The Bra Salesman Ch. 05


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Before I could even sit up, though, Tasha put on the blindfold and ball gag with a merry grin and then let Dave handcuff her hands behind her back. Dave asked her if he could put on the nipple clamps, but with the ball gag muffling her answer, he assumed she said yes and clamped them on to her erect nipples. She yelped for a second, but seemed to get used to it. I mean, as much as anyone can get used to having tiny jagged-teeth metal clothespins agonizingly pinching one's nipples. The long, tiny chain between the clamps swung between her lovely breasts, which I have to admit if I were a tiny chain is where I'd like to hang too.

Look, I know what a morally bankrupt individual I am, and I have no fucking business getting all ethical and superior to anyone. Even so this whole endeavor is making me fucking apprehensive. I mean, lying to her about being some bra salesman was one thing, conning her into fucking us is godawful. But tying her up in these bondage apparatuses? That seemed too careless and could potentially fuck up the scam. Oh yeah, and it's godawful to her too, sure, whatever, I guess. I'm mostly worried that this whole thing is an unnecessary risk to the scheme. I mean, she's already agreed to let us fuck her most any way we want, what the fuck do we need all these exotic gadgets for?

But oh my god, you should have seen her. Handcuffed and blindfolded, she was completely helpless and vulnerable. And that made her even more unbelievably hot. That she would put such immense trust and faith in us made me question the morality of what we were doing and whether we should turn back from this scheme and be honest with her about what we doing and... ok, that's not true in the slightest. The truth is that I was thinking was how awesome it would be to fuck her all bound up like that.

Dave must have been thinking the same thing, because he helped ease her down on the bed so that she was lying with her back on the bed and her hands handcuffed behind her. With her still blindfolded and gagged, Dave is holding on to her nipple clamps like a leash. "Try to relax," Dave says to her, "we're going to start with a groin exercise that should also do some work on your chest as well."

Next thing I know, Dave is pushing her legs apart and cramming his stumpy wanker in her. And he is going to town, just fucking her sadistically rough. Her breasts are flopping wildly and her hair suddenly looks like it hasn't been combed in a year.

But it was the muffled noises she was making that was getting to me. They weren't screams so much as uncomfortable grunts that were getting higher and higher in pitch. I couldn't tell if she was in pain, in fear for her life, or what, but for me hearing those quiet grunts of hers were one of the worst things I've ever listened to. And I say this as someone who has listened to entire albums of Taylor Swift, please don't ask why.

Dave was so turned on by the whole thing that he only fucked her for a couple of minutes. He abruptly stopped pulled his little stump out of her at the last minute, holding his dick, and feverishly jacking himself off. Then little spurts of green cum shot out of his dick and landed all over her stomach and tits.

As he stood there dazed and spent, I went over to her, and tried to take off the ball gag. Shit, this was too much. She had been gagged the entire time he was fucking her, and she was probably trying to scream at him to stop. I just stood there the whole time like a dumbfuck and watched it all happen without lifting a single cum-covered finger to help her. And now that her neighbor is convincing her that we're just fucking with her, literally and figuratively, she's going press charges for all the shit we've pulled on her tonight. Hell, maybe the last month. Crap, I should've at least taken a few bondage pictures of her to take with me when I have to become a fugitive.

I finally got that damnable ball out from under her teeth and freed from her mouth. "Are you ok?" is the only thing I could think to ask her right now. Of course she's not ok. She put her sweet, innocent, angelic trust in us and because of that got tied up and fucked ruthlessly. Why would she be ok with that?

She screamed at the top of her lungs, and as you can imagine she had a huge set of lungs, "THAT WAS FANTASTIC!!!" She was breathing so hard that the chains attached the nipple clamps draped across her sweaty torso were in constant motion. Holy shit, did I say she was a sweet, innocent angel? What I meant is that she was apparently a slutty sex-devil. She had this ridiculous grin on her face like this was the best exercise we had ever done with her. Of course, when she said, "This was the best exercise ever!" that was a big clue to me.

"You didn't mind this exercise?" Jesus, I hope I didn't sound as incredulous as it sounded in my head. Try to act like a professional... whatever it is I'm professional at.

"No, that was soooo intense! I could really feel it in my muscles!" She said, still breathing heavily. "Can you put the... what do you call that... what was in my mouth?"

"Uh... this is... um, you mean... are you referring to the oral stabilizer?" Dave give me a questioning look, like he's wondering if that's the best I can do. I think I'm doing pretty good for this huge fucking curveball being thrown at me, so back the fuck off, you prick.

"Yeah, put the oral stabilizer back on me," she says excitedly. "Can we try doing the Pumpinass exercise this time?" With that, she rolled over and got up on her knees, which wasn't easy with her hands still handcuffed behind her, so that we could fuck her from behind. With her arms shackled, she couldn't hold herself up, so her shoulders were pressed against the bed. Well, they would have been pressed against the bed, but her gigantic tits were preventing her shoulders from quite touching the bed.

