The Devil Wears Nada

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Wife's sexy fashion boss makes her life miserable.
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(This story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author's consent. For fans of my stories, they know what kinds of things to expect. This story deals with similar themes as the stories by wannabeboytoy, seducedHylas, and Dark Betrayal, namely adultery, betrayal, and heartbreak. If stuff like that isn't your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't bother reading it. I do not condone any of these actions in real life. This is just a story. Enjoy.)


Abby had always wanted to write the next great article. When she was in school for journalism she dreamed of being the person to break a huge news story. She studied the Watergate scandal like crazy, and hoped to someday do what those reporters did. That was her dream and she thought that nothing would stand in her way.

But something did stand in her way, namely the economy. As she graduated from school, the job market went into the tank. Newspapers were dying off left and right, and Abby was finding it difficult to break in to the business. After months of phone calls and applications, Abby realized getting into newspapers was a no go. She then started to explore jobs at different magazines. This yielded more success for Abby. That was how she ended up in New York City, in the offices of "Style" magazine.

This amused Abby because, quite frankly, she didn't know a thing about fashion, nor did she really care. She thought the girls that cared about clothes were shallow airheads. But since she needed a job, she would take anything. The only two magazines she had heard back from were "Style" and some car magazine.

Abby waited patiently for the interview. She had arrived on time, but the woman who was interviewing her was running late. She was wearing a blue sweater and a knit-dress, trying to look nice for her interview. She was interviewing to be the junior personal assistant to the editor-in-chief of the magazine. And from what she had heard, it was a pretty prestigious position. Abby looked up as a young woman entered the room she was waiting in and set her stuff down on one of the two desks in the room. Abby knew this wasn't the woman she was interviewing with. She was too young. It took a few minutes before the woman realized that Abby was in the room.

"Who are you?" she asked with a British accent as she took her seat.

"I'm Abby Cline. I'm interviewing for the junior personal assistant position. I'm supposed to meet with Nina Baxter." Abby said.

"Not in that outfit, I hope." the woman said, smirking as she looked at Abby's outfit.

"What's wrong with it?" Abby asked, confused, as she looked down at herself. The woman didn't have time to answer as a flurry of activity entered the room. All Abby saw were two men talking to a woman as she walked into the main office Abby was waiting outside of. The woman appeared to throw her coat onto the desk of the girl Abby had been talking to. Abby looked over to the girl, and the girl gestured her heard towards the office, indicating that Abby should go in. Abby quickly gathered her things and cautiously walked into the office. The woman, Audrey, smiled as watched this lamb get led to her slaughter. She had no idea what she was getting into. The woman who was supposed to interview her was like no one she had met before. There was no chance a girl like her was ready to deal with Nina Baxter.

Nina Baxter was a cunt. And that was what her friends would call her. Not to imply that she had friends. The people that were close to her were close because they were useful to her in some way. But it was doubtful she cared about any of them. She had risen to power within this magazine what felt like ages ago, and she had run it like a tyrant. This should have driven every one of her workers away, but it didn't for one simple reason: she was good at her job. She had an eye for fashion that was second to none. Nina Baxter had dictated what was fashionable and what wasn't for almost twenty years. Fashion designers were clamoring to be featured in her magazine. She was a harsh woman, and was too tough for most to handle. She was dismissive to her underlings and was cold even to the people that had worked for her for years. It was a thankless job, but for most, it was a springboard into the world of fashion. Anybody who was anybody in the fashion business had at some point passed through the doors of "Style" magazine. Surviving working under Nina Baxter was a badge of honor.

Audrey had been working under Nina for about two years. It was a 24/7 job. She had to be ready to do whatever Nina asked, no matter what time it was. She had been hoping that Nina would hire someone else to help share the load. But looking at this girl, Abby, Audrey just knew Nina would eat her alive. She watched intently as Abby walked into the office.

Abby looked on as a rapid conversation took place between this woman who had just sat at her desk and the two men talking to her. They were talking quickly about fashion things that Abby didn't understand. Abby didn't realize how many girls would kill to be in the presence of a fashion icon like Nina Baxter. After about two minutes, the woman looked up and noticed Abby.

"Audrey." she said calmly but firmly. Abby watched as the girl she talked to earlier entered the room.

