The Battered Lamp Ch. 28


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~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Aaliyah stumbled as Kyle pulled her along, trying to keep up with her husband's pace. Fire roared behind them, the twisted Ifrit melting through all the obstacles Kyle placed in the monster's path. Fear hammered in her heart.

"I'm slowing you down, my love," Aaliyah called out, cursing the diamond collar about her neck. "Leave me behind."

"So he can burn you?" Kyle growled. "I'll die first."

He stopped, grabbing her by the waist and throwing her over his strong shoulder. She dangled, staring behind them as he ran, his pace slower now that he was carrying her. Britney hissed in frustration as Kyle struggled to keep up. Stone cracked and shattered, and heat rolled down the hallway as the Ifrit melted through another wall.

Kyle's katana flared gold. Another wall of stone erupted behind them.

Almost instantly, the stones glowed cherry red.

"We're going too slow," growled Britney. "You have to run faster."

"I can carry her, Master," Ms. Capello shouted, clutching her broken wrist.

"No. she's my wife."

Aaliyah felt a surge of happiness at her husband's rock-hard determination. He vaulted over a archway looking out onto a small garden, the group cutting across. Another wall erupted, dirt fountaining into the air. Green plants whipped at them as they ran through the garden before Kyle vaulted over a low wall back into the palace. Kyle's breath was labored, coughs wracking his body.

"This is not working, Kyle," Britney hissed. "You inhaled too much smoke. You cannot keep this up."

"Aaliyah, I wish you were as light as a feather so I can carry you to a garden bower and make love to you."

"Done," the Djinn gasped, her power flowing out of her.

Her body felt light and airy, almost lifting up from Kyle's shoulders as he ran faster. He was no longer grunting. She was no longer slowing him down. Aaliyah didn't understand why fighting Aljihm in the garden was better than in the palace, but she trusted her husband.

"That way," Britney snarled. "I think I know your plan. I can smell it."

Kyle turned left, his slippered feet pounding down the hallway. Aaliyah realized they were in Sihab's harem. Kyle shouldn't be in here. This was a place for only women. She pushed down her people's laws; they hardly mattered right now.

Sunlight fell on her. They were outside in the harem gardens. Britney seemed to be leading them, guiding them through the perfumed beauty of flowering vines hanging from trellis amid shady persimmon trees.

Fire crackled behind them. The gardens burning.

"There!" Britney shouted. "That is what you wanted, right?"


Water splashed at Kyle's feet, drops striking her face. He whirled around setting her down in the shin-deep water and thrusting her behind him. Aaliyah pressed against his back, trembling as Aljihm's inferno neared.

"This is perfect," Kyle said. "You understand what to do, Britney."

"I do," she grinned, her face striped black. "This might work."

I wish I knew what the plan is.

The gardens burned, ash raining down on them, spreading around the pool. The concubines flanked around Kyle, crouched and wary. Britney drew her dagger, watering dripping from the blade, the pool rippling about their feet as Britney guided the liquid.

Aaliyah's eyes widened. "You're a genius, Kyle," she whispered.

"You think to cower in a pool?" Aljihm sneered, striding out of the inferno. His body was blackened and burned, but he seemed to be in no pain. "You think that little water can snuff out my inferno?"

The Ifrit stepped into the water. It hissed and steamed, boiling about his feet.

"My fires burn hot!" he roared, thrusting his fist forward.

Flames shot at them, the water flashing to steam before it. The water at their feet surged and lifted up, swallowing the flames. Then Britney threw the boiling water at the Ifrit, the ball hissing and popping as it streaked through the air, leaving a trial of steam behind.

The water seemed to explode into billowing white when it struck Aljihm, damp, hot mist rolling around them. Kyle surged forward, disappearing into the thick, white steam. Fire crackled and Aaliyah's heart leapt into her throat.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kyle surged forward into the billowing steam, protected from its scalding heat by Britney's power. Through the earth, Kyle could feel where Aljihm stood. He commanded the mud at the Ifrit's feet to rise up, seizing this enemy by the ankles while he raised his sword.