So I did as she asked and put the oral stabili... I mean, ball gag back on her. And then I started the therap... I mean, I was ready to fuck her awesome pussy... I mean, hoochie... no no no, I meant pussy. Good God, I can't keep track of all this shit.

There she was, kneeling in front of me with her hands shackled behind her back, blindfolded and gagged, ready for me to fuck her from behind. This is one of those moments in life when you wonder if the path that you're on is the one you should be on. Are you the person you want to be? Are you the kind of person you can look at yourself in the mirror and say that you like? Do you want to be the person who does nothing while listening to someone shrieking, not knowing if it was in pain or not? Is this really what you want to be doing? Do you really want to be an asshole liar who is interested only in your own sexual gratification? Looking down at her dripping wet pussy nestled down with that perfect ass, I think the answer is pretty fucking obvious.

I grabbed her hips and thrust my cock in her as hard as I could. Again and again, I pummeled her body as my guttural growls of lust were almost lost amongst her muffled screams of pleasure. I shoved myself into as hard as I could, so much so that I wondered if maybe I was hurting her. But I could feel her spreading her thighs further so that I could go as deep into her as I wanted.

Harder and harder, faster and faster, I kept going. I honestly lost all sense of time and had no idea how long I pounded her body, glistening with sweat. I can't remember much of that particular moment, because it was a haze of pure bliss. By the time I had ejaculated every drop of sweet, sweet cum into her waiting vagina, I had discovered a transcendent joy that even the most devout Buddhist would never achieve in this mortal sphere, it was that fucking peaceful.

Next, Dave rolled her over to fuck her tits. He sat on her stomach and held her two enormous breasts together as tight as he could as he slid his cock in her cleavage. By the point, she had been sweating so much that he didn't even need to spread any oil around. She was still handcuffed and gagged, so it was hard to tell what she thought about it all, but the deep groans she let out sure sounded like she was enjoying it too.

Her breasts were so sweaty, however, that he had trouble holding them tight enough, so I actually had to help hold her tits for him. The soft skin of her enormous chest was sweaty and slimy so I really had to dig my fingers deep into her flesh in order to hold those massive jugs of hers still. I will say that of all the bizarre experiences I have had in my life, holding a pair of large breasts so that someone else could fuck said large breasts is hands down in my top ten list of strange events.

It took several minutes, but Dave had finally reached his climax and cum spewed all over her chest and face. Some of it made it to my forearm, which I will tell you was not appreciated on my part. But I have to be honest, holding her tits all that time somehow made it worth it.

Next I sat on the bed and helped maneuver her so she was sitting on top of me and could lower herself on top of my cock. The tip of my penis could sense how wet and sticky her pussy was, and she softly gyrated her hips around and let my cock penetrate her. Since her hands were shackled behind her back, she had to tighten the muscles of her pussy around my throbbing cock.

I couldn't really see her face behind the blindfold and ball gag, but I think she was cooing in pleasure. Or maybe she was gurgling. No, I think cooing is right. She slid up and down a few times, I guess to make sure that she was in a good position. But after a minute, she started bouncing up and down on top of my cock, grunting every time she came down on me. She was slamming herself down on top of me so vigorously that her tits would slap me to the point of giving me a concussion. Like I'm going to object.

She kept humping me, faster and faster. I couldn't hear her with the gag on, and her hands were cuffed behind her back, so I couldn't tell what she was feeling. But her breathing became more and more intense as my cock exploded with jism inside her. She kept going for another minute, slamming down on me again and again, each thrust more brutal than the one before, until finally her entire body shuddered and jerked. I could feel her body relax and all the negative energy was just pouring out of her. No wait, that's just my cum pouring out of her pussy.

I have to say it was a good thing she was blindfolded, though, because at that point Dave tried to bring out some dildos and silk whips, so I wrestled him to the ground to pry that crap out of his hands. I'm not saying I'm against using those things in general, but Jesus, hadn't we done enough for one night? It was getting late and believe it or not I do have to go back to work tomorrow. I'd say the same for Dave if he actually did any work.

Anyway, I figured we had all had enough at this point, although I'm sure Dave would completely disagree with me. But I don't care, we'd done enough, he had his little fun, and it was time to call it a night. "I think that's enough for one session," I told her. "Let me get these off of you."

Dave tried to hold me back several times, but somehow I managed to take all the cuffs and blindfolds and everything off of her, even with him hanging on my shoulders and arms. She said, "I really enjoyed our session tonight." My god, she's practically beaming. I had no idea she was into all this bondage shit. "Can the two of you come back over tomorrow night and do it again?"

"We'd be delighted to!" Dave exclaimed before I could say anything. Jesus, now HE'S the one beaming. Everyone around here is fucking beaming everywhere. So what's up with me? Why aren't I beaming? It's not like I'm some puritanical saint or anything, so why do I act like I have something shoved up my ass about all of this? What's wrong with me?