"Yes?" Audrey said.

"Who is this?" Nina asked.

"This is Abby Cline. She is interviewing for your Junior Personal Assistant position." Audrey said. With that, Nina stood up.

For the first time, Abby was able to take her in. For a woman who was clearly older, she still looked great. She was wearing a smart looking business suit, with a white blouse under it. The suit could not hide her great body. The first thing Abby noticed about Nina were her incredibly large breasts. Abby had to admit that those suckers were huge. They were much bigger than Abby's B-cups. Abby guessed they were on the larger end of an EE-cup, possibly bigger. Nina had a few buttons on her blouse opened, exposing a hint of cleavage. Her skin was pale, but a creamy pale as opposed to a sickly pale. Nina had a firm, fit body. For a woman in the fashion industry, she had to look her best at all times. As Nina turned, Abby noticed Nina's butt. It held up its end of the bargain, looking nice and round, with her pants molding around it. Abby had to admit she was a little jealous of this older woman's body. Abby looked at her face. Abby didn't know it, but Nina's true age was a closely guarded mystery. Nobody knew her true age, simply because it was not in her best interest to have everyone know. There were a few things though that illustrated her true age group. She had a shock of silvery gray hair, cut shortly but fashionably, looking extremely stylish. She had some crow's feet near her eyes. Abby noticed that she didn't have any laugh lines. Abby realized that this was a woman who did not smile much. Her facial features were sharp. She had penetrating eyes, which displayed her intelligence. Her lips were full and perpetually forming a pout. Her face shared her body's creamy pale coloring. But for her, pale worked.

Abby stood still as she let Nina take her in. Nina looked her up and down, before giving her a trace of a smile.

"What do you think, Piers?" Nina asked, with her breathy voice. An older man with a shaved head walked towards her. He looked her up and down as well.

"Well, this sweater is not flattering at all. That dress looks like it was knit by my grandmother. She clearly doesn't understand much about fashion." Piers said. Nina gave a small humph of agreement, before Piers, Nina, and the other man resumed their conversation, ignoring Abby. Abby stood there for a few moments, unsure of what to do. The others ignored her, and Abby rolled her eyes before turning and starting to walk away. She walked a few steps before stopping. She realized that she needed this job. She couldn't just walk away. She needed to fight for it. She turned and walked back towards the others.

"You know, just because I don't know everything about fashion doesn't mean I'm not qualified for this job. I am a hard worker. I'm dedicated. I'll work my butt off. I'll learn this stuff as I go. Just because I'm not wearing things that you would consider fashionable doesn't mean I don't deserve this job." Abby said. She was shocked at herself. She couldn't believe she did this. Nina, Piers and the other man were staring at her. Audrey was as well. She was shocked. Nobody ever talked about to Nina that way. Nina walked up to Abby and stared her down.

"Very well." Nina said softly. Everyone in the room was shocked by this. Did Nina just hire this girl? Audrey was stunned. How could this girl, who clearly knew nothing about style, get this job?

"Thank you." Abby said.

"You start tomorrow. Be here early." Nina replied.

"Thanks. You won't regret it." Abby said, smiling cutely as she turned and walked away.

Nina looked at this girl and had one thought: this girl would regret it. This girl would regret getting this job. This girl had a little fight to her. Nina liked that. It would make breaking her all the more enjoyable.

Nina loved to demolish these young girls. Nina loved breaking down these young, smug bitches who thought they knew better. It was her biggest hobby. To take these proud, independent women, and show them that they didn't compare to her. Nina loved to prove her superiority to other women.

Why did Nina love to break down these, young, proud women? Why did she enjoy ruining these young bitches lives? Why did she want to emotionally destroy these women? It was quite simple: Nina was an egomaniac. She loved to stroke her own ego by tearing these women apart until they feel as if they don't belong in the same world as her. Nina loved to make these bitches feel like Nina was in a world above theirs, a world in which they would never know.

This girl Abby thought she was so much better than them. She looked down at them for being in the fashion industry. Nina saw that this girl was happy and full of hope for her future. That would make this more fun. Nina would enjoy breaking her. Nina would enjoy breaking this girl down, showing her what a tough place the world really was. Nina would ride her hard until she couldn't handle it anymore. Abby would regret ever meeting her.


