Succubus Inquisition Ch. 05

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Athan wants to rush after the wolf and save Amber.
15k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/12/2023
Created 03/27/2014
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A special thanks to JonB1969 for his editing. Hope you all enjoy my story and remember to vote and comment, it's what encourages me to keep writing.

This Story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2015 by Yshomatsu

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The two monks had returned from the Dream State, thrilled that they were successful in freeing their remaining brothers, only to find out that Amber had been kidnapped by a pack of wolves led by an armored humanoid wolf. Bree had almost been captured as well, but she had been saved by Amber while Dragus was occupied fighting the entire pack.

The dragon had found Bree, too weak to move, and as he assisted her, he came to realize that the lesser succubus had vanished. By the time Dragus had delivered the Kitsune to the cave to be watched by Blake and Emilia, he had lost the humanoid wolf's scent.

Athan was furious, but understood the dragon's concerns of leaving the two monks unprotected in their meditation trance. Now that he stood awake, however, he urged them to rescue Amber. His plea had been met with sadness from the dragon, who said that if they rushed to face the demon blindly and unprepared, they would do more harm than good.

Bree also would need time to recover. As they prepared, she wanted to help, and repay her debt to Amber. So the group stayed behind with Blake and his ranger, staying at the mouth of the cave while the rest remained two chambers deep. The kitsune rested by the fire as Dragus helped Yshomatsu focus his mind, in an effort to bring his dream's draconic form to life.

Athanatos paced the cavern floor, worried about the woman he had mixed feelings for. She had risked her life to save him, shouldn't he be doing the same right now for her? The dragon had tried to get him to attempt changing forms, but he wouldn't have it. The idea of morphing into another creature felt too strange and foreign for him.

The elder monk had his eyes scrunched shut as sweat ran down his face. Changing inside the dream had been so easy. Why did he struggle so much now?

"You're thinking too much. Empty your mind and picture the form you wissh." Dragus spoke in his deep lizard voice that echoed within the cave.

That made sense. In the dream he had chuckled as his former student struggled to fly and hadn't thought anything of it. He just lifted up into the air as if he weighed nothing at all. The next few breaths were spent emptying his mind, allowing the tension in his body to relax. A tingling sensation formed on his skin. Dragus watched with pride as the monk's pale skin began to blend into a deep red, scaled hide.

The monk opened his eyes and saw the world in a different light. He was still humanoid, but had gained scaled armor and dragon eyes with a long forked tongue that flicked out to taste the air, which caused the larger dragon to laugh. Yshomatsu's body had buffed up with strong muscles and two spots on his back itched and felt like something tried to rip itself out of his skin. The monk's mouth elongated as his teeth sharpened.

The change was coming, much differently than in the dream. This felt more real, and hurt. His shoulders started to hunch over as his upper body weight became too much to bear. Falling down onto all fours, his body grew in size until he became a miniature crimson version of Dragus. The monk's long neck tiled his head up to look upon the larger reptile.

"That is enough for now. Focuss on your true sself and change back. Once you get ussed to the processs we'll go farther." The monk's head nodded--- feeling his scaled neck shake with the movement--- afraid to hear his voice with the new tongue. The dragon watched as the monk returned to his normal self and suggested he take a break and rest with the kitsune.

His large head scanned the room, to find Athan had wondered off. The dragon headed out of the chamber, hoping to find him with the others. Yet with no luck finding Athan, he decided to wait there, instead, and discuss details of the knight's role in the days to come.

Sir Blake would gather his people's army and march north, hopefully faring better than General Titus had. The freed monks would be striking from every other direction.

The plan sounded simple enough. Keep the demon distracted, while they flew right into the eye of the storm and dealt with her. Dragus hoped he wasn't too rusty with his years in isolation. It was a sturdy plan, assuming the monks could adapt their draconic powers into resisting the seductress.


Yshomatsu laid down beside his lover and caressed her warm skin. Basking by the fire had warmed her entire body, and it felt great as he embraced her in his arms. The monk rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. With each breath he breathed in her pleasant scent. A nap sounded like a good idea.

