The Boys Next Door Ch. 06

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The twins take Diana outside her comfort zone.
12.3k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/13/2015
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Shower steam fogged the mirror. Diana had just rubbed it clear, but she wiped it again with her palm, peering at herself through the humid heat. It was Saturday night. She'd graduated two days ago. For the first time in her life, school didn't hang over her head. Sure, college loomed on the horizon in August, but it was far, far away. The future looked as hazy as the mist on the mirror, blurring the familiar heart-shaped face and wide blue eyes and dark hair dripping with water.

She was okay with that. Right now, anything could happen.

Friday morning, she'd woken up alone. Music drifted through her open window: mellow, from a distance, but loud enough to wake her. She stretched, burying her yawn in her pillow. Her bare curves, tangled up in her covers, felt sore in the best kind of way. She wasn't sure why her pussy and ass were throbbing, a little uncomfortable but so very good, but oh shit, it was a weekday morning, and she had to get to school right now.

Half-awake, she stumbled out of bed, scrabbling frantically on her desk for her books with one hand and her glasses with the other while it dawned on her that she was completely naked. Then her hand met the crunch of a paper bag, full and heavy, and she stopped short.

Soft rhythmic thuds pulled her attention outside. Diana blinked at the twins' Jeep, empty and parked in the O'Brians' wide driveway. Music poured from the car.

A lone twin dribbled a basketball on the concrete, the ball leaving his hand with precision and sailing through the net. The rising sun lit his ragged gray tshirt and drawstring shorts, already damp with patches of sweat, and outlined the constant motion of his sleek muscles.

Feeling like a spy, Diana watched Ian while he thought no one was watching him. It was too far to see the freckle, but she didn't doubt which twin had gotten up before the world was awake. She knew that look of concentration on his face. She'd seen it last night, twisting over her shoulder to look up at him as he —

Oh God. Last night. Graduation night.

She gripped the edge of her desk as her body clenched. She honestly couldn't believe how far she'd gone with the boys next door. She wouldn't, except that her whole crotch ached deliciously, her thighs were sticky with the twins' cum and her own cream, her skin remembered thick cocks taking her past anything she'd expected to handle, and there on her desk, next to her graduation speech about 'surprising yourself,' lay the paper bag Brendan had brought over, rustling gently in the breeze from the open window. He must have put everything back inside: the plug, the lube.

Outside, the ball flew through the hoop again and again, the swift motions of Ian's body sending prickles down her own full curves. Jesus, she was naked and scented with sex right now, ogling Ian in a totally private moment while the neighborhood was asleep. And now he was stripping off his sweat-soaked shirt and throwing it onto the grass.

Seeing Ian so focused, half-naked, without that cocky grin he always showed the world — goosebumps pricked Diana's skin in the cool morning air. Right this minute, she could climb out of her room. Clamber down the big tree outside her window, completely naked. Let the branches scrape her bare curves, skin her knees on the ground, and jump Ian in his driveway, now panting and slick with sweat.

She'd catch him off-guard. Take him by surprise. Tease him into wrestling her soft body on the O'Brians' landscaped front lawn, covering her with hickeys in front of the sleeping neighborhood while he fondled and squeezed her exaggerated curves. Then he'd roll her over on her hands and knees, grass pressing against her skin, and drive his hot cock right into her soaked core, grunting as he fucked her hard and fast...


Ian really had dropped to the grass, his muscles flexing now through a series of furious pushups. Diana had eyed the twins in their driveway plenty of times while she told herself she was studying: Brendan and Ian shooting hoops, tinkering with their car, yelling and laughing and trash-talking with other guys, preferably all shirtless. This was different. Her whole crotch ached deliciously, begging her hand to snake between her legs and stroke her tingling lips. She bent over her desk, opening her thighs just a little and pressing her heavy breasts against the hard surface...oh yes.

"Please, Ian," she whispered. It felt so good to plead. She could feel his hands grip her thighs, holding them open as he stared at the warm cream trickling from her eager cunt. "I need you, Ian."

Just a few strokes and her clit was a hard pearl under her fingers. Her thighs trembled, her puckered nipples begged to be pinched, and as Ian took her over and over on the damp grass, Brendan would emerge from the O'Brians' house because he just knew something was going on, sleepy and sexy in his boxers, rubbing his hazel eyes. He'd murmur that he knew exactly what else she needed, feeding her his meaty erection. And Ian would pull out of her pussy as she moaned in protest, her mouth full of his brother, and firmly, patiently work his thick cock into her ass just like he had last night, sure fingers finding her clit as he pumped his hard rod inexorably between her quivering cheeks.

