The Best Present Dad Can Give Ch. 06


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"Dad..." Rhett groaned, clearly embarrassed.

"Well we have become pretty good friends this week."

He laughed again. "Oh, he has been talking about you for much longer than a week. Ever since we moved here actually. He would always come home after school and talk to me about the 'god clique', you in particular."

"Dad, please...just stop talking."

His father blinked and frowned. "I'm sorry, Rhett. I didn't mean to embarrass you." His father was clearly upset about what he just did.

"I know you didn't, which is why I'm not mad at you." He went and gave his father a hug. After the brief embrace, he turned to me and said, "Let's go."


We walked out to the car and I saw Cody get out of his seat to let Rhett slide into the middle of the backseat. Rhett was by far the smallest in the backseat so it made sense for him to sit in the middle.

"Alright, back to my house," Trey said.

Once we were back in his house, we found five plates, forks, and glasses sitting out next to the food. His parents clearly left but set out everything so we were ready to eat once we got back.

We ate and discussed which movie we should go see. Once we agreed on which one, we agreed to go to the nine o'clock showing.

Since we had over an hour to kill before leaving for the movie, we decided to go into the family room and talk for a while. Rhett went and sat on the recliner, Trey and I went and sat on a couch, and Cody and Collin went and sat on the couch adjacent to the couch Trey and I sat on.

Trey tapped his hand on his lap. The fucker thought I was going to cuddle myself on his lap in front of the twins and Rhett! I glared at him, knowing he'd know what the glare meant.

"I don't care if they are here."

"I do!" I felt my face turn beet red. I was both embarrassed and angry. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw the twins both had a look of surprise on their faces, but their faces also revealed that they knew exactly what was going on. I shifted my glance over to Rhett, who looked completely clueless as to what was going on, but clearly wanted to know what was going on.

"The twins already know about what's going on between us and Rhett is gay so I doubt he'll care."

"How did you know I was gay?" Rhett asked with a look of shock and confusion.

Trey scowled at him. "You practically drool over my Nicolae like a fat kid drools over chocolate cake."

I was so pissed at him. Not only did I not like the fat kid reference (that was an extremely rude analogy), but he was just an ass towards Rhett. Rhett never did anything to him to be treated like that. "You are an asshole, Trey. Apologize to him."

"Yes, I am sorry Rhett. That was quite rude of me to use such a cruel analogy. First of all, not all overweight kids drool over food like that. A lot of them aren't like that at all and a lot of them can't help being overweight. Second of all, to say that you drool over my Nicolae was rude as well. What I should have said was that you seem, to me anyways, to show lots of interests in Nicolae in a way that is more than platonic."

Rhett nodded. "I accept your apology, Trey."

Trey turned his attention back towards me. He tapped his lap again. I shook my head. "Fine."

To my surprise, he got up and lifted me off the couch. "Hey!" I protested, but he completely ignored my protest. He sat back down and held me close to him when I tried escaping. I couldn't escape from his embrace so I gave up. Everyone here already knew what was going on anyways. I adjusted myself to make myself more comfortable and nuzzled myself into his body. This was too damn comfortable.

Trey tilted his head down and kissed my head. "You are so very precious to me, my heart."

I felt my heart do a backflip. So it wasn't my imagination when he said it to me earlier when I was falling asleep. He really did call me his heart. I don't think there are any terms of endearment more intimate than that one.

I felt everyone staring at us but I didn't care. I felt so peaceful here in Trey's arms. Nothing else in the world mattered anymore.

"Trey does have a point though. You do tend to drool over Nicolae, Rhett. You've got a big crush on him."

"Cody!" I couldn't believe he brought that topic back up. Cody's tactlessness is by far his worst quality. I've reprimanded him numerous times for not thinking about the things he says or does.

"At least I'm not obsessive like you! You are the kind of person we see in horror movies who are so obsessed over one person that they end up killing all of that person's friends and in the end they either die or the person they obsess about dies because of the stupid obsession. Your obsession will end up hurting everyone Nicolae loves and even Nicolae himself."


Oh crap, he was going to breakdown. He was emotionally stable with everything except things that involve me. Rhett did a low blow by saying that Cody himself was going to end up hurting me. That was by far the worst thing Rhett could have ever said to Cody.