Bree rubbed her hip against the erection he didn't even realize had grown. Just being in her presence was enough to put him in the mood. Yet knowing how weak she was, he wouldn't act on his impulses. The purr she made didn't help his resolve.

He calmly whispered, "You need rest."

"I need this," came her weak reply as her hand rubbed against his pants.

He looked into her pleading eyes and found he couldn't deny her wish. If she needed him and was too weak to move, he'd just have to pamper her, spoil her rotten!

The monk lightly kissed at her neck as his right hand traced designs on her skin, pressing delicately into her warm flesh, kissing lower until his tongue circled her hard nipple, mouth closing in to nibble. The kitsune moaned weakly as his hand traveled lower along her thighs, teasingly close but never quite touching her sex. The anticipation had coated her thighs, yet she remained still, allowing him to explore her body.

Deep down, he wondered how long he could last before the demonic influence rendered him useless. She'd be too weak to carry on without him, as the demon finished taking over his mind. She'd just have enjoy it while it lasted.

Ysho continued to kiss and lick her breast as his hand circled ever closer to the wet slit between her legs. Her hips bucked as he pulled his hands away, continuing his tease. The frustrated moan didn't go unnoticed as he smiled and began to plant a series of kisses down her abdomen. He propped himself up between her legs as his head traveled further down her lower abs, hands caressing her sides and hips.

Bree had expected him to dive right in and end her torment, but he had other plans. His kisses continued along the same path his hands had taken, circling but never touching her wet, dripping sex. His tongue elongated and forked as he licked her inner thighs, getting within centimeters of her clit.

This time her frustrated sigh had more pleasure in it as her body shook and muscles flexed. A small amount of juice splashed onto his tongue. The monk closed his eyes and savored the taste. He had made her cum without touching her slit. Enough teasing however. Her taste whet his appetite. The long forked tongue slid over her sex in one long and stretched out lick, causing her back to arch.

The next lick pressed against her harder as it parted her lips, sliding within momentarily. One of his arms circled around her arched hips and pulled her tighter into his face, while the other caressed its way up to squeeze a tit lovingly. His tongue lapped at her repeatably, getting deeper with each lick before sliding deep within her. The long organ slithered and undulated, causing her eyes to bulge wide, her voice caught in her throat in a voiceless cry of pleasure.

Bree had never imagined it would go this far, and hoped against all hope that it would last forever!

The kitsune's body tensed up in another, more powerful orgasm that gushed onto his face. That amazing tongue of his retracted as his lips sealed around her clit and his cheeks hollowed out as he sucked hard. Her voiceless cry ended in a loud squeal as her hands shot to grab his head, pulling him tighter, suffocating him. The action caught him off guard as he didn't believe she had that much strength at the moment. Had he known, he would have taken a deeper breath!

Oddly enough, even as his lungs began to burn, he found himself sucking harder and flicking his tongue against her clit. She truly had needed this and he felt overjoyed to provide endless pleasure, even as his vision began to blur and eyes started to water.

Before he had been in danger of passing out, her body went limp and relaxed, hands falling to her sides. He detached himself and gasped for breath before diving right back in. She whimpered approvingly and smiled. It didn't take nearly as long this time to have her quivering and shaking in another earth-shattering climax.

Her hands eagerly pulled his body up as she whimpered weakly. He assumed she wanted to rest and planted a trail of kisses up her to her lips. Her hands however slid down his body as she met his lips with great need, a hand sliding into his pants and firmly squeezing his erection, emphasizing her desires.

Without a moment to lose, his clothing was removed and his thick member rested against her puffed up nether lips. Ysho lightly rubbed his length along her sex as he gazed questioningly at her, wanting to make sure she wanted it.


Her strength seemed to come and go with each orgasm. Nonetheless he tentatively eased the tip between her tight lips and pressed ever so softly. His slow pace caused her hands to snap up, slapping his ass before gripping hard and pulling. Her body had had enough foreplay. She needed to be fucked!