Her shrieks around Brendan's cock would wake the whole neighborhood, and God, everyone would watch her get fucked by the twins and she wanted them to see...

As her juicy cunt clamped down on her fingers, an engine turned over outside. Moaning, Diana watched through half-closed eyes, her naked body quivering in a frantic orgasm, as Ian leaned back in the driver's seat, his eyes closed. Then the Jeep disappeared down the block.


The peal of the doorbell brought her back to the steamy bathroom. Her parents' enthusiastic voices carried up from downstairs, giving the twins a big welcome.

Picking her up had been Brendan's bright idea. Diana didn't understand why, exactly, she couldn't walk through her front door under her own steam and meet the twins at their car, twenty yards away. But her phone had buzzed Friday afternoon, right in the middle of coffee with her friends. She'd been in a fog all day, walking around with a silly grin on her face and trying not to shift position too obviously on her still-tender ass.

Brendan's deep voice on the phone as she stepped outside the coffeeshop, all concern, his soft, knowing questions about how she was feeling and if she'd slept okay, had just made her already-soaked panties even wetter. Diana found herself agreeing when he told her to be ready at 9:30 Saturday night and to dress sexy.

"What's Ian up to?" she asked casually — she hoped.

"At the gym. He's been there awhile. Why, you want him to call you later, Di?" The tease in Brendan's voice surprised her. Ian was the tease, not Brendan.

"No," she'd said quickly. "No. I'll just see you guys tomorrow night."

"Diana!" Her father's voice boomed up the stairs. "The twins are here!"

Extra makeup? Check. Black pencil lined her wide blue eyes, blush highlighted her already flushed cheeks, and her dark lipstick made her look a good few years older. Hair ready? She tousled her black locks, still wet from the shower, her bangs swept to the side. As she hurried down to the living room, glasses on and purse swinging over her shoulder, two pairs of hazel eyes glanced towards the stairs, bringing the blood to her face

She'd decided on a dress that had hung in the back of her closet for a year. A dress she'd bought because she had to own it, but never expected to wear outside her own bedroom: bright red, sleeveless and tight, hugging every curve and amping up her figure way beyond pinup girl territory. The deep scoop neck showed a generous view of her creamy cleavage, the little belt cinched her slim waist, and the fabric clung to the swell of her ass and hips. She kept her jean jacket on and buttoned up, though the night was warm, so her parents wouldn't guess the twins were taking her anywhere less than G-rated.

Brendan's dimpled smile tightened her stomach. Ian just nodded to her, but his gaze burned right through her jacket to her full breasts straining against the denim. Why didn't you call, she wanted to ask, but her cheeks were on fire now and she prayed her parents wouldn't notice.

Fortunately, her mother was busy pressing lemonade on everyone and interrogating the twins about their social lives, their business school majors, their fraternity, their life ambitions, and their thoughts on the world at large. Her father wanted to discuss basketball in-depth, even though Diana had never seen him watch a game except at the O'Brians'.

Brendan answered their questions smoothly while Ian stood with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his lemonade, nodding at the right times. He and his brother had clearly agreed beforehand that Brendan would do all the talking.

"We're just taking her out for ice cream," Brendan was saying now, his voice reassuring. Diana had to tear her eyes away from his broad shoulders, filling out his blue striped button-down shirt, only to land on Ian in his black muscle tee, leaning against the mantel."We know how hard Diana's worked the past four years. She told us it means so much to her, the way you've supported her all this time." Jesus. This was laying it on thick, even for Brendan.

"Well, she has a very bright future." That from her father, while her mother was exclaiming, "Did you know Diana's going off to Yale with almost a full semester of credits? And she was editor-in-chief of the literary magazine, and she won a national science award for—"

"Mom, school's out," Diana interrupted. And while Brendan was agreeing that yes, Diana had lots of talents, she chanced a glance at Ian, who just looked back at her innocently.

"Lots of talents," he whispered. "I'll give you something to put on your resume."

Her snort of laughter was loud enough for the room to hear, and now both her parents were watching them.

"Brendan, you're driving, right?" Her mother shot a concerned look in Ian's direction. "Ian, your mother was telling me about your license being suspended—"

"Mom," Diana gritted.

