Summer Surprise Pt. 19


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"Yes, with her and anyone else she tells me to have sex with, except my daughter. It's part of my submission to her."

"Did that include other women?"

"Women, men. Vivica didn't differentiate. She likes both."

"Black men?"

"Mostly black, but there were white ones as well. She's not racist."

"Did your husband know?"

"I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Because he would have shot me."

Joe absorbed that for a moment.

"Why didn't you divorce him?"

"For my children's sake. I love them and Nathan gave them to me. Given he's now shot my daughter, that's no longer a valid reason."


Detective Frydey also questioned Vivica, who freely admitted to Dominating both Melissa and Francine.


"That's complex. Part of it is because they're both related to Nathan Bedford Forrest, one by blood, the other by marriage. To think that my ancestors were slaves on his plantation and now his descendants are voluntary slaves to me is quite thrilling. That's how it began, but I also love Francine and her mother. I enjoy their companionship, their devotion, the sex with both of them."

"Do they have sex with each other?"

"No. It was discussed at one time, but it's one of the conditions of their slave agreement that they not have sex with each other."

"Who else do they have sex with?"

"Mostly me, but anyone else I want them to have sex with, including my current boyfriend. They frequently suck his cock to get him ready to have sex with me, then clean both of us off after having sex."

"Is he white or black."



Detective Frydey learned Matt and Dianne, the bride and groom, and Chloe, the Maid of Honor, all knew Melissa was a submissive and had been having sex with Vivica and others.

He asked Dianne if she'd ever discussed it with her father.

"No. Given how he's treated Francine, why would I. He's treated me only a little better than Francine because I'm also in a submissive relationship to my Maid of Honor, Chloe Hamilton. I think the only reason he still speaks to me is because I was marrying a man and Chloe now lives in California, so he thinks my relationship with her is ending. It's not, but he might think so."

"You don't think he should have been told about his wife having sex with other people?"

"No. My father is stuck in the Stone Age, or at least the Antebellum South. He'd have killed my mother if he knew. I don't have a lot of respect for my father, and I understand submission, and my husband accepts my having sex with other women. I wish Mother divorced Father a long time ago, but it's her choice. She didn't want to hurt him because he gave her children and she loved us."

"You don't think knowing she was having sex with other people would have hurt him?"

"If he'd known, but he didn't, did he?"

"Why do you say that?"

"She's still alive."


Detective Frydey wondered why Ray, who was one of the groomsmen, had come to the hospital.

"Why are you here, Ray? Are you related to Vivica?"

"No, not to my knowledge. I had sex with Francine and Vivica last night. I like them both and care what happens to them."

"Aren't they lesbians?"

"More like bisexuals. They also enjoy sex with men. You go to weddings, it's a chance to cut loose a little."

"Have you ever had sex with Melissa?"

"A couple years ago when she came to visit Dianne and it was learned she was a prior submissive. Not this trip, because her husband is here."


Robert, told Joe he'd first seen Nathan entering the building with a gun and chased after him, helping to take him down after he shot the gun and taking his weapon away.

"Seems pretty cut and dried," Joe said. "Stories are all consistent and backed up by video evidence. I think Nathan is going to prison. Only question is how long."

"Can I take them all back to the reception or wherever they need to go?" Robert asked.

"Yeah, I'm done for now. Check in with me before anyone leaves town."

"I'll let them know."


A doctor came out to the waiting room. "Vivica Forrest, Francine is coming out of anesthesia right now. She said she'd like to see you."

Melissa asked, "Is she going to be all right?"

"There's still a risk of infection, but I think she'll be just fine. The surgery went well."

"May I see her too."

"You are?"

"Her mother, Melissa."

"That should be fine. She'll be sleepy though. Don't take more than ten minutes of her time."

Melissa took Vivica's hand and they went back to her room.

"I'm so glad she's going to be all right," Chloe said. "I don't think I'm prepared for another tragedy."

"We'd better cancel our honeymoon, Dianne," Matt said.

"Why?" Ray asked.

"It seems rude to fly off while Dianne's sister is lying in the hospital."

"I guess that would be rude, even if you know she's going to get better."

Before they left, they got the visiting times for the hospital in the morning.


Detective Joseph Frydey had one more important person to interview today, the accused. He'd talk to the victim tomorrow.

"Another fucking nigger," Nathan said when Joe came in to question him.

Joe smiled. This might be fun.

"Yeah, that's me, another fucking nigger. I see you signed your Miranda rights statement. You don't want representation before your interview?"


"I thought you might like to know your daughter is going to live. I just came from the hospital."

"Yeah, I'm sorry she got shot, but maybe it would have been better if she died, considering she's living with that black cunt."

"So you admit you tried to kill Vivica Forrest?"

