Teaching Kat 02: Taking her V-Card

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Brian helps out his neighbor again.
7.4k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/22/2020
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Author's Note:

Thank you, readers, for all the feedback on the first installment of Teaching Kat. I do not have a definite plan for going forward with Teaching Kat episodes, but I am working on one. What I do have are a variety of quickly written encounters between Kat and Brian, which I was using to help me understand Kat's development into the woman she is in a longer work set about ten years after her sexual awakening. I am not sure all of these encounters between Kat and Brian (and others) work as stories, so we may not follow everything they do together. But we will certainly hit the high points, those encounters that drive Kat's story forward. Because while Brian is the narrator, this is Kat's story.

I hope you enjoy the second installment. Thank you again for reading.


Cool air, a welcome relief after the heat of the day, blew in through the open door and settled in the garage as I worked on transforming a block of wood into a horse. Or, at least into a horse-like thing. I had loved wood carving when I was younger, but trying to pick it up again in my mid-thirties turned out to be more difficult than anticipated. But I promised my daughter I would carve her a horse. And it didn't hurt that working on the carving gave me an excuse to be out of the house.

Our next-door neighbor, Michelle Dennison, had dropped by to chat with my wife. There was no denying she was a hell of a looker, but Michelle was not the warmest of women. I always felt like she was observing me, critiquing in her mind what I said and how I said it, rather than really talking to me. To make it worse, I discovered that when I looked at her, all I could think about was her cute teenage daughter sucking my cock a few days earlier. Kat Dennison, eighteen with the kind of luscious body only a girl that age can have, had bounced her way into my garage on Saturday wearing short shorts, spike heels, and a t-shirt so thin that a blind man could have told she was braless. I had known Kat for years, had taught her about fixing cars and even helped show her to drive, but I had been unprepared for what she wanted me to teach her that day.

The blonde girl explained that her boyfriend was pushing her for sex. She was afraid she wasn't ready for that, but she didn't want to lose him. So, she asked me to help her learn to give head, saying that she trusted me and that she knew I was a good teacher. I couldn't turn that down. We hopped in my truck, and after a little making out and me getting to worship her firm breasts, she sucked me off and even swallowed at the end. And I think she was pleased with the lesson, but after we kissed again, she bolted, and I had not seen her since.

My mind was so focused on my memories that when I heard Kat's voice. At first, I thought it was in my head.

"Mr. P, can you hear me?"

I looked up from my workbench. The object of my lustful thoughts stood just inside the garage door, blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. And although she wore shorts and a t-shirt, her appearance could not have been more different than it had been last I saw her. The over-sized shirt revealed nothing but the hint of her tits, and the shorts came down to midthigh. Sure, a fair amount of toned, supple legs still showed, but flat sandals did not elongate and shape them the way the spiked heels had. She looked her age, and guilt mixed with my lust.

"Yeah. Sorry. I was concentrating. Your mom's inside," I told her, happy to see that her eyes did not drop. In fact, I thought they sparkled with a hint of excitement.

"I know. I wanted to talk to you."

"About Saturday?"


I sat the carving down as I tried to think of what to say. But my own worries filled my head. Did she regret giving me a blowjob? Was she planning on telling someone?

"Look, what we did..." I started.

"What I did, you mean," the blonde teased, eyes shining.

"...if it was too much for you..."

"It wasn't. I just... didn't expect how I felt after. Me spazzing on you was not your fault. I just got overwhelmed."

"I guessed that," I told her. I did not mention I had noticed a wet spot on the truck seat after she left.

"I want you to know it wasn't... what we did. I loved that. And, it wasn't anything bad, either. This thought popped into my head and... um... I needed time to... process it."

"Did that thought have anything to do with me helping you with another first?" I asked, aware that if I was wrong. I would blow any chance I might have to assist Kat in exploring more.

"Um... yeah," she nodded, looking even more her age in that moment. "How did you...?"

"Lucky guess."

Kat stared me down, but when I said nothing more, she gave a little shake of her head. I had no doubt she suspected I was holding back, but since I did not want to embarrass her, I remained silent.

"So, um... I used what you taught me."

"Oh... with Clarke? How did it go?" I asked, trying keep up with what seemed like a sudden shift in the conversation.

"He was surprised. It was yesterday, after school. We were at his house."

"And everything worked out?"