Britney was at his side, hissing in excitement.

Light flared in front of him, fiery orange, thrusting forward.

But water was all around them. Kyle knew Britney would understand the advantage. Just because it was steam, didn't mean she couldn't control it. The air suddenly condensed, the steam precipitating into rain that fell right on the Ifrit's fire, dousing it.

"That won't work!" the Ifrit bellowed. Heat rolled into Kyle as he raised his sword. "My flames burn too hot!"

Kyle's sword flashed down, sparkling gold.

Aljihm saw the attack and shot his fire forward. But he hadn't gathered enough of the heat. Britney's water slowed him down, giving Kyle the time to cross the distance. The Ifrit tried to pull away, but his feet were trapped.

So he became fire.

"Now, Britney!"

He commanded the earth to burst up around the whirling fire, forming a wall that curled over to stop the fire's escape. All the water of the pond rushed past Kyle, channeled by Britney, and slammed into the Ifrit's firewhirl.

Steam flashed as Britney drowned the Ifrit. Kyle continued shaping the earth, pulling the stonewall around the drenched fire. Steam billowed out, the Ifrit's fires weakening, sputtering. The last water in the pond poured in, boiling way in a flash.

Kyle closed the earth around the firewhirl, pulling the Ifrit down into the ground, smothering his weakened flames. He could feel the Ifrit struggle and howl, trying to pour enough heat to melt the stone. But too much water had stolen away his fire. He couldn't burn hot enough. Kyle took him deeper below the ground, burying him beneath a hundred feet of rock. The pressure grew, squeezing down on Aljihm's dwindling fire.

He held the Ifrit down there until he felt the rocks began to cool. The Ifrit's fire was out.

"Your plan worked," Britney said.

"I'm just glad you understood your role."

"It was a simple plan. Perhaps, that is why it was so successful."

"Thanks," Kyle snorted, his lungs burning as he breathed.

Aaliyah walked over, putting her arms on him. "We still have to deal with my father."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"What do we do now?" Fatima asked as she stared at the glass statue.

"We need to find Mistress," Teleisia said. "She was running to get Master."

"So, does anyone know where the council chamber is?" Fatima looked around.

Christy and the witches shook their heads and the concubines all shrugged. "She was running that way," Teleisia pointed.

The world suddenly folded around Fatima, and then she popped back into reality, her bare feet sinking into mud. She blinked as she stumbled, arms whirling to hold her balance. She stood in the bottom of an empty pond, colorful fish flopping around the mud while a garden burned around them. Kyle stood nearby, Aaliyah's arm wrapped around him. He held a diamond collar in his hand, the clasp opened like he had just removed it from someone. Soot smeared his face and body, and he coughed as he leaned on Aaliyah.

Being summoned never stops being such a shock.

"Britney!" Phillipa gasped and hugged the equally bedraggled Rakshasa.

All the concubines and wives had been summoned by Kyle's wish. "What happened here, big bro?"

"A mad Ifrit."

"Zaritha? Did you piss her off?"

Kyle shook his head and pointed at a groaning, wounded Zaritha. "She saved me. It was one of the Unbound."

"Like that Jann we killed," Fatima panted.

"You killed him?"

Fatima frowned at the pain in Aaliyah's voice. "You bet we did, Aaliyah. I turned him to glass."

"That was my father."

Fatima gaped. "I...uh...what?" Guilt punched her in the stomach

A tear ran down Aaliyah's cheek, then her Genie wife walked over and hugged her. "It's for the best," Aaliyah cried. "He was Unbound. That was really just a shell. An empty husk full of evil."

Fatima hugged her back, relieved Aaliyah didn't hate her.

"We need to know what's going on," Kyle growled. "Are the Jann our enemies? Why did the Vizier lead us into a trap?"

