Summer Surprise Pt. 04


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"We know why that was, don't we, people," Marty said.

"I don't think you do, Marty," Dianne said. "I enjoy snatch as well."

"Now I know you're pulling my leg."

"You're right," Dianne said. "No pussy for me. You better put a leash on him, Yolanda, or he won't have enough left to give you anything."

"He better have a shower first. If he thinks I'm going to do anything with that crusty, smelly thing in his pants, he's mistaken."

Ethel said, "Marty and Yolanda. Why don't you follow me as well. I'll show you where your room is."

"Wait a minute," Marty said. "Why did you go to the same restaurant week after week? You even live here in town."

"The first time was just happenstance. I'd given the cook the night off so I ate out so I wouldn't have to make something for myself here at home. All the other times, I was trying to work up the nerve to ask my waitress out, especially since she had a wedding ring on."

"Oh, wow. Infatuation at first sight," Matt said.

"More like lust at first sight," Ethel said. "Your mother is a MILF. It's no coincidence her girls are so lovely. It didn't take long to figure out it was a lot more than fucking I was interested in."

"Your dinner table conversation is a lot livelier than mine ever was," Mary Jane said. "It's more like coffee or drinks with the girls."

"That's because there are no men living here," Ethel said. "It's a coffee klatch every day. You get used to it, and forget to tone it down."

"Did you really have to cut the wedding ring off?" Yolanda asked.

"Yes. Do you think I'd lie about a thing like that?" Georgina said. "If I'd known what I was missing out on, I'd have cut it off sooner." She smiled at Ethel.

Ethel led the two couples down a hall with bedrooms on either side.

"You have a beautiful home, Ethel," Matt said, "How big is it?"

"Around 11,000 square feet. Seven bedrooms. It's the first time most of them are being used. It's been kind of stuffy and lonely. It will be nice having other people living here full time. This one's yours, Matt. Marty and Yolanda, yours is right across the hall."

"Thanks for having us," Yolanda said.

"You're welcome."

"Thank you for loving my Mom," Matt said. "I can tell she's very happy."

"So am I," Ethel said. "It's no burden at all loving your mother."

"Do you have sex every day?" Marty asked.

Yolanda punched him in the arm.


"I don't feel the need to answer impertinent questions, Martin. Your fascination with my sex life is pretty rude."

"I'm sorry," he replied.

"Behave yourself. Anyway, it's more like three times a day," Ethel said with a smile as she walked away.

Matt, Dianne and Yolanda laughed. Marty grinned.

"Ethel was right about one thing," Marty said. "Your mother is a MILF." Yolanda hit him again, harder this time.

"Watch your mouth, Marty. Keep it civil," Matt said. "It gets to be too much. Being a clown only gets you so far."

"You're right, sorry."

"I'd prefer a lot less sorry and a little more acting like a gentleman. You make one more comment about sex this trip, you can find your own ride home."

"That's my only topic of conversation!"

"Guess you better find a new one fast."

"Thanks," Yolanda said. "I'm getting a little tired of it too. It's like he has no respect for me, either."

"I have oodles of respect for you."

"That's why you talk about Mothers I'd Like to Fuck? You should be thinking of Yolanda's I Need to Keep Happy."

"YINKH. Doesn't have quite the same ring to it."

Yolanda pushed him into the bedroom. "Go. You're going to have to lick a lot of pussy tonight to make up for it. Sorry for the total idiocy of my boyfriend."

After their door closed, Matt said, "She'll forgive him. She always does."

"I don't know. She sounded a little more pissed this time. I think he's finally dancing a fine line. It's one thing to joke about sex a little, it's another to constantly be asking about other people's sex lives. It gets old, even if we use it to tease him with."

They stepped through their door.

"This is nice," Dianne said, after they entered their room. "We even have our own bathroom. And our clothes are here waiting for us."

"Did you get the same impression I did?" Matt asked. "Chloe found a bed partner for the night."

"I thought so. I don't think it was all just to get Marty's rocks off."

"Do you think we should text her and ask?"

"I think she'd contact us if she needed us."

Matt nodded.

Matt and Dianne hung up their nice clothes, took a shower together and brushed their teeth. Matt was already in the bed waiting when Dianne finished drying her hair. There was a suspicious lump under the sheet.

"I really am tired tonight. Any chance you can hold off until morning, Matt, and just hold me?"

"Anything for you, Dianne. You know that."