"Oh yeah. He couldn't stop grinning afterward. You should have seen his face when I took off my top. But that was nothing compared to when I..." Kat trailed off, eyes darting to the door from the garage to the house.

She leaned in closer to me and continued in a much lower voice, "When I took his dick in my mouth. His eyes bugged out, and he just stared at me, mouth open.

"I suspect that's what most guys look like the first time a girl sucks their dick," I chuckled. "I'll bet he shot right away too."

"Maybe a minute. It was a lot faster than you. But I did what you suggested. I swallowed as he came, and that was much better. And I showed him my empty mouth so he knew I swallowed it all."

"Good girl. Did he kiss you after?"

"Well, no. I mean, he did after I went and used mouthwash."

"Is see. Did he do anything for you in return?"

Kat's cheeks turned pink and she shook her head. "We just made out more. And he sucked on my boobs, since I was still topless."

"He should have at least offered to do something for you."

"I... he tried to use his fingers, but I stopped him."

"Oh. Why did you stop him?"

The girl's face darkened to red and she stared at her feet.

"I didn't want him to... I kept thinking about you."

"I... what?"

"Even when I was... you know... sucking him, I couldn't stop thinking about... what I was thinking about after I sucked you."

"Oh... so me fingering you or licking you?"

"Yeah, sort of. I mean, I thought of those, but that's not..."

The door from the house started to open. Kat backed away a step, and we both looked toward the door. My wife came out first, followed my Kat's mother.

"Hey Mrs. P," Kat beamed. "Mr. P. was showing me the horse he's carving."

"It's not much of a horse," I shrugged, holding it up.

"Misty will love it," Kat smiled, referring to my daughter. "I know I would've at her age."

"Kat, is all your homework finished?" Michelle Dennison asked, ignoring my presence as she stared down her daughter.

"Yes, Mom. I came over to tell you that Dad's home with dinner. Oh, and Cam wants to practice a speech he's working on."

"On which he is working," Kat's mother said. The girl's smile faded and her eyes dropped. "And if you came over here to give me that message, you ought not to be bothering Mr. Page."

"We were just chatting, Michelle," I said, giving Kat's mother my nicest smile. "It was no bother at all."

"It was pleasant speaking with you, Camille," the woman told my wife, not acknowledging what I had said.

"What a cold woman," my wife said when they had left, Kat trailing her mother. "She's disappointed that Kat's not valedictorian. The girl's on the honor roll and never gets in trouble. At that age, I was out drinking and doing all kinds of shit. It was touch and go whether I'd even pass enough classes to graduate. Kat gets a couple 'Bs' her last semester and you'd think it was the end of the world. Michelle blames it on this guy she's dating, says he's a bad influence."

"Maybe he is," I shrugged, thinking of what Kat and I had done a few days earlier and wondering if I was now part of that bad influence as well.

"She used to say the same shit about you," Cami scoffed, and for a heart-stopping moment I thought my wife knew what I had done.


"She hated Kat coming home with grease on her hands and clothes. She also thought Kat had a crush on you. So, she asked me to tell you to stop letting Kat help you work on your truck. I told her she needed to talk to you. She never did, so I never brought it up either. I knew you'd never take advantage of the girl, and she seemed to enjoy working with you, so why take it away from her. She's under a ton of pressure in that house."

Guilt threatened to overwhelm me. Guilt for doing what my wife thought I would never do. Guilt for considering doing more. Guilt for cheating on Cami.

"I guess that comes from being raised by two English professors," I said, knowing I needed to say something.

"My mom was bad enough, and she's just an elementary teacher. I can't imagine what those poor kids endure. I wouldn't be surprised if they both go wild once they're out of that house."


Over the next week, I did my best to put Kat out of my mind. But thoughts of her firm breasts and rounded ass intruded, as did the memory of her sucking my cock. However, it was what my teen neighbor had not said that haunted me the most. She had made it clear that the next first she had been thinking about was not me using my fingers or tongue on her. That left the enticing, and arousing, possibility that she wanted me to take her virginity. That notion occupied my mind at work, at home, and even during sex with my wife. But every time it made its way into my head, I heard Cami saying that she knew I would never take advantage of Kat, and my guilt prevailed. Or at least it did until Friday night, eight days after I last saw Kat, and almost two weeks since the blowjob in my truck.

