Taylor Made


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I shook my head in disbelief. "But that smell is your personal signature. I really believe that if our noses were more sensitive a man could tell if a certain woman walked into a perfectly dark room, just by her scent."

I turned and dragged two fingers between her labia, held them to my nose and inhaled. "Heavenly."

I licked the fingers. "So distinct. I don't think any two women taste quite the same. Yours is less salty than most, even with just a hint of sweetness. Fuckface doesn't know what he's missing."

"I like you Jeff."

She swung herself to put both feet on the floor, arose and went to a sink to wash her nether region. "Don't want to go to the party smelling like sex."

I laughed and collected her scattered clothing, handing them to her. She tossed them into a bag and pulled out fresh everything, ending with a white silk blouse and a black skirt reaching less than halfway to her knees.

"Have you been properly thanked?"

"More than I could ever have imagined."

She thought for a moment with her lips pursed. "Say, Jeff. How about coming along to the party with me?"


"Sure, I like you and there are some dancers behind me who saw the whole thing unfold. I think they'd like to meet the hero."

"Oh bullshit."

"Okay, the real reason is I was planning to go with fuckface and everyone expects me to arrive with him. You can be my backup. You know, sort of like the understudy in a play. What do you say?"

I laughed. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. And then we'll see where we go from there."


She laughed mysteriously. "We'll see. But you have to be dressed appropriately."

"I don't have anything dressier than this."

She went to the rack of clothes and found a box on a shelf over the rack, and rummaged around in it. She found what she was looking for and tossed a black tee shirt to me. "Here. This is all you need. Now get rid of that red thing."

I held up an official black Taylor Swift Crew shirt. I'd seen them all over the place on the way to her dressing room.

"Where are we going?"

"Shit. I just thought of something. Hmmm. Okay, here's what we'll do. It's perfect! You go get your car and drive around to where the trucks and buses are parked. I'll meet you there."

The parking lots were almost completely empty. When I got in my car I noted it was already after twelve. I managed to find where the controlled chaos of breaking down the set and loading trucks was taking place. A security guard wasn't going to let me anywhere near them until he saw my shirt, and then waved me through. There were several buses parked next to each other and I pulled up behind the row. It wasn't long before Taylor stepped off of one of the buses and approached my car. I was rather taken aback when she opened the door and got in the passenger seat and closed the door.

"Do you know where the Hilton is?"

"There are several. Which one?"

"Damned if I know. Here's the plan. The bus driver has GPS directions, so you can follow the bus I got off of. When we get there the bus will stop out front and some people will get off. You will drive around to the back entrance and park. I've got someone positioned by the door who will let us in. Sometimes I have to pull some fast moves to avoid photographers. They'll be drawn to the bus. If they see us together pictures will be all over the internet within the hour."

On the way she asked about how long I'd been ushering and some of the acts I worked.

"I like to do basketball and hockey games, but we have to do a certain number of dates a month so a fair number of concerts come into play. I've worked a number of country acts, some hip hop and pop. I worked Cher and Bruno Mars. Miley Cyrus. Oh, and your good friend Katy Perry."

"Good friend my ass."

I laughed. "I read about the history of you two. I tossed that out just to get a reaction from you. But seriously, we ushers talk about the gigs. One guy moved here from LA and had worked at a venue there. He actually worked one of your shows. He said that while some of the shows get kind of raunchy, with the females nearly nude, exposing their breasts and simulating sex on stage he said, and I quote 'Taylor Swift is a class act.'"

"And I want to keep it that way. I like that people of all ages follow me. If I started some of that stuff I'd lose my older fan base. Kids have enough examples like Miley. I want to show some skin, but not too much. Be a bit sensuous, but not outright sexy. It can be a fine line to walk."

After I parked the hotel door magically opened and someone in a black shirt let us in. It takes a room key to open that door from the outside. We took a staff elevator to the top floor. When the doors opened music could be heard in the hallway. More black shirts milled around, talking and drinking out of plastic cups. She stopped to talk to each of them.