"Thank you." She climbed into bed and Matt enfolded her in his arms. He was poking her a little down below, but it started to dissipate rather quickly.


Matt was rewarded for his patience in the morning, Dianne giving him a superb blow job. They dressed casually and went to breakfast, Eggs Benedict. Chloe and Elaine didn't walk in together, but close in time and both had a smile on their faces. After breakfast, Chloe said she had a little bit more to do, just tightening up.

"What time are we meeting with the stadium people?" Chloe asked Ethel.

"One. I'll be going with you, in case anyone needs a little encouragement."

"Thanks, Ethel. That should give me time to prepare. How long will the meeting last?"

"As long as you need it to."

"If they're not intransigent, we could be out of there in an hour, but I'm expecting longer."

"That would be nice. It would give us a big part of the afternoon to lay about the pool and get to know one another better. I'm thinking ribs and chicken on the grill, Cole slaw and baked potatoes."

"Matt can help grill. He's a master at grilling," Dianne said.

"I can confirm that," Yolanda said. "He made salmon on our camping trip. It was superb."

"We'll let him relax today. I'll have the chef do it since there's so many people here. He'd never have a chance to sit down. It's been a rough week. Unfortunately, Georgina and Elaine have to work tonight, so they can't join us. How does that sound to everyone?"

Everyone agreed but Marty.

"Marty does that sound nice to you?"

He nodded. "Tongue ith thore. Thounds fine."

"You really did make him lick a lot of pussy last night?" Matt asked.

"Half the night. I figure the less he can speak, the less trouble he'll get into. I had a very pleasant night."

Marty shrugged his shoulders and they all laughed.

"Why are you still working, Mom?" Matt asked.

"Ethel doesn't want me to, but despite what I said last night, I'm really not with her for her money, just the boobs and snatch. Besides, if I keep working, I might find someone younger, prettier and richer than her eating alone." She smiled at Ethel who smiled back. "I've already missed a couple days of work this week, plus I'm missing tomorrow. Don't want management thinking they need to hire someone else."

"I want to pull my weight too," Elaine said. "Ethel offered to pay for my education, but I only wait tables a couple days a week and it keeps me occupied and out of trouble."

"You're setting a bad example for me," Beth said. "I want to lie around in the sun all day and be waited on by servants."

"Remember what happened to me," Dianne said. "You can't always depend on what you think your plan is. Sometimes you have to have a backup plan or two."

"Spoil sports."

After breakfast, everyone but Chloe and the other Hamiltons put on swimsuits. Chloe was working, but Ethel wondered why Ben and Mary Jane weren't joining in.

"When we came, we didn't realize we'd be staying in such nice accommodations. We didn't bring a suit."

"I'd tell you not to worry about one, but Marty probably needs use of his tongue when he's back at school," Ethel said. She tossed Ben a set of keys. "Take the Range Rover. It's in the driveway. Run down to Target and buy yourselves a swimsuit. Be a shame if you can't swim today. I think everyone really needs to unwind."

"You really are a wonderful woman, Ethel. I don't even think we even thanked you for getting us to La Crosse so fast."

"There was a lot of chaos. It's okay."

"No, it's not. I can see where it's easy to forget you're footing the bill for all of this. You're so gracious and unassuming. And don't think for a minute I didn't see all the flower arrangements at the funeral yesterday with our names on them." Ben went up to her and hugged her. "Thank you so much. You've made this whole thing a little more bearable." Mary Jane quickly joined him, adding her own thanks.

"You're welcome."

They went to buy suits.


At one point, Dianne was sunning herself in one of the lounges while Matt did laps in the pool. Elaine slipped into the water and touched him as he swam past. Matt stopped swimming and stood up.

"Matt, a threesome?" Elaine whispered.

"Chloe told you, did she?"

"Yes. We had quite the interesting chat last night in between other things."

"It was more a two and a halfsome, than threesome. I'm staying out of the Chloe zone for now, unless she really wants to."

"That was quite adventuresome of Dianne. I took her to be a bit more straight-laced than that."

Matt looked over at his sunning girlfriend. "I don't know. I think it's mostly just Chloe. I don't think Dianne has a burning need to be with women, but Chloe was already sleeping naked with us. I certainly don't have a problem with it, as long as it's just Chloe."

"I don't have a need to be with women either, but I have to admit to having a lot of fun last night. She kind of carries you away. You get swept up."

"Speaking of getting swept up. Thank you for teaching Dianne how to suck cocks. She gave me an excellent blow job this morning."

