The Bimbo Slut Game Ch. 01

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Maddy has to play sexual games in public.
11.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/14/2023
Created 08/29/2023
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All characters in this story are over the age of 18. Enjoy the story.


Maddy trudged through the city streets dejectedly. She'd been fired from her paid internship on her first day. Her boss had told her that she simply wasn't the right fit. Maddy strongly suspected it was because she had messed up the coffee order. She'd gone to the coffee shop next door to the one she'd been sent to because that place hadn't had a queue going right out the door. Apparently, one mistake was unforgivable. And now Maddy was a little bit screwed.

She had enough money to keep her going for about a week before she ran out. Then she would have to return home to her parents. That was not an option. Both her Mom and Dad had told her that moving to another city on her own was a stupid idea no matter what the opportunity was. They also didn't think that an internship for a magazine most people had never even heard of was worth it. But Maddy had stood her ground and she'd gotten her way. Her parents had given her enough money to set her up in the new city and after that, she was on her own.

Now she was fucked. Really fucked. There was no way she was going to go crawling back to Mommy and Daddy to admit defeat. She'd never hear the end of it and they'd insist she worked for them at their restaurant. She wasn't interested in the service industry. She wanted more. She wanted better.

So, she had to find another job. Anything would do. She just needed something that would pay the rent until she figured things out. Until then, her parents didn't need to know that she'd been fired.

Maddy had been walking aimlessly for a while, lost in thought when she heard a whistle from across the street. She looked up to see a group of construction workers catcalling her from their scaffolding. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she realized that her figure-hugging dress was drawing some unwanted attention. The whistle was followed by more wolf-whistles and lewd comments.

Maddy's face turned red. Maddy didn't know how to feel about the attention. On one hand, it felt nice to be recognized for her looks, but on the other hand, it felt shameful to be objectified like this. Her dress wasn't even revealing. The neckline was pretty high and it went down to her knees. She had been raised to dress modestly and she always did. Maddy tried to ignore them and continued walking, but the construction workers' attention only intensified. They hollered louder, shouting out compliments about her fat ass and huge tits.

She quickened her pace, hoping to walk away from their lewd gazes and comments. The complimentary nature of the experience had long since died. But then one of the construction workers called out to her, "Hey, why don't you come over here so we can get a better look?"

Maddy felt a knot form in her stomach. She had never been good at standing up for herself and she didn't have the courage to yell back at them so she walked away as fast as she could on her heels. She knew it was foolish; the construction workers were four floors up whilst she was on the ground and they'd need to climb down if they wanted to follow her, but Maddy didn't care. She just wanted to escape their leering eyes.

She made it around the corner where she was safe from their gross outbursts and lecherous gazes. When she saw the mall ahead of her she decided to go inside. She'd feel a bit safer in there where there was security. After looking in a few shops -- not that she could afford to buy anything in any of them -- she headed to the bathroom.

Maddy looked at herself in the mirror and slumped over the sink. She felt drained. Misery sat heavy in her heart. Any fleeting hope she had that she could somehow salvage her situation had been eradicated. The builders had made her aware that she was alone in a strange city. She'd grown up in a small town and no amount of dreaming about living the city life could have prepared her for how daunting living in a city actually was. She'd gotten lost 3 times on her first day here.

Maddy wasn't sure what she'd do now. Buzzing blood rushed to her head as she considered a future working for her parents. She sank down to the floor and cried until her puffy eyes ran dry. How could she have failed on the first day?

After Maddy had calmed down a bit, she splashed some cold water in her face hoping it would help her pull herself together. Letting out a big sigh, she stood up and fixed herself up in the mirror. She looked alright. Not great, but alright.

As she was drying her hands she noticed a bizarre advert on the wall above the paper towel dispenser.








Maddy stared at the advert and tried to figure out if it was a joke or not. If it was she didn't see how it was funny. If it was real then it seemed like a good gig, depending on what the instructions she had to follow were. Still, she was out of options and had nothing to lose.