I immediately shot out of Trey's arms and headed over to the couch that Cody and Collin were sitting on. "Go sit by Trey," I ordered Collin. There was absolutely no negotiation about it. Collin went and did what he was told.

I sat on the couch. "Cody."

"I wouldn't hurt you like that, Nicolae, I promise. I wouldn't do that."

"I know, Cody..." He had tears streaming down his cheek at this point. I reached out and grabbed his face gently with both hands. He averted his eyes from mine. "Cody, look at me," I said gently.

He slowly met my gaze with his beautiful teal eyes. "Nicolae."

"You would never hurt me, Cody. It's not possible because you are mine. You love me and other people don't understand our relationship. Cody, trust me when I say what Rhett said was not at all true. Trust me, Cody." I intentionally told him that he was mine because he always said that he was mine. It sounds too possessive to me but I knew it would help him so I said it.

"Yes, I am yours. I trust you, Nicolae."

"Good. Now smile for me. Smile for me with that beautiful smile that always makes me happy. The one that you always save just for me."

He smiled and it made me smile back. I laughed. "I don't think anyone in the world has a relationship like ours."

"Trey and Collin do."

"Theirs is the most similar to ours but I wouldn't say theirs are exactly like ours."

"Yes, it is."

"I don't think Trey sexually fantasizes about Collin at all though." As soon as I said, I wished I could grab those words right back and shove them back into my mouth. I can't believe I just said that out loud! I knew that all eyes in the room were on me at the moment.

"You have sexual fantasies about me?" His grin grew much brighter.

I buried my face in his chest. "Shut up."

He laughed. "I don't think I have been any happier in my entire life!"

"I said shut up."


I kept my face buried in his chest until I felt the heat leave my face. Once I had the nerve, I looked back up into his beautiful face. He was so gorgeous. The only people who could compete with such a gorgeous face were my father and Trey.

"Oh hell," I said, and I reached up, grabbed his head, and laid a kiss on his smiling, beautiful mouth. I have waited far too long to do that. I wanted to do other things but I wouldn't let myself do them. Two lovers were more than I could handle at the moment. A third would be pretty much impossible.

When I pulled back, I looked into his face and he looked like he just got kissed by god. "Nicolae."

I got up, walked up to Trey, and climbed back into his lap. I turned toward Collin and ordered, "Leave us." Collin obeyed as usual. As soon as Collin was gone, I laid a kiss on Trey's lips. He was about to stick his tongue into my mouth but I pulled away. "It's time to go."


Everyone got up. "Collin, Nicolae was wrong earlier. You and I have exactly the same relationship as Cody and Nicolae," Trey said with a wink as we were heading out the door.


"I didn't like that movie," Cody said.

"I didn't either," Collin added.

"Well, I don't think anybody did," I said with a frown. "It's too bad though. I am glad all of you decided to go with Trey and I though. I had fun tonight even though the movie was boring."

"Thank you for inviting me," Rhett said softly. "I had fun."

I smiled at him. "I'm glad you came, Rhett. We will have to do it again soon."

"Who should I drop off first?" Trey asked.

"Rhett's house is the closest so drop him off first."


We pulled into Rhett's driveway. "Bye" Rhett said with an adorable smile before he exited the car. I watched to make sure he got inside his house before I told Trey to drop the twins off.

"Goodnight!" Cody said, and to my surprise, opened my door, gave me a swift kiss on the cheek, then headed inside. Collin whispered his goodbye to Trey and we watched to make sure they made it inside before pulling out of their driveway.

"Why didn't you turn?" I asked when I noticed Trey missed the turn he should have taken to get to my house.

"You are spending the night at my house."

"What?!?!? When did I agree to that? I need to go home!"

He scowled. "No, you don't."

I pulled out my cell phone to call my father. "I'm calling my father," I told him after dialing the number. With lightning speed, Trey reached out and grabbed the cell phone from my hand. "Hey!" I protested.

