ... Not leaving me." I cling tighter to him. Not wanting to lose hold on him. Not wanting to be alone in strange house, so many people I not know. Bears in woods outside. Wolves? Grandma worse than Chucky. What if crazy old lady bursts into room? We in woods. Americans using chainsaw in woods to cut down trees. So remembering so terrifying horror movie with chainsaw. Oh no! So nightmare. So scary here, like horror movie except this so real. So not movie. So shivering with fear. So clinging so tight to Alan.

His mom pause. I feel Alan move. I know him and his Mom looking at each other. "I think ... I think you should help her if that's what she wants, Alan," his Mom say at last. "She's frightened enough, already."

Alan take a deep breath. Suddenly he so tense. "I'll help her, Mom. Can you bring my bag and some extra towels in here?"

Pause. Long pause. "Okay dear," his Mom say at last.

Alan breathe out, he relax. His Mom pat my shoulder. "Don't worry Strawberry, Alan'll look after you, dear," she say to me. "You take your time, I'll go get you some of that hot chocolate for when you're ready." Another long pause. Alan hold me. She leave the room. Alan holds me, holds me tight for a long time. Slowly, so slowly, I relax. Still feeling awful, only sniffling now though. Holding tight to Alan. Now I want that shower but so scared to open eyes. Not wanting to let go of Alan. Still so shivering. Not wanting to see mess I in. Mess I make all over Alan. Ohhhh, so shame.

His Mom comes back in. "Here you are, Alan. You take good care of her, okay. I talked to your Dad, we think maybe you should just stay in here with Strawberry while she's staying if that's what she wants."

"Thanks Mom."

The door shut again. Alan stroke my so messy hair. I so shame.

"Come and have a shower, Strawberry." Alan not waiting for answer. He so caring for me. He stand up with me in arms, carry me so easy through doorway, carry me like I feather. Door shut behind us. Lower me to feet. I keep eyes closed so tight as Alan undo my so messy jacket, not wanting to see damage. Ohhhhh, I throw up all over wonderful designer Judy Hua jacket. So needing emergency dry cleaning right away.

Alan unbutton my shirt, take it off me. Unhook my bra. Take bra off me. Eyes still closed but now so wanting to open as Alan unzip my jeans. Pull them down. Socks off. Jeans off. Alan take my panties off. I so naked now. Naked with Alan in bathroom. Feeling better a little. Not panting anymore. I not shivering. Bathroom so very nice and warm. Starting to want to pant again though. So different reason.

"I'll turn the shower on." Alan hold me close with one hand, move around, leaning away. I hear water. "This way, Strawberry." I open eyes so brief time as I step into shower. So nice big shower, warm stone walls, tile floor and glass. Bathroom so big. Water so warm. Close eyes again, bury head under water so immediate. So rinsing disgusting messy hair right away. Rinse and rinse and rinse. Find soap, scrub face, rinse mouth again and again. So needing to wash hair. Hair so horrible messy. So unsightly. So welcoming hot water. Shower door open. Sensing movement. Is Alan in shower with me? Open eyes at last? Yes. Alan. In shower. With me. So naked. So handsome. So yummy. Such a shuài dāi le. So smiling at me when he see my eyes open, eyeing him.

"Like me to wash your hair, Strawberry darling?" His voice so gentle. My shampoo already in his hands. Oh, he so caring.

"Yes please," I whisper, closing eyes again as Alan tenderly massage shampoo into my hair, massage my head, his fingers so gentle, so strong, so working away tension and stress. So sighing happily as I lean back against him. So feeling better as I bend forward, rinse my hair, finish, open eyes again.

"Shampoo again, please." I smiling now. So feeling better. Alan so obliging, shampoo in hair so cleansing. Rinsing again, hair feeling so clean. Alan's fingers so tender. So smiling when Alan starts washing rest of me. So enjoying. So enjoying now that fears forgotten. No more scared and nervous. Just me and Alan and soapy hands. Nice soapy hands. So enjoying soapy hands. Alan kneel, wash legs from feet up, wash so thorough.

