The Christmas Bonus


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His hands spread her legs wide and he could smell her arousal making his erection almost painful in his need. Moving his fingers up to spread the lips of her pussy he began to swipe his tongue along it's length. He loved the sounds that she made as he used his tongue lips teeth and fingers on her. Her whole body was trembling and her breath was shallow with whimpered pleasure when she suddenly stiffened and cried out her orgasm arching her back and seeming to spasm with the intensity of it. Slowing down and gently using just the fingers of one hand to keep her momentum going he reached for the discarded jacket and awkwardly pulled a condom from its pocket.

He leaned forward lapping at her gently as he donned the condom before crawling up her body and entering her with a deep growl of satisfaction. "Oh fuck, yes," he hissed and moved deeper inside her with short thrusts. He kissed her then, deeply and moaning into her mouth as he began to move his hips feeling her hips thrust back up at him with her own desire.

She pushed on his shoulder and rolled him onto his back sitting up on him and feeling his full measure inside her. She began to move slowly staring down into his eyes. His hands reached up and began to remove the pieces of satin that blocked his hands from the fel of her skin. Her tits were wonderful, small and perky but still large enough to bounce as she rode him. He had distracted himself as much as he was able, and he could feel his climax fast approaching.

Gripping her hips tightly, he rolled again pining her on her back and began fucking her hard. He watched her face as her breathing became ragged with the soft whimpering sounds of pleasure she made. "Fuck," he groaned trying to hold off his orgasm until she came again and was rewarded with the feel of her clutching pussy went sent him over the edge into his own climax.

He lay on top of her unwilling to move and break the physical connection they had at that moment. Reluctantly and at her urging he finally rolled onto his side and let his hand drift down over the length of her body marvelling at her beauty. Pushing him to his back Belinda curled up beside him lifting a leg over his hip uncaring of the condom as it became loose from his fading erection. She nuzzled his neck and kissed jaw until he turned his head to kiss her still breathless from his exertions.

"Not bad for a first try," she teased in a small voice and giggled at the look he gave her.

"Not bad?" Nick questioned rolling her from his body. He stood up removing the condom and tossing it into the bin. "Not bad for a first time, she says," he said talking to an invisible audience. "Lucky I came prepared then," he unzipped the bag he had carried in and took out a box of condoms turning and grinning at her.

"I think I feel a headache coming on," she lifted her hand to her brow dramatically.

"I have a cure for that," he pounced on her making her giggle loudly.

"I'm sure you do, but it looks like you might need a little help with that," she said struggling out from underneath him. He didn't realise what she had meant at first but as she crawled over him, he lay back and relaxed. The feather light touch of her tongue caused an immediate response, and his semi-hard cock came to attention quickly under her gentle ministrations.

The second time around they took their time exploring each other I great detail. They didn't sleep at all and when they finally surfaced to drink some water and regain their breath the sun was already well into the morning sky.

"What time is check out?" Nick asked.

"Ten I think, maybe we could just stay another night," Belinda said lazily from the bed, stretching like a cat as she rolled over to look at him.

"Or we could leave now before the exhaustion of not sleeping kicks in. I can make you breakfast at my place," he suggested with a wide smile. "Then we can go to bed and sleep it off," he grinned again, "Or not."

"I finally get to see your place! I'm in," she sat up jumped out of bed.

"What do you mean finally? I have invited you over plenty of times. Its you who hasn't wanted to come for sleepovers," he accused.

"Well, I have changed my mind, it's a woman's prerogative after all," She laughed.

"Nothing at all to do with last night," he nodded, "You've just changed your mind for not reason what so ever."

"No need to be sarcastic," she crossed the floor picking up discarded clothes. "What's this?" she picked up an envelope with her name on it.

"Your Christmas present, I was going to give it to you last night if you were disappointed with how the awards went," he admitted.

"Oh my god, you had a plan B in case I was too rattled to follow through on my promise?" Belinda was a little shocked that he would have a Plan B.

"No, it wasn't like that," Nick looked crestfallen at how she had taken the idea.

"Let's see how much sex with me last night was worth to you shall we," Belinda continued to tease.

"That's a horrible thing to say. You know I would never do that. It wasn't my intention at all," He became angry that she coud een joke about him like that when he had always een o patient and understanding of her needs. " I Just thought going away to an island like you dreamed of over Christmas and New year would be a great way to start our relationship. Espeially now that we didn't have to hide it anymore," Nick was hurt that she had treated his gesture so trivially. "You were always talking about that island holiday even when you knew you couldn't win it. It wasn't about sex. Shit you could have waited until next year and I still would have been happy to wait."

