Tear's Desire


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"I have an even better idea," Tear whispered. Still lodged inside her lover, each movement eliciting hot, little gasps, she reached behind herself and undid first one, then the other ankle restraint. Arach crossed her legs behind Tear's firm butt and pulled her in close.

Tear leaned over her lover, feeding her magically grown cock into Arach with slow, deep strokes. Arach's moans turned to screams as Tear picked up the pace, gasping in pleasure herself at the delicious friction. There was a pull deep in her lower body, as if a spring was coiling itself, causing her to pound Arach more urgently. Goosebumps erupted all over Arach's dark skin as she came, her pussy fluttering around the pulsating shaft inside her. Then, the feeling inside of Tear, that imaginary spring, uncoiled like a striking snake, causing Tear to release thick spurts of hot, unholy seed which raced through her deeply embedded rod and fountained into Arach's pussy. The crowded space inside overflowed in the span of a few heartbeats, causing it to seep from her in hot, sticky rivulets. Arach clawed at Tear's shoulders, gouging furrows into her lover's back as she rode her almighty climax, whimpering in heat.

Tear sobbed against Arach, overcome by the incredible abruptness of her own release. Her elbows refused to carry her weight and she collapsed on top of her lover, her dick still deeply embedded inside Arach. Despite just having spurted what felt like a small ocean, it remained hard and ready.

"There, there," a breathless, sweaty Arach whispered, patting Tear's hair. Tear gasped air into her lungs, then erupted into a helpless giggle as Arach looked down, eyes wide with wonder.

"You're still coming?" Arach asked in disbelief.

Tear didn't trust her voice one bit and looked down herself. A huge, white puddle had spread between Arach's thighs, thoroughly soaking the sheets and probably the mattress beneath. And she was still horny, not even close to satisfied.

"Ready for more?" Tear whispered, withdrawing from Arach. As her glans slid free, another gush of white poured out.

Arach moaned against Tear's shoulder. "More? Are you serious?"

Tear grinned, a bright, unnerving smile which gave Arach pause. Then Arach looked downwards, her eyes widening.

"You didn't even deflate a little bit!"

Still grinning, Tear shook her head. She crawled to the foot of the bed.

"What-," Arach began, but Tear cut her question short by grabbing both of Arach's ankles and moving them. Arach had only two options; move, or end up with broken calves. So she rolled onto her stomach, grimacing as her skin got coated in the puddle of juices.

"On hands and knees," Tear ordered, the tone in her voice brooking no argument.

"Be gentle, you hear?" Arach pleaded. "Whatever you're planning." She pushed her knees under herself and raised her butt off the soiled sheets, her eyes following Tear.

With an unsettling smirk, Tear hopped off the bed and opened a small chest on a nearby table. Presenting it like a magic wand, she produced a long, slender phallus made from red crystal.

"You don't plan to-" Arach gasped, recognizing their toy of choice for rearward intrusions.

"Oh yes, I do," Tear said, sliding back into bed, not minding if she slithered through the sticky puddle. In fact, she coated her hand and then the toy generously with the liquids. "This might tickle a bit, love."

"I'm going to regret ever buying this thing," Arach moaned.

Tear spread her lover's butt cheeks with one hand, the other holding the red phallus like a dagger poised to strike. Arach whimpered, trying to wriggle out of Tear's reach. Tear kissed Arach's butt cheeks, holding her in place with that unexpected act of tenderness.

"See? I am gentle," Tear cooed between smooches. Her tongue came out and gingerly licked between Arach's butt cheeks. "How's that?"

"Naughty," Arach giggled. "What's come over you?"

Instead of an answer, Tear knelt behind Arach, slapping her dick against Arach's backside. "This," she growled, rubbing the slick shaft between Arach's cheeks.

"It feels so huge! No way you'll get it in there," Arach whimpered, a hint of panic in her voice.

"Only a matter of preparation," Tear mused. "The Handmaiden which ordained me didn't have any problems wedging her massive pole up my rear. I'm not nearly as big that she-demon was. Relax."

"'Relax' she said," Arach grumbled, then she inhaled sharply as Tear's massive dick slid along her cheeks again, this time stopping at her pussy. Tear gently pushed inwards, spearing the head into her lover again.

"Hmmm... That's not so bad," Arach sighed, crossing her arms under her head.

Tear scooped more of that unholy seed off the sheets and rubbed it into the cleft between Arach's butt cheeks, slickening it. Then, she placed the blunt end of the crystal phallus at Arach's rosebud, giving Arach due warning and a moment to adjust to the coolness of the material.