"I can't believe she told you that."

"Dianne doesn't really believe in secrets. She's pretty open about things. Said if we're going to engage in any out of relationship sex, we all have to be together. No secrets, nothing behind the back."

"I like her, Matt. She's a real nice woman. I think she's good for you."

"I think so too. I'm in love and want to marry the girl, but she says I have to wait until she graduates from college."

"She's just planning ahead after what happened to her husband."

"I know. Doesn't mean it won't be frustrating, especially if I can't find a job in La Crosse."

"Get your jollies in while you have the chance."

"Have you found anyone yet?"

"Not looking, so no."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not. At least I got my family back and I'm not working on my knees anymore. I can live with it."

"Hey, Matt," Dianne called.

He turned and she was half facing him with her hand over her exposed breast.

"Hey, what?"

"I'll bet your sister would appreciate one of your back rubs before she goes to work. Why don't you give her one."

"What kind?"

Dianne smiled. "A good one." She settled back on the lounge.

A good one in Dianne parlance usually meant one where the rubbed person was naked. He'd given one to Elaine last Christmas at Dianne's urging. It hadn't been to an orgasm, but it had definitely been naked, for Elaine anyway. Matt kept his clothes on.

"Don't let this one get away, Matt," Elaine said, taking his hand. "She's a keeper."

"I know." He allowed himself to be led to Elaine's room.

Thirty minutes later, Elaine lay near comatose on the bed, half splayed out.

"Just set my alarm for two hours from now before you leave, Matt," Elaine said, "and close the door behind you. I feel so relaxed, I really need to take a quick nap."

Matt did as she asked. He went down to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich before going back to the pool to give his erection time to settle down. Ethel was there making something for Chloe and herself to eat before they had to leave. He tried to keep his back to her until he had a little more control.

"What's a good one?" Ethel asked, having heard the conversation at the pool.

"A really good massage," Matt said, his front against the counter, buttering bread.

"And what's a really good massage consist of?"

"Usually both back and front," Matt admitted.

"Does it come with a happy ending?" Ethel asked.

"Not unless I'm intimate with the person receiving it."

"Are you intimate with Elaine?"

Shit! "Can I tell you a secret, that you can never tell to Mom or Beth?"

"I'll consider it, depending on what you tell me."

Matt was silent for maybe thirty seconds. "Not anymore," he said, "but we were before I found out she was my sister. The only ones who know are Chloe and Dianne. After what happened with Dad, we didn't think Mom should know I'd also had sex with Elaine. We thought it might destroy her."

"Dianne knows?"

"I told her on our first real date in case she had a problem with it."

"And she doesn't have a problem with you giving a good all over massage to Elaine?"

"No. She understood how it happened and it was no ones fault and she knows I won't ever do it again, nor will Elaine. It's why Elaine moved back in with Mom. Dianne knows there were inappropriate feelings there for awhile. It was why I was so fucked up last year. But I'm over it and I'll never do anything to hurt Elaine again, or Dianne ever."

"Chloe knows the whole story?"

"Every sordid detail. She was there for part of it."

"I'll get the rest of the story from her while we're in the car together this afternoon. Thanks for being honest with me."

"Please don't tell Mom. It would kill her."

"I would never do that if the story checks out. I just don't want to condone knowledgable incest."

"Everything that happened was unknowing."

"Was your erection due to it being your sister?"

"No, only because she was naked. A good one means the massaged person is naked. I didn't remove my swimsuit, but Mother Nature had its way with me."

"So a good massage from you would mean I was naked?"

"The way Dianne meant it, yes. It doesn't have to be a real good one. I gave Monica one where she wore a bra and panties; Yolanda too. That's still a pretty good one."

Ethel laughed. "Good to know. Has Chloe had a good one?"

"We did date at one time. She got ones with happy endings then. Only the good ones since, her naked and me not."

"You tend to have kind of a relaxed attitude about nudity between you and your friends."

"A little, yes. Probably more so than people of an older generation."

"I have to leave with Chloe now. Have a good time this afternoon. Is your erection gone now?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then you don't have to crowd the counter so much do you?"

"No ma'am." Matt backed away from the counter. "Thanks."

Matt went out to the pool and handed Dianne a sandwich while he ate his. She put her top back on and turned over to eat. Marty and Yolanda were in the pool, splashing one another.

"Ethel knows about Elaine," Matt said.

"Is she going to say anything to your mother?"

