Summer Surprise Pt. 16


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When Ben and Mary Jane arrived, they saw Dianne and realized she wasn't joking at all when she said she would be naked. She was that and more. They saw her tattoos, including the one proclaiming Dianne to be their daughter's pleasure slave. Both of them had to see her jewelry closer and Ben held it so he could read what it said. Dianne felt his hand between her legs as handled the jewelry and nearly climaxed. They could both tell how aroused Dianne was, the evidence as plain as her face, and realized she hadn't been lying when she talked about her submission.

Barbara and Erin arrived and when Barbara realized Dianne and Rosilyn were naked for the party, she had Erin strip as well. Just like Dianne, Erin was both embarrassed and thrilled to be naked in front of all these people, several of whom she'd never met before. Her vaginal fluids were soon glistening on her sex. Seeing Erin was naked, Chloe took Barbara and Erin around and introduced them to everyone to increase Erin's arousal.

After Erin was introduced to Brianna, Brianna asked if Chloe was responsible for Erin's submission.

"Only indirectly. You might remember Erin and Barbara from the movie I made of Dianne's exploratory submission. Erin enjoyed what had happened to Dianne so much, she wanted to explore a similar day as well. Once Barbara knew what Erin wanted to do, she put Erin in her collar instead. She loves Erin and didn't want to see her in submission to anyone else."

"It looks as though you have a beautiful and well trained submissive, Barbara," Brianna said. "May I check your slave's cunt to see how much she's enjoying herself."

"Be my guest."

Brianna tested Erin's wetness with three fingers, coming away with three slimy digits. She fed her fingers to Erin.

"Barbara, I was in New York this past weekend with Brianna and another Dominant, learning more skills to dominate Dianne while keeping her safe," Chloe said. "Brianna has several lesbian slut slaves. Rosilyn has become one of her newest. I've talked to Alice and Sophia about what I learned, and you're always welcome to speak to them, but you might want to spend some time tomorrow with Brianna to learn some of the things I have. It will make you a better Dominant and increase Erin's submission."

"Would you attempt to take Erin from me?" Barbara asked Brianna.

"No dear. I'm not that kind of person."

"How do you have Rosilyn then?"

"Given Rosilyn couldn't remain with Chloe, I asked if Rosilyn would work for me as my sex slave. She agreed. I'm to let her finish school here under Sophia's guidance while she learns certain skills and exercises to tone herself more. She'll begin modeling my jewelry and being photographed for my catalogs. She'll be pierced and tattooed after she finishes Chloe's next show. When she graduates in a year, she'll come to California and begin working directly under me."

"In that case, I wouldn't mind picking your brain. I jumped into this before I was really prepared, and I'm feeling my way at the moment."

"Let me know when you want to come over and I'll confer with Sophia to see if it's okay with her we use her equipment."

"How does nine sound?"

"Nine is workable for me. I'll let you know before the end of the reception if Sophia has a problem with it."

Dianne joined the party after most of the guests were there, circulating with trays of hors d'oeuvres and refills on wine. When late comers arrived, she'd set down her tray, go to the door and answer it. Marty and Yolanda finally arrived. Dianne hugged them both. Marty did a double take and Yolanda asked Dianne what she was doing.

"I'm not hiding that I'm Chloe's permanent submissive now. Matt's and Chloe's family now know."

"What does Matt think about that?" Marty asked.

"It works out for him too. He's getting lots of extra sex out of it."

"Yolanda," Marty started, "what would....."

"Marty, shut up. There's no fucking way. As a black woman from the Confederate South, I have no fucking interest in being anyone's sex slave. Put that right out of your deviant head right now, because if I hear one more word about it, your probation gets revoked. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Yolanda."

"Now, on the other hand, if you want to be my sex slave, I might consider it. Might being the operative word."

"You should know, Marty, that if I'm displeasing to Mistress, she can whip my breasts and pussy," Dianne said, smiling, "in addition to whacking my ass. She no longer uses a wooden spoon. She has something even more painful called The Enforcer. I went to a BDSM club in New York and male slaves are frequently kept in cock cages which don't allow them to get erections and they get their cock and balls whipped. Unless you really want to surrender all your erections and orgasms to Yolanda, you may want keep your mouth shut."

"Being his Mistress is sounding better and better," Yolanda laughed. "I'll accept your engagement ring here and now if you want to become my sex slave boy toy. I'll never have to worry about you again."