"Do it already," Arach hissed, pushing back against the phallus. She sighed softly as the clenched muscles were slowly pushed open. Tear took her sweet time, despite the urge to bury herself to the hilt into that forbidden entrance.

She and Arach were still neophytes to this kind of pleasure, and even if her mind was ablaze with images from orgies past, she still remembered that she was treating Arach, the woman she had promised never to hurt. She slowly fucked the red crystal phallus into Arach's butt, making sure to widen the opening by gently gyrating the phallus. By now Arach was pushing back into her, driving more and more of that rampant hardness and the phallus into her openings, each movement eliciting an excited gasp from the prone dark elf.

Tear withdrew the phallus.

"Don't! That was wonderful just now," Arach protested.

Tear looked down at Arach's loosened-up backside. "That should do nicely," she whispered, slowly withdrawing her own rampant shaft from Arach.

"No, don't, please," Arach whimpered, trying to crawl away. Tear grabbed her by the hips and lined herself up.

"Don't worry, love," Tear whispered, voice shaky with lust. "I'll be gentle."

She placed the head at Arach's backdoor. Despite her efforts, the opening felt tiny in comparison to the magically grown cock. Slickening the head with more of that seed helped though, and before long, Tear was able to push past the clutching muscles without as much as a painful groan from Arach.

"I can't believe you put it there," Arach gasped, pushing back, testing if that monstrosity actually fit her. The thick veins massaged her insides and the head made slow, but oh so delicious progress, taking her breath away. She could feel Tear's heartbeat pulsing within her, a rapid thumping fueled by her own lust. Arach's hand slithered down her body, through the sticky film on her skin until she reached her pussy. She was amazed at how wet she was, despite the alien intrusion into her bowels. Or was it because of it? Her fingers sought out her clit, teasing that sensitive nub, sending even more shocks through her body. Then, suddenly Tear moved, pulling out until only the tip of her rod remained wedged in her ass.

"Ready?" Tear asked, a fierce grin etched onto her sweat-drenched features.

"You'll push in regardless," Arach whispered, bracing herself on her elbows.

"Yes," Tear hissed and pushed, thrusting in all the way until her smooth belly brushed against Arach's butt cheeks. The prone dark elf wailed and pushed back, to drive that magical appendage ever deeper into her. Tear withdrew again, just far enough to ready another thrust. Then she picked up speed as Arach writhed on the sheets, urging her on with little moans. She had thought Arach's pussy had been tight, but her ass felt like a second skin, deliciously wrapped around her monstrous appendage. Grunting like a woman possessed, Tear speared herself into Arach again and again, not realizing that Arach had stopped moving, passed out from the fucking Tear was giving her.

Oblivious to everything but her own all-consuming lust, Tear felt the pull as all her abdominal muscles seemed to tense up. One final time she thrust home, then she withdrew her rod from Arach, gave it one last, frenzied pump with her fist and exploded. A thick stream of white, hot seed gushed forwards, hitting the wall above Arach's head before sopping down onto her back. Tear, moaning helplessly, pumped her dick again and again, unleashing stream after stream of unholy seed, coating Arach, the sheets and herself with the stuff until the tide dried up.

Arach now looked more like a surface elf. Most of her skin was dyed white. She didn't move and breathed only in shallow gasps. The bed was a soggy, sorry ruin. Tear fell forward onto her lover, too wrung out to even laugh at the absurdity of it all.

* * * *

The next morning came, as hot and sweltering as the ones before. Even just before sunrise, the room was stuffy and the stench of sex was retch-inducing. Tear raised her head, drawing long trails of semi-dried spunk between her cheek and the soiled cushions. Her whole body hurt worse than after a long adventure, especially the muscles in her thighs and lower body burned. Slowly, painfully, the memories came. She had done this, she had ruined their bedroom, by... by...

Her hand flew down her body. Between her breasts, caked to her skin, she found the small silver disc, her holy symbol. Closing her fingers around it, she listened. And heard, the almost imperceptible humming, the voice of the Moon Maiden, welcoming her back despite her transgressions. Sighing a breath of relief, her hand traveled lower, through a viscous mess between her thighs. There was nothing out of the ordinary, just a sticky, shaved patch of skin. No trace remained of that... thing. Well, not counting the utterly ridiculous mess surrounding her.