I was in the garage again, carving. Since it was another beautiful evening, the garage door was wide open. A sound caused me to look up. Kat stood there chewing on her bottom lip, a book in her hand.

"Hi Kat,"

"Hi Mr. P," she said. "My mom wants me to give Mrs. P. this book."

"Oh, I can take it."

"I need to give it to Mrs. P. I'm not supposed to be 'bothering' you."

"Okay. I'll get her."

"Mr. P... Brian..."

"Yes, Kat?" I asked when the girl didn't say anything else. Her use of my first name brought both a surge of lust and a flood of guilt.

"Um... my parents will be gone most of tomorrow. Will Mrs. P. be here?"

"Yeah, she will."

"Oh," the girl said, her usually animated face going blank. "Well, shit."

"That may be better, Kat," I said, choosing my words as carefully as I could. "I am happy I could help you, but I think it best that I don't... that we don't..."

"Oh, you're right, it probably would be for the best," the blonde said, but I heard defiance in her voice and saw it in her blazing eyes. "But doing what's best means not doing what I want. And I'm fucking tired of not doing what I want."

"It's not just..."

"I'll be at my house tomorrow all day. If you get a chance, come over."

"I don't think I..."

"Can you get Mrs. P. so I can give her this book?"

"Sure," I sighed.


Kat appeared in the open door, a huge grin on her face. Her hair hung loosely around her face in blonde waves. Combined with the makeup she wore, she appeared older than her eighteen years. That a too-small tank top did little to conceal her firm tits and perky nipples added to the effect.

"You came!" she squealed, bouncing. The illusion of age evaporated, but my lust did not.

"Mrs. P. and the kids are out shopping. They will be back by dinner."

"That gives us a couple hours," the girl beamed. "Come with me."

Kat took my hand and led me up the stairs. Her touch sparked my arousal as well as guilt. But I tried not to think about the latter. I followed the girl and her jiggling ass, which was covered by the same thin, tight short-shorts she had worn two weeks earlier, into a bedroom that looked like a pink paint bomb had exploded in it. The walls were pink. The bedding was pink. The furniture was pink. Pictures in pink frames hung on the wall. Even the carpet was a dusty rose, so within the pink family.


"I know, right?"

"It's... pink..."

"I love pink," she grinned. "But you should know that. Almost every top I have is pink, like this one."

Kat held her arms wide and shimmied. But I did not pay any more attention to the color of her tank top as I had when she opened the door. The motion of her braless boobs, side to side this time instead of up and down, mesmerized me.

"It's hard to notice the color when you move like that," I pointed out. Kat scrunched up her brows for a second, then her eyes shone. A series of giggles exploded out of her mouth, shaking her body and, of course, those firm tits of hers.

"I guess so," she finally said, smiling. "And since you're not looking at my top anyway, maybe I don't need it."

Before I could respond, Kat peeled the tank top off, tossing it into a corner. I moistened my suddenly dry lips, took her by the waist, leaned over, and licked her inviting pink nipples. The girl shivered and moaned as I sucked one then the other.

"God that feels good," she purred, stroking my short hair.

"It'd feel good if I licked you here too," I told her, my fingers tracing up her slit. The material of her thin shorts had grown so sodden with her juices that it clung to her labia.

"Oh, you think I meant asked you over to... um... eat my pussy?" she asked, rounded cheeks as pink as her room.

"No... I think you were thinking about me popping your cherry. Eating your pussy first is my idea. It will help you relax."

"Oh... well... I do want you to be my first. I 've wanted it since we kissed after the blowie. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It made sense. I want to lose... it... to someone who cares about me, and who's not just looking to, um, fuck me. I didn't think I would want that right away, but sucking your cock was... well... hot as fuck. And I started thinking maybe you'd be the right guy, 'cause you could teach me that too. And I knew you'd go slow and not hurt me. But I was scared too, so... I ran."

"I know," I told her, pressing on her clit through her shorts. Kat gasped, clutched my arm, and shuddered.

"Oh fuck," she groaned, eyes closed.

"You left a wet spot on the truck seat," I said, filling the silence. "That's how I knew you were... excited, maybe more than you were ready for."

"But you came over today anyway?" she asked, eyes open again, staring at me.

"Yeah. You're hard to resist."

I rubbed her clit again. Kat's body shook and she moaned, but her gaze stayed fixed on my face.