"I think I'm good."

"Then I'd better not hear another word about it."

Marty laughed.

"I think you've met everyone here except for Sophia's neighbors and my school guardians who helped protect me while I was running around campus half nude."

"We saw your pictures in the campus newspaper."

"Please tell me my face is either blacked or cropped out, or too small to be recognizable and they didn't mention my name?"

"Yes, they did protect your identity. You were being led around on a leash. The outfit left almost nothing to the imagination," Yolanda said.

"I've worn less since. I went out to eat and to plays in New York in clothes that would have made a porn star blush."

"Do you still have them?" Marty asked.

"Wore one of the less racy ones to the ceremony tonight. These high heels went with it. Chloe has pictures I'm sure she'd share, just to embarrass me more."

"What could be more embarrassing than naked?"

"Everyone but Chloe's parents has seen me naked before, even Matt's family. Try wearing those clothes to popular and famous New York restaurants and Broadway plays where hundreds of strangers are looking at you and everything you have. Go mingle, have a bite and a glass of wine. Enjoy yourselves."

Dianne continued serving the guests. She eventually asked her Mistress if she needed more food or wine.

"How close are you to cumming, Pet?"

"Fairly close, Mistress. It wouldn't take much."

"Set your tray down and prepare to orgasm in front of everyone. Ask for permission, but you don't have my permission to cum. I will punish you afterward."

"Yes, Mistress." Dianne obeyed, shivering.

"Attention, everyone. My Pet has been very aroused by waiting on all of you naked. She'd like to orgasm now."

That wasn't quite honest, though Dianne did want to cum. Chloe kissed her while her fingers went into Dianne's pussy and worked her magic. It didn't take long and Dianne was begging to cum.

"Please, Mistress, let me cum," Dianne begged.

"You can do better than that," Chloe told her.

"Mistress, I need to orgasm so bad, please let me cum. I'll lick your cunt if you let me cum."

"You don't have my permission, Pet."

Dianne tried her best, but Chloe knew all the secrets of her body and within a minute of begging, Dianne was climaxing on Chloe's fingers, licentiously thrusting her groin against Chloe's hands, moaning for all to hear.

"Go get The Enforcer, Pet," Chloe whispered.

"Yes, Mistress."

Dianne left and returned with the paddle. Chloe sat on one of the patio chairs and patted her lap. Dianne draped herself over Chloe's legs with her ass thrust high.

"Normally, Pet, you'd only receive ten for cumming once without permission, but because you did so in front of all of Matt's and my guests, I'm doubling your punishment. Keep count and thank me for each one, and ask for the next."

"Yes, Mistress, thank you."

Chloe lowered the boom. Smack, the sound loud in front of the silenced crowd.

"One, thank you, Mistress. May I please have another."

Swat, the other cheek. "Two, thank you, Mistress. May I please have another."

One by one, the devilish instrument turning Dianne's ass red and her arousal going through the roof being smacked bare assed in front of everyone. Before Chloe reached the end, Dianne realized she needed to cum again.

"Mistress, may I please have permission to cum?" Dianne asked, having counted already.

"Yes, you may, Pet."

It wasn't the next swat, but the one after which sent Dianne over the edge and her buttocks squirmed over Chloe's lap when she climaxed, moaning louder than she did the first time, half groan from the burning in her buns.

Chloe immediately flipped the paddle and fucked Dianne with the handle to keep her orgasm peaking and drag it out. Dianne couldn't help but fuck herself, thrusting back against the paddle to increase her pleasure. She knew she was exposing what a slut she was to everyone there, and that made her feel even sluttier, building to a wicked crescendo.

Dianne barely felt the last two swats, though she still remembered to count and thank her Mistress.

"Any one who hasn't felt a red ass before, please help yourself," Chloe said.

A dozen people came up and felt Dianne's burning bum, which turned her on even more, no matter how much it hurt. Chloe's parents were two of them.

"Very warm. Did you just orgasm while spanked?" Mary Jane asked.

"Yes," Dianne admitted. "It sometimes happens when Mistress punishes me. The fact she was doing it in front of everyone here, made it more likely."

When everyone who was going to had rubbed her fanny, Chloe let Dianne sit up and she hugged and kissed her to prevent sub drop. After five minutes, Chloe told Dianne she could resume serving. Until the party broke up, Dianne waited on people with a red ass.

