Supra Hypnosis Ch. 02

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Charles enjoys his hypnotised neighbours.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 07/10/2022
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Charles was sleeping.

A bell rang out.

His eyes flew open. With alarm all his senses immediately came alert.

What was happening?

The bell rang again.

As his mind slowly caught up with him he heard the ringing yet again.

Blinking the sleeping from his eyes, he groaned.

What was that?

His front door bell was being pressed.

Shit! What time was it?

Realising that someone was at his house, he jumped out of bed.

Still half asleep but with a spike of adrenaline now rushing through him he exited his bedroom and stumbled in the darkness.

The doorbell buzzed yet again urgently.

Fuck, whoever was at his door was really impatient.

Was it an emergency? It had to be.

Charles gathered himself at the top of his staircase before descending.

Why hadn't he turned on the lights?

The doorbell rang repeatedly again.

Whoever was outside was just pushing and holding the bell non-stop now.

What the fuck! Seriously, how bad was it out there?

He knew he'd never ring someone else's doorbell incessantly like this without due cause.

He forced himself to descend at his own pace. His eyes were now slowly just adjusting to the darkness around him.

Seriously, what time was it though?

Was someone being murdered out there?

Charles rushed to his door and swung it open.

Standing there was Alina.

"Fuck, it's about time Charlie-boy. You kept me waiting for ages."

Without waiting for a reply she shoved Charles backwards into his own house.

Alina slammed the door behind her.

She grabbed Charles and dragged him.

Wait, did she say Charlie boy?

.......... curses.

Hang on, what was happening? What is she doing?

Charles felt each leg move as he attempted not to stumble and fall as he was manhandled into his own house.

His brain, not fully awake yet, tried to compute the situation.

This was extraordinarily strange.

Now in front of his favourite chair, Alina knelt and pulled his pajamas down in one motion.

Cold air instantly hit his legs and more importantly his groin region.


A second later he felt Alina push him and time slowed as he fell back into the chair.

The cushions caught his fall but it wasn't exactly graceful.

Charles, trying to recover his dignity, felt his legs being opened and straight away his dick being being swallowed.

Wet pleasure shot up his spine and he groaned.

The short blonde started sucking on his dick and he felt it grow immediately.

Charles curiously looked at Alina.

Instantly the light bulb switched on.

The hypnosis! He had a moment of complete realisation of the past 24 hours.

He had used Milo the Magnificent's hypnosis to steal Alina for his own use.

Her mouth came off his dick and starting at the base of his cock extended her tongue and very slowly dragged it up along his dick to the tip. Sheer pleasure in every nerve ending burst forth.

He was fully erect after that.

Alina smiled and extended her ridiculously long tongue again.

She ran it from base to tip again but slightly faster this time. Then tilted her head to one side and lapped at his dick from one side, before switching to the other.

Charles groaned very loudly.

Wow this was so much better out of hypnosis.

Alina captured this head and swirled her tongue about it. She sucked on it on each successful revolution around. She maintained eye contact throughout.

Charles was in heaven.

The pleasure was completely overwhelming. Any thoughts and coherent cognitive ability were lost to the blood rushing into his dick.

Alina continued bathing his dick with his tongue, saliva dripped down his dick and he could feel it pool at his balls. He didn't care.

Each circuit of Alina's tongue added something new which built Charles' pending orgasm.

With each flick of her tongue, Charles could feel him losing the battle.

Just as he felt himself enter the final round, Alina captured his head and sucked hard. The resulting dam broke straight away.

Charles cried out in pleasure.

He groaned as his sperm raced up his dick and deposited in his kneeling neighbour's mouth.

Alina captured each spurt and eagerly swallowed before receiving the next.

Charles hips and ass shook as she milked him dry. She sucked him incredibly forcefully. The last ounce of cum from his balls was finally captured.

When she sensed Charles was finished she opened her mouth.

Charles could see that not a drop had been wasted and clearly consumed.

He watched as she resumed bathing his cock softly just making sure she had ingested all of his available protein.

Charles chucked to himself.

The best cum in the world. Or whatever nonsense he had told her when she was hypnotised. How ridiculous! But it worked.

Damn but did that work!

Smiling to himself, Charles sank back into his chair. He was definitely going to love this every day.

