The Devil's Pact Pt. 27


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"You only have poisoned gifts." She slammed down his dick. "Your foul power is nothing compared to the Creator's."

I was transfixed by the sight. Everyone in the room was. The other girls, huddled around the room, watched in astonishment as Kurt cried and blubbered. He thrashed beneath Sister Louise while she rode him. I licked my lips, my pussy so wet.

It was hot. A part of me wanted to be as strong. Not to Kurt--I was a groupie--but to another man, punishing him for being wicked. My fingers slid down my naked body and rubbed at my pussy. I brushed my clit piercing, a hot surge of pleasure washing through me.

"Your dick is so small, I can barely feel it in my pussy." She leaned over him as she rode him faster and faster, dangling her breasts in his face.

Kurt started looking around, looking for anything to help him. His eyes darted to mine. They were so wide, so childish. I fingered my clit harder, my thighs squeezing together. I let out a hot moan as I watched him.

"Mrs. Sullivan!" He never stopped calling me that. He loved it. I was his sexy, MILF groupie. "Save me! Attack her!"

My Kurt was in trouble. I was a good groupie. I had to save him.

I ripped my fingers from my pussy and leaped to my feet. I rushed at Sister Louise, hands outstretched to seize her and rip her off Kurt's cock. Then I could fuck him. I could ride him and enjoy myself.

Sister Louise didn't flinch as I barreled towards her. She dipped her hand down and slid her finger along her pussy lips and around his cock. Her fingertips glistened with her juices. She twisted her body and thrust our her wet finger as I bent down to grab her.

I seized her shoulders. Her pussy-stained finger drew on my forehead. She spoke a single word.

White light flared. I stumbled back, my thoughts banished from my mind. I tottered back and fell on my ass. I sat there, my eyes wide and watched the nun ride Kurt's cock. Nothing mattered at all.

"What are you doing?" Kurt demanded, staring at me.

Nothing mattered.

"Save me. Get her off of me."

Nothing mattered.

"Save me, you fucking cunt!" Kurt growled.

Sister Louise slapped him. His head snapped to the side. He let out a pain-filled whimper.

"The only cunt here is you," she hissed. "A little cunt with a little dick who thought he was a big man."

Sister Louise leaned back and bounced on him. She rolled her hips, undulating them, stirring his cock in her wet cunt. Her breasts bounced and her ass clenched. Then she shifted forward and ground her clit into his pubic bone. Her hands slid up, cupping her breasts and squeezing her nipples.

She loved humiliating Kurt.

Her moans grew louder and louder. "Oh, yes, your cock is so small but I'm enjoying it anyways. Ooh, you're so helpless. You're so pathetic. Oh, yes. What a little boy. And you've been so bad. But don't worry. You'll pay for your crimes. Oh, yes. Oh, fucking yes!"

She came and unleashed a low, throaty moan. Her breasts heaved beautifully as she bucked atop him. And she never stopped riding him as her orgasm burned through her body. She kept fucking him right through her orgasm.

"Lord, yes, thank you for this opportunity to serve and cleanse the world of evil," she moaned, raising her arms over her head.

Kurt tossed his head. He bit his pierced lip. His body trembled. He squirmed on the ground. His eyes squeezed shut. He bucked harder and harder, straining against the handcuffs. He thrashed beneath her with a desperate frenzy.

"You're getting closer," smiled Sister Louise. "I can tell. Your cock can't take much more of my hot, wet, juicy cunt. Can it? You want to erupt. You want to dump your cum inside of me. You want me to cleanse you."

"Please," he begged. "Please don't do this to me. Don't take it away. I was nothing without it."

"You were nothing with it, worm."

Kurt groaned. His body arched as he surrendered and came.

Sister Louise screamed, "Shalak!" and drew something on his forehead with her sticky finger. Kurt's forehead blazed with white light and...

I was myself.

I blinked as my mind went to work again. The iron fist in my mind unclenched, releasing my thoughts to their normal patterns. I shook my head, struggling to understand why I was sitting on the floor naked and...