The door to one suite was open and loud music poured out. Mostly Taylor Swift songs, of course. A number of attractive young ladies came over to her and she chatted briefly before she held up her hand and the music stopped.

"Hey, everyone! Welcome to Margot's party. Where's the birthday girl? Come over here, girl. That is if you can make it without a cane."

There was a lot of banter back and forth across the room. It was obvious these people liked each other.

Taylor presented Margot with a necklace, and it brought tears to Margot's eyes and she threw her arms around Taylor's neck.

Someone called out "Where's Dar..."

Her hand shot up to cut off the question. "That name is not to be mentioned again. I have a new secret name for him, but won't divulge it to everyone. It's mainly for me to vent. If you must talk about him do it out of my hearing."

Several of the young women made a motion like they were zipping their mouths shut and Taylor laughed.

She held up her hand again and the room fell silent once more.

"No more talk about what's-his-name. Here is someone you should know. This is Jeff. I'm sure everyone saw or heard about what happened tonight. Jeff is one of the ushers at the arena and he is the one who stopped it."

I got a round of applause and party goers came up to speak to me, men and women alike. One male dancer confided "I'm glad you stopped it. We can't afford for anything to happen to our meal ticket."

Those around us laughed, but I suspect there was a lot of truth to it. I understand it's hard to get into one of these shows.

The music started again and some even danced, although space was tight even with the furniture pushed back to the walls. I worried that guests downstairs would complain about the noise up here, but was informed the tour had booked the entire top two floors. There were no regular hotel guests below, but most of the cast was staying below.

Taylor maneuvered me away from the crowd and whispered in my ear.

"Spend the night with me."


"Look, I intended to be with fuckface tonight. How about it?'

"But you're Taylor Swift. I can't..."

"None of the negativity. I know I said I wasn't going to fuck you. Well, I've changed my mind. I know what I would have had with fuckface but I think I'd like to see what a real man can do."

"Oh, stop the bullshit. What's really going on?"

She sighed. "I don't want to be alone tonight. Look, I don't sleep around with my cast and crew, it would be unprofessional. I want someone to make me feel good, and I know you can do it."

I stood slack-jawed.

"How about if I sweeten the pot. Given the magnitude of what you did I don't think I've thanked you enough. I'd like to thank you again, and maybe not be so selfish this time. Please?"

It was Friday night, or rather Saturday morning, and I didn't have anything special planned for Saturday, so what the hell? Right?.

Margot was in the middle of the room teaching some sort of country line dance and everyone was laughing and focused on following her instructions, so the two of us slipped out unnoticed.

Downstairs she opened the door to a large suite, with a bedroom, sitting/office area and small kitchen. She led me directly to the bedroom, kicked off her shoes and turned to face me.

"Undress me."

"Just like that?"

"You'll be rewarded."

The first thing I did was turn off my phone and lay it on the dresser. "I don't want you to think I'm going to sneak some photos of you naked or of us having sex when you're distracted," and she smiled in appreciation.

I cupped her breasts and kneaded them through the silky fabric before I began unbuttoning. It slid to the floor and I savored the flesh I exposed before I loosened her skirt and it dropped to the floor as well. It was an easy decision to spend some time exploring her body before removing the underwear, first the bra and then the briefs. I knelt before her and sniffed her woman smell before tasting her delights once again. "I can't believe anyone thinks this is a turnoff. It's heavenly."

She pulled me up standing again. "My turn."

She took her time as I had done with her, tugging off the shirt and playing fingers on my chest. When my pants dropped she explored through my underwear a bit before they joined the pants down around my ankles. She pushed me onto the king size bed and removed my shoes and the tangled pants/underwear around my ankles before joining me there. "Play with me," she whispered. I was all too glad to comply, and covered her body with kisses while exploring with my fingers. I sucked on labia and the clit until she arched her back, then pushed me away.