Or night? Shit what time was it?

Alina pushed herself up off her knees. She wiped her mouth and adjusted her hoodie.

"Thanks Charlie-boy for the protein, see you tomorrow."

With that she turned and left the room.

Charles was too stunned by the abruptness to move. He heard his front door open and slam shut.

Well that was unceremonious.

Charles sat there for a moment just enjoying it. Did he even say a word to Alina?

Thinking about it, no he hadn't, nor had Alina really beyond the initial hello and the thank you.

Wait, did she say Charlie again?

......... curses, she did.

Swearing the next time he had her hypnotised he was going to correct it.

Feeling the cold, Charles eventually reached down and pulled up his pajamas. He then stood and with a goofy grin went back up stairs to get ready for the day.

Arriving in his bedroom, he thought to check the time as it was still dark.

Picking up his phone he saw it was 3.30am.

Hours before he needed to go to work today, hours before he even needed to wake up.

Hours before anything normal.

Charles checked his curtains and looked across to Rachel. Her curtains were firmly pulled across as normal.

That at least was some consistently in the upside down world that had enveloped Charles.

Deciding against going back asleep, Charles decided to stay awake. It was just a few hours and it allowed him time to think.

Alina coming over when she wanted at any time of the day or night was going to be a problem he was going to need to fix.

She also seemed to have built an expectation that she was entitled to his cum and he, in turn, had no say in the matter.

Besides the obvious pleasure, Charles had hoped that having his neighbour kneeling in front of him sucking his dick might shift the power dynamic between them. Clearly not.

Charles pondered this as he set about to get his first cup of coffee of the day.


Charles was home from work and was considering what to make for dinner. Every day seemed to be the same struggle of figuring out what he could make with whatever ingredients he had left. He needed to better plan his meals and promised he would every week.

Now that he was home he had changed into more comfortable clothes. He was bending over examining to see what canned goods he had when he heard his doorbell ring.

At least this time he was expecting this visitor.

Charles opened the door to Michelle.

"Hey Charles, can I come in for a few minutes?"

Charles straightened his clothes. He looked at Michelle and saw how nervous she was. He noticed her fiddling with the ends of her long blonde hair.

"Sure, do you want a cup of coffee?"

"Yeah, that would be great thanks."

Charles made space for his guest, and Michelle breezed past him into his house.

Charles took a moment to admire Michelle in her dress and the gentle sway of her hips.

Charles followed her into his kitchen and went about making another cup of coffee.

Michelle remained standing, nervously still fiddling the end of hair.

There was an awkward silence.

"Emmmmmm, I'm sorry I stole your promotion and I, eh, need to make it right for you."

Charles froze.

Charles turned to Michelle and saw her take a deep breath in anticipation.

Thankfully, staying up early this morning after his blowjob from Alina had given him time to think about how to address this situation.

Michelle had offered him a ride to work and on the way home too.

He had enjoyed the car journey with his neighbour again and had great fun but she had said nothing about her punishment.

He was wondering when it may arise and he was ready..

"Yeah, I won't lie, it really did hurt what you've done to me."

"I know, I know, but listen you need to punish me for it to make it better."


"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay, I guess that would work, what do you have in mind?"

Charles could not wait!

This was going to be amazing. This was going to be so much fun.

He almost couldn't believe they were going to start her punishment.

Michelle shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

"So, emmm, like, I try to be really professional and I want to be taken seriously at work. So that's why I will never date someone from our company. Or have a one night stand or do anything really."

Flashes of her mounting him yesterday raced through his head.

What she said made sense to a degree. Rumours about certain women in work being sluts had done the rounds among the junior staff.

Charles tried to stay out of such nasty conversations but his more immature colleagues certainly didn't.

Thinking about it further, it also perhaps explained why she specifically friendzoned him too yesterday.

"Okay, so to punish me, I think you should make me do stuff sexually with you since you're a work colleague."

Instantly, Charles' mind went to a dark place.

Having her march naked through the office.

Fucking her hard on her desk and making sure everyone can hear her yell with passion.

Bent over the boardroom as everyone queues up to take a turn at her.

Having her entire reputation being completely ruined. Never getting a corporate job again.