"Yeah. A hundred people saw me do it. Why try to deny it."

"The wedding videographer also taped it, so you probably are fucked pretty good on the attempted murder charges. You are aware Vivica has the same last name as you do?"

"It's a common enough name."

"Does that mean you don't know Vivica is related to you?"

"That's a fucking lie!"

"DNA evidence doesn't lie. It's the reason your daughter met Vivica. She was contacting family members through Vivica has traced her family tree right back to Nathan's plantation. I guess your daughter wasn't the only one in the family tree who liked a little dark meat. Yep, you would have been killing a distant cousin if you'd been successful."

Nathan glared at him, unwilling to believe him.

"Did it piss you off, your wife going to visit your daughter once a month? That she didn't cut Francine out of her life when you did?"

"A little, but women are different. They're too emotional. They can't do what needs to be done. It was her daughter. I accepted that."

"Since you're willing to admit to the attempted murder. I've taken the liberty of typing up this admission." He slid it across to Nathan. "Read it over, check it for accuracy, then sign it."

Nathan read it, then signed it without changes. Joe turned off the video recording.

"How often did you have sex with your wife, Nathan?"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Call it curiosity," Joe said.

"It's none of your goddam business."

"Did you kiss her?"

"Still none of your goddam business."

"Did you lick her pussy, Nathan?"

"Fuck you! Why all the questions about my sex life?"

"I'm just a little curious about how much you knew."

"Knew about what?"

"Knew about your wife?"

"What about my wife?"

"Seems she's a pussy pleaser too, Nathan. It started in college, where she was submissive to a white sorority sister, but after meeting your daughter's Dominant, she began submitting to Vivica too. Every weekend she went up to see your daughter, she'd put on her collar and lick black pussy, just like Francine. So I was wondering how often you kissed the lips of a woman who licked nigger cunt, licked the pussy of a woman who got licked by nigger tongue."

"You're a fucking liar!"

Joe shrugged. "Now I thought that your daughter and her nigger cunt were lesbians, only had sex with each other, maybe some other cunts as well. Turns out they're not lesbian, they're both bisexual. They like nigger cocks in addition to nigger cunts. Turns out, one of the groomsman, the black one, spent half of last night fucking Vivica and Francine. He admitted to fucking your wife too, a couple years ago, when she came up to visit Dianne. Now as a submissive, your wife will fuck anyone her Dominant wanted her to fuck. Apparently, that included a lot of cocks, mostly black, including Vivica's own black boyfriends. And a bunch of people at the wedding already knew this, including Dianne, her new husband, and Dianne's Dominant. It was pretty common knowledge to some folks in Wisconsin. Got to be a bunch of niggers in Georgia who knew they were fucking the wife and daughter of Nathan Bedford Forrest's descendant, Vivica being related and all.

"So I was wondering, when you kissed your wife, if you realized she'd wrapped those lips around a thick, black, nigger cock. And if you licked your wife's pussy, you were licking the nigger cum out of her nigger loving cunt. Because that would be pretty demeaning and humiliating for the nigger hating descendent of Nathan Bedford Forrest; to know his wife and daughter were screwing lots of nigger cunts and cocks and he was getting nigger DNA in his nigger hating body by having sex with his wife. Just curious how that would go over with your nigger hating friends. Once this case goes to trial, the whole fucking world will know what a fucking cuckold you are to fucking nigger cocks. That's got to be pretty fucking humiliating, doesn't it. Think about that for awhile. You can be damn sure this nigger is going to fuck his white wife tonight thinking of how many nigger cocks your wife has taken every month while you were attending your Ku Klux Klan meetings. I think that's fucking hysterical."

Joe held up the admission Nathan signed.

"Of course, signing this admission means there probably won't be a trial, but sometimes, juicy shit like this slips out to the newspapers anyway. Plus, with you in prison, your wife doesn't have to go see her Mistress once a month. She can stay there all the time. Man, that's got to burn a nigger hating fuck like you."

Nathan hung himself in his jail cell that night.


"I'm sorry, Mom," Dianne said. "You and Daddy were married for a long time."

"Too long. I should have left him a two years ago. He was so hateful after learning about you and Francine. I never quite understood why he was so prejudiced. He got worse over time. It's almost as if he felt he had to live up to his ancestor. Once he shot Francine, I felt nothing more for the man."

Francine squeezed her mom's hand. "Mistress will be happy to know you can live with us now."

"Thank you, dear. I'll enjoy that. I'm so sorry that Nathan spoiled this wedding for you, Dianne. You're not even able to go on your honeymoon."

"That's true, but we had cancellation insurance, and Mr. Thornhill has a home in Aspen. He said as soon as Francine is released from the hospital, he's sending us there in his private jet for the remainder of Matt's vacation."

"How soon did the doctor say before you could be released, Francine?"