"Will you be gentle?" she asked, her voice higher, more girlish than I had heard it in some time.

"Oh yes, sweetie. I promise."

"Am I bad for wanting this? Shouldn't I wait for someone I love? Shouldn't I want to?"

"Do you love Clarke?" I asked, referring to her boyfriend.

"No... I don't think so..."

"If you weren't a virgin, would you fuck him?"

"Maybe... if he touched me like you are. But he's never touched me like... ohhh... that."

"He's never fingered you? I thought you just meant when you gave him that BJ last week."

"He has, over my pants, but he didn't touch me... oh my God... oh my God... he didn't touch me there."

"Your clit?"

"Yeah, my clit... oh God..."

"Do you want to fuck me?"

"Yes," the girl breathed, and the truth of it shimmered in her sweet, lustful, blue eyes.

"Do you want me to lick you here?" I asked, massaging her clit, enjoying the moist heat radiating through her shorts.

"Yeah... yeah..." the girl whimpered before her grip on my arm tightened painfully. I attempted to pull free, but in the same instant, I noticed her rolled-up eyes and wide-open mouth. I put it all together and realized that my teenage neighbor was mid climax. I eased up the pressure on her clit, but her fingers still did not relax. They were not alone. Her whole body remained tense for several seconds. And yet, no sound came from those open lips, and I was not even sure she was breathing.

It was very different from the women I had been with before, most of whom, including my wife, at least moaned or groaned or made some sound when they came. I worried that something was wrong with Kat, that it was not a normal orgasm. Then, without any warning, my young neighbor went limp, I grabbed her waist, holding her up as she took several shuddering breaths.

"Are you okay," I asked when her eyes fixed on me.

"Yeah..." she said. "Oh yeah."

"You came?"


"I was a little worried. You stopped breathing."

"I always hold my breath when I come," she said, voice growing stronger. "Doesn't every girl?"

"I don't know about every girl, but not the ones I've been with."

"Oh... am I weird?"

"No, you're not weird. It's just not what I expected."

"I've never come before when someone else is there, so no one's told me I'm different," she said, sitting on her bed, not quite meeting my eyes. "And I thought the loud girls in the pornos were all faking. But other girls really are loud like that? Are you sure I'm not a freak or something?"

"I'm not an expert on this," I said, hoping to reassure the suddenly fragile seeming girl. "I've only been with six women, including you."

"But they were loud when they came?"

"Some weren't loud, really, but they all made sounds. And you did too, just not during."

"What about Mrs. P? Is she loud?"

"She used to be. We have kids now."

"But if you guys are alone?"

"Kat, let's not focus on comparing it to anyone else. How you come is how you come. It's not a big deal."

"I guess..."

"Besides, what a girl does when she comes isn't what men care about. They just want to make their partner come."

"My friend Lara says guys don't care if the girl comes." Kat met my eyes again, and both her tone and her expression indicated a challenge to what I had said.

"Dumbass boys and immature guys might not care, but men do."

"Did you like making me come, even though it was weird?"

"I loved making you come, sweetie," I told her, kissing her forehead. "And it wasn't weird. Hell, if you let me, I'll make you come again... this time with my tongue."

"But isn't that... dirty?"

"Why would it be any dirtier than going down on me?"

"Because you're not all gross and wet."

"Trust me, wet is good, and nothing about your pussy is gross."

"You haven't even seen it," she said.

"I don't have to see it to know."

"I've seen it. I used a mirror. And I've seen the porno girls, of course. They all look weird. Cocks don't look weird. They're... sexy."

"Well, guys are going to find your pussy sexy and not at all weird," I said, kneeling down so I was on her eye level. "But the ones who like girls aren't going to find cocks sexy, except when a girl is sucking one or being fucked by one. That's just part of the deal of finding the opposite sex attractive."

"I guess," Kat shrugged. "Pussies do look a lot less weird when they're filled, so... I get it."

"Now, enough worrying about things you don't need to worry about. You lie back, and I'll make you feel good. Promise."

The girl did as I suggested. I leaned forward and kissed her mound, then her pussy through the soaked fabric of her shorts. She wiggled and moaned. Encouraged, I slid two fingers through the leg opening and in between the slick folds of her fleshy labia. One of Kat's hands grasped my wrist, holding it in place. I kissed her inner thigh. Her grip relaxed. My fingers pushed into an incredibly snug tunnel.