Abby's husband Nathan cracked open a bottle of wine in celebration. They were standing in the kitchen of their small apartment.

"Congrats, sweetie." Nathan said as he leaned down to kiss his wife. They had married right out of college. Nathan was a chef. He had a dream of running his own restaurant, so he went to school for business, while working in restaurants, further developing his natural talents at cooking. It was at school where he met Abby. It was puppy love for them. Nathan had admired Abby's drive and ambition for making the world a better place. The fact that she was extremely pretty didn't hurt matters. Abby admired Nathan's fit body, good looks, and his smooth demeanor. Nathan was extremely laid back, and his good looks and calm demeanor made him a winner with women. He was also one of those people who was good at whatever he did. He was naturally talented. Abby felt lucky to have found such a great guy, and to have this great guy like her was an amazing feeling.

Nathan had supported her during her job search, both emotionally and financially. He was supportive of every decision she made. He was a good husband.

"Thanks, honey." Abby said with a bright smile, taking a wineglass from him. He had been so excited when she broke the news to him. That made her love him more.

"So, what are you gonna be doing?" Nathan asked.

"I don't know. Just assist her, I guess. Not what I wanted to do, exactly, but it gets my foot in the door." Abby said.

"Exactly." Nathan said, "So what's the woman you're working for like?"

"Well..." Abby started, "To be honest, she seems like kind of a bitch."

"Really?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah. She's exactly what you think of when you think of think of those women in the fashion industry. She seems like a bitchy, shallow old lady." Abby said. "It'll be an adventure."

"Hey, we should meet up with Ralph and Cori. I'm sure they'll be pumped for this." Nathan suggested.

"Sure." Abby said.

Ralph and Cori were their two closest friends in New York. Since Nathan and Abby had moved to the city six months prior, Ralph and Cori were the two people they had become closest to. Ralph and Cori were not a couple, just close friends. Ralph was one of those guys that knew a little bit about everything in New York. He was the perfect guy to know for New York newcomers. Cori was an artist that had been trying to get things going in the city. She had had some moderate success, but not had her big break.

Abby called them to break the good news. They were both pumped to hear the good news, and agreed to meet with Abby and Nathan for a celebratory dinner.


"Cheers!" Cori said, their glasses meeting in the middle of the table. They had met up at a restaurant, one of the nicer ones in town. All four of them took a sip of their wine.

"So, where are you working?" Ralph asked. He only knew that she got a job at a magazine.

"I'm working at 'Style' magazine. I'm gonna be the personal assistant to Nina Baxter." Abby said. Ralph almost coughed up his drink.

"You're working for Nina Baxter?" Ralph asked.

"You've heard of her?" Abby asked, surprised.

"Of course I have. She's like one of the biggest fashion icons in the world." Ralph said. "I can't believe you're working for her. That's a pretty prestigious job. There are thousands of girls that would kill for that job."

"Really?" Abby asked.

"Yeah. She knows everybody in this town. I bet you're gonna make a ton of connections. I guarantee, if you get through this job, you'll get a great job immediately." Ralph said.

"If I get through this job?" Abby asked.

"Yeah. From what I've heard, Nina Baxter is a stone cold bitch. Like, a bitch beyond everything you've ever seen." Ralph said.

"That's kinda the impression I got." Abby said.

"Yeah, she will put you through the fire. If you're tough enough to survive her, you will be set for life." Ralph added.

"Cool it, Ralph. You're scaring her." Cori said, slapping Ralph's arm. Ralph was a big guy, not fat, just a tall, big guy. Cori was a small, cute young black woman, so her slap did no damage.

"So, when do you start?" Cori asked.

"Tomorrow." Abby said.

"Wow, that's fast." Cori said.

"I'll do what I have to do." Abby said.

"Well, honey, I wish you luck." Cori said.

"Thanks. I'll probably need it." Abby said. Nathan leaned over and kissed her cheek.