"He said I could be released the day after tomorrow."

"There you go, Mom. We're not missing that much of my honeymoon, and it means Matt and I can fuck my Mistress a few times before we go," Dianne said.

"How are you girls doing with your father's suicide?" Melissa asked.

"Daddy hasn't been a father for a couple years. I felt as if he hated me for what I was," Francine said.

"I remember some good times when we were younger," Dianne said, "but there hasn't been much good to remember him by since my first marriage. I think it started when I was still married to Robert, because we had black friends. Daddy didn't say much when he was visiting and we had friends over. I wonder why he killed himself? He didn't seem suicidal yesterday, only homicidal."

"We'll never know why now. He didn't leave a note or anything, although he did sign a confession to the attempted murder. Detective Frydey said he wasn't even too remorseful about shooting Francine. Joe said he intimated it might have been better if she were dead than living with that black cunt."

"So much hatred," Dianne said. "So bitter. I'm just sorry he couldn't have been a better man. Matt's father was a shit too. He molested his step-daughter, and was about to molest own daughter when he was discovered. I'm lucky Matt is so decent himself."


By the end of their honeymoon, Dianne reported to Matt he was going to be a father again.

"You're kidding?"

"Mistress made sure I was at the height of my fertility when we tied the knot, and I've been off my birth control for three months."

"How the hell didn't it happen before now?"

"I made sure I wore a diaphragm during my most fertile days and used lots of spermicide. I also encouraged a little extra ass fucking. The rest was luck. Even with you fucking Chloe one third of the time the first couple days after our wedding due to the delay in our honeymoon caused by Francine's shooting, you injected me with lots of baby batter. We know your sperm is good. You've knocked Sophia up twice."

"Are we ready for a child?"

"Going to have to be, aren't we?"

"Do you want one so early in our marriage?"

"I don't feel it's early. We've been living together for two years waiting for my graduation. I almost feel we've been married for three. I knew I wanted to marry you within our first half dozen dates. Being an accountant isn't a strenuous job. I can work right up until I drop Junior."

"What are we going to name him or her?"

"I don't know, but I'm definitely staying away from Nathan or Christopher for boys. Those are both names that don't need to be repeated," Dianne replied. "We need to call Mistress and let her know she got me knocked up."


Matt and Dianne watched Elaine lace up her skates and go skating with her wee niece and nephew. They leaned on the fence, watching.

Dianne felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see who it was.

"Hi, Slut. How are you doing?" Chloe said.

"Hello, Mistress, how are you?"

"Just fine. Peachy keen as a matter of fact. You don't have to kneel. I wouldn't want your stockings to get wet."

Dianne laughed. "It's a wonder I don't have a frozen twat. Good thing I can wear long dresses and skirts." She hugged and kissed her Mistress. "Hello, Lucia. It's good to see you again. How are your little ones?"

Matt hugged both of the women as well, giving each of them a well placed kiss.

"Fine, Dianne. Which brings up the issue we wished to discuss with you."

"You haven't been successful getting pregnant again," Matt guessed. "You've been trying for months."

"The doctor said it's unlikely I'll ever have another child. She said it was a near miracle I had two in the first place."

"I'm so sorry," Dianne said. "I know you wanted to have another one for Mistress."

"Dianne, you once offered to carry a child for me. Are you still willing to do so?" Chloe asked.

Dianne looked at Matt, who smiled and nodded. "I'd be happy to, Mistress. Matt likes fucking me when I'm pregnant. Says I get horny and can't get enough dick. I turn into his three hole slut."

Chloe and Lucia laughed, while Matt nodded his head.

"I'll get an appointment with someone here in New York. We'll have it done before we go back to California."

"If it happens soon, yours will be about the same age as Francine's second when he or she is born. She just found out Vivica's brother knocked her up again."

"How is that relationship going?" Chloe asked.

"It's going well. Mom gets to be the doting grandmother. Vivica still likes cock, but she hasn't married anyone. I think she's too in love with Francine to marry anyone else. They're happy with each other. Vivica is still amazed Francine took a bullet for her. Mom hasn't remarried, but she's been dating this elderly black gentleman, who understands her submission to Vivica. In fact, I think he'd like to put his own collar on Mom, but she's not eager to leave Vivica and Francine. She likes spoiling Francine's first child too much."

"Does Elaine know that Aiden intends on marrying her this trip to New York?"

"Aiden thinks Elaine is a little disappointed he hasn't asked her yet. She thinks it's because she was a prostitute. He just wanted to surprise her with it. He just found out he's Ethel's child and that threw him for a small loop."

"He's taking a damn big chance just springing it on her," Chloe said. "As much as Elaine might love him, she still may say no if he expects her to leap to a yes just because no one else has asked her."