Matt gave the Hamiltons his apartment key and the address. "They finally fixed the elevator, so you won't have to go up the stairs anymore. I have to leave early for Minneapolis, so I won't see you tomorrow, but have a good night's sleep. I hear Sophia is offering scrambled eggs and bacon to our families before you drive home. Leave the key with Dianne tomorrow. Take care."

"Are you really okay with what Dianne and Chloe are doing?" Ben asked.

"Surprisingly, yeah. I've always cared for Chloe. That never really went away, despite my love for Dianne. They both see to it I don't suffer for allowing this to happen. There haven't been any negative consequences at all."

"I hope it all works out in the end," Ben said.

Matt looked at the two women he shared his bed with. "I think it will. Thanks for understanding."

Dianne had to hug all their guests as they left.

"I hope you're all coming for breakfast tomorrow before you go back to Madison," she told Matt's family.

"I think I'd like to hear what happened at my brother's house," Ethel said.

"I can share that story," Dianne said. "It was fun."

Sophia, Brianna and Rosilyn shared Sophia's bed that night. Matt, Dianne and Chloe shared theirs.

"Watching you cum and get spanked in front of everyone was so erotic," Matt said. "I want to fuck you, hard."

"Is it okay if I lick my Mistress while you're fucking me?" Dianne asked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Dianne smiled. She gave her Mistress several good orgasms while Matt pounded her pussy, climaxing multiple times herself.


Chloe and Rosilyn stayed for breakfast, waiting for her apartment to be vacated before she took Rosilyn there to turn her into an actress. She told Dianne she needed to continue greeting anyone who came with naked hugs, so she greeted Matt's and Chloe's families, Barbara and Erin, with her bare boobs squishing against whoever. She noticed Chloe's father got an erection, but then naked female sex slaves gave most men an erection. Mary Jane apparently realized it too, because she didn't say anything even though she noticed it.

After hearing Brianna would be training Barbara to be a better Dominant to Erin, Dan asked if he could watch the training.

"Why exactly would you be watching?" Mary Jane asked. She was glancing at his erection when she asked.

"I guess I'm trying to understand Chloe and Dianne," Dan said. "I've never really been exposed to anything like this."

"That's up to Barbara," Brianna said. "It's her submissive we'll be working with."

"I guess we could give him a couple hours," Barbara said. "I needed to figure it out too."

"Dan, have you ever tied Mary Jane to the bed to have sex with her?" Brianna asked. "Or tickled her? Used a vibrator to tease her? Spanked her lightly before or after sex?"

"I guess we've done a couple of those things a time or two," Dan admitted as Mary Jane blushed.

"That was a taste of Dominance and submission. Now imagine doing that all the time, seven days a week. That's what Chloe gets out of her Dominance. Submissives get something else. They give up control to another person they trust. They don't know from one minute to the next what's going to be asked of them and what it will entail. Dianne didn't know her Mistress would make her cum last night as everyone watched. Or that she'd get spanked afterward, but she did know that at any minute, something wild and erotic might be expected of her.

"So she has all this anticipation constantly on her mind that she may be used in any number of ways without knowing what it might be. This arouses her. Then Chloe tells her she's going to make Dianne cum in front of everyone. All the different things she's anticipated, one of them is about to become true. Already at a fever pitch, her Mistress caresses her to orgasm, something which is both hugely embarrassing to her but also enormously stimulating. She's already primed to orgasm by everything that's come before, her nudity, waiting on people with a tail in her ass and jewelry hanging between her legs. Now, her Mistress won't give her permission to cum, and as a submissive, Dianne wants to obey. She tries hard to obey, doing everything in her power to offer her obedience, but her Mistress knows her too well, knows all of her erotic triggers, so she's forced to orgasm anyway.

"By doing everything in her power to resist her climax, when Dianne finally does orgasm, it's more powerful, more splendid, than it might have been otherwise. There's no way to hide her orgasm, no way for all the people watching her not to know she's climaxed, so it's like a booster to her orgasm, it's even stronger realizing everyone knows she climaxed. Then she's punished for it; her bare ass and creamy cunt visible to everyone, forced to show how aroused she's been and is. Despite the pain, she cums again from the shame of it all, the paddle making her cunt burn almost as much her ass cheeks."

"Wow. That's quite the description. How do you know how a submissive feels?" Mary Jane asked.