"Hi, this is Trey," he spoke into the phone. Clearly my father had answered the phone. I reached out to try and take the phone from him but he moved the phone to his left ear so I couldn't reach it. "Nicolae will be spending the night at my place tonight." There was silence for a moment while Trey listened to my father. "Yes, I plan on starting the night by having him give me a blowjob then we will see where it leads us from there."

I thought I was going to die. "Trey!" What the hell was wrong with him! You don't say that to someone's father or lover, and my father was both! I punched him on the arm but he still didn't surrender my phone.

"Okay I will tell him. Goodnight." He hung up the phone. "Your father wanted me to tell you that he loves you and to have fun tonight. You didn't need to hit me by the way."

Of course my father would be fine with me spending the night with Trey and giving him a blowjob while doing God knows what else. My father seems to be more okay with me loving Trey than I am. Hell, he even encourages me to fool around with him when I'm not sure if it's the best thing to do. How could you be in love with two different people at the same time? "You had it coming," I said, responding to his comment.


We drove the rest of the way to his house in silence. Once we were in his house, we both silently read the note his parents left for him. It said they would both be out for the rest of the evening and that they will see him tomorrow afternoon.

The note made me wonder what the hell they were doing. Then the answer came to me. They probably went out for a romantic dinner and later decided to rent a hotel room so they could have lots of sex. Both of Trey's parents were hot, especially for people their age. Trey's father was basically a thirty year older version of Trey (They looked so similar. I saw an old photograph of Trey's father from when he was younger and he looked just like Trey). Trey's mother was a petite blonde woman with large breasts. An image of them naked and having sex came to my horny mind and I felt heat rush into my head.

"Why are you blushing?"

"No reason. I shouldn't be here. Will you bring me home?"

A look of pain went through Trey's face. "What the hell am I doing wrong?" Trey muttered.


"Why do you love him more than you love me? What does he have that I don't? What does he do that I don't do?"

I was thrown off guard by these questions. I didn't need to ask who he was talking about. "Trey..."

"No Nicolae. Don't avoid the questions! Fine, you can avoid them if you want but just tell me what it will take to have you love me like you love him. I will do anything!"

Trey was jealous of my father. He was asking me what he had to do for me so I could love him like I loved my father. His face was filled with sadness. He has always been my strength and now I could to tell that for the first time that he was going to fully break down if I don't do something. "I love you, Trey..."

"Then why the hell do I have to fight and struggle so much lately just to spend time with you!?!?!" To my surprise, he sank down to his knees, wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, and buried his head in the spot just below my ribcage. "The closer you get with your father, the more distant our relationship becomes. I feel like I am losing you, Nicky. I can't lose you. You are...everything to me."

I felt tears in my eyes. I loved him. Hell, I was in love with him (I just hadn't wanted to admit it to myself). He was jealous because he thought I loved my father so much more than him when in reality it is only by a little bit. I think I will always love my father more than him, but I haven't been fair to him because I've been suppressing my feelings towards him out of guilt for having feelings for someone else and he thinks that I only love him a fraction of what I actually do. He has only seen the tip of the iceberg (metaphorically speaking) of my feelings towards him. The majority of the love I feel towards him is hidden underneath, unseen.

I stroked his hair. "Trey, I will always love you, and I will always be with you. My relationship with my father will never diminish that. I love you more than you will ever know. I just wish there was a way for me to prove that to you." An idea suddenly came to my head. It was perhaps a way to show Trey just a fraction more of how I feel about him. "Let's go cuddle on the couch. I want to tell you something."

"Just a second."

I waited for him to collect himself. I knew that he hated being so vulnerable in front of me because he was used to being my strength. He didn't want to seem weak in front of me. I just had to wait while he put his game face on.

He finally stood up after a minute of recuperating. "Okay."

I took his hand and led him to the couch. He plopped down on it and I laid myself comfortably in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and I sighed with content. "I love it when you hold me, Trey. Everything bad in the world just goes away when you hold me. Can I ask you something?"


"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if it were different. As far as setting, time, situations, or anything really?"

"No, not really."