"Ooooohhhh." Eyes wide. Wash everywhere.

Alan's finger. Teasing my xiǎo bī. So naughty. So delightful. So irresistible, that teasing. So stroking. So making me shiver and hold Alan's head as finger tease so delicately. Xiǎo bī purr. Xiǎo bī so wet. Not wet from water. Breathing hard now. Clutching Alan's head. So naughty Alan. So wonderful finger. Finger slide so slowly up inside me. Feeling so exquisite. So pleasure. So wanting finger in xiǎo bī.

"Ooooohhhhh." So unable not to make little noises. So helpless as finger explore xiǎo bī, touching inside so deep. So through. Alan know exactly where to touch. I prisoner of xiǎo bī. So helpless in face of desire.

Alan look up at me. He smile. He know exactly what he doing to me. Driving me crazy. I smile back. Alan push second finger into xiǎo bī.

I not smiling anymore. I opening mouth wide. "Ooooooohhhhh." I moaning. Moaning so loud. Xiǎo bī so stretched around two big fingers. So abused. So loving abuse received. So wanting more. So shivering as two fingers move inside me. So wanting more than fingers.

"I want you, Strawberry." Alan look up at me from knees. I looking down. He so hard. So hard for me.

"Yes," I gasp, "gàn ... gàn ... Oohhh please Alan."

Alan stand up, fingers still inside my xiǎo bī. He kiss me. Tongue kiss. So demanding. I so surrendering to demand of beloved. Mouth open so wide. So dominate by Alan's tongue. So loving. So clinging to Alan. So welcoming continuing abuse of xiǎo bī from so big fingers. So thrilling when clitoris teased as well. So unable not to squeal. Alan so good. Di diao so big and hard. So excited holding him in one hand, stroking slowly.

"Alan," I gasp, "in me ... I wanting this big hard thing in me so bad."

"Now?" he ask.

"Now." I so emphatic. Xiǎo bī so wanting. So begging. "Right now."

"So wet," Alan breathe, kissing me. Little kisses. Soft gentle kisses. "You're so wet, Strawberry."

Wet? Wo de ma. He so correct. "You right, Alan, I so wet," I moan, "I so needing you now."

Alan smile. Alan turn me round so fast, facing wall of shower. "Hands on the shower wall," he breathe in my ear, di diao pressed so hard against butt. My guy so commanding. So liking to be commanded. Feeling so good. So pushing back butt, so gasping as Alan nudge my feet wider apart, ease di diao down and inwards and up. Up to nudge tip of di diao against so wet entrance to xiǎo bī. He push so gentle. Xiǎo bī tell me so ready.

"Gàn," I sob, "gàn." So forgetting English words in moment of greatest need and desire. So wanting Alan inside me. So bad, wanting his di diao in me so bad. Alan understanding some Mandarin now. He laugh in my ear. Low throaty laugh, laugh that says he knows exactly what I want.

"Want it, Strawberry?" he ask me.

"Yes," I gasp, bracing self against wall of shower, trying to push self back onto se desirable hardness. "Yes ... yes ... no tease me, Alan ... no tease me ... Please, I want it ... Just give it to me."

"Uuughhhhhhhh." I groaning as Alan give it to me. He push in. So sliding deep. Long slow big thick slide. I so tight on di diao. Big? Alan huge. So hard. So rigid. So welcome inside xiǎo bī. So welcome to stretch xiǎo bī. Ohhhh, his di diao so stretching xiǎo bī as he push in so forceful. I so fucked.

"Wo de ma," I groan as all of him finally inside me. Fully sheathed. Big sword of Alan's fully sheathed inside me. So turning me to jelly. I so helpless. Impaled. I so impaled. So loving impalement. Xiǎo bī so dancing on Alan's di diao. Squeezing him, dancing around him, feeling him so stretching me everywhere inside. Two fingers so big. Alan's di diao so much bigger, so stretching everywhere. So focus on feeling him inside. Glans so swollen, able to feel position in me, so deep inside me. Long long shaft, pushed so deep. I so hanging there, helpless, suspended in pleasure. Alan supporting me, holding me up, otherwise I collapse on floor of shower like jellyfish. I total jellyfish.