Belinda felt dreadful. She hadn't understood, and her teasing had obviously hit a raw nerve in him. "I'm sorry. I just didn't realise..."

"Realise what? That I want you to be happy? That I want us to be happy? Or is it that you don't need me anymore now that you have the senior partners falling all over you," Nick accused his temper fueling the irrational jealousy he has the night before. "I can't believe you think so little of me that you believe that I would do this just to get you to have sex with me."

Belinda stared at him silently then she began to get dressed. Her eyes teared up, but she willed herself not to cry. She bunched her hair up into a messy knot and threw the room key at him, then grabbed her bag and left him to do the checking out of the hotel.

"Wait, I'll give you a lift home," Nick called after her but she didn't wait she ran out of the hotel and hailed a cab. She was beyond tired, and she knew that neither of them would ever have reacted as they had if they had not been so exhausted from such a hard week at work. The rational side of her brain told her that she was over-reacting that she shouldn't have left the way she did. The emotional side of her brain hurt with his accusations and the guilt of starting the argument in the first place.

She knew he would follow her home to make sure she was alright. She didn't want to see him. She just wanted to sleep and think about everything before she spoke to him again. She didn't want another argument happening because they were both exhausted and over-sensitive. She called Kelly who lived close to her home.

"Hey Kel, I hate to ask but can I come sleep off a bad night at your place I just don't want go home," Belinda said as soon as her friend answered the phone.

"Sure come on over I was planning to laze about today anyway," Kelly said her voice tinged with concern.

"Thanks. I'll be there soon. I am in a cab as we speak," she gave the driver new directions and called Pam.

"Hey Pam, I'm gonna spend the day with Kelly, when Nick arrives tell him I am just fine, and I will see him at work tomorrow, please," she asked.

"Sure, everything okay?" Pam asked.

"No, but I'll tell you about it later, I haven't slept and I am just a bit emotional," Belinda tried to explain. "I just don't want to see him today, okay?"

"Okay, I'll keep an eye out for him," Pam promised.

Belinda paid the cab fare and walked into her friend's home, "Thanks for this Kelly, I just need some sleep then I will get out of your hair.

"Geez you look awful! Go have a shower, I get you something to wear," she ushered Belinda into the bathroom. Belinda stripped and stood under the shower crying. She could believe how stupid the whole fight had been. She should just call and apologise, explain she didn't mean it the way it sounded. She thought about the accusations he had made in return and how laughable they were. How could he even think she would move onto a senior partner just because of an award. Did he think so little of her?

Barely holding it together she exited the bathroom looking fresher and cleaner but feeling even worse. She flopped onto the couch and rolled over facing the back so she wouldn't have to answer any of Kelly's questions.

"If my phone rings and It's Nick can you answer it and tell him I'm fine and that I will see him at work tomorrow?" Belinda mumbled as her eyes began to close.

"Sure, but shouldn't you tell him yourself?" She asked.

"We had a fight. I don't want to talk to him like this, I'm feel so, just so..." She mumbled back.

Kelly let her sleep and took the call about twenty minutes later saying exactly what Belinda had asked her too. Nick had sounded upset but didn't push her to talk to Belinda for which she was grateful. She had an inkling something was going on between the pair but hadn't known for sure until this moment. As Belinda slept the day away, Kelly readied the troops. They had all dated guys that made them miserable from time to time. Each time the friends had staged an intervention to help whoever it was either get rid of the guy for find a way to deal with whatever had made them miserable in the first place.

Belinda woke mid-afternoon to the noisy chatter of her best friends. Penny, Allison and Ellen all sat around munching on corn chips and dip and drinking margaritas with Kelly. "Nooo!" Belinda immediately protested recognising the mix of food and drink. "I do not need an intervention!" She annunciated each word.

"If you had seen yourself when you arrived here this morning you would have called one too," Kelly said unapologetically.

"Can I just have some water, please?" Belinda practically whined waving away the margarita being thrust into her hand. "Water and I will spill everything," she said miserably.

Taking a large swallow of water, Belinda started with what had happened between her and Nick the day they had all gone shopping with her. She spoke about the dates between then and now and how they had become so close and that they hadn't wanted to tell anyone yet because of the whole work situation. Then she talked about the awards, glossing over Stacey's part in it, saying that she hadn't realised the one she had wanted was only for work experience girls. Finally relating how her team had won and she had one an individual one she didn't even realise she was in the running for.

