The Bra Salesman Ch. 02


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"Oh no, there are lots of exercises that you could do, I'm just showing you one of the basic ones." I am sure the look of knowing contemplation I put on my face let her know that I was thinking of a vast array of helpful exercises, but really I was just imagining sexual positions that are to this day still illegal in several states.

"Can you show me some others?" Yeah, how about the exercise where I shove my cock between your boobs and tittyfuck you? How does that sound? No, I've got a better idea.

"Sure, here's one you should do. It's called the... um, Pumpmaclit Drill. Take two fingers and slide them into your... your..." She seems so innocent, I didn't know if I could just blurt out pussy to her. I didn't know what term would she be comfortable with. Pussy? Cunt? Twat? Dripping Wet Cavern of Pleasure?

"My hoochie?" Suddenly "boobies" sounds so snobbish and elitist. Hoochie? Seriously? Again, I'm having visions of garments with pink bunnies, and it's a buzzkill to my hardening cock. But stare straight ahead. Do not, I repeat, do not roll your eyes. Do not ruin this plan, numbnuts.

"Yes, your... hoochie, just insert your fingers." Her cheeks became flush with embarrassment, but she obediently slid her hand down her body and put two fingers into her hoochie. Her pussy. It's her pussy, you fucking moron, please do not ever think that word again.

She looked up at me waiting for more instructions, so I told her, "What you need to do is go in and out five times, and when you get moist, spread your fingers apart a little."

"Ok," and she proceeded to fingerfuck herself in front of me. I saw her fingers were now glistening with her pussy juice, but I observed her like a tutor watches a student. I kept a stern and thoughtful look on my face as I swallowed the extra drool that was building in my salivating mouth. Because slobbering like an idiot is not the image I want to project right now.

She seemed to have trouble spreading her fingers apart, so I asked her, "Would it help if I showed you?" She nodded vigorously, eager to allow someone with my professional experience demonstrate the subtle nuances of shoving fingers into a pussy.

Nevertheless I graciously and generously put my hand into her crotch and pushed my fingers into her damp cunt. I slowly slid my fingers in and out of her, and I could feel her pushing her pelvis slightly towards me every time I went in. Shit, she is actually loving this, she is grateful to me for fucking her with my fingers. God, I am the luckiest son of a bitch that ever walked the Earth.

This is great, but I can't see what I'm doing down there, and I want to enjoy every second of this. "If you put your hands behind your back and push your shoulders back a little, you will have a much better tilt and I think you'll really feel an improvement." I don't know where this bullshit is coming from, but I am so thankful I can shovel this crap so easily.

She immediately arched backwards and with her shoulders pushed back and her massive chest jutted forward. After five more thrusts, I spread my fingers apart as wide as I could against her soft, moist vagina now swollen in arousal. She put her head back a little, but then caught herself and looked back at me. "See how I'm doing this? A long, steady push outward." Keep shoveling, man.

She said, "Yes," but it came out as more of a gasp than a word. She clenched her lips and her cheeks became even rosier.

"Let me do this a few more times, just to show you." With every plunge of my hand, I could feel her become wetter. Her pussy was dripping with pleasure when I spread my fingers the next time, and her body shuddered just a little which made her huge breasts bounce and shake. She's biting her lip like she's all innocent, but she's spreading her legs a little to let me go in deeper, the little slut! She loves this, so let me give her more of what she wants.

I drive my fingers into her harder and harder, slapping my palm against her crotch, and her tits jiggle with every impact. She closed her eyes and put her head all the way back now, gasping every time I shove my soaking wet fingers into her waiting pussy. My throbbing cock is am so ready to cum that I feel like it's going to gouge a huge hole in my pants

After several minutes, I pulled myself out of her. She was panting heavy now as she opened her eyes and smiled at me in gratitude. Hell, I should be on my knees thanking her, or putting dollar bills in a string on her leg or something. I should go buy her some roses or take her... whoa, get a hold of your hormones.

"Can you feel a difference?" I asked her, hoping I could plant the thought in the few lonely cells of what remains in her brain.

She smiled exuberantly, "Oh yes, this is really helpful! How often should I do this?" Every fucking hour if I had my way.

"At least once a day. You can do it yourself anytime, although you get better results if someone else does it for you." I could see her thinking about this, maybe she's asking herself why, so I added, "The angle is better, y'know." She nodded as if the horseshit lies randomly coming out of my mouth made any fucking sense at all.

