Strip Game Addicts Ch. 09


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And once again, Amy found herself taken by surprise as she was pushed back onto the counter, forced to lay down, the girl's lips closed in, taking the same nipple that was pinched earlier into her mouth, giving it a nice soft bite.

Amy heard a moan, at first she didn't realize it actually came from her own throat, but once her toes began curling, she was positive that she was enjoying herself, she felt a hand reach between her legs once again, and this time a finger landed on her pussy, which had long since flowered open in arousal, the finger was instantly coated in glistening fluids, and Amy felt another, louder moan emanate when that same finger tapped her swollen clitoris.

Amy was in heaven, she was already quite horny from getting stripped and running around naked in broad daylight, and then getting caught in the shop and blackmailed, she was so close to the edge when the girl made the deal with her, and it wouldn't take long to make her cum.

Which meant the frustration was unbearable when the girl suddenly stopped, her grin turned almost sadistic as she said: "Time's up."

Breathless, Amy's mouth was wide open, she couldn't believe this, the one time she wanted her punishment to last, she was being forced to cut it off prematurely.

"Well,Ican't touch you anymore..." the girl's emphasis was quite clear, she didn't want to make Amy cum, she wanted Amy to make herself cum, and Amy was once again aware of the camera that was still recording her exposure.

Amy thought about it for a second, she could just cum right now, all she needed to do was to just touch her clit, and it would be over in seconds.

Closing her eyes in an attempt to block everything out, Amy tried relaxing as she rested her head back on the counter, and then got up and off the counter.

"Aww, I really thought you were going for it." Debbie pouted as Amy pulled herself together, although still shaky from the incredible sensations she was so desperately trying to suppress.

"Shame, you really look like you could use some release." The girl agreed, but Amy grabbed the snacks silently, waiting for the tape she was promised.

Just as the haze that obscured her senses from the moment she was naked began to subside, so did her inhibitions return, slamming into her like a truck, she had just walked out of her car in nothing but a shirt and into a convenience store, got stripped naked, shopped in that state, and then endured a humiliating yet self inflicting ordeal that led to her almost masturbating on top of a very public, very exposed convenience store counter.

All the blood that drained from her face when she lost returned in full force, dying her cheeks a deep crimson red, the heady rush almost as bad as the haze she just recovered from.

"Well, you held up your end of the bargain, I'll hold up mine." The girl, who it only struck Amy right then that she didn't even ask her name, reached under the counter and pulled out an old-styled video tape, handing it over to Debbie, who also picked up the snack bag.

"If you want, I could send you a copy when I get home." Debbie offered the girl, who grinned in delight, thanking her for her generous offer and exchanging e-mail addresses as Amy hopped off the counter.

"Can I have my shirt back now?" Amy hazarded a question, but her sister simply rebuffed her.

"Sorry, you get to run back to the car naked." debbie, now stuffing the video tape into the bag of purchases, where Amy noticed her shirt had also gone "Now come on, we don't want to keep mom waiting."

And with that Amy was literally pushed and spanked out the door, the warm sunlight bathing her bare skin as she scurried hurriedly towards the now refueled car.

"How'd it go?" Betty asked, smirking as the panicking Amy reached the car door and pulled on the handle, only to meet resistance; the door was locked.

"Really fun! We also got a souvenir as well." Debbie flashed the videotape peeking out from the top of the bag "We should all sit down and watch this later."

"Excellent! Oh and by the way, it's your turn to drive." Amy's mom threw the keys over to Debbie, who caught it in mid-air, Amy was quite in a hurry to get inside, but Debbie reminded her that there was one last forfeit.

"You have to sit on the hood, while we pick your new outfit out." Debbie explained, and Amy, who was finally beginning to take her loss in stride, asked about that last part.

"My new outfit?" Amy asked anxiously, despite her sudden composure, she could still feel herself getting horny.

"Well, I won your old one fair and square, so you'll need a new one to wear." Debbie explained the twisted logic behind the forfeit, and Amy only then realized she disregarded the most humiliating first part of the forfeit, but with her new composure, Amy could feel herself getting into the spirit of the game, she was beginning to enjoy all of this.

