The Bra Salesman Ch. 09


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"It's ok, I don't mind." Tasha said looking up at me. She must have seen how angry I was getting. I didn't know why she was putting up with this, but when she put her mouth over my erect cock again, it was hard for me to stay mad at anyone or anything.

Jesus Fucking Christ, the way her soft, moist lips slid up and down my shaft made my cock throb with an intensity I hadn't felt since... well, since the last time I had stuffed my cock into one of Tasha's orifices. As good as it felt, I also felt this emptiness expand within my chest, this ache that made it so I doubted if I would ever feel this good again about anything or anyone.

Now she was moving her head faster so that my cock was thrusting deeper and deeper into her throat. I look down at her amazing body, jiggling every time her forehead slapped against my groin. Shit, no one had ever given me head the way...

All of sudden, Tasha's head jerked back again off of my dick and her mouth was wide open and gasping for breath. Brittney was cackling up a storm as she pulled tightly on the silk rope wrapped around Tasha's neck. "What the fuck? How about letting her fucking breathe?"

"Oh, lighten up," Brittney said with a beaming grin as Tasha started hacking and coughing, "this is the kind of fetish crap that Tasha loves more than anything! I can see how wet she's getting!"

"Fuck you!" I said to Brittney. Her eyes narrowed into a thin slit so that I could barely see her pupils, but I could easily see the fury raging insider her.

"She's right, *cough* I do love it." Tasha was trying to talk, but her words sounded more like a leaky flat tire than her normal voice. "Please. I know you think she's hurting me, but she's right. The whole assfixin... assfickle... the whole not breathing thing, it really does turn me on." She gave me a smile, and I couldn't tell if she was just humoring Brittney or if she really meant it. But when she grabbed my penis with one hand with a hungry look in her eyes while using her other hand to rub her own pussy, I think it really did turn her on. And of course, me being the sick fuck I am, I got even hornier thinking that about her.

"See? I know for a fact she loves it." I didn't know what the fuck that meant, but I didn't really care when Tasha wrapped her wet mouth around my cock again. I felt myself harden inside her as she went back to rocking her head back and forth over my erection.

Tasha grabbed my hips and shoved my cock as far into her throat as she could and held me there for ten seconds... no, make that twenty... no, actually thirty... holy shit, how long can she actually deep throat me? She finally relented and pulled back as trails of spittle connected my moist cock to her juicy lips.

Without warning, she thrust her head on top of me again and went well beyond thirty seconds this time. I saw Brittney tighten the silk rope around Tasha's neck, which made me want to snatch that rope out of her twisted, perverted hands. Thing is, Tasha clenched my hips even tighter, and I could feel her fingernails digging into my skin. My cock was throbbing so hard and just when I thought I was going to explode with jism, she let up and took a few breaths. Drops of her spittle dripped off of my glistening cock onto her huge tits that shook in rhythm with her rapid gasping.

When she drove my cock into her mouth again, I knew I wouldn't last long. She sucked so hard, it felt like the tip of my penis was buried halfway into her lungs. My instinct was to thrust back and forth, but her fingers clenching my hips wouldn't let me move. My cock was throbbing and throbbing until finally I felt the release of cum shooting out of me and into her gorgeous mouth.

As she slowly slides her luscious lips off of my cock, streams of jism come out of her mouth and fall onto her gigantic chest. She looks up at me with a smile I never saw on any of Dave's videos; granted Dave usually turned off the video before I saw her reaction to him shooting his cum into her, but I could see the look in her eyes that she had missed having my cock in her mouth. At least that's what that narcissistic voice in my head tells me is true.

I gazed into Tasha's beautiful face, which for me usually means I was fascinated by the sight of my jism spilling out of her mouth but in this actually I really was gazing at her face. At any rate, I was too busy gazing and didn't notice Brittney coming up behind Tasha until she had already pulled Tasha's arms behind her back and clamped some handcuffs on her wrists.

Tasha has a look of surprise, followed by a look of almost desperate fear. But when Brittney put her mouth so close to Tasha's ear that I thought her tongue was trying to clean Tasha's ear drum, she must've whispered something assuring to Tasha because immediately her body relaxed.

That didn't last long, however, because once Brittney had the metal cuffs secure, she yanked on the silk rope around Tasha's neck so that Tasha's entire body was pulled onto the bed. Tasha was on her back wheezing, with her gargantuan breasts shaking from side to side with every gasp of air. I would've objected and started yelling at Brittney, but as I said I saw Tasha's gargantuan breasts were shaking from side to side so I was a little distracted.

While I was transfixed with Tasha's mammarian gifts, Brittney grabbed one of the dildos off of a nearby table. The fact that Brittney is grinning with a dildo in her hand is weird enough. The fact that there were multiple dildos on the table to choose from, to me, is even weirder. Brittney took a tube of oil and starts dripping it all over the dildo as she speaks, "Ok, Tasha, you've had enough of a break. I think you're ready for another treatment."