"Are you okay, Strawberry?" Alan breathe question in ear.

"Uhhh," I gasp, "uhh-huh." I unable to talk words for moment. Brain not having words. Only sensations. Sensation of di diao inside xiǎo bī mostly. Sensation of full impalement. So overwhelming sensation. So good. So exquisite. So best sensation in whole world. So desiring Alan to continue, to move in me. Wanting fucking so bad. So adjusting to size of di diao inside me. So eager now.

"Alan," I gasp, my voice so eager, "fuck me."

"Would you like to lie down?" Alan always so considerate. So polite. I so not wanting polite right now. I so wanting action.

"Like this," I gasp, so enjoying position. "Like this ... Cào me ... Cào me..."

Hands hold my hips so tight, legs so spreading me wide, di diao so thrusting now. So delicious enjoyable action, thrusting, sliding, moving in and out, feeling so good as sliding deep, easing back, pausing, sliding deep again, so filling me. So fucking me. Fucking me so good. So good sensation when doing with loved one. So good even when not loved one, but Alan so extra specially good. So wanting to ask for more.

"Wǒ tā mā de," I begging. "Wǒ tā mā de ... Hard ... do it hard." I know Alan liking fucking me hard. I liking so much too. I so ready to be fucked hard. So desiring to be fucked hard. Alan so obliging. Faster. Harder. So hard. So rough. Strong hands pulling me back onto di diao. Alan slapping up against butt and back of so tender thighs with every thrust. So good. So enjoying Alan doing what he want to me. Giving it to me so hard. Di diao pumping into me.

Pumping? Di diao pistoning into me. Relentless shaft of steel driving into me again and again. Faster now. So feeling pleasure of long hard slide, so swollen glans so deep inside me. So driving me crazy. So moaning and gasping. So intoxicated with pleasure, every nerve on body so alive now, so welcoming every touch of Alan's hands. Not just on hips now. On stomach, pulling me back, one hand on breast, squeezing, cupping, tugging at nipple. So squealing now. So begging Alan.

"Wǒ tā mā de yìng ... Wǒ tā mā de yìng." Alan so obliging. Alan fuck my xiǎo bī so good. So fast and hard, in and out, so long slides, so deep, so sensation. I so lost, so helpless in moment, so feeling pleasure growing and growing and growing. How good Alan make me feel. How much pleasure he give me. So lost for words. No more words. Just moans and sobs and little cries and then Alan's hand reach down, touch clitoris as he slide into me and it so good, so pushing me over edge.

"Wo de ma..." Only words I able to speak as body just explodes in climax. Hands clutch so helpless at wall of shower, Alan holding me, I climaxing so crazy, huge wave breaking inside. Swelling, building, holding in suspense, then crashing down on me, so nothing left but golden waves of pleasure as xiǎo bī go wild.

"Strawberry ... oh god, Strawberry." Alan so groaning as di diao piston into me. I so wild, so crazy, so pushing self back on him, pleasure so overwhelming and he keep going. On and on, moving in me as I hang there, in heaven, so moaning my pleasure, my love, my happiness, my exquisite surrender to what he do to me.

Golden exquisiteness of climax slowly fades, Alan no longer inside me. I so empty, so gasping for breath as Alan lift me, turn me to face him, sink to floor of shower, taking me with him so I kneeling astride Alan's legs. Alan so vision. Rippling muscles, so ripped. So enjoying hardness of body against mine as we kiss. So enjoying hardness of di diao as my hand clasp him. So hard, so ready to keep going. I so happy to oblige. Alan's hands on my butt, so caressing, so kneading butt, mouth lowered to find breast.