"Here's where I thank you again." She stroked the length of my penis and I was a bit embarrassed that she might be comparing it to...him. But she took me in her mouth, tonguing and bobbing. She drew back and I popped out. "Fuckface wanted to ram it down my throat. He stuck it in so far one time I threw up. After that he was disappointed that he had to settle for part way in. He was really massive, but I think you might be manageable. The only thing I ask is that you let me know when."

'When' was rather soon, and she pulled me out. She had a way of grasping and squeezing that seemed to put off that inevitable moment. Then she mounted me. I slid all the way in and she seemed happy with how it felt. She rocked back and forth as well as up and down. I got a thumb down on her clit and used the other hand on a breast.

She pounded up and down furiously and I reached the point of no return, shooting into her while she continued to pump until I felt the pulsing of her vagina around me.

She eased herself forward until she was stretched out on top of me while we were still joined. "Oh, this feels nice. Fuckface rammed me so hard I hurt inside. Honestly, I thought that thing was going to poke out of my throat. He would have none of this, either. When he was done, he was done. I like the feeling of staying together like this"

I stroked her hair and she kissed me.

"Been thanked good enough yet?"

"What if I say no?"

She laughed. "We'll just have to think of something else."

I awoke momentarily disoriented, but remembered where I was when I saw Taylor naked and curled up beside me. I thought the AC was a bit cool, and pulled some covers over us.

Probably fifteen minutes later her eyes opened and she stretched. She also seemed momentarily disoriented to find me in bed with her, but recognition came quickly. She caressed my cheek and laughed "we've got to get you a shave if there is to be any more thanking."

She made two calls on the hotel phone. The first one went to the main desk, requesting a razor and toothbrush. "I left mine on the bus. The rest of the stuff I need I can get from somebody up here."

The second call was to room service to order breakfast.

With the calls completed she brushed her hair and put on a hotel robe. In less than five minutes a bellman arrived with the requested items. She waved me out of sight while she opened the door to accept the items and hand the bellman some green.

In the bathroom she showed me where the shaving cream and toothpaste were. As she left the room she called over her shoulder "Don't worry about taking a shower. We'll deal with that after breakfast."

I stepped out of the bathroom just as the food arrived and she waved me to step out of sight again. The food arrived on a rolling cart and I saw her hand the waiter a twenty.

She certainly had ordered enough for both of us to eat heartily. "I'm usually very mindful of what I eat, but on the road I use a lot of energy and tend to eat more. Here, have some more bacon. Mmm, these eggs are cooked just right. I took a chance ordering biscuits, you never know if they come out of a can, but these seem to be the real deal."

After eating she used her cell phone to check around with others in the show, ironing out details of the schedule.

"We've got a little time and I need a shower. You do too. Why don't we save time and do it together? It looks large enough in there."

I got in the shower and adjusted the water and she followed. The shower was large enough for both of us, but still a bit cramped.

She handed me the bar of soap she had brought with her. "I always bring my own - it's hypoallergenic and doesn't dry the skin. Now, I think if we both try to wash at the same time we'll bump each other, so let's take turns. I'll do you first."

She took the soap from me and proceeded to 'wash' me, but left a rather prominent area alone at first. When she got around to my scrotum and very hard penis she paid attention to detail and then laid the soap aside.

"Okay. Here's where I thank you again. I'm going to do something I've never done before."

When she dropped to her knees she held me in both hands, observing closely how my penis changed with different kinds of strokes. "I never had the time to study one before. Guys always seem to be in such a rush to fuck."

Tentatively she took me part way into her mouth, then pulled me out and began to lick, long slow licks, twisting her head so she could attend to every bit of surface. She sucked my testicles into her mouth one at a time and then both together, and gently massaged with her tongue.