Resigned to her fate, Amy climbed up on the warm hood of the car, her legs closed and hands clamped on her privates; the two said she had to sit on the hood, they never said she had to stay exposed.

She could, even then, feel the wind tickle her as she listened to her sister and mother rummaging in the trunk of the car for a new outfit that she could wear, Amy closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of being naked in such a visible situation.

Against all reason, Amy could feel aroused as her own hand brush against her still aching clit, she wanted to masturbate even now, she really was a slut, Amy thought as she bit her lip and touched her sensitive clit.

The mixture of pain and pleasure shot through her body, and Amy fought to keep her voice down as much as possible, she rubbed the joy button in circles, getting used to the tingling sensation of her soreness, she found her breath race once more.

"Time's up, Amy!" Suddenly, Amy was jolted out of her trance by her mother, who handed her the bikini she picked out and packed in case they took a beach break, as it was summer after all.

Amy was dismayed by the bikini when she first saw it, it was extremely skimpy and left very little to the imagination, it was essentially three green triangles held together by strings and prayers, so of course her mother wanted her to wear it.

Alongside the bikini were other accessories, flip flops, sunglasses and a sheer sash, creating a full ensemble.

And so finally, after hurriedly putting the skimpy ensemble on, the door was opened and Amy was let inside, now sitting next to her mom in the backseat of the car once again.

Amy spent the next stretch of time in silence, feeling very self conscious about the fact that all she had to cover up with was a bikini, despite her earlier nudity, she felt even worse now, knowing that she was essentially trapped in this outfit for the remainder of the trip (or at least until their next stop).

While Amy was sulking, lost in her own thoughts, her mother thought of an idea to pass the time, pulling out a pair of bingo cards.

"How about we play scavenger hunt?" Amy's mother handed her one of the sheets..

On it Amy could see a variety of things that could be found on the side of the road, such as livestock, road signs and certain car makes or colors.

Amy's mother explained the rules, they'd play until either one of them got to bingo, with the other taking off a piece of clothing when you get a point, and any point you get after the opponent was naked counts as a forfeit.

You would only collect your forfeits once you get a bingo, meaning that, since you're allowed to skip items on your list, a player can rack up forfeits against their opponent, but you'd risk losing the game the longer you go.

"So when does the the loser get to put their clothes back on?" Amy asked, anxious at being forced to stay naked even longer, however, her mother knew Amy enough to know that she was going to accept no matter the stakes.

"How about this, the loser has to win the next game against Debbie to even get dressed." Betty grinned as she saw the conflict on her own daughter's face, the battle between her addiction to strip games and the possibility of being forced to stay naked until the next game (or even longer) was slowly but surely being resolved, and it was a predictable resolution:

"Fine, let's play." Amy picked up the stamp and began playing against her mother.

At first, Amy was encouraged by her card, all the items seemed pretty mundane; a funny bumper sticker, a semi truck with two trailers, a red SUV, and many other things you'd easily find on such a road trip.

In fact, Amy could spot one of the things on her card just as she thought that; a traffic cone on the side of the road, she announced her find loudly, and looked at her mother expectantly.

Betty, laughing at her own daughter's excitement as if she was a normal 8 year old playing a normal version of the game, and kicked her loafers off her feet.

Amy's luck, however, did not survive so well in the later rounds, the game soon turned quite cutthroat, both players watching the road like hawks perched in search of prey.

"I have a train!" Betty finally announced, and Amy kicked off her own footwear in response "Oh! And a water tower!"

The consecutive blows really worried Amy, her outfit was already quite revealing, and now she was about to lose most of her accessories, she undid the sash that was wrapped around her

Amy had to get serious if she wanted to even remain competitive in this game, she scoured the area around her for any item on her list, when it finally came speeding by:

"A red SUV!" Amy pointed out and circled the item on her bingo card, she turned to her mother and was pleased to see her slowly peeling away her thigh-high stockings.

It was a while before any other item was checked off, not that the two weren't trying, they kept a close eye on the road in search of their sought after items, but try as they might, it took a while before the next item was found:

"I have cow!" Amy piped up, only to have her sister quip back at her: "Jeez Amy, can you trynothaving one?"