"How are we ever going to clean this up?" she asked no one in particular.

"I have no idea," Arach said, entering the bedroom. She was fresh out of the bathtub, wet white hair hanging unbound past her butt and tiny water droplets reflecting the odd ray of sunlight off her skin. "But here's a bucket for you to start with."

"Why me?" Tear groaned, resisting the urge to wipe sticky liquid all over her face.

"Because you slept on my poor back. Do you have any idea how long it took to get your seed off me?"

Tear groaned.

* * * *

Tear waited for the inevitable. She had had her night of unearthly pleasure and she feared when Desire would come and collect what was her due. But the months passed and life went on without major disturbances. When the first year had passed, Tear allowed herself to let down her guard. By the second year, she had almost forgotten.

And then it was winter, the roofs of Storm Harbour were creaking with the amount of snow that had fallen. One late afternoon while it was already getting dark, Tear and Arach were in the kitchen, preparing their evening meal.

"I think we're out of salt," Tear said, shaking an empty salt box.

"I'll have a look in the larder, if there's still some more," Arach volunteered and scampered off, brushing her hand over Tear's behind.

"Hmmm, you can continue that once you're back," she giggled and shook her bum Arach's way.

Quickly she searched the larder, noticing to her dismay that they were totally out, no extra packet of salt remained.

Arach returned to the kitchen and wrapped Tear into her arms.

"No salt?" she asked, pressing her behind against Arach. She caressed her breasts, feeling Tear's nipples harden.

"No salt," Arach confirmed, her chin on Tear's shoulder, lips teasing her earlobe.

"That's unfortunate. That will be pretty bland food tonight then."

"Oh, I bet we could spice it up a bit," Arach chuckled and slipped her hand inside Tear's robe, caressing down her tummy, aiming for her sex.

"You know, I could really hurt myself if you keep that up," Tear sighed, spreading her legs a bit so Arach had easier access. Then she waved her knife over her shoulder.

"I also could nip over to Oak House and get some salt from them," Arach offered.

"Only if you manage to do that without getting laid there. I want you all to myself tonight, you hear?" Tear asked.

"I promise I'll be good. No one could come close to your... cooking," Arach laughed softly at her really bad joke. Her fingers were busy teasing Tear, caressing her clit before slithering along her slit.

Tear had put the knife aside and was gently rocking back against Arach. With a huge grin she removed her fingers from Tear's pussy, turned her around with her other hand and let her lick her own juices off the fingertips. Tear shivered visibly and grinned playfully.

"I'll get you back for that, little minx!" she threatened.

Arach kissed her on the lips and went into the bedroom, shedding the skimpy house robes and pulled on warm underwear, some leather breeches, a soft shirt, a chain shirt over that, soft, waterproof boots and to top it off, a wonderfully warm fur cloak. Arach grabbed her coin purse and the bandolier to which her scabbard was strapped.

"I'm off!" she called into the kitchen.

"Be safe, and be quick," Tear said, tossing ingredients into the kettle. "The stew will be done in an hour or so."

"I'll be back before you'll miss me," Arach laughed and slipped out of the house. Tear put a lid onto the kettle and left the stew to boil. She stretched, content with herself and the world. After dinner, she would pull Arach onto the bed and treat her to a thorough licking, or even better, fuck her with the new steel dildo Zentam had made for them. The thought alone got her excited. She pulled a chair up to the fireplace, fished an unread book from the small stash and began to read the steamy novel contained within.

Tear pulled the stew off the oven. Arach hadn't returned and more than three hours had passed. Oak House, where most of the other Moon Maiden faithful in Storm Harbour lived, was a ways away, but even counting the heavy snowfalls, Arach should have been back by now. Unless of course she got sidetracked by one of the cute warriors they had over there. Despite her heated plea, Tear knew that Arach couldn't entirely resist a saucy fling, not after what Tear had done to her.

She tried to convince herself everything was all right. They were in Storm Harbour, one of the few places hospitable to their kind and thoroughly warded against intrusion by evil forces. Or so Urs the Sailor, mighty Storm Lord, loved to boast. Being a spell-caster herself, Tear knew there was no "fool-proof" ward, not as long as things like disjunction stones or mages able to break enchantments existed.

And as much as she'd like to deny it, the passage from the Book of Secret Wishes constantly haunted her, to a point where she had nightmares about it.

I hereby grant your wish. Make full use of this night, for you'll never know how long your happiness may last.