"Well, I do. I often wonder what life would be like if my mother was still alive. Or what life would be like ten years from now, or even thirty or forty years from now. I also wonder what life would be like if I had siblings, or if Rachel and I hadn't broke up. I think about what my life would have been like if I lived one hundred years ago, or even a thousand years ago, or if I just lived a completely different life all together. What would life be like if I was the President? Or what would it be like if I was some famous celebrity, or someone really important? What if I was the heir to some royal family? How different would life be, or would I be any different myself?"

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever given it much deep thought like that before."

"Everything could be so different, but in every scenario there is one thing that is always the same."

I knew that sparked Trey's interest. "And what's that?"

"You are at my side in each case. It wouldn't matter if my mother was alive, or if I was still seeing Rachel, or if I had siblings, or if I was the President or some heir to some royal family. It wouldn't matter if it was one hundred years ago or a thousand years ago, you would always be with me at my side in each scenario. I don't think my subconscious would ever allow me to create a scenario that didn't have you in it. I don't want to imagine a life without you with me, Trey. It would be a life comparable to being homeless."

He had remained silent up until the homeless part, which made him laugh. "So how is life without me comparable to being homeless?"

"In both cases, I wouldn't have anywhere to go. Everything would just be cold, dark, and empty."

He remained silent for quite some time, just holding me. "Thank you, Nicolae. It means a lot to me that you told me that," he said softly.

I broke myself from his embrace and turned around, laying both my legs on each side of his legs. I was now face to face with him. I just stared at his gorgeous face, completely mesmerized by it.

"I fuckin' love it when you look at me like that, Nicolae."

I leaned forward and kissed him, thrusting my tongue between his lips. He eagerly accepted my tongue's entry and kissed me back with just as much passion. He reached around and grabbed my ass and, to my surprise, I let him grope my ass as much as he wanted.

I broke the kiss and kissed his face all over the place, making sure to not leave a single spot left unkissed. Trey then tilted my head back and began laying kisses and licks all over my neck. "Trey," I moaned.

He paused to say "I love the sound of you moaning my name," then he continued what he was doing and I felt blood filling my penis up. Trey moved his hands, and to my surprise, reached out and felt my cock through the layers of clothing. "Looks like someone has a boner," he said and he started stroking my cock through the material, making me become even harder. I moaned his name again and he continued massaging my shaft. My brain wanted me to stop him out of modesty but my body urged me to stay still and I listened to my body and let him continue his massage on my cock.

Trey reached for my button and unbuttoned my jeans and that's when my brain took over. "Don't Trey! Stop!"

He grumbled something under his breath and I asked him to repeat himself and he told me he wouldn't. He then continued where he left off kissing my neck.

"No Trey, tell me what you said."

"I said so only he is allowed to touch you there."

I became angry. "Don't make this about my father. My father didn't touch me there until over two weeks after I started giving him blowjobs. It has only been two days since you and I started fooling around."

He muttered an apology and I pulled away from him. "I already said I was sorry!" he said, trying to pull me back to him.

"I know you did and I already forgave you. I am ready to take things to the next level and I want to go to your bedroom next," I said while reaching for his hand.

His olive eyes instantly lit up and he eagerly followed me as I took him by hand to his bedroom. I locked his door when we were both in his room.

He laughed. "We are the only ones here until tomorrow afternoon. We could have sex on the living room couch if we wanted and nobody would ever know about it so I don't think locking my bedroom door when it is already closed is necessary."

"What do you care? You are about to get a blowjob so what different does it make to you whether it's locked or unlocked?"

His entire face lit up. "Good point!" He eagerly led me to the bed and hopped on. "You can do whatever you like to me."

That made me smile. "Don't make promises you can't keep. Things will get crazy tonight if I simply do whatever I want to you."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

I grinned and climbed on top of him and gave him another large, wet kiss. I then began kissing his neck, licking the jugular artery when I found it on his neck (which to my delight made him shudder).

I climbed a little lower down his body and unbuttoned the first two buttons on his button-up shirt, which I ended up finding (to my delight) that he was not wearing another shirt underneath. I kissed and licked his exposed skin, and then I unbuttoned another button and kissed once more the newly exposed skin. I unbuttoned yet another button which caused his entire chest to be now exposed to me. I kissed and licked the newly exposed flesh then I went up and began licking his right nipple to erection.