"Apparently there were so many glowing recommendations from clients that they gave it to me despite being a junior," she said proudly.

"That's great," Penny said along with her friends congatulations, "But that doesn't explain what happened last night and why you showed up here in a mess rather than going home."

Beinda sighed heavily and related the idea she had for the hotel and blushed through the personal questions admitting the sex was great. She hurried on stiltingly telling them about the following morning and finding an envelope. Her eyes egan to tear up as she admitted teasing of him for having what she thought was a Plan B.

"Oh honey? Why would you say that even in teasing? He was happy to wait, obviously he wouldn't have had a Plan B," Ellen said in a shocked tone.

"Even the nicest guys can sometimes have a Plan B, remember That boyfriend Penny had?" Alison asked the group and look around as they all nodded their assent.

"That's the thing he seemed so hurt. I really don't think it was a Plan B and I felt dreadful and tried to apologise but he let me have it then," she felt herself tear up as she explained about him accusing her of moving onto bigger and better things with the senior partners.

"Well, that was uncalled for," Ellen clicked her tongue.

"What was in the envelope that started all this kerfuffle?" Kelly asked.

"I never opened it. He said it was an island holiday like the one I had dreamed of winning for over Christmas and New year. He said he wouldn't have cared if I hadn't slept with him until next year," Belinda fumbled in the bag she had shoved all her stuff into before storming out that morning. She pulled out the crumpled envelope with her name written on the front and opened it. She began to cry, "Shit what did I do? He's a good guy, and I was jus awful to him."

"What he said was pretty awful too," Ellen reminded everyone taking the piece of paper from her hand. The decorative scriptedannouced that it was "Bindy's Holiday Bonus."It was a booking for two weeks on Daydream Island. Her eyebrows rose, and she passed it to her friends.

"Yeah but the senior partner who gave me the award kissed me, full on the mouth. I was so stunned I didn't push him away even when he held me around the waist for a photo," she admitted.

"You'd never do anything like that on purpose," Penny said as if Nick should have known this.

"I know that, and you know that," Alison said, "But this is a pretty new relationship. He doesn't know that. He's her boss, remember and she went out with him. How would he know she wouldn't trade up if given the chance. Some girls would, not you of course Bindy, but some girls." Alison herself had traded up more than once but she had never done well with commitment.

So basically, this is two over-tired, over-emotional people who had a silly argument over stuff that doesn't matter," Ellen said.

"I think it matters that he thinks she is the type of girl that wouldn't trade up. I probably would be bothered about Bindy accusing him of being a Plan B guy if I weren't totally on her side of this argument." She smiled. "So girls, do we dump him or help her clean up the mess she made?"


Ten days later, on Christmas Eve, Belinda spun under the stars the sand swirling around her toes as she spread out her arms and let the red dress lift in the breeze. She was happy truly happy. Finally, dizzy from spinning, she sat heavily on the sand and Nick came to help her up taking her in his arms and kissing her.

"I do believe I have fallen madly in love with you my Christmas sand angel," he smiled and picked her up carrying her back into the small bungalow they were staying in on the island.

"I love you too," she whispered into his ear and nuzzled his neck. He lowered her onto the bed and moved to lie down beside her grunting as something sharp caught his hip. He pulled her phone from beneath his hip and was about to toss it away when she stopped him.

"Wait! I wanted to show you something on there!" Belinda giggled.

She brought up a message that had come earlier that evening, "Hope your Christmas bonus is as amazing as mine, stay happy. Stacey."

Then she scrolled to her answering message, "I have the best Christmas Bonus ever, I have my own Saint Nick!"

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy5 months ago

Are we able to really discover all about a partner’s being …. We hide so much, happen in the past mostly childhood and now those sensitive reactions turning into fights and losses …. Honesty Trust Love may would let us find a common ground, but its so hard to jump our own fears ….. “with a little help from some friends ….” Luckily they solved the situation …… and enjoying a sandy beach is breathtaking


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

To the person who keeps posting anonymously in the past year, please get therapy! Belinda is a fictional character.

To the author, as others have said it was good until the end, would love to see this finished off with the same quality as the rest of the story. Also really hoping that you have written Stacy's story in here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The whores having an intervention over Nick was hilarious. They were trailer park trash in comparison.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Belinda the BITCH!! The ending came too soon after the slut ran from the room, had a caucus with the other slut friends and getting back with Nick!!


dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

pretty good overall. A little slow thru 3 pages and then picks up.

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