Strip Game Addicts Ch. 08


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"The Answer to the Great Question of Life, the universe and everything is what?" Mackenzie read off the card, with a puzzled look on her face, this was a bit of obscure literary trivia, John figured, not just for the breadth of the question, but probably the odd answer as well.

"That would be 42, Mackenzie." John wanted to laugh as shock covered Mackenzie's face, but he managed to keep a relatively straight face.

"I don't get it." Mackenzie simply shrugged and peeled the pasties off of her pink nipples, the adhesive seemed to leave a redness around them, for a moment, John could swear Mackenzie was proud to show off her naked breasts.

Next up was Stacey:

"Oh crap, this one is way too easy." Stacey pouted as she read the card, she turned to Jenna and jokingly asked "Can I put it back?"

"No, you have to ask it." Jenna sighed, probably not wishing to give John further ammunition, as he was still too well dressed for the evening to her taste.

"Well, here goes nothing..." Stacey looked back to her card and read out: "What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature?"

"Mercury, that one is pretty easy." John answered correctly, and asked for Stacey's bra as a reward.

Stacey obliged, and reached back to unclasp her pink bra off her body, leaving her in her hot pink panties and nothing else, her modest A cup breasts on display, she was blushing, but seemed to take her exposure better than Lauren did.

Unfortunately for John, Jenna was next, and she seemed rather hell bent on getting John naked, despite not having any say in the questions.

"How many dice are used in a standard game of backgammon?" Jenna asked, quite happy to see signs of worry on John's face.

"six?" John hazarded a guess, but the expression on Jenna's face immediately told him the result.

"Nope, pants off." Delighted by the change in the game's flow, Jenna watched as John seemingly forgot or didn't care to mention that he didn't need to take the pants off first, but they came off all the same.

The dress shirt was long enough to obstruct the view of the black speedos, but if John moved haphazardly, his bulging member, certainly quite excited at this point by all the naked female flesh, would come into view.

"Want to play again?" Jenna smirked, knowing full well John couldn't resist the urge of a challenge.

"Okay, hit me again." John felt himself shiver with excitement, he knew this was probably a bad idea, but he couldn't turn it down, that same feeling that hit him every time he started a strip game was there again.

Jenna fished out a card, and grinned in excitement as she read out the question:

"Who is painter Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad better known as?" It took a while for Jenna to stumble through the long name, but when she finished it she looked up at John expectantly, who seemed rather nervous.

"Uh... Can you repeat the question?" John was stalling for time, it was certainly hard enough to follow that name to begin with, let alone remember the name of the artist's more well known name.

Jenna certainly seemed to pity John, but she played along and read the question again (more slowly, this time around).

That's when John noticed it, his first name was "pablo"? It couldn't be...

"Pablo... Picasso?" John asked, hopefully, and cheered inside when he saw the look of dismay on Jenna's face.

"Fine, what do I have to do this time." Jenna leaned back, defeated as she awaited her next humiliating order, but John thought of a better idea.

"Actually, I want Lindsey's boxers, since I didn't get anything off her last time." Jenna's surprised face, then jubilant reaction certainly seemed overblown, but it would probably get the heat off of John's back for a while again, not to mention he was pretty dissatisfied with how dressed Lindsey was to this point.

"Well, rules are rules, I guess." Lindsey was certainly not as upset as Jenna was happy, she was still one of the most dressed among the group next to Lauren, however, she would probably return to being the highest if Lauren missed the following question.

"Which two numbers are used in the binary system?" Lauren asked, she seemed a bit nervous when asking the question, as if unsure if this was a hard one or easy one.

For John, however, it was another easy one.

"Zero and one." He answered confidently, and Lauren had a sour look on her face as he answered correctly.

"That's right, what'll it be?" Lauren put down the card, this time she was visibly more nervous than before.

"The shirt will be fine." John requested, and Lauren lifted the pink shirt off her body, the sour look on her face disappearing under the fabric as it came up against her face, revealing the slender body hidden beneath it.

Now clad in only a yellow bra, Lauren sat and moved as if her knees were glued together, John wasn't exactly trying to get a peek at what was between them, but he was sure it would be quite difficult to do so.