Abby showed up at work around seven, not sure what specific time she needed to be there. There were people at work already when she got there. She reached her desk, and sat down at it, not sure what to do. She caught glimpses of Audrey, hustling around before sitting at her desk. Abby couldn't help but notice that despite her bitchy nature, she was uncommonly beautiful. And she had a good body too. Abby noticed that her breasts appeared to be unusually large for a girl her size. They weren't as big as Nina's gigantic boobs, but they were larger than most. Abby couldn't help but think, that if she were a less confident woman, she would feel inadequate. But, as all girls knew, breast size wasn't a big deal to most guys. Abby just smiled nicely at Audrey as she watched her hustle around.

Audrey saw Abby smile at her, but Audrey just rolled her eyes, which confused Abby. She didn't have time to dwell on it. She heard the sound of high heels clicking on the floor, and as she turned to look to see if it was Nina approaching. As she looked, all she saw was a coat being thrown at her face and a bag being thrown onto her desk.

Abby was taken aback by this. She didn't know what to do till she saw Audrey gesture for her to hang the coat up. Abby stood and hung the coat up in a closet behind her. She put Nina's bag in there as well. As she looked back at Audrey, she saw her rush into the office. Abby followed behind her.

She walked in to find Nina giving instructions to Audrey tersely. Without looking up, Nina started talking at her.

"Pamela, dear, can you call up Versace and see if their ready for to meet with me." Nina said. Abby looked over shoulder to see who she was talking to. She realized she was talking to her.

"Um, my name is..." Abby started before being cut off.

"That's all." Nina said softly, dismissing her.

Audrey quickly walked out, and Abby had no choice but to follow. As they left the office, Abby called out to Audrey.

"What do I do?" Abby asked. Audrey just smiled mischievously. She gave Abby a number to call. Audrey studied Abby as she tried to call Versace, and fail miserably, being hung up on quickly. Audrey smiled, dialed the same number, and did in five seconds what Abby couldn't do in five minutes.

That was the story of Abby's life the first few weeks on the job. She felt as if she was a step behind at all times. She felt like she didn't have enough training. They just expected her to know what to do. Abby did pick up a few things, but she always got the impression that what she was doing was not quite good enough.

She did not know that things were going exactly as Nina had planned. Nina always started off quickly. Light physical attacks, by tossing her bag and coat at her. At first, she would toss them onto the desk. In the coming weeks, this would progress to Nina tossing her stuff directly at Abby. First, the tosses would be light. This would progress until Nina was tossing her bag roughly at Abby, with enough force to bruise her.

That was one of only a few attacks she had planned to break this girl down. She would not call her by her actual name. She would give her tasks that she had no idea how to do. She would give her impossible tasks. This light emotional berating would be a good start.

This light attack was generally enough to weed out the truly weak women. Nina went through assistants like a shark attacking wounded prey. Most of her assistants didn't stand a chance. Audrey was one of the few that had lasted. Nina thought that that was due to the fact that Audrey shared Nina's cold nature. But Audrey wasn't ambitious. She was just a bitch, so she wasn't as much fun to play with. The ones who put up a fight were the bright, idealistic girls. Nina thought that Abby had some spunk. She would be a worthy challenger.


Abby did not enjoy herself at all for the first few weeks. This office was full of uncommonly beautiful women. It felt like she was in high school again, the way they treated her. Abby saw the women roll their eyes at her, either about her choice of clothing or her struggles around her office. Audrey showed Abby very little respect, as did Audrey's friends.

The worst, by far, was Nina. She was even worse than advertised. It wasn't that she was outwardly mean. She was extremely well spoken and rarely raised her voice. But the way she dealt with Abby seemed evil. Her style of humiliating Abby was more psychological. She gave Abby tasks that she had no idea how to do. She would make snide comments about Abby's failures. Abby got the impression that Nina enjoyed the humiliation.

Abby would go retrieve a steak for Nina for lunch from her favorite restaurant, only for Nina to disapprove, it not being cooked to her liking. She would send Abby to various designers to retrieve items of clothing, but Nina would tell her she retrieved the wrong items. She tried to have Abby arrange a private flight from Miami when she was stuck down there during a hurricane, even when the airport was closed. It was an impossible job! The worst was the fact that Nina refused to learn her name. She repeatedly called her Pamela. That really pissed Abby off, but there was nothing she could do about it. Nina was the boss. Also, Nina throwing her coat and bag into her face everyday didn't help matters.