"I've been one. When I was younger, I was submissive to a Dominant male. I later determined I was more comfortable as a Dominant female and loved women more. I switched. But when I wanted children, one of the conditions I needed to abide by for the sperm I wanted was to become a submissive to the man who provided what I needed. His wife felt it would help prevent me from falling in love with him and stealing him away. It wasn't necessary, and I would no longer have to do it if I wished more children, because I'm more in love with the wife than I am her husband, though I think highly of him as well. When I'm a sub, those are exactly the things I feel. It does give me an understanding of what my submissives are feeling and I hope that makes me a better Mistress. I understand everything Dianne felt last night, even as I understand how stimulating it is to be Dianne's Mistress.

"Watching someone submit is stimulating to almost everyone. I noticed how many erections the men had and I suspect most of the women had damp spots in their panties. I did. Chloe is a very good Mistress. I've been surprised at how good she is considering both her age and lack of experience. She has a natural talent for this. I'd trust her with any of my submissives, and I've seen her turn not just Rosilyn, but a waitress in New York into her sub. She half turned our stewardess and another waitress here into her submissives, all except slapping a collar on them. I've claimed them now because Chloe knows she can't handle more than Dianne at this point in her life. But for any submissive, Chloe is an ideal Mistress."

"Is this true, Dianne?" Mary Jane asked.

"You saw how hard I climaxed last night. Every orgasm Mistress allows me seems more powerful than any other orgasm I've ever had, and I've had wonderful ones with Matt and my first husband. The first time I had sex with Matt, I climaxed twenty times. He's a wonderful lover. But the ones I have with Matt and Chloe together are epic. I know not every person is capable of being a submissive or a Dominant. I suspect these are traits we already have. Mine were unleashed by seeing it. That's how it was for me. I didn't know what a submissive was or that I wanted to be one until I saw one. It became almost all I could think about until I tried it, and once I tried it, I never wanted to stop. I'm fortunate my boyfriend is understanding enough to allow me to be what I want to be."

"Why couldn't Matt be your Dominant?" Dan asked.

"Matt couldn't do what Mistress did last night. He's too nice, too gentle, too kind. Mistress has no compunction doing it to me because she knows it's what I want in my secret heart. I want to obey her, to be her good little girl, to do all she asks. Ethel, if you want to talk about my experiences in New York, I'd be happy to tell you out by the pool. It will give Brianna, Barbara and Erin a chance to do what they need to do."

Sophia added, "This is a nudity safe zone. If you want to undress and take advantage of the pool, feel free. I certainly intend to."

Brianna took Barbara and Erin down to the dungeon, Dan and Mary Jane followed.

The others went out on the patio and removed their clothes for sunning or swimming. For the next hour, Dianne talked to Matt's family and Sophia about everything that happened to her in New York, including what happened at the BDSM club on Sunday night. When she said she'd sucked Matt's cock after fucking her ass without cleansing herself first, Sophia laughed.

"Couldn't resist trying it?"

"I was actually trying to show Matt how much I love him despite my submission to Mistress. The fact that you'd done it before and got through it without puking was enough to think I could do it too, Miss Sophia. Then, I kissed Mistress, then we all kissed. There was a lot of clapping and cheering."

"Yecchhh!" Elaine said. "It might be another month before I could kiss you again. I've done some strange shit in my time, but that's some extremely strange shit."

"The clothes Evelyn and Master William purchased for me were beautiful and very expensive, but I look like a total slut in them. The white one I wore to the ceremony last night was the most modest of all of them and you saw how much that exposed."

"I'd like to see you in them," Beth said. "We have time. We don't have to leave for Madison until after lunch."

"Miss Sophia, in Chloe's absence, may I please get dressed to show them my new clothes?"

"Certainly. I'd like to see you in them again anyway."

"Thank you, Miss Sophia."

Dianne gave them all a fashion show, including an explanation of where she'd gone wearing each outfit. "At the theater, Mistress pulled the material over my breasts to the side to bare them like this. They remained that way for the entire third act."

She put on the sheer dress she wore to Per Se and 'Moulin Rouge'. "This is what I wore on Saturday night to a restaurant and the theater. Mistress had me lick Brianna and suck off Matt while in our loge. The lesbian couple in the next loge saw me doing it and during the second act, I had to lick both of them and suck Matt again. They lived nearby, so we gave them a ride back from the theater and Brianna sent Rosilyn to have sex with them all night."