I was hoping she'd want me to keep doing this, but then it occurred to me that I didn't want some other asshole off the street to take advantage of her. And by that, I mean I didn't want someone else using my good hard-earned schemes to fuck her when it should be me, so I'd better sweeten the deal a tad, "Just be sure to find someone certified in these exercises, otherwise you won't get the results you want."

Her face dropped, "But I don't know anyone who is certified. I mean, other than you." I wasn't sure if I'd have to connect the dots for her, but thankfully she had just enough brain matter to figure it out on her own.

I grinned, "I'd be happy to help you in however I can." You're goddamned right I'll help you however I can. And whenever. And whatever. And whichever. Wait, does that even make sense?

She was still standing in the middle of the room, completely naked and looking at the clock on the wall, "Do we have time for you show me another exercise?"

"Absolutely," I agreed, and I tried to think of something that would help my poor cock get the release is so desperately needed right now. All I could think about was her giving me a blowjob. "How about you... uh... kneel on the carpet in front of me." Ok, so far so good.

"Like this?" She kneeled down and her head was inches from my crotch, so I really hoped she couldn't hear my engorged cock pounding against the inside of my pants.

"Perfect! Now" I licked my lips and said, "Open your mouth wide and I... I... will put my penis in your mouth as far I can go in." Oh my god, what the fuck am I saying? The sperm building up in my balls must be somehow stopping any oxygen from getting to my brain. What kind of stupid exercise is this?

"And this will help my bra and panties fit better?" Great, NOW she starts asking if I'm full of shit. Goddamnit! What am I supposed to say to that?

"Yes, I... uh..." I stammered. "It's... um... a muscle relaxant. Yes, it will help all the muscles in your body relax and... uh... be firmer." What the hell kind of an explanation is that?

"This sort of seems like a blowjob," she said nervously. Damnit, she's thinking this is bullshit. Which of course it is. If she realizes I'm full of shit, then it's game over. No more tits in my face, no more fucking her pussy, and no fucking chance at any fucking blowjob, that's for damn sure. This isn't good, I need some grade-A bullshit and pronto.

I took a deep breath, imagined I was reading some Zen spirituality spa manual, and started speaking. "Actually, it's different. This particular exercise is called Buhjay and it originally comes from a karmic technique that is used in holistic healing therapy for cleansing your inner chi and releasing the negative energy from your system." Wow, I may be an utter asshole, but once in a while I manage to surprise myself.

"So this isn't sex? This is a... a...."

"A karmic technique used in holistic healing therapy, that's right." Come on, Bubbles, please don't think about it too much, just let me stuff my throbbing cock into that sweet, luscious mouth of yours, you big-titted dimwit. Oh please oh please oh please.

She grinned ear to ear, "Well then that's ok! I love most anything holistic!" And with that, she put her holistic mouth on top of my pulsing cock. She lightly licked the tip, and I had to bite my lip from screaming with happiness. And then, let me tell you, then she ever so slowly wrapped her lips around head of my penis. She grabbed my dick with one hand to stop it from quivering as she sucked the tip a few times.

"The more," I gasped, but it barely sounded like words and more like a tire that is gradually releasing air. So I grunted and tried again, "The more you can get in, the better results you'll get." I honestly didn't know if her results would be any better, but I knew mine sure would.

She obediently slid her lips down my shaft, and I felt my trembling cock enter deep into her mouth. I could feel her moist saliva covering my dick as her tongue instinctively rested against the length of my schlong. God I am such a dork when I'm horny.

I put my hands on her head and held her steady while I slowly pushed my cock deeper into her mouth. She let go of my dick with her hands and allowed me to enter her until I felt the tip of my penis bump against the back of her throat. Then I gently moved my pelvis back and forth so that my dick carefully slid in and out of those luscious lips.

She surprised me when she took her mouth off of my penis and slid her tongue up and down my shaft. "You're right, this IS relaxing," she said pleasantly, "I can feel all the tension in my body melting away. Can we do this a little more?"

"We can do this as long as you want," I answered. Of course I knew it wouldn't be long until I ejaculated an enormous wad of cum all over her, but I didn't think that was information she needed to know just yet.

She smiled and put my cock back in her mouth. I had over half of my cock pulsing in her mouth, and I felt some precum escape me. It wouldn't be long now, and I kept euphorically sliding in and out of her and panting hard. I heard her quietly moaning as she bobbed her head back and forth, and my dick was glistening with her drool.

I could see her tits jiggling beneath me, and it looked like her erect nipples had become hard and stiff. I wished I could have squeezed her huge tits to find out for myself, but I was a little preoccupied at the moment.