"That was back in high school, Mrs. Cooper." Ian knocked back the rest of his lemonade. Diana tried to catch his eye, maybe share a smile, but he wasn't looking at her now.

"Of course I'm driving." Brendan held up the keys, jangling them to announce his squeaky-clean record. "Don't worry." He gave Diana's mother a winning smile and shook her father's hand. "We'll have her back safe and sound." He shepherded Diana out the front door, Ian following, while her parents waved and her mom gave Diana a look she could only interpret as, Think about that Brendan, will you? He's really a nice boy.

As soon as the front door closed, Brendan tossed the keys to his brother. Ian caught them one-handed.

"Get us there fast, bro," Brendan said under his breath.

Before Diana knew it, she was riding shotgun, Brendan relaxed in the back, and Ian peeled away from the curb, tires squealing.

"Jesus, Ian," Diana gasped. "My parents—" She twisted over her shoulder, sure she'd see their horrified faces at the front window. The smell of burning rubber filled the air.

"Too late." Ian let out a whoop, cranked up the stereo, and spun the wheel, careening around a corner.

Diana grabbed the handle above the door and glanced back at Brendan -- smiling and unconcerned, one arm stretched along the back seat. How could he not be completely freaked out by his brother's driving? And Ian was rolling down all the windows, letting the thudding bass rock the neighborhood.

Doors opened as people came to see what the noise was about, shaking their heads when they recognized the Jeep. Ian waved at them all. "Diana Cooper? Is that you?" a neighbor called from the corner, and she managed a thumbs-up just as Ian stepped on the gas.

"Holy shit," she croaked over the throttle of the engine. This was...this In a completely terrifying way. The wheels bumped over the road, sending reverberations through Diana's body. The bass vibrated her skin. Waking her up, making her very aware of her crotch rubbing against the passenger seat, her nipples hardening under her jacket, the seatbelt restraining her.

But she couldn't keep back a yelp when Ian bounced the car right over a pothole. A soothing hand found her neck. From behind, Brendan stroked her hair.

"You smell good, Di," he said reassuringly. "I like your perfume." One finger slipped under the collar of her jean jacket, and her thighs clenched.

"Ian's going to get us all killed," she moaned.

"Not a chance. You trust us, right, Di?"

Her face went hot. Her everything went hot. She wasn't likely to forget gasping out that she trusted the twins while Brendan fucked her just-deflowered pussy more deeply than she could have thought possible and Ian licked and squeezed her aroused body. Sweat pooled under her arms, but she didn't have the nerve to slip off her jacket yet.

"I — yeah, I trust you," she murmured, shivering when Brendan's fingers found her collarbone. She couldn't help letting out a sigh at his touch on her smooth skin, so close to the top of her firm breast. When the sound escaped her mouth, a warm hand landed on her bare knee, inching up toward her bright red dress. Ian glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, that little smirk on his face, and a shudder ran through her body. She was starting to get wet. Right there in the car, her legs were opening to Ian's touch, her shoulders were arching back towards Brendan's hand, and she just wanted the two of them to unbutton her jacket and strip everything off —

Then the air flew out of her in a gasp when Ian ran a stop sign.

"Eyes on the road," she snapped.

"Yes, ma'am." Ian's fingers burned a path up her leg, sliding under her hem. Brendan's chuckle from the back seat, his fingers tangled in her hair, only fired up her nervous excited irritation.

"And both hands on the wheel." God, she did sound like a priss, just like Ian had accused her the night everything started.

Ian immediately took his other hand off the steering wheel.

"Ian!" She screeched.

"Scared you?" He smiled evilly, gave her leg a squeeze, and dropped his hand back on the wheel.

Jesus Christ, what was going on? This wasn't the Ian who had taken her ass two nights ago, with infinite patience, murmuring sweet words as she relaxed and opened to him. Or maybe it was. But she knew that reckless grin on Ian's face.

Back when they were kids, the twins had convinced her to climb up on the O'Brians' roof. Workers had left a tall ladder leaning against the house. The sloping tiles had terrified Diana, but she was determined to prove she wasn't a scaredy cat. If the twins were going somewhere, she wanted to go there too. And though both twins had been perched up high, Brendan encouraging her to climb while Ian teased her that he bet she couldn't do it, Ian was the one who'd worn a sling after he fractured his collarbone tumbling into the bushes; Ian was the one who got grounded by his parents for a month because he'd convinced Diana to climb up there too; Ian was the one with the consequences. The next day, doing homework in her room, Diana had spotted Ian silently climbing up the ladder and pulling himself, one-armed, back onto the roof. It had been ten years ago, but when he'd caught her eye, that reckless grin was the same. And as scared as she'd felt for him, she couldn't help grinning back.