She pulled out her phone and used the bathroom mirror to snap a full-body photo of herself. Then she typed out a quick email saying she wanted to apply for the job, asking what kind of work it would be, attached the picture, and hit send.

She didn't hear anything back from Simon Saiz for 2 days, by which time she'd forgotten all about the job and had applied for several more normal-looking postings online.

Then I got an email from Simon Saiz.

[Dear Maddy,

You have been successful in your application for the opening with Blackstone. The nature of this job has few boundaries and you must be willing to obey all instructions no matter what they are.

You will never be instructed to inflict harm upon a person who has not requested it. You will not be instructed to commit murder. You will not be instructed to commit rape or pedophilia. Those are the only limits.

If you find yourself unable to proceed with your application, please delete this email.

If you would like to finalize your application then please attend an appointment at Penguin Boutique this afternoon at 2 pm. At this appointment you will be given a signing bonus of $5000.]

Maddy finished reading the email and then read it again. She didn't know what to make of it. $5000 was a lot of money, and it praised her lack of creativity, but she had her doubts about the nature of the job.

What if it turned out to be something sinister? What if it turned out to be a scam?

It definitely seemed sinister. Sure, the big crimes had been ruled out, but that still left a lot of stuff on the table. What if Simon wanted her to run drugs across the city? What if he wanted her to be a prostitute? What if it was a big ruse to kidnap her and sell her on the black market?

It was the only job that had gotten back to her. And that money would keep her going for a while longer. And that was just the signing bonus, she didn't even know what the salary was on top. The fact was, if she didn't take the job then she'd have to go back to her parents, and she just couldn't face doing that.

What was the harm in turning up to the appointment? It was in a boutique so it was unlikely that she'd be kidnapped. She'd find out what the job was and if she didn't like it, she'd turn it down. Simple.

She got dressed in a stylish and professional black dress. She looked up Penguin Boutique online and then headed out. It was a bit of a long walk and she couldn't afford an Uber.

The Boutique was on a quiet corner well away from the city center. The gothic structure was huge and imposing, casting a shadow over the road. She reached the door and took a deep breath. It was a dark wooden affair with heavy iron hinges. It had clearly been built a long time ago. The windows held mannequins dressed in expensive clothing. Some wore suits, others hoodies, all of which looked well out of Maddy's price range. Taking three more deep breaths to steady her nerves she pushed open the door and entered.

The inside was spacious but dimly lit giving it a moody atmosphere. She was hit by a wave of calming fragrance that she couldn't identify. Spicy and yet fresh all at once. Maddy looked around at the rails of clothing but didn't dare touch any of it. On a mannequin in one corner was a dressing gown made of the finest silk she had ever seen. She imagined how soft it would feel against her skin.

"Good afternoon," said a plump suited man who seemed to have leaped out of a long-forgotten time. He was the only other person in the store. There were no customers or other members of staff.

"Hello, are you Simon?" Maddy asked, smiling warmly at the well-dressed man.

"Me? Oh, no, no, no. I am merely Nigel, however, I do represent Simon," he said in a crisp English accent. The fancy posh kind, not the kind that didn't use the letter t. "Please follow me to the back."

Maddy watched him vanish through the door at the back of the store and wondered if following him alone back there was such a good idea. She didn't know the man and he could do anything to her. This whole thing could have been a trap to lure her here so he could kidnap or murder her. Maddy had watched enough true crime documentaries to be wary of strangers in secluded places.

He looked back and smiled. "I assure you that you are in no danger in this shop," he said, and Maddy found herself believing him.

She followed him back to a spacious office furnished with antique furniture.

"Take a seat," the man said, indicating a comfy-looking chair in front of his desk. She sat down and sunk into the soft fabric of the chair. It was the comfiest thing she'd ever sat on.

"Tea? Biscuit?" he asked.

"Oh, no thank you," she said shaking her head. She knew that British people used different words for food and wasn't entirely sure what a biscuit was across the pond. Certainly not the same thing it was here.