Once more she took me in and began attending to me in earnest. She took me shallow and used her tongue liberally. She took me deeper and sucked, alternating moves. I had to almost pinch myself to realize that it was Taylor Swift down there.

I built to a climax and, as last night, gave her a warning. She pulled me out, looked up and grinned, and then shoved me back in again. I warned her once again just before I shot hot jets into her mouth. She swallowed some and some dribbled out through her lips. When I was finished she pulled me out and licked again, licking off drops that oozed out.

"Now it's your turn."

I was only too glad to lather up my hands and rub them over her body. I really did try to do a decent job of it, but my hands tended to stray to her breasts and she laughed "I think they're clean enough, but it does feel good. Maybe they could use just a bit more."

I washed the neatly trimmed hair and the vulva. She clung to me. "I think that needs some extra attention."

I worked my fingers between the labia and stroked up and down, teasing the clit and inserting part way into her vagina while she gyrated her hips and moaned. She squealed with surprise when I knelt and fastened my mouth onto her clit. Since I knew she liked it so much I figured to give her oral action at every opportunity. From our previous sessions I knew where to suck, where to rub my tongue back and forth, where to lick, and when to insert fingers into her. She held my shoulders tight and threw her head back in pleasure until she came with a moan.

When I stood up she said "Look at what you've done. Now you have to clean it again." I laughed and eagerly complied.

She reached down for me and stroked. I was already hardening again

"Do you think you can go again?"

"For you, I'll try my damndest, but I can't promise anything."

No soap this time for the 'cleaning', just fingers and lips exploring until she was dripping with more than shower water. She squatted momentarily and took me in her mouth to suck me harder, then stood up again and guided me into her. Her legs are so long I couldn't get very far in, so she turned around and bent over. From the back she could adjust for me to slide in easily. We soon had an easy rhythm.

I reached around and cradled her breasts and she picked up the pace of thrusting. I slammed into her again and again, our wet skin making slapping sounds.

She thrust really hard a couple of times and I felt her orgasm tighten around my penis, stronger than the previous one. A few more thrusts and I did manage to come again, weaker than before, but just as satisfying feeling.

We disengaged and she turned and kissed me. "Been thanked enough yet?"

I panted "If I was to be thanked any more they'd have to wheel me out of here on one of those luggage carts." She found that amusing.

We gave each other a final washing and stepped out. I dried and got dressed while she dried her hair.

When she was packed and ready to go she said "We'd better go down separately. I'll walk you to the elevator." I grabbed my phone, still turned off, and we padded down the carpeted hallway.

As the elevator doors opened she kissed me. "I'll never forget last night - or this morning either."

"Neither will I. Maybe I'll go home and write a screenplay about it."

She gave me a hard glare and I kissed her. "Just kidding. I won't hurt your brand."


At the main floor I turned to go out the back door, but someone in a black shirt grabbed my arm. "We need everyone to help load the buses."

I realized that with my black shirt I had been mistaken as a member of the crew. Rather than blow my cover I went out to the waiting buses where luggage was being loaded and handed suitcases and bags up into the cargo bay. When the buses were loaded the cast members riding them boarded. Taylor winked and smiled at me as she passed by, chatting with some other girls.

My 'job' done, I managed to slip out the back to my car and drove around toward the front to watch the buses roll off and thought 'I don't think I'll every have an ushering job like that again.'

On the drive home I had to make up something to say at the next job when the others ask me about what it was like to meet Taylor Swift backstage.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
How was he supposed to know?

. . . pushed my head tight against her . . . her entire body flushed bright red. To view her entire body, he would have been required to be a foot or more away from her body which would have been difficult with his head tight against her sex. Reads like the author got a bit carried away with his writing and didn't think about how what he was writing would be received.

B59001B59001over 7 years ago
Very classy.

I must say this story is classy in tone and execution. A great read.

auguy86auguy86over 7 years ago
Nice job

I love the classy tone. Fits Taylor's character well.

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