Charles shook the idea from his head. That was too far.

Still his pants became restricted as his dick grew at the idea though.

Charles bit his lip as he reined in his thoughts.

Come on Charles! Small stuff and build from there. Let's not get her fired.

"I can do that Michelle, what exactly have you got in mind?"

"Emmmm, I was thinking I could give you a lapdance."

She bit her lip as Charles toyed with the idea in his head.

He liked it, damn what red blooded male wouldn't? Michelle was seriously hot and had curves in the right places.

"That sounds like a great idea Michelle."

He couldn't contain his glee.

Michelle instantly broke out in a smile.

"Thank you, thank you. I really need to make this right for you and pay you back for stealing your promotion.

With that Michelle took his hand and led him to his favourite chair.

The similarities between Michelle now and Alina this morning weren't lost.

"Please sit."

This time Charles sat softly in his chair and eagerly waited to see what happened.

Instantly Michelle turned and ground her ass into his crotch.

Her soft peaches rolled across him and his hardening dick increased with glee at each swipe.

Michelle's blonde hair swung with each rotation of her hips. The material of her dress pulled on her ass as gyrated on him.

Charles was in heaven and an angel was performing for him.

Michelle seemed to take no notice of his very evident enlarged cock in his pants and went about her task.

Michelle stood and turned to face him. She mounted him and squeezed her fake tits in his face.

Charles' face was smashed with the bounty.

Each breast was presented and given to him repeatedly back and forth. Her dress and bra prevented direct contact though.

Charles could feel precum leaking from his cock. He was getting increasingly horny.

Michelle pulled her tits back and went back to dry humping on his lap as part of her dance.

Now that his face was free, he could see that Michelle was enjoying this too.

Her dress rode up a little and her pussy covered panties glided along his pants covered dick.

Her eyes rolled and she gasped. Charles instantly needed more.

"Take your dress off."

"Please Charles, can we take things slow?"

Charles didn't expect the immediate rebuke.

"Michelle, please take it off, I really want to see your tits."

Charles instantly winced at his lack of assertiveness.

"I'll do it Charles but can you agree to take it slow?"

"Yes Michelle, we'll go slow."

"Oooooooo thank you Charles, thank you, thank you. But I can maybe just keep my dress on for now."

Charles paused, this was going nowhere. His frustration built.

"Slave, undress!"

Charles didn't think. It took him a second to realise what his chagrin just had him do.

"Yes Master."

Reacting to yesterday's implanted order about being addressed as a slave she instantly carried out the order to undress.

Michelle slipped each strap off her shoulders, reached behind and unzipped her back.

Her dress fell in slow motion.

Standing before him was Michelle in just her baby blue bra and matching blue panties.

The blonde mounted him again silently and grounded on his dick. Her hips started moving, rotating in wide measured arcs.

Charles sat frozen, her tits were inches from his face.

"Slave, take the bra off too."

"Yes Master."

Stopping for a second, her bra opened and slid off.

Her tits were just perfect. Slightly too big for her frame but they attracted all attention. Her nipples were hardened and begged to be sucked on.

Charles' mouth watered.

He leant forward and captured one.


Michelle arched her back in response and let out a groan.

Charles continued to suck on the nipple and grasped the other tit. It felt heavy in his hand as he squeezed. Her tit flesh expanded around his tightening fingers into an irregular shape.

Michelle resumed grinding on his dick. Charles loved the feeling but at the same time wished for more.

Switching the nipple he was sucking on, Charles moved his hands down her back and grasped her ass.

He increased the tempo of her gyrating on him.

Her hands interlocked around his neck and pulled his mouth deeper into her tit.

Michelle took control of her hips and kept the speed up without any help from Charles.

Her pussy covered panties made firm impacts on the large solid mass jailed inside of his pants.

Charles was becoming desperate.

Michelle seemed to sense it too. She stood and swirled around.

Charles bamboozled, watched utterly fascinated as her plump ass sat on her lap.

Her baby blue panties were cute and innocent and only added to the allure of shapely ass.

With free reign again, Michelle teased and swung her hips on his groin. The urgent dry humping now abandoned and replaced with a more subtle and alluring lapdance.

Charles felt himself regain control of his lust.