Next up was Mackenzie, who picked out a card, John wasn't sure whether the question was easy or hard:

"What show debuted on September 7, 1979, with George Grande anchoring?" Mackenzie asked, this was not a question John recognized.

John racked his brain, searching for any possible answers, but he couldn't even come up with any feasible response.

"No idea." Finally giving up, John watched the mixed reactions from the girls, including one of slight disappointment by Mackenzie.

"SportsCenter." Mackenzie revealed, a sports question, of a sort, not exactly John's forte, he'd be more worried if the questions weren't so random.

John began unbuttoning his shirt, though he was a single piece of clothing away from forfeits, so was everyone else, well, everyone but Lindsey.

There John stood in nothing but Speedos, his bulge quite apparent now that the shirt wasn't in the way, the girls were certainly enjoying themselves.

"Alright, my turn again." Stacey immediately piped up, suddenly very excited to continue playing, picking out another card.

"What Greek physician is known as The Father of Medicine?" Stacey read out, and once again, John wasn't quite sure what Stacey was expecting.

"I think it's Hippocrates." John answered, this was another easy question.

"Correct..." Stacey smiled, but hints of both nervousness and disappointment were clear to see as she sat up on her knees and slid her panties down her legs, John could see a small tuft of dark brown hair atop an otherwise hairless pubic region, if nothing Stacey was more daring than her friend, not attempting to cover up her nudity.

Once again, there was a momentary lull in the game as John went back to serving the girls; they'd broken out several packs of beer that were in the fridge for just this sort of occasion, it was a bit late, so the game would probably come to a close before the girls had gotten truly intoxicated.

"Okay John, I'm getting kinda pissed that Lindsey is the only one dressed here," Mackenzie said, clearly feeling the buzz of the beer in her hand "I'll ask three questions, if you can get the first two right, I'll ask a third easy one, that way, both me and Lindsey get naked, if you don't, you get naked, or more, how's that sound?"

"You little b-" Lindsey began, despite her harsh tone, she was clearly having just as much fun as the rest of the girls, her grin showing she wasn't quite as upset as her voice might indicate."

"alright, I'm game." As usual, John was not one to shy from a strip challenge, and this night has presented opportunity after opportunity of challenges within challenges.

"Alright, first question." Mackenzie put down the beer and bent forward to reach for a card, fully aware of John watching her breasts hanging down and swaying, she gave a look towards Lindsey, a sly grin aimed at the girl crossing her arms and staring back, half smiling half glaring back at Mackenzie "What is the only US state that borders a Canadian territory?"

"Alaska." An easy question, thankfully, Lindsey sighed and began lifting her shirt up, not even waiting for Mackenzie to confirm the answer.

If you looked up curvy in the dictionary, you would likely find a picture of Lindsey, and now John was now seeing it in the flesh.

Lindsey lifted her shirt to set her pillowy mammaries free, with dollar sized nipples topping them, she took hold of her breasts, half covering them, half pinching the nipples, if John didn't know any better, he would swear that Lindsey was enjoying her near-nudity.

"Time for the second question." Mackenzie looked genuinely excited as she pulled out the second card, she looked at it, and sighed "Fuck..."

"What?" Lindsey was all caught up in the excitement, she wanted to lean in and take a look at the card, but Mackenzie responded quickly.

"I think it's a hard question..." Lindsey tilted her head in exasperation at the response, even John was holding his breath: "What is the name of the largest known satellite of Pluto?"

John breathed a sigh of relief, and answered: "Charon."

Mackenzie exploded into gleeful clapping, sealing the deal for Lindsey. "I hate you." Lindsey said as she got up to take her panties off, Lindsey sported a full patch of hair obscuring her slit.

When Mackenzie finally calmed down, she turned to John and said "My turn."

This time, Mackenzie didn't reach for a card, she had the question all prepared: "What scale measures earthquakes?"

John smiled, this was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a hard question.

"The richter scale." He answered, Mackenzie simply grinned, stood up, turned around and peeled her panties off her shapely ass, giving everyone a very flagrant show.