"I agree," Matt said. "No one else got close to her because Elaine wouldn't let them, not because other people didn't try. She's been gun-shy about letting men into her life. I'm surprised Aiden did. He was a persistent cuss."

"We'll get together later for a little sex?" Chloe asked.

"You name the time and the place. We'll find a sitter. Perhaps Evelyn or Regina would look after our rug rats," Matt said. "They are in town for Aiden's wedding plans, which I hope don't blow up in his face."

"Sounds like a plan," Chloe said. "I've got a meeting with my agent. What a drag. They're trying to convince me to reprise my roll as Elaine on Broadway. Been there, done that. I want something new to stretch my wings with. Maybe William's and Evelyn's story, or Sam and Marcia's and Chantelle's. That's a great love story too."

"It is a great love story, Mistress," Dianne agreed. "A polyamorous relationship that works as well as ours does."

"I know. That cross country drive where no one knows what Marcia is going to say when they get to California. Epic stuff, right Lucia?"

"It is epic, Mistress" Lucia agreed. "I've heard a lot of good love stories hanging around Brianna's. Of course they all involve so called, deviant sex, but they're great stories. Even the story of how I became pregnant with my first. The shoot out in the garage with the mad rapist holding a gun on a pregnant woman. Can't tell me that's not good movie material."

Chloe kissed Lucia. "It sure is. Maybe I need to take a break from acting to write another screenplay. We'd better get going, Lucia, or we're going to be late."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Did I tell you that Lucia got her bodyguard license. She gets to go with me everywhere as my bodyguard, not just my girlfriend," Chloe said. "She's a fierce little bitch if you cross her."

Lucia smiled. "Your bitch, Mistress."

"My bitch," Chloe agreed. "See you later, you deviant fuckers."

"Bye, Mistress, bye Lucia," Dianne said. "We should check on the kids, Matt. Make sure they're not too cold. Maybe pump a little hot chocolate into them."

"They live in Madison. This can't possibly be too cold."

"Then perhaps you could pump some hot cum into me, because my cunt is definitely chilly."

"Now you're talking."


As mentioned at the beginning, this is the last chapter of Summer Surprise and Matt and Dianne's primary story. Chloe's story, hinted at here, will continue in Los Angeles Surprise. Elaine will also have her story in the future, hinted at here. As noted, a few old favorite characters tend to make appearances in these things. Going to Los Angeles, you can probably guess who some of those people will be.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Los Angeles Surprise………any release date

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

As always another page turner

I know this story been out for a while fill in reading while waiting for you to publish new chapters in work current works, love how some of your older characters pop up here and there in other stories kind of ties them together loosely

Any time line to when we will get back to Beth and her crazy adventures I know the last book from the series was probably tough to write

Keep up the great writing

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Story took a direction i didn't expected it to. After reading the halloween story i thought there will be something between Elaine Chloe matt. You introduced Danielle a good character in the start but totally made a whore of her and ruined other characters too

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I was liking this story, (dynamic between Elaine, matt, Chloe, Danielle was also perfect ) skimmed tothe end only because I started but the story got ruined after you made Danielle slave/submissive/fucktoy. But your writing style is good hats off to you for commitment and you finishing this long series

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Kudos for this fantastic series. The start was promising, the pacing exceptional, the character development sufficiently built up and foreshadowed. Everything really is well honed and refined into one of the best pieces of written fiction that I've ever consumed on this website.

Even if the story sometimes took directions I didn't want it to take, I enjoyed the overall experience. I often reflect that the hallmark of a great author is an ability to make each moment engaging. You'll never please everyone after all. There were times when the cast felt bloated, times when scenes felt frivilous and irrelevant to the main characters development, but you have a way of shifting the focus or outcome into a fun lesson in some form or another. I even ended up enjoying many of the side characters.

There are some minor editing mistakes, like misplaced names and such, but otherwise this is a more complete and compelling story than 90% of the books I try to avoid on e-book stores. The banter is one of your strengths without exception. Characters bounce off each other's comments naturally, feeding of off past scenes also. It's all very engaging, and when it needs to be, tearful and heart wrenching.

I do partly wish we spent more time exploring the implications of Dianne's submission to Chloe, and Matt's reactions. His doubts are well founded in the beginning, there's much that could go wrong, but it's rarely ever brought up after. Particularly the logistics of such a commitment. At least until Beth has the foresight to do so. It almost felt too easy and many conflicts where external. That said, for the times it worked, Dianne's submission is a thing of erotic beauty. Both confronting and lurid. Reading the chapter summaries at the beginning, I was curious to see how you'd pull off Chloe forming a dominating relationship with this seemingly straight woman, and you did not disappoint.

Thanks for completing this terrific story. From the moment I picked it up, I had a hard time putting it down. Keep up the great work.

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