His entire length slid within her soaking wet pussy, all the way to the hilt, with one pull of her hands. A satisfied sigh escaped her lips, having finally been filled. The monk enjoyed the sensation of her inner walls squeezing against him before pulling out slowly, until only the tip remained. The slow action caused her to chuckle as her tired mind attempted to form another way to signal she needed...

"Uhh!" She cried out in bliss as he drove back in hard, exactly what she had wanted. Yet he pulled out slow again, completely driving her nuts! He repeated the process four more times, pulling out slow, hanging there and driving in hard. Her hands scratched their way up his smooth, hairless back as her legs circled around his waist, interlocking her ankles.

Sinister laughter filled his head as a familiar voice broke through the fog of his mind. The presence caused him to pause after his next deep thrust. But before it could take hold and glaze over his eyes he remembered the succubus encounter inside the dream. Instantly a brick wall rose around his mind, blocking Meridiana out. He heard scratching nails but mentally blocked that out as well.

'Denied!' He thought to himself victoriously.

The pleasure coursing through his body as Bree's nails raked up his spine, almost sent him over the edge. Her sex gripped him like a glove as her legs tightened, holding him deep within her. The pain from her nails digging into his back mixed with the pleasure of her gushing climax, inner walls milking him for everything they were worth. It was all too much as his body tensed up along with hers and the dam broke.

They both laid there with dreamy eyes as sleep overtook them. That had been exactly what she needed. The realization that he hadn't drifted away at any point, didn't go unnoticed, before her eyes shut.

If she had known how close he had come to falling into that trap she would have been even more impressed that he stayed in the moment with her.


Athanatos wandered deep into the cavern tunnels. He had snuck out while his mentor attempted to become a dragon. It wasn't a lack of interest. He just couldn't take his mind off of Amber. Pacing around the room gave him a headache, simply from the stress.

He just had to get out of there, and a walk would do him good. That's all he had planned, a simple walk to pass the time. The green night vision glow of his eyes solved the problem of not bringing a torch along. That would have brought attention to him, and most likely, a lecture of patience. His night vision was one of the tricks he did feel comfortable using.

The cavern tunnel twisted and turned as he wandered aimlessly through the stone halls filled with sharp edges and a shallow layer of water at his feet. The floor felt oddly soothing as he dragged his feet through the mud.

Meanwhile his mind had drifted off, imagining the horrible torture Amber was going through, all because of him. The binding spell he had forced onto her had also forced her to disobey countless orders. He couldn't imagine what the powerful and evil succubus would do to the one he liked. She had confessed her love for him, but he didn't know if demons could love, or if it had just been the binding spell, forcing her to protect her 'master.'

He had been so distracted that he didn't notice the pair of eyes reflecting back at him. His night vision glow caused just enough light for the creature's eyes to shine back. He was so worried for a woman he wasn't even sure how he felt about, that the world around him just drifted on by.

He wasn't alone!

Those small eyes watched him curiously as he slowly walked by, dragging his feet. The shine vanished as the monk's glowing eyes passed out of view. The creature began to follow, and had soon been joined by another. They stood about waist high and their mouths began to salivate. He smelled good.

Athan stopped suddenly when he heard chittering behind him. Slowly he turned.

At first he thought it was simply his imagination, since he wasn't paying attention and had just been walking slowly along. But as he turned and watched water trickle down the cavern walls, two short shapes caught his eyes – two waist-high, humanoid, scaled shapes with tails and rows of sharp teeth. As he gazed upon them, their eyes shone like bright suns. How could he have missed them before?

The monk's first thought had been that these looked like lizard people, quite possibly Dragus' offspring. But the thought never had time to fully form before the two licked their hungry lips and pounced, claws and teeth sank into his flesh. He fought to remove the two over grown lizards from his body but they wouldn't budge. Jabs and punches to their guts only caused their jaws to clamp down harder. He attempted to spin around and fling them off, to no avail.