He took a moment to enjoy himself with what was happening.

He soon noticed the pendulums swinging unrestrained every time his lapdancer cocked her hip. Back and across with each movement.

He couldn't resist it and reached around to grab her tits again. Her heavy tits felt fantastic in palms and lightly juggled them.

Charles heard Michelle moan with lust.

Kneading the flesh, Charles abandoned his lapdance. He pulled her closer to him so he didn't have to reach around her with both arms.

He felt his neighbour sit squarely on his crotch and his arms encompassed her completely as he lightly mashed her tits.

Michelle groaned out.

Not being able to resist it any more, he slid one hand down her stomach, feeling her flat stomach as he went. He reached her panties and felt how wet they were.

The material was starting to soak through.

Finding her pussy through the fabric, he stroked his fingers along it.

Breathe escaped from her mouth before she whimpered with delight.

Charles couldn't believe this was happening and wished for nothing to stop them now.

Growing more bolder he slipped his hand under her waistband and soon found her awaiting pussy. He glided his middle finger down her lips until he found her opening.

She was drenched on his finger.

Charles thrust his finger in the first knuckle.

"Ooooooooh shit Charles. Fucking fairy dust."

It took a moment for Charles to hear what she said. Fucking fairy dust, what the hell was that?

Ignoring it he played with her opening. He invaded to just his first knuckle and danced around in the opening to her pussy.

"Fuck, fuck fuck. So good."

Her panties started to get in the way and prevented him from having the angle he wanted.

He pulled her panties to the side and with free access fed two fingers into her hole. Very slowly he explored deeper and deeper.

"Charles, fuck, fuck. I'm so fucking horny. Shit."

He felt in complete control and stroked her pussy with measured thrusts.

Charles pulled her closer to him, pulling her up his body. He found her clit with his finger and danced it in motion.

Charles felt Michelle's body tense in reaction and heard a heart groan.

He realised she was lost in the pleasure now.

His dick begged to be released, to escape the tighthold of his pants and be free.

Balancing Michelle on his lower stomach and with his right hand strumming her clit, he managed to hold her just there. Charles reached down with his unused hand and pulled free his dick from his sweatpants.

With a tug he pulled his sweatpants further down to get some room to his freed dick.

His dick seemed to angle naturally towards her pussy.

Charles loosened his hold on her and felt gravity take her ass back down to his crotch. Her pussy made contact with his dick and a burst of horness overwhelmed him.

Holding his dick he guided it to her entrance.

"Is that your cockkkkkkkkkk? FUUUUUCK!"

As he entered inside of her, she orgasmed.

Her body rocked and the blonde bombshell sank fully down on him.

With his pole fully inside of his neighbour Charles tensed himself as her pussy released and grasped his dick over and over as she orgasmed.

Charles all but kept himself from cumming too.

Her pussy was warm and saturated and perfect.

Michelle dropped her head on his shoulder as she finished cumming. Her head turned to look at him.

"Fucking fairy dust, that was amazing."

"You're soaking wet down there Michelle, I can feel it."

"Mhm, I can't believe I just came from you entering me."

A moment of realised occurred to Charles. He programmed her yesterday to cum when he first entered her.

Crap, what else he did say. He couldn't remember.

Charles' thoughts quickly scattered as he felt Michelle rise and then drop on his dick.

Pleasure shot through him as his neighbour rode his dick. Her firm ass bounced on him on each downward trajectory.

"Fucking fairy dust your dick feels great."

Michelle got herself into a rhythm and fucked his flagpole with diligence.

Charles for his part sat back and enjoyed the ride.

Having a live responsive partner eagerly fucking him was far back than yesterday's hypnosis fuck.

He laughed when he realised he had the same thought this morning with Alina and her blowjob too.

Charles' thought was interrupted when he felt Michelle tense.


Michelle's hips shook as she had an orgasm.

Charles' lap became saturated in juices.

The power of her orgasm caused Charles to take a moment.

Michelle's legs gave out and Charles had to catch her to hold her up.

"Fuck Charles that dick is amazing. I've never cum like that before."

Charles could feel his ego super inflate.

He lifted her up and held her on her unsteady feet.

Spotting the rug on the floor he ushered her over to it and helped her lay down.