Tear rummaged in her pack until she found the spell scroll she was looking for. The tube was dusty and the seal cracked, because she never had reason to use a Messenger spell, but there was a first time for everything. With shaking fingers, she broke the seal and carefully unfurled the scroll, trying to focus on the angular runes burnt onto the parchment. Despite every nerve screaming to hurry up, she took her time, memorizing each syllable before finally belting out the complicated words. A tiny, winged ball of light appeared on her palm.

"Yes?" it asked in a high, reedy whine.

"I need you to fly over to Oak House. Talk to Mother Avea and ask her if Arach has already arrived there."

"Oak House. Avea. Find Arach. Right?"

"Yes. And be quick."

The ball of light zipped off her palm, through a crack in the shutters and vanished. Tear padded through the house, her uneasiness growing with every passing moment. Finally, after what felt like hours, the Messenger returned, whizzing around her head.

"No Arach, Avea says. Asks if need help."

"Thank you," Tear said and canceled the spell. The puff of light winked out and she stormed into the bedroom. Why did it take so god-blasted-long to dress? Underwear, warm over-the-underwear garments, armor, cloak and all? She nearly forgot the grab her sword from the stand near the bedroom door, lunged back inside, grabbed the weapon and stormed out of the house.

She knew the path Arach would have taken. The shortest route. Down this alleyway, across the plaza, past the fountain. Her sensitive eyes easily pierced the darkness and the pure white of thickly fallen new snow helped too. And then she saw it, in the mouth of an alley across from the fountain. Dark pools of blood. A lot of it. Clearly the site of a battle. She crept closer, scanning for hidden attackers. Only a few feet into the alley, she found the first corpse, a scruffy-looking human. His throat was slit from ear to ear and two deep hollows were pressed into the snow next to where he lay. Maybe someone had knelt there, trying to help him? There were blood spatters everywhere and lots of footsteps disturbing the snow. A few feet further in, she found Arach's sword, jagged and buried in the ribcage of a leather-clad drow male.

"What happened here?" Tear whispered as nameless dread swept over her. Something crunched under her foot and she bent low to pick up the item.

It was a finger, a slender, feminine finger wearing a wide silver ring with a piece of amber in it, brutally chopped off at the base. There was no doubt, this was Arach's. Someone must have cut off her fingers as she fought tooth and nail against her attackers. Somewhere in the distance, she could hear the watch horns blaring, because a battle, even in this part of town, would have roused the Guard.

"Maiden, save us," Tear whispered, clutching at her holy symbol. Her worst fears had come true. The dark elves had found their way to Storm Harbour. And they had taken Arach.

She needed to come up with a rescue plan fast, because if there was one thing dark elves were notorious for, it was their penchant for swift and bloody vengeance against those that had abandoned their Chaos Queen.

The end.

Final notes: Huge thanks to my friends in the Accidental Nudists Cabin, MSTarot and Rozalin1780, for quick and dirty edit suggestions. A big hug for my lady love Dani, for whipping my storytelling into shape, and a hearty "Thank you" to you readers out there.

I hope you enjoyed this twisted fantasy of mine. If you did, let me know. Vote and/or comment. It's the only way for me to know if and how you liked this. Thanks for your time.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Disappointing after Leo And The Dragon and Shilana's Trial, which are awesome. The storyline was weak and I didn't enjoy the style. Abandoned it about half way through. Same criticism for The Temptation of Gheeran, Tear's Desire and The Faceless Executioner.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Enjoyed your tales

Really good reading mate....will be waiting to read another of your creations. Much success in your furture. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Not fair!

There is no way this can be the end! That's too cruel!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

It was so easy too fall into your story, now I need to know what happens! I guees I need to read more of your stories now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Amazing work

When I come onto Literotica, my first thought is that I'll be seeing some sort of sexual story, with no real plot or purpose. So I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised to read this.

The entire story is wonderfully constructed, with great word choice and structure throughout. Your knowledge of the fantasy world is on point, and the development of Tear and Arach was beautiful. Tear's development especially caught me, her inner turmoil eventually leading to the tragedy that follows. Rarely do I begin to feel strongly over erotica or the likes, but I was on the verge of tears over Arach's past and actually crying a bit when she was lost. Call me overemotional, but this one story has already made you one of my favorite authors.

I don't know if you plan to continue this, or create more loosely tied stories to it, but I sincerely hope you do. I'm hooked. Great job, keep up the good work, and if you're pursuing it, I wish you the best of luck in your writing career.

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