"I hate to spoil the fun, girls, but I believe we're running out of time," Jenna suddenly interjected, pointing out a clock on the wall, it was getting quite late, there was still plenty of time, but they had barely gotten naked, and there would be no time to do any forfeits if they didn't hurry it up before.

"How about we do a lightning round, then?" Stacey suggested, and Jenna contemplated for a second.

"Alright, let's just get all the

Lauren went first, as it was her turn anyways: "Which two US states share a border with Delaware?"

"Pennsylvania and... Maryland." John had to think a bit for this one, but it was nothing he couldn't handle.

Lauren groaned and reached back to undo her bra, releasing her small perky breasts from their bindings, her arm covering the exposed mounds before they had a chance to be exposed, She was naked now.

"I'll avenge you." Stacey said half jokingly, placing her hand on Lauren's shoulder, then picked out a card of her own:

"What country had, at one time, a female "Santa" called La Befena?" Stacey asked, apparently sensing this was not an easy question.

And she was right, John could do nothing but shake his head, the girls all erupted into cheers.

"Take it off!"

"Woo hoo!"

And more comments came, John was nervous, but the atmosphere was already so jovial he couldn't bring himself to be hesitant, as he began removing the speedo, the mood turned on a dime, one second it was quite raucous, the next it was so quiet you could hear a needle drop, and so John's manhood came in contact with fresh air, once again, the girls were buzzing with glee.

"Next question!" Lindsey was already picking out another card, her cheerful expression staying on her face spelled trouble for John: "What aquifer provides water for Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma?"

John's eyes lit up, he knew this one... At least, he thought he did, he knew for a fact that he heard the name before, but he wasn't quite sure if it was correct.

"The Ogalla Aquifer?" John guessed, and Lindsey put on her best poker face, for a few seconds.

"Wrong!" Lindsey grinned as the girls burst into another round of applause; John had to perform a forfeit now.

"So what'll you make him do?" Stacey asked Lindsey, who pondered for a moment before deciding to hold back "Can I decide later? I want to be able to take some time to think about it."

Everybody got silent for a bit, this wasn't exactly part of the rules, and it wasn't quite against it, in the end, they decided it was fine.

"Alright, ladies, I'm afraid my turn is the last one." Jenna commented, this was her chance to take back victory.

"Who was originally created from a green spring coat that Elizabeth Henson had thrown out?" This time, Jenna had once again used a question from memory, John had no idea what the answer was, and it probably showed on his face since Jenna grinned, seeing his reaction, but the name gave him a hint.

"Kermit?" John asked after a brief moment of hesitation, everyone was holding their breath waiting for Jenna's answer.

"Correct..." Jenna sighed as booing and hissing came from the crowd of naked ladies, her last chance wasted, and was now visibly annoyed, it seemed that she really wanted to get back at John, but now she wouldn't have the chance.

"Sorry Jenna, I'm gonna have to ask you to masturbate for us all." John was definitely not sorry, this was Jenna's go to forfeit for him, if he were to be humiliated in front of anyone, Jenna would start with this, he was beginning to relish his victory when Lindsey reminded him of his own fate.

"Oh, that's a great idea, John, in fact, why don't you join her?" Lindsey, remembering her put aside forfeit, pointed John towards a chair "Pull up a seat, John, and enjoy the show."

This didn't seem too bad of a forfeit for John, sure, he had to play with himself in front of a live audience bigger of four girls, five if you counted Jenna, but on the other hand, he would have quite the entertaining sight to help him along.

John sat in the chair the girls brought alongside their phones to record this event, set directly in front of Jenna who now sat on the couch, her hands were placed right on top of her breasts and pussy, was she already masturbating? John suspected it, but it seemed a bit unlikely, considering Jenna rarely enjoyed the few times she lost to him.

Paying it no mind, John took hold of his erect member, his eyes transfixed over Jenna's body, which was slowly being exposed as she relaxed her body a bit more, letting her arm move away from both her breasts, instead allowing it to focus on just a single one, not to cover, but to knead at and to pinch her nipples.

Her other hand was working away at her clitoris, fingers circling the swollen joy button that crowned the now moist lips of her cavern below, right before two fingers slipped easily inside and began pumping away at the juicy crevice.