The retort produced a giggle from Betty, and even Amy found herself cracking a smirk at the joke; shedidwin another round, at which Amy turned to her mother expectantly, only to see her already in the process of unzipping her dress and shimmying it off her body, a lacey black and white floral set of underwear hugging her bosoms and hips.

The two ladies appeared almost equal in dress, although Amy still had her sunglasses, meaning she was actually ahead in the game for once.

Unlike the previous game, this one was taking far longer than the two anticipated; in contrast to the previous game's lightning pace, this one was punctuated with long intervals of absolutely zero progress, and though it's been almost an hour and a half, the were still decently dressed when Amy heard the distinct sound of a roaring motorcycle.

"Harley for me!" Betty exclaimed happily, signifying her catching up in the game, and so Amy was forced to relinquish her final accessory, any further and she would have to lose her precious bikini..

"Hey guys, I'm afraid we'll have to stop for gas again." Debbie called back, and Amy sighed in relief; this meant that they would not make any further stops for a while longer, hopefully that would be after the game has ended with Amy's victory.

As Debbie brought the car to a halt in a well kept gas station, she turned around to face the two:

"So who's going to fill up the gas?" Debbie smiled, looking at the two scantily clad women who were, in turn, looking at each other in surprise "I figured I'd spice the game up a bit with an offer."

Wondering what Debbie had in mind, they asked her what she intended to suggest, and she replied with a bargain for the two; whoever she picks to go out has to remove one more piece of clothing as they fill the gas up, and in return, they will get one of their lost items back as well once they were done.

Amy, deciding to go on the initiative, volunteered to pump the gas; she had a plan, one that even a few hours ago would have caused her to balk at the idea, and to go through with it, she asked one request:

"Can I have my sunglasses back while I do it?" Amy looked expectantly at her sister, and the sister acquiesced, apparently giving Amy a break.

"Sure, go ahead and wear it, but you have to take your top off now." Debbie cautioned, and eager to please, Amy reached back and undid the strings of her bikini, letting the hardening nipples of her breasts breath in the air of the open window, she put on the sunglasses Debbie handed her, and stepped out.

Feeling self-conscious almost immediately, Amy was wondering if this was a bad idea, but she tried reminding herself that it was probably worth it, all she has to do is pump gas topless, and she has an advantage in the game to come.

Thankfully, the pump was relatively modern and allowed payment at the machine itself, meaning Amy could conceivably avoid any contact with others as she did.

Reaching for the pump handle, she swiped the credit card her mother gave her and began pumping the gas. She felt excited, her only cover was a skimpy pair of panties and a pair of sunglasses, but despite the excitement, she felt dread at being caught topless outdoors.

This was worse than being naked at the convenience store; Debbie had already gotten an idea of who was in there before she stripped her, out here anyone could just walk up (or drive up) to her and see her practically naked.

Typically, filling up the gas only took about a minute or so, but for Amy, this felt like it was taking hours, her heart was racing as she saw her worst fears come true; a station attendant was walking up to her.

"Hey, everything alright?" The young man (who was fairly attractive) seemed oblivious to Amy's state of undress; she was standing behind the car, which blocked the view from her shoulder blades down, it certainly looked like she wasn't wearing a top, but typically one would not expect that to be the case.

"Um... Yes! Everything is fine." Amy stammered, hoping to keep the ruse up, though her demeanor seemed shaky, she tried focusing on the young man in front of her; blonde hair, blue eyes, he seemed to be older than her, maybe around Debbie's age?

"Just wanted to make sure everything was alright." the young man nodded, he was clearly trying to chat Amy up, whose awkwardness successfully managed to keep things in check, thankfully he seemed to get bored once he realized that Amy was not catching on to his flirting "Alright, just let me know if you need any help."

"T-thank you." Amy managed to call back just as the nozzle clicked, sounding the complete filling of the tank, she sighed in relief as she finally got back into the car.

"Oh god, that was scary!" Amy exclaimed as she panted in her seat, she felt extremely turned on now that the fear and panic she felt was beginning to subside. "Now give me back my top, please!"