"My father commanded his loyalty," Aaliyah sighed. "He...killed my brother and..." She let out a shuddering sob. "...It should be fine now that father's dead."

"Should be isn't enough." Anger hardened Kyle's face. "I want that Vizier brought to me. I want some answers!"

"We're on it, Master," Shannon said.

"We'll be in the throne room. If Sihab is dead than Aaliyah is the Sheikh or Sheikhess."

"I'm not the Sheikha," Aaliyah answered, shaking her head. "Sihab will have a son. Maybe not fully matured, but he will rule once he comes of age."

"Fine. Bring me the Vizier, Shannon." Kyle tossed Shannon a diamond collar. "This will keep him from escaping."

"We won't fail you."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kyle sat on the tourmaline throne, his wives flanking him on small chairs Aaliyah conjured. Zaritha sat at his feet, restored by Fatima's fire. His concubines, the ones that didn't go to hunt down the Vizier, lounged about, looking sexy and dangerous. Many had been beaten up in the scuffle, but the witches patched up their wounds.

The Jann, who seemed to have all fled before the attack, filed back in, looking downcast. Kyle fixed hard eyes on them. None had any spine. They all had stood aside while Aaliyah's insane father set them up to die.

Because we had been too trusting. We let our guard down. None of these Genie can be trusted.

The doors thrust open. Shannon and Chyna dragged the Vizier between them, the diamond collar about his throat. He blubbered, tears running down his wrinkled cheeks to his snowy beard. The Jann nobles all quieted, watching the Vizier with apprehension.

"Master," Shannon smiled, throwing the Jann at the feet of his throne.

"I'm sorry, your greatness," blubbered the Vizier. "I had to. He was the Sheikh. His word is the law in Khoshilat Maqandeli. I could no more oppose him than the sun can oppose setting at night. Mercy. Please."

"How can he ever trust you?" Aaliyah asked. "Sihab ibn al-Jann, my noble brother, swore our tribe to Kyle, declaring him the Sultan. Yet you conspired to betray him. How can such feckless service be forgiven?"

Kyle blinked in surprise and had to resist looking at her and gaping. She sounded so majestic: a queen addressing her servant.

"I was afraid. Your father was wild. Deranged. He threatened my daughters. Please, your Exaltedness. Show mercy to a foolish, old man. I will swear to be your servant."

"What oath can hold you?" Aaliyah asked. "I know of only one."

"By the laws of creation that bind me, I swear to give leal service to Kyle Unmei, Sultan of the Hidden People. As Steward for Yusuf ibn al-Jann, the infant son of Sihab, I bind the Jann tribe to your cause."

Aaliyah gave a nod.

"Then we need to figure out our next step," Kyle stated. "One of the five tribe is behind us. How do we get the Ghul, Si'lat, and Ifrit to join our side?"

"I know how to deliver the Ifrit," Zaritha said.

"The court should be cleared," Britney said. "Only those you trust should hear her words."

"Very wise," cackled an old crone, striding out of the crowd of Jann nobleman.

Kyle frowned leaning over to Aaliyah. "I thought women weren't tolerated in the court." It confused him last night when she spoke, guiding Sihab to swear allegiance.

"She's Kalsom binti Abdullah," Aaliyah answered. "The oldest of the Jann."

"I am," the bent, old woman smiled. "A thousand years I have awaited for your arrival, Kyle Unmei. The fulfillment of my prophecy is at hand."

"Prophecy?" Kyle asked.

Aaliyah shook her head. "I only knew it was her plan to marry me to Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb."

"It was my plan to marry you to him," the crone answered, pointing at Kyle.

"Then why was I put in the lamp eight hundred years ago?" Aaliyah asked. "Why did you tell my father another man was to be my husband?"

"It was the only way to safeguard you for your bridegroom, child. Rashid knew of my prophecy. He knew you were at the center of it. That your husband would be the man to topple him, and he is desperate to hold onto power. That is why he has gathered the vilest criminals among our people."