As Brittney walked over to Tasha's crotch, she smiled seeing Tasha struggling to breathe with her wrists shackled behind her back. Brittney grabbed Tasha's knees and was pushing her thighs apart so that she was practically doing a split. Brittney took the glistening dildo and crammed it into Tasha's tight pussy as hard as he could, and I heard Tasha moan. As she began pummeling Tasha's weary body, Tasha was grunting with each lunge.

To me, every time Brittney drove that dildo into Tasha, it looked like a vicious assault on her shackled, defenseless body. Then I watched as Brittney reached down and grab Tasha's nipples and twist them around so that tears ran out of Tasha's eyes. But when I heard Tasha grunting "yes" with each thrust, I realized how incredibly aroused she was. I knew she had a fetish for bondage, but it always took me by surprise just how stimulated she could get by being tied up and abused.

She cried out louder, "YES!" as Brittney brutally twisted Tasha's tits even further until the skin of her breasts turned red beneath those cruel fingers. Brittney kept forcing the dildo into Tasha faster and faster as Tasha kept yelling "YES! YES!" I could feel my spent penis twitch with sensation as if it wanted to become erect again and have another round with her incredibly stunning body.

Maybe I should've said something, maybe I should've had the decency to grab Brittney and toss her aside before she could violate Tasha any more. But the fact is Tasha had such a huge smile on her face, even as tears of pain were coming out of her eyes and screaming "YES! YES! UNGH! YES! INGH! YES!" throughout the ordeal. I have no idea where Tasha's endless fetish for being bound and abused came from, but I didn't want to put a stop to whatever satisfaction she was receiving.

But that doesn't mean I wasn't completely furious with Brittney by now. No matter how much Tasha might be smiling, the fact is that Brittney was enjoying causing Tasha pain and was fucking laughing every time Tasha moaned in orgasm. I know she wasn't laughing because she was happy Tasha had sexual pleasure, no that sick bitch was laughing at dominating someone so completely helpless and mercilessly torturing that victim. How do I know? Because I have spent too many fucking days with that fucking woman, that's how, so do not doubt for one second that that is what is really going on.

I didn't say anything, however, because I saw the look of ecstasy on Tasha's face. Every "YES!" she screamed let me know how much she loved being fucked while being bound and powerless. Ok, that's what I want to believe, but honestly I was just too fucking mesmerized. The way her skin was glistening with sweat, the way her breasts rocked in rhythm with the dildo being driven into her cunt, the way her body shook with pleasure as she was penetrated deeper and harder, the way... I'm sorry, where was I? Right, right, I was mesmerized. That's what I mean.

But even watching her body twitch with sexual excitement, even while watching her throw back her head in a carnal frenzy, even while I saw her pussy pulsing with wetness being pummeled and...I'm sorry, where was I again? Oh right, even while watching all this, I could also see the sadistic delight in Brittney's face, and it just made me too fucking mad.

Finally I couldn't fucking take it anymore. "Stop it!" I yelled. Brittney, of course, ignored me so she was surprised when I snatched the dildo out of her oily hands and threw it down on the floor. "I said to fucking stop it!"

I knew Brittney was beyond pissed at me, but I just don't fucking care any more. I looked down and said, "Tasha, I need to tell you something." Brittney's eyes went wide because she knew what I was about to do. It's time to tell Tasha everything and let the chips fall where they may. I'll take my chances on Tasha's kindness as long as it means depriving Brittney of her blackmail power over me. Try to throw me in jail, but I'm not going to sit back and take any more of this shit. Enough is fucking enough.

"What is it?" Tasha said. At least I think that's what she said. She was panting so hard and her voice was so raspy that it was a little hard to hear.

"Albert and I were talking earlier about you," Brittney butted in before I could respond. Fine, go ahead and tell yourself, I really don't give a shit what happens now, be my guest. "Remember how that automobile repair shop needed you to make them cum so that they would have some lubricant for your car?" What the fuck is she talking about?

Tasha nodded as best she could with a silk rope gripping her neck. "Well, neither of us had heard of that before, so Albert and I talked to some other car dealerships. Turns out that you can't use male cum as a lubricant for cars."

"But then why..." Tasha looked at Brittney confused, "I mean... if there's no reason..." By now, Brittney was unwrapping the silk from around Tasha's neck while looking at her affectionately, which of course was utterly ridiculous, but I couldn't say anything just yet. Let Brittney yammer on about the mechanics, I'll say what I have to say next and confess everything so I can put an end to....

"Sweetie, those men lied to you so they could all have sex with you. They misled you in order to use you and fuck you, and that's why they lied." As Brittney helped Tasha sit up, she sat beside her on the side of the bed. Tasha's shoulders began trembling and I heard her sob. Brittney put her arm around Tasha, which only served to make her cry even louder.

I have been an asshole for so long of my fucking life that I stopped feeling anything about anyone. What I call friends are really people who barely tolerate my presence when we're all out at some event somewhere. What I call girlfriends are really women who I think are hot trying their best to care about me but bolt when they realize that I will never have an emotional connection to anything or anyone as much as myself. What I call feelings are merely weird sensations I get in my nerves and brain that I have trained myself long ago to ignore until that irritating buzz goes away. When I have made women cry before, my usual response is to figure out how long proper decorum dictates I have to wait before I can excuse myself and find the nearest fast food place.