John was mesmerized as he jacked off to the sight of the girl who typically stood over him, with a smile and a camera, recording his humiliation, now completely naked and fingering her pussy, the only thing that broke him out of his trance was Jenna herself, now speaking to him:

"Hey John, how about a little bet?" Jenna, her raspy voice clearly betraying her excitement, said as her fingers continued working away at her pussy "whoever cums first, can give the other one more forfeit."

John could feel the sudden rush of blood in his cock as Jenna proposed the bet, on any normal day, John would have probably struggled for a short while before agreeing, but this situation, with him masturbating to the naked body of the beautiful bombshell that was Jenna, as she suggests yet another game for him to play, John agreed immediately amongst his groans.

"Mmmm, Yes! Deal!" He could barely speak through his pleasure, he could hear the girls around him squeal and giggle as the deal was made, but he couldn't believe what he saw next.

Jenna was already writhing, her juices flowing out of her in copious amounts, she was already reaching an orgasm almost as if on cue! Was she holding out? And then it hit John, this was why Jenna began masturbating early in secret, she'd tricked him one last time this night into taking one more forfeit.

"Stop right there, John!" John heard Lindsey proclaim as he felt his arms being grabbed and held away from his throbbing cock, a minute or so and he might have reached his own climax.

"Sorry John, but you're the big loser." Jenna grinned slyly as she sank into the sofa, relaxing after her orgasm "Alright ladies, get dressed!"

And all around him, the naked flesh he worked so hard throughout the night to expose was being covered up in an instant.

"Since there's no further games to be played but your forfeit, there's no need for us to stay undressed." Jenna explained as she put her nightie back over her panties, she reached down, grabbed a large vibrator from the toys they brought along, and turned to John, saying in a sing song voice "Now for your forfeit, start by marching outside, John!"

And so John found himself walking bare ass and bare foot on the walkway to Jenna's house, the girls, still in their skimpy nightwear, but still far more dressed than him, marched him down to the street, smacking his behind and recording him with their cell phones.

Out on the sidewalk, Jenna ordered John to get on his back, as he obeyed, John heard the ever familiar pop of the lube bottle before he even saw it, he barely caught a glimpse of it before Jenna told the rest of the girls to lift his legs up.

Now upturned, John was staring right at his own hard cock, two of the girls were holding him in this position while another wasted no time reaching towards his shaft, toying with it before he could see Jenna stepping up with the bottle and vibrator in hand.

The cold sensation of the lube came first, his ass was covered as Jenna inserted her fingers into his asshole, slowly stretching it enough for the still vibrator to slip in unhindered, that's when Jenna turned it on and it began vibrating within him, he was already close to the edge, but this powerful treatment threatened to bring him to orgasm almost instantly.

"Open your mouth, John." Jenna commanded, John was compelled to follow suit, he opened his mouth just as he felt his orgasm exploding, his hot semen splashed down on his face, only some of it managing to go into his mouth, his breath was running ragged as the girls around him cheered as they smacked his upturned ass.

When his orgasm wound down, he felt Jenna removing the vibrator from his anus, and so he was finally let down to lie on his back on the sidewalk.

"Have fun going home, John!" Jenna said as she and the girls dashed back inside the house, John took a second too long to realize what they were doing, and thus found himself banging on the locked door that stood between him and his clothes, not to mention his keys.

This was going to be a long jog back home.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Made to walk home naked!

Total fantasy of mine to play a stripping game where at least one player had to walk home without a single stitch of clothing.

Cream_CaramelCream_Caramelover 7 years agoAuthor

I do plan to have them win at some point, but I simply didn't want them to outright win when they're still not feeling good about their losses.

Rest assured now that Amy has accepted her love for the games, she's going to start winning more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
let them win for once??

I love your stories, but they only end up in the same way. Maybe you could have a special chapter where Amy and John are the winners of the game? Pretty please?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Roll over!

Wow! What an ending! The girls jacked John off into his open mouth and face! I didn't see that coming. But I enjoyed it greatly, even as a male!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The climax could have been longer. You had two pages of good build-up, another one for his punishment would have been better.

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