"Like my father," Aaliyah sadly whispered.

"Your father's grief at your disappearance drove him to violate our people's law. He tried to assassinate Rashid."

"Law?" Kyle asked.

"Djinn may not shed their fellow's blood in the Hidden Realm," Aaliyah answered. "There are a few exceptions. It can be...complicated."

The old woman nodded. "And instead of facing his punishment for his desperate sin, your father unbound his soul and became a monster."

"All because you sent me eight hundred years too early!" snapped Aaliyah.

"Rashid would never have let you live so long. You have seen his servants. One of the Unbound would have snuffed out your life. I had to protect you. The lamp was the perfect vessel. You were destined for Kyle. I knew you would find your way to him eventually. I lied to your father. I found a mortal with a destiny of greatness, one that your father would believe could rule our people.

"And now you have accomplished your destiny. The six shall be one, the Marid defeated."

"Six?" Christy asked.

"The Warrior of the Earthen Blade." She bowed to Kyle. "The Consort of the Brass Lamp." Aaliyah shifted in her seat. "The Consort of the Fiery Spear."

"Told you I was supposed to have the spear," snarked Fatima to Aaliyah.

"The Consort of the Arcane Grimoire." The Crone's eye fell on the staff. "I see you found your darkness. The Consort of the Airy Bow. And the Companion of the Watery Dagger. Six shall be one."

"Six shall be one," Christy muttered, leaning forward in her seat. "Is that literal or a metaphor?"

"You will have to figure that out for yourself," the crone said, inclining her head.

The doors to the throne room opened and a young Jann entered, draped in yellow roles. He strode to the center of the throne room, his dark-brown face paling as he gazed up at Kyle. He fell to his knees before the throne. "Your Exaltedness, Sheikha Hawaa binti al-Si'lat requests an audience with you."

Kyle flicked his eyes to Aaliyah. She is the leader of the Si'lat Djinn.

I thought women didn't rule in your world?

There are only female Si'lat, Aaliyah answered in his mind. They are all whores, and are never to be trusted.

A beautiful woman in green silks strode in, mature and ripe, her breasts plainly visible through her silk top. A bevy of lush women trailed after her, all dark eyed and moving with inhuman grace. Kyle's cock stirred as he stared at them.

"Greetings, Kyle Unmei," the Sheikha purred. "We have much to discuss."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sahabah, The Hidden Realm

Rashid watched the graceful, dusky-skinned, Arab woman stride through his court towards his sapphire throne. Hecate's servant had arrived to seal their alliance and aide him in Kyle's destruction. Her feet echoed on the polished, blue floor. An insolent smile graced her lips and dark power radiated from her.

"Greetings, Sultan of the Hidden Peoples," she bowed. "Hecate desires me to be your most humble servant until Kyle's defeat. We have much to discuss."

Rashid examined the woman. She had mature beauty, a hunger burning in her dark depths. Her clothing revealed much of her lush curves and her lips had a predator curl to them. Lust stirred in his loins. Centuries ago he had lost interest in his plethora of concubines and wives.

Some glamour of Hecate's wards her, attracting my interest, Rashid mused.

"What makes you so effective against Kyle?" he asked, ignoring his lust. He was not so foolish to fall into such an obvious trap. "How will you kill him when others have failed?"

"I am Faiza Unmei."

"Unmei? You are his kin?"

"His mother," she grinned; he shivered, there was nothing warm, loving, or motherly in that smile--only the promise of death. "He could never raise a hand to me. He loves me."

To be continued...

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mharrisonmharrisonover 2 years ago

As stated by others -- what happen to ch 29, 30 & 31 ??

Did wonder if just a numbering issue but the story doesn't flow on correctly - bits obviously missing !! :(

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago







draco352draco352over 2 years ago

looks like there are 3 chapters missing...29,30 and 31

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