"I don't think so. She's going to talk to Chloe first while they're in the car so she knows the whole story. She didn't have time to hear it from me."

"Then she probably won't tell. Ethel is a good woman."

"I think so too. You might not want to tell me to give a good massage to anyone though. She knows those mean the massaged is naked."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Georgina came over. "Hey there, do you two want to play a game of some kind. We always used to play games together and haven't had much of a chance to play since you went to college. Dianne, do you play games?"

"What kind of games? Card games, board games?"

"Almost anything. I've got a couple hours before I have to go to work. We could play cribbage, Yahtzee, Mille Borne, Uno, Scattergories, or even Scrabble."

"I play Scrabble or Old Maid for sure. I haven't played some of the others, but I can learn."

"Beth, do you want to play?"

"As long as it isn't Monopoly. It takes too long."

"Where's Elaine?"

"Taking a nap in her room," Matt said. "We can ask Marty and Yolanda if they want to play."

They asked the two of them if they wanted to play and eventually decided on Yahtzee. They played two games before Georgina felt she needed to get ready for work. Yolanda won a game and Beth won the other. When Georgina left, Marty and Yolanda went to their room as Marty was feeling a little frisky. Dianne went back to tanning and Matt to swimming laps while Beth texted her friends at school.

Elaine and Georgina left for work around 3:30. Ethel and Chloe got back around the same time, the pairs just missing each other. Chloe and Ethel changed into bikinis and came out to the pool.

They hopped into the pool and approached Matt. Ethel said, "Chloe explained the full story and I'm not going to tell your mother, provided you give me a back rub like the one you gave to Elaine today. I want to know what you two were doing in there."

"I already told you Elaine was naked," Matt said, "and like any massage it does consist of rubbing various parts of the body close to erogenous zones."

"I understand that. I want to know precisely."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean. Even if I gave you one, how would you know it was precisely like that one?"

"Chloe says she's had them and will tell me if it's like the ones you give her."

"You want Chloe to watch me give you a massage."

"That's right. How long does one usually last?"

"A half hour to forty-five minutes depending on how tight you are."

"We'll be done in plenty of time for supper."

"Right now?"

"As good a time as any. Both of you, follow me."

"Dianne, I'm going to give Ethel a massage. We should be back in fifty minutes or so."

"Are you going to give her a good one?"

"That's what she says she wants."

"You'll love it, Ethel. Relax and enjoy it."

"Dianne doesn't seem that concerned you'll be looking at another naked woman," Ethel noted.

"As you previously mentioned, we're perhaps a bit more casual about nudity than you're used to. She trusts I'm not going to do anything I shouldn't do."

They all got out of the pool and went into Ethel's bedroom. She handed everyone a towel to dry off, then stripped off her bikini. For an older woman, Ethel had a great figure. Matt could tell she worked hard to stay in shape. Nothing with quite the resiliency and elasticity of youth, and some wrinkles, but Ethel was still pretty taut. She closely trimmed her pubic hair. As far as Matt knew, a lot of lesbians did because they spent a lot of time dining down there.

"Wow, Ethel! No wonder Georgina said she loves your boobs and snatch. You look great," Chloe said. "I'd do you. Maybe you could teach me some new tricks beside the tying down thing, which worked by the way. Monica loved it."

All of a sudden, Chloe realized what she'd said and Monica was no longer with her. She started crying and Matt immediately went to hold her.

"I'm sorry, Chloe. It's going to be like this for awhile," Ethel said. "Losing someone you love is never easy."

"I know. I'm sorry. Please continue. I'll just sit over here in this big chair and have a good cry."

"Are you sure, Chloe?" Matt said. "We could put it off a little. No big deal."

"No, go ahead. Maybe you can give me one when you're done with Ethel. That will help."

Chloe sat in a nice chair, sniffing and snuffling, then blowing her nose.

"I don't have massage oils with me," Matt said. "Do you have a good body lotion?"

Ethel got some lotion and Matt directed her to lie on the towel placed on the bed. Matt started on her back and Ethel tensed a little when he was doing her buttocks, but he concentrated on massaging muscle and didn't delve in her crease at all. He had her turn over. Chloe had stopped crying and was watching now. She wondered if Matt was going to do Ethel the same way he did her. Ethel tensed a little more as Matt massaged her breasts, though it was more the muscle underneath, but his hands were definitely on them. She tightened up again as he got close to her groin. He never actually touched her pussy, but got close while doing her thighs.