Then I felt her move her head all the way forward so that her forehead was resting against my torso. She was deep-throating me and I felt like my cock was halfway down her throat. I thought that if I moved my pelvis forward any more, I might puncture her lungs. I had no idea how she was breathing, but she was sucking so hard that my cock was shaking and ready to explode.

I could feel myself starting to cum and I tried thinking of terrible things, various ways to die, naked family members, surgeries involving lots of blood, Rush Limbaugh, anything to keep myself from cumming all over her and her magnificent tits. Her eyes were closed as if she were meditating.

But now she was moving her head faster and faster, bobbing back and forth with such vigor that her chest was noticeably swaying and bouncing. My entire cock was shoved so deep into her mouth and her throat that her lips were touching my pubic hairs. She held still and was sucking as hard as she could, and I couldn't hold back any more.

I know there couldn't have been a literal explosion, but I swear to you I heard an audible boom in my groin. My cock erupted with cum, filling her mouth and streaming down her throat. She pulled my cock out of her mouth, and cum came pouring out of her mouth, tumbling over her lips and chin, and dripping large globs of cum onto her massive chest.

Oh shit, what have I done? I got wrapped up in my own orgasm and now she's never going to let me doing anything like this ever again. I mean, look at her, her entire face is covered in cum, her tits have globs everywhere, her nipples are so... wait, where was I? Oh right, I need a think of an explanation for this.

But before I can say anything, she looks up at me with these puppy dog eyes and starts stammering, "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to... I just... I am so sorry." Is she going to cry? Fuck, I'm obviously not one prone to feelings of guilt, but even this is too much for me.

I was panting hard now, but I managed to gasp out, "It's ok, sometimes these things happen." Sure it happens, but for me, fucking the mouth of a big-breasted woman usually happens in the darkest corners of my perverted imagination.

She continued apologizing to me, "No, you were trying to help me out with these exercises, and I didn't... I'm sorry." No goddamnit, do NOT cry on me.

"You did fine for your first time. I could tell you were very... focused on these exercises." I looked at her as sincerely as I could, but sincerity is not an emotion that is coming easily for me right now. "You were very good at picking up the finer intricacies of these exercises, they're not as easy as you might think." She's starting to smile a little. "I hope you at least had fun."

Ok, that perked her up. "Thank you," she giggled. "I did have a lot of fun." At least she's now smiling as she wipes my jism off her face. "These are the best exercises ever! Thank you for showing them to me." Her voice trailed off and then she bit her lower lip as looked at me like she had something to say and didn't want to say it. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Uh, sure," Shit, where is this going?

Her naked, cum-covered breasts swayed and shuddered as she stood up. "Can you come over and do these exercises with me tomorrow? I can really feel a difference and I feel so much more relaxed. And you said it will help me fit into my clothes better, right?" So, could you? I mean, if you don't mind?"

My limp cock was dripping cum onto my chin which had suddenly dropped below my knees. Snap out of it! "Yes, yes, of course, I agree, it would do you good to review these exercises again tomorrow while they're still fresh in your mind." Probably one of the few things that could be considered fresh in that mind of yours. Really? You're going to take cheap shots at this nice woman who just sucked your dick? Do you have to be a complete douche?

"Thank you so much, you are such a good friend!" She threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug. Ok, I'm back to feeling like a prick. But I can feel her cum-soaked nipples pressing against me and getting my shirt all sticky, and once again I stop caring that I'm a prick. I'd rather be a prick that gets to fondle and fuck a beautiful, busty woman like this than to be some guy who... like... shit, I don't care enough to think about being any other guy right now.

She's still standing there naked as we make plans for me to come by her place after work the next day. Then she laughs and says, "Tomorrow, I promise I'll do much better about not making you... y'know, shoot off." She gives me this big smile to show how earnest she is.

Oh lady, I promise you that is one promise you will NOT keep.

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nicknaylornicknaylorover 1 year ago

I loved the whole series!

outrageous premise, stream of thoughts, some of the best of humor!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

If you don't write for a living, you missed your calling. These stories are great. You've got a knack for making the erotic very funny.

desirelitdesirelitabout 2 years ago

Another fantastic one. Oh, these are sooo good. Hilarious and hot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
That was totally AWESOME........!

The stories are completely awesome. There are such a few stories like this outside of that scifi/mindcontrol ones, but even from these few , your's are one of the best.

And by the way (I don't know if it was intended or not) some people call 'that' a 'coochie' not 'hoochie'.

thedemonIxthedemonIxover 7 years ago
funny ass shit

Is bobrobertson a pen name? If you say it over and over in your head the words "bra robber" start to form.. Maybe its just me.. Im a tic twisted ya see.. Mebee dyslexia?

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