A nudge on her thigh brought her back to the speeding Jeep. Ian's finger teased the edge of her panties.

"Stick your head out the window, Diana," Ian urged. "Just do it."

A faceful of wind hit her. She didn't dare look at the speedometer. Her wet hair blew everywhere, whipping her cheeks, turning into a total mess in seconds. She could barely see, the world was hurtling by, and all she could do was laugh. Hysterically. It felt like getting high with her friends, but crazier, the rush and the speed and the wind pulling her out of control, Brendan's hand slipping further down her jacket to toy with her bra strap and fondle the beginning of her round globe, Ian's hand inching up her bright red dress, so close to her hot center—

"Are you ready to get wild, Diana?" Ian yelled over the wind.

"Wild?" She pushed her tousled hair out of her eyes. "Like how wild?"

"Wild." His grin got bigger.


"Cop car," Brendan murmured from the back. His voice was low, but it cut through the screeching guitars and growling vocals. Ian braked sharply, slowing down just until the police car was out of sight. Then he floored the gas again.

"Everyone in this car knows the truth, baby." Ian's voice was soft and teasing now. "You're a bad, bad girl. Tonight's your night to live it."

Oh God, Ian's finger had slipped inside her soaked panties, stroking her moist folds, and she squirmed against his touch, gasping when he nudged her clit. Brendan's thumb rubbed over her neck. Cars were honking, streetlights streaked by, and the music blaring from the speakers vibrated her whole body.

"We'll look out for you, Di." Brendan's voice managed to be soothing — underneath the beats grinding out of the stereo. She couldn't help arching her back to get more contact with his hand, her thighs spreading wider to Ian's teasing finger. "You can do whatever you want tonight. But we have a lot of ideas."

Sweet Jesus, what did that even mean? But what came out of her mouth was, "Just tonight?"

"Attagirl," Ian muttered. Those hazel eyes flicked constantly between Diana's curves and the road, pricking her skin with hot need as the car roared over asphalt. She didn't dare tease him back while he was driving like a maniac — but it was so tempting. She couldn't resist running just one fingertip over the hard bulge in his jeans. The strangled sound Ian made, his free hand tightening on the wheel, was all the invitation she needed to squeeze his cock fully. She could feel her juices trickling over his fingers.

"So, Di." She could hear the grin in Brendan's voice too, and the arousal beneath it. His hand dipped further into her jacket, stroking her breast right where it began to swell out from her chest. "What kind of ice cream did you get?"


They were downtown. Lights and noise from the street spilled into the parking lot. Diana's stomach clenched, nervous and excited, as Ian shoved the keys in his pocket — jeez, he hadn't even put a seatbelt on — and jumped out of the Jeep. She squeezed her thighs together, trying to get herself under control, and smoothed down her wind-tousled hair. Better check her makeup — oh, she needed more lipstick. She was stalling, she knew. Behind her, she heard Brendan's door swing open.

On an impulse, Diana took off her black-rimmed glasses and slipped them into the pocket of her jean jacket. Then she sucked in a deep breath and shrugged the denim off her shoulders. The night was hot and sticky, but as the fabric slid over her skin, goosebumps pricked her bare arms and exposed cleavage.

Warm hands closed over hers, helping her out of the car. She squinted, trying to bring the fuzzed edges of the scene into focus. The streetlights were haloed now, the neon softened. She could see, but everything was slightly blurred outside a certain radius, hazed over, making it less real.

But there was no mistaking the delighted smile that spread over Brendan's face as she straightened up, or Ian's hungry stare. Oh God, did she ever feel naked, out in the open air without her glasses and jacket. Two pairs of hazel eyes traveled over the dark hair brushing her bare shoulders, the low-cut neckline that outlined her creamy swells and deep cleavage, the pop of the bright red dress against her pale skin, the clinging fabric that showed off her rounded hips and ass and stopped well above her knees to expose smooth skin that hadn't seen the light of day or night in years. Her high heels lengthened her whole body and thrust her breasts forward even more.