"As you wish. So, you've decided to accept the job!" he said, steepling his fingers and resting his elbows on the desk.

"Well, what is the job exactly?" asked Maddy, still reluctant to commit to anything.

"Hmm, how best to describe it," Nigel said, rubbing his palms together. "It is something of an experiment. I'm afraid I can't be any clearer than that. Rest assured, you will be paid very well. Not just in money but in various perks and rewards as well."

"I don't think I can take the job without knowing more about it," Maddy said. She was no idiot and she wasn't going to sign up for anything so vague. Especially not after the sinister vibe she'd gotten from Simon's email.

"Understood. The job consists of a series of games that you will be required to play. Simon will give you instructions. If you follow the instructions you will be rewarded. If you refuse you will be punished. The position is for 1 year, however, you have the option to resign at any time. Should you resign you will forfeit all rewards accrued with the exception of your salary which will be $5,000 per month. That number can rise and fall depending on your performance in the games. However, should you make it to the end of the year you will keep everything you have earned and be granted a sizeable bonus. In short, by the end of the year, you will be incredibly wealthy."

It sounded too good to be true. Then again, Nigel hadn't told her what the games actually entailed. All she knew was the very short list of things that she would not be told to do.

"Now, you must agree to be surveilled at all times. You might not be surveilled at all times, but you must agree to it. You will be given weekends off, but on weekdays you must be available at all hours. Day and night. You must take a daily pill to keep you in perfect health. Failure to do so will result in your termination and you will stripped of all rewards. Whilst working, you are required to wear a pair of glasses and an earpiece. If you remove them you will be terminated and stripped of all rewards."

"I don't need glasses," Maddy said.

"They won't have real lenses in them. It is a camera through which Simon will be able to see everything you see."

Maddy narrowed her eyes in suspicion. There was a definite creepy vibe she was getting from Nigel's description of the job. "What exactly is the experiment?" she asked.

Nigel shook his head. "I am afraid I have told you all that I am permitted to. You must now decide if you would like to proceed. If you do, I will transfer the signing bonus into your bank account now. If not, we will part ways and never see one another again."

Maddy stared down at the mahogany desk. She was being offered a lot of money and the rewards sounded intriguing too. 5k a month was more than double what she would have earned at her internship. She could afford to get a nicer apartment. And she could quit at any time.

"Sure, let's do it for the plot," she said.

Nigel's brow furrowed in bewilderment. "For the plot?"

Of course, he was too old to know what that meant. "If you think of your life as a movie then you take risky decisions for the plot," she explained.

"Ah, I see," said Nigel, clearly not understanding at all.

"I'll take the job," Maddy clarified.

"Excellent." Nigel rubbed his hands together and his gold watch glinted in the light. "Let us begin."

Maddy filled out several items of paperwork and signed some contracts. By the time she was done, Nigel had already transferred the first 5k into her bank account. She stared at the numbers on her phone screen in disbelief. All the worries that had been plaguing her over the last few days had vanished in the space of one meeting.

"So, there are a few formalities that we must complete before I can send you on your way. First of all," Nigel lifted a tablet and passed it across the desk to Maddy. "I need you to complete this IQ test. Part of the experiment requires monitoring your intelligence over time. You will be required to return every month to repeat the test."

"Okay," Maddy said nodding. That didn't sound too bad. She'd never done an IQ test before it seemed like a reasonable enough request.

She pressed start on the tablet and then began the IQ test. The questions seemed fairly simple and straightforward at first but soon began to get more difficult. Maddy worked her way through them, trying not to panic as the time ticked by.

Eventually, she reached the end of the test and pressed submit. She felt relieved that it was over but also scared to see her results. After an agonizing wait, Nigel finally announced her score out loud: "101. Slightly above average."

Maddy sighed in relief and smiled at Nigel. He nodded in approval before continuing with his instructions: "Now, we must take your measurements," Nigel said, standing up. He lifted a rolled-up measuring tape from the surface of his desk.