So to feel the tears welling up my eyes, to feel a tightening around my heart clamping vice-like so that I literally had to remind myself to breathe, to feel my legs start shaking so that I had to grab a nearby table to prevent me from collapsing onto the floor, to feel all that was... it's as if... I don't have any fucking idea what to say.

Wait, I do have one thing. I know I'm an asshole, I know I'm a douchebag of a person who has no right interacting with any human beings, I've said that for a long time. But now I feel it. I didn't really understand what that meant until now, but now I feel it. I mean I totally fucking feel it. All the fucking pain I've caused, all the fucking lies I've told, all the fucking bullshit I've been flinging at humanity for all these years, I never ever fucking felt any of it until now.

As I tell myself yet again to breathe, Brittney pulls Tasha closer, "It's ok. Don't you worry. We won't let those bastards get away with that. How about we go report them to the police? Huh? What do you say?"

Brittney then slowly turned her head towards me with a sickening smile on her face as Tasha's voice whispered from beneath her disheveled hair, "Yeah, ok."

And there it is. One crystallizing moment to prove to me just how completely, utterly, indisputably, fantastically, royally fucked I am. All my big shot bullshit about how I don't fucking care if I go to fucking jail immediately evaporated like the hot air it really was, because now I could see beyond a shadow of a doubt that I really was going to fucking jail and, lo and behold, I really did fucking care.

The thing is, the fear of going to jail wasn't the worst part. The absolute worst part is that I could feel my heart literally breaking apart. And I know what some might say, "No, your heart is not *literally* breaking apart," to which I would respond with a heartfelt fuck you, I know when my fucking heart is literally breaking apart, you fucking grammar police, so get off my fucking back.

Sorry I'm swearing so much, I'm not really mad at anyone else. I am just so fucking mad at myself for all the fucking mistakes I've made, for being such a fucking asshole that I would hurt someone as fucking awesome as Tasha and dig myself such a huge fucking hole that I can't even see any fucking daylight anymore. I'm so fucking angry at myself and there's not a fucking thing I can do about it.

I turn around and walk into the kitchen and root around in her cabinets until a find a glass, and then I pour a tall glass of water. Then I start drinking and drinking, guzzling the entire glass in a few seconds, and expecting that the dryness in my mouth would finally go away. But as I turn the glass upside down and shake every last drop out, I realize I'm just as light-headed and dry and unable to breathe as before.

That's when Brittney walks into the kitchen and leans against the doorway with a sneer, "So, you still want to tell her?"

"Fuck you," is all I can muster.

I thought that would piss her off, but she just laughed and walked towards me, "It's alright, I understand. You've had a very difficult evening. I forgive you." She puts her arm over my shoulder like we're having some tender moment, "Why don't you go home, think about what happened tonight, and tomorrow we'll start again, ok?" God, I hate her fucking smile.

"6 o'clock tomorrow." Brittney says with a sudden sternness that gave me goose bumps, "Do NOT make me wait." With that, she spun on her heels and headed back to Tasha's side.

At first, I make a beeline for the door because I just can't stand to be in this fucking room anymore. I hate the sound of Tasha's crying and I hate the sound of Brittney's... well, I hate any sound she makes. But just as I start to grab the doorknob, I feel the urge to do something else.

I go into the bedroom where Tasha's shoulders are still trembling. Brittney is sitting beside her, and as I take Tasha's hands in mine and kneel in front of her, I say to Brittney without looking in her direction, "Can I have a minute?"

Her lips clench tight, but then she smiles and gets up off the bed. She gives me a look that says you-better-not-say-anything. And I give her a look back that says you-have-me-trapped-so-of-course-I-won't-say-anything. Then she gives me the you-better-not look. And I give the I-said-I-won't-so-I-won't look. She gives the I-didn't-understand-what-you-just-said look. To which I gave the can-we-talk-about-this-later look. She's still giving me the what-are-you-saying look. Finally I sigh and say out loud. "Please, just one minute." She shrugged her shoulders with an indifference that let me know she didn't care what I did because she knew she had me trapped no matter what, and she sauntered out of the room.

I was still kneeling in front of Tasha, but I was too ashamed to try to look her in the eye, so I took her hands in mine and said to the floor, "I'm sorry."

She sniffs and wipes some tears off her cheek, "Why? You didn't do anything wrong." Oh god, how I wish that were true. You have no fucking idea how much I wish that were true.

"I'm... I'm just sorry, that's all." She smiled as more tears started to flow, then she threw her arms around me and buried her head in my shoulder.

And for once in my contemptible life, I really was sorry. I was sorry for all the shitty things I've done to people, Tasha being top of that way too long list. I was sorry for all the crap-ass bullshit I've said to try to fill my empty, pathetic life with something, anything that would distract me from my own miserableness. I was sorry for a lot of things. But at that very moment, more than anything else, I was sorry that I had put Tasha in this horrible position. But I was going to make it right. I swore, somehow, that I would find a way to fix everything.

The only problem is that I had no fucking idea how to do that.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
:( Oh No :(

He told her :(

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