In the off chance these were related to the dragon he didn't want to kill them. And so his fight had been reduced to attempting to pry them off. The one to his right was higher up, biting at his shoulder, so its tail was in reach. Athan pulled hard and caused the beast to yelp and thankfully release its jaws. The monk flung it against the cavern wall, hitting its head and stunning it.

Now that he had both hands to deal with the one gnawing at his leg, the monk reached down and attempted to pry its jaws loose. When that didn't work, he reluctantly poked the thing's eyes, trying not to deal permanent damage. The short creature cried loudly as it ran away.

Athan quickly looked at his surroundings. Each direction looked the same, with no land marks or anything to point out. He really had been wandering aimlessly, hadn't he?

A sweet sounding voice reached his ears.

"Are you lost, little morsel?"

The voice sounded very reptilian, yet clearly spoke unlike Dragus. She also didn't sound very large. Unlike the cavern chambers they found the large dragon in these tunnels were much smaller.

Athan turned around, expecting to be attacked like before, but he was alone. A different, more silky voice filled his mind.

"You're never alone, my sweet."

That voice sounded vaguely familiar, and made him think of the color green. He didn't get a chance to contemplate it, however, as he heard skittering from above. The monk's nerves rose as his heart raced. Slowly he looked up, to see a larger and very feminine humanoid lizard staring down at him.

The claw and bite marks still stung, but they didn't slow him down. Athan bolted forward, not caring which direction he picked. The lizard woman followed him from above, closing in on him fast. That silky voice inside his head laughed.

It sounded like the silky seductive voice of the green haired, green skinned succubus, whose name couldn't come to mind at the moment. Athan pushed his limbs to their limit and forced himself to run faster- eager to get away from her presence. The added speed placed a gap between the lizard woman.

However, the farther he ran, the more he realized he had indeed run the wrong way. The rock walls became more structured and resembled old ruins, rather than a cave. A moldy musky smell filled his nostrils and made him want to sneeze. The floor had the same thin layer of water and mud, only here he could see many three toed foot steps. The lizard-folk must call this place home.

With a cautious look behind he realized he had lost the one chasing him. He could keep running or turn back, but curiosity made him want to explore. Having been alive for over a hundred years only to find out there's a whole other world out there? It truly felt like a shocking revelation.

Dragons were real, dangers lurked inside the dream world, and now lizard folk. What else was out there that he didn't know of?

The tunnel made way to a straight hallway. Rock appeared to have been carved, as if someone had been uncovering the ruins and had stopped here. Athan ran his hand over the new smooth surface and found himself amazed at its craftsmanship. The 'new' hallway was larger than the cave's tunnel. It opened up a couple feet in every direction.

As the monk admired the stonework he began to wonder what else was hidden inside the walls of the cave he had come from. The dragon's massive cavern could be an amazing amphitheater or other large chamber lost to time.

Further down the hallway split into three more identical hallways. He picked one at random and kept walking until he found a side room. It had a tattered wooden door that hardly held itself together. The door creaked loudly as he slowly pushed it open.

A strong musk of death poured over him as the door opened, causing him to gag and turn away. Before he closed the door, he heard chittering that he assumed was their way of talking to each other. He must have made more noise than he realized when he gagged and coughed at the horrible smell. He groaned quietly, not sure if he'd want to risk hiding out in the open just to avoid the room.

He tilted his head and shrugged, letting out a sigh as he reluctantly moved into the room. There was a table with countless body parts of some animal--- at least he hoped they were from an animal--- that were chewed to the bone with bits of meat and fat left over. It truly looked disgusting and he didn't want to touch anything, so he closed the door and stood next to it, peering out one of the many cracks and holes.

Thumping foot steps in the mud rushed down the hall. He saw a rather large lizard man and a shorter one stop just were he had been standing. They smelled around and he realized they were searching for him. His scent must be strong from running and it would seem the reek of death in the room threw them off. The only problem was that there were no other rooms around. Both lizard men had on primitive, torn rags and the large one had white scars on his face that contrasted his deeply grey skin.