"Nice job Amy." Betty said as she placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder and pointed out the window "But I'm afraid you're going to have to go without it."

Amy looked at her mother quizzically, she followed the line of her finger outside, she saw a dog yawning as they lazed about near the gas station.

"I got a dog." Betty showed her bingo card, where "dog" was now circled.

Amy's heart sank as she realized that she'd just lost another piece of clothing, still, she pleaded with her mother:

"Can't I take off the sunglasses instead?" Amy cried out, looking back and forth between her sister and her mother.

"That's up to your sister, sweetie." Betty passed the buck onto Debbie, who shrugged:

"Sorry sis, you're gonna have to keep the glasses." Debbie grinned, savoring her sister's new bout of misfortune.

Amy was devastated, all this work, and all she got out of it was a downgrade, sure, she got a touch of anonymity, but in return she exposed her breasts and now had to keep them exposed.

Worse yet, Amy noticed that her mother was extremely lucky with her picks; she already had three point around the free square, meaning that any point could be her last.

Amy had no such luck; her points were all over the place, she hoped she could at least beat her mother to the punch, just as she spotted a restaurant on the side of the road, she excitedly noted the roof:

"It has a green roof! I get another point!" Amy said, breathing out in relief, she wasn't even aware that she was holding her breath.

"I might be in trouble here." Despite losing, Betty said that with a sly grin on her face as she reached back and unclasped her bra. Debbie seemed to have inherited a rare gene in the family as her mother's breasts were not much bigger than Amy's, her nipples were considerably larger and puffier though, not to mention the apparent effects of age and gravity.

Amy's new mark did not improve her chances of winning that much; now she had three marks in a row, but thanks to her mother's free square, she was still technically ahead in the game, any point her mother scores could be the last one she needs.

And as if almost on cue, her mother called out another object on her list:

"A 60 Miles Per Hour sign, that's another piece, Amy." Betty's grin did not leave her face, especially now that she was waiting for her daughter to make a choice between her sunglasses and her bikini bottoms.

Amy cursed her luck, as well as her sister, for orchestrating this situation; now she was just as exposed as her mother, who was ahead in the game itself.

The game turned quite tense after Amy removed the sunglasses, well, it did for Amy, who now really felt the weight of her impending loss, any development in the game now would leave either player completely naked, and vulnerable to receiving forfeits.

It took another half an hour, with both players sitting topless and tense in the car, waiting for the next discovery that would put them in the lead, before any of the two spoke up, and that was Betty:

"I spot a flagpole!" She said as she pointed out her window at a roadside motel, which sported a flagpole with the American flag flapping on it, before circling another square on her card "Take it off, Honey."

Amy looked back at the flag, now visible through the backseat window, she felt hopeless; her mother hadn't told her that it was game over, so she assumed that this wasn't the connecting square, but even still, Amy was once again naked, and she was once again behind in the game, it all seemed so bleak.

And yet she still felt so horny.

Peeling the bottoms off, Amy thought about how much she used to enjoy strip games, especially before hitting puberty, it was all fun and games with her sister and mother, it didn't really strike her as anything but liberating and exciting.

Win or lose, you got a thrill of some sort; either you won and felt good about it, or you lost and you got to feel the liberation of being naked, and so everyone was happy.

That is, until Amy started to feel a bit funny about being naked in front of others; the feeling of arousal brought a mixed reaction to her, and unlike her sister, Amy did not seem to take the change as well.

Amy began feeling weird when she was naked and feeling worse when she tried resisting the temptation to play, the only completely guilt free option was to play and win, and considering how rare that was, she eventually wrote it off as a viable solution.

Handing her bottoms to her grinning mother, she began to feel those sensations all over again, the arousal and shame spiraling within her, she was definitely wet, and she wished she wasn't.

Amy really thought she was getting used to this since her last game with her friends, but she still found that her apprehension remained even after that day she played strip tennis.

Amy was lost in thought she forgot that the game wasn't actually over yet, and didn't even realize that until her mother reminded her, by telling her that it was.