"Measurements?" Maddy asked, staring at the tape suspiciously.

"Yes, Simon will provide you with various garments to wear and I must ensure that they fit you to perfection. You will be required to attend a remeasuring every month when you retake the IQ test."

"Oh, okay," Maddy said. She stood up and walked into the middle of the office so Nigel could begin measuring her.

"If you could please remove your clothes," he said like it was no big deal.

"All of them?" Maddy asked, shocked.

"Of course," Nigel replied, "How else will I get the most accurate measurements?"

"I...uhm." Maddy did not feel at all comfortable about stripping naked in front of a man who was easily old enough to be her dad, and who was practically a stranger. "You want me to take my clothes off and stand here naked?"

"That is correct. Maddy, I must inform you that some of the things Simon will expect you to do will be much more...exposing than this. Although you have signed the contract already, you may resign and return the signing bonus," Nigel said, not unkindly.

"What do you mean by more exposing?" Maddy asked. She hugged her arms around her chest as if that would protect her.

Nigel let out a small sigh. "Maddy, my dear. For this kind of money, what did you think the nature of your tasks would be? My advice would be to get used to wearing less. And that really is all I can say."

Maddy had expected some seedy instructions to come her way. It was one of the first thoughts she'd had when she'd read Simon's email. However, she had not expected anything to happen so soon. Still, it was either comply or return the money. And Nigel was only one man, and all he wanted to do was take her measurements.

She stepped out of her shoes and Nigel smiled, nodding in approval. She reached behind her and reluctantly pulled down the zipper on her dress. With her face as red as a tomato, Maddy slipped off her dress, revealing a black bra that did little to contain her substantial breasts. She hadn't expected anybody to see it today.

"And the rest please," Nigel said gently when Maddy stopped undressing.

Taking in a long breath to bolster herself, Maddy did as he instructed and unclipped her bra from behind. She pulled it off her body exposing her breasts to the man she had just met today. To his credit, Nigel showed no interest in her boobs. If he liked them he hid it well. His face remained blank. That did very little to ease her embarrassment.

Feeling more vulnerable than ever, Maddy bent over and pulled down her black cotton panties. She dropped them with her bra and dress and then stood up straight. She'd never felt so exposed in all her life. If her parents could see her now they would've had a fit.

"Excellent," Nigel said, grabbing the measuring tape that was hanging around his neck. "Let's get on with it."

As Nigel began his work, Maddy's entire body was covered in goosebumps from the air conditioning or perhaps her own internal fright. He started from her head and worked his way down, measuring every aspect of her body. Nobody could say that he wasn't thorough.

Maddy tensed up when he reached her breasts.

"Relax Maddy," Nigel said as he wrapped the tape around her bust. The tape rubbed against her nipples making them stiffer than they already were.

At no point was Nigel anything less than professional. He never touched her in a creepy way, not even when he reached her waist and lower. He carried out his duties and as soon as he was done he instructed her to get dressed.

Back in her clothes but still red from the embarrassment of what had just happened, Maddy sat back down at Nigel's desk.

"This..." Nigel said, pulling out a small wooden box from his desk drawer. The box was made of dark wood and had Maddy's name in golden calligraphy scrawled beautifully along the top. " for you."

Simon had made the box assuming that she would accept the job. Maddy took the box and lifted the lid carefully. Inside was a bottle of pills, a pair of stylish plastic glasses, and an earpiece.

"You must take one pill every morning. It would be best to take one now," Nigel said. He passed her a bottle of water and waited for her to swallow on of the pills.

Maddy tipped the simple white oval pill into her palm and stared at it.

"What is it?" she asked, loathe to take something without more information.

"It makes sure you remain healthy. It's a combination of vitamins and such like things that will stave off any illness during the course of the experiment," he explained.

"Am I likely to catch something?"

Nigel shook his head. "Not at all. This simply ensures that you won't get ill therefore taking out of action for any duration of time."