"You can leave your duffel bag here if you want" Tash said, trying to be helpful. "You know, so you don't have to carry it back and forth." Dave nodded his head up and down. And what I mean is that his head looked like a bobblehead on speed. The way he was staring at her chest, I think he would have given her the keys to his car right then and there. Wait, his car is a piece of shit. His liver, yeah that's a better metaphor. "Thank you again! I'll see you tomorrow!" she smiled as she shut the door behind us.

Dave started dancing in the hallway so I had to shove him into the elevator before anyone else saw us. Of course, there was a young woman in there already, and she rolled her eyes and watched us contemptuously all the way to the lobby.

In the parking lot, Dave started in on his jig again. "Didn't I tell you? Did I not fucking tell you how awesome that would be?" And now he's pretending to spike a football. Or is he hitting a carnival bell tower game with a huge hammer? No actually, he's just pointing at the ground. What the fuck kind of dance is he doing? It's like Baryshnikov and MC Hammer had some mutant kid that was dancing like a fucking freak.

I take a deep breath and say, "It's over."

Dave stops and looks at me incredulously. "What? What are you talking about? That was great!"

"I told you not to get that fucking bag out and you did it anyway." Yeah, don't think I'm letting that go. You're unreliable and a loose cannon, and it's time to cut you off.

"But she's the one who asked me about it. You can't just do that! That's not for you to decide!"

"No, it's over. That was fucking reckless and foolish and you're going to ruin everything! Look, I let you come over twice already, and that's two more times than anyone else at work let you do anything. I've been a friend, ok? You got laid... I don't even want to know how many times. But come on, enough is enough. I can't take the risk anymore. Period."

"But... she didn't mind... I... you..." Oh my god, is he blubbering? Is a grown man actually crying like a big bawling baby because I won't let him fuck the woman with big tits anymore? Wait, on second thought that actually makes total sense to me.

Don't back down now, stand firm. "Don't you dare think about coming back over here, or I swear to God I will kick your ass. Do you get me?" I stared at him as though I were Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris, and Steven Segal all in one.... Holy shit, I'm getting old, every example of exaggerated manhood that I can think of is a member of AARP now. I can't come up with any more modern examples? Jesus, I need to go see some movies. Hold on, don't lose focus.

"Yeah... I get you." He wiped his face and slowly shuffled back to his car. Before he got in, he called out, "Wait, what about my bag?"

Christ, I forgot about that stupid fucking bag. "I'll get it for you tomorrow."

"No you won't," he looks at me angrily. Well, the way a chipmunk might look at you angrily. "You'll use it with her."

"Dave, in case you didn't notice, I didn't want that bag in there. I said I'll get it for you and I will."

"Sure you will." He got down into his car dejectedly and I could hear his piece of shit car playing crappy Top 20 hip hop as he drove away, leaving a cloud of smoke behind him. I got into my car and started it up as well. I take a few breaths and look for a source of inner peace inside me, but all I can think about is how my exhausted cock feels like every molecule of cum has been squeezed out of it. I turn on the radio and listen to another shitty Taylor Swift song as I drive down the road.

I know I did the right thing with Dave, I had to kick him out. And I feel bad. Not about kicking him out, I feel bad knowing that I'm going to have to listen to his whiny shit for the next month begging me to change my mind. Oh, and to get that stupid duffel bag back to him. I know I'll get that fucking bag of god knows what back to him, of course I will.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Then little spurts of green cum shot out of his dick and landed all over her stomach and tits

Ok , i am a sick puppy , i was laughing along with the story , found it all very funny.

However .... that one Line really did kick me out of the comfort zone with an almighty WTF ...

JonnyZeldaJonnyZeldaabout 11 years ago

Like someone else pointed out in the last chapter, I didn't really like the inclusion of John's co-worker. As unbelievable as the story is already, it seemed even more so for her to feel comfortable letting such a grotesque and disgusting person "exercise" with her. It would have been interesting at least if Dave was hot. I mean you gotta draw the line somewhere, otherwise it's like you're saying "just fuck the whole thing". I find it equally odd that John would want to share his discovery with anyone. I like how he put Dave out of the picture finally because he felt guilty, but you could have just had John feel guilty about even telling Dave about her. It's a shame because I was really enjoying this story so far, but nonetheless I'll read on to see if it picks up again. Hopefully that's the last we'll see of Dave.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

these stories are incredible...i would love to see Dave show up with some other "doctors" and really give it to her :)

bobrobertsonbobrobertsonover 11 years agoAuthor

I appreciate the idea! I've got the next few chapters outlined in my head, one of which gets into similar terrain regarding what you suggest. So stay tuned! :)

pichejfpichejfover 11 years ago
Idea for future chapter

Thanks again for another excellent and funny chapter.

I have a suggestion for a future one, if there ever is another. Tasha speaks about her therapy session with one of her hot female friends. The friend in question has always had the hots for Tasha but never had the guts to tell her. She learns when the next session is going to be and crashes the party. Our hero at first starts to try to bullshit her like he did Tasha but she isn't buying it, of course. She asks to speak to him in private and tells him she wants in just so she can have a go at her friend.

The rest is entirely up to you, and thanks again for another amazing chapter, and for getting the tub of hairy lard out of there.

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