...everything Kurt did to me, every act he made me enjoy, every depravity he made me commit, every person he made me hurt poured into my mind. It overwhelmed me. So much pain and suffering and degradation.

I collapsed on the floor sobbing. A ragged ache filled my heart. I screamed out my helpless rage as I trembled, hugging myself. I betrayed my sweet Sean. I could remember the hurt in his eyes as I allowed Kurt to fuck me. My poor husband thought I betrayed him. I sobbed and sobbed, screaming in guilt. How could I have done that to my husband? To the only man I ever really loved? I'd lost him forever. There was no undoing what I did, what Sean saw. I remembered signing the divorce papers Kurt placed in front of me followed by signing away my parental rights to my daughters. I remembered writing that disgusting letter Kurt dictated to me.

"Sean," I had been forced to write, the words seared into my mind, "You and the girls are just burdens to me. I want to have fun, to go out partying. To enjoy wild sex. I haven't been happy for a long time. But I'm happy with Kurt. I'm happy when his cock fucks me. I'm happy when he cums in my cunt or my ass. I love it when he shares me with his friends. Your cock just wasn't good enough for my horny cunt."

I had signed my name and left the letter and the divorce documents on the bed I shared with Sean while he and the girls were out of the house. I packed up a suitcase with the few slutty clothes I owned from before the girls were born, and never even looked back.

And then the tortures. The girls Kurt harmed or, worse, forced me to hurt. The men he beat to death. The blood. The screams. They echoed through my mind. I was dirtied. It was more than the sex acts he made me commit. The stain went so much deeper than that.

I was filthy.

I sobbed and sobbed and then my savior was hugging me. "Shh, it's alright. He can never hurt you again."

I clung to her crying my pain into her chest as she gently rocked me.

Chapter Five

After all her villainy, after all the crimes she had done, Sister Theodora Mariam had her chance for redemption, given to her by our loving Goddess.

--The Gospel of April 30:28

The Present - Mary Sullivan - Eatonville, WA

"Sister Louise explained it all to me," Mom said, finishing her story.

Hot tears poured down my cheeks.

As she finished her story, we reached a house out in the foothills of Mount Rainer. We were somewhere near the small town of Eatonville. Mom never stopped telling her story the entire ride. She didn't stop as we walked up to the house and sat on this musty, old couch. I spent all these years hating my mom and now I didn't know what to think, what to feel.

I remembered the betrayal I felt when Mark released me after only a day under his control. And Mark never mistreated me. Six months she endured that monster's brutal lusts.

Questions and guilt whirled in my head.

Do all our sluts feel this way? We never mistreated them. We loved them. We weren't the monster Kurt was. Was it right to keep them? Was I just as much a monster as Kurt? Could we even free them if we wanted to? We bound them with the Zimmah spell. Did we destroy their lives?

What did it matter? Mark was dying and I would follow him into death.

"Why didn't you come back to us?" I asked, pushing away the guilt. We were not monsters. We did not make our sluts suffer. "Dad's never stopped loving you, Mom. Why didn't you come back to us?"

She flinched as if she'd been slapped. "H-he never stopped loving me?" Pain flickered on her face. Tears fell down her cheeks "How could he still love me after... after all Kurt made me do? After he read the letter?"

"I don't know, Mom," I answered. "Shannon and I tried to convince him to forget about you and find someone else. We tried to set him up with teachers, our friends' single mothers, and we even signed him up for online dating. But he turned them all down. He even still wears his wedding ring."

Mom wiped at her tears. She looked so young. Eighteen. She looked younger than I was. "Kurt, he... he threw my wedding band away. 'Marriage is just trash,' he told me. 'My mom bailed on my dad and me. We were just garbage to her.' And..." A ragged sob shook her body. "I thanked him for freeing me from my marriage."

God, I wanted to hug her. If my hands weren't zip tied behind my back I would have. "You can still go to Dad," I urged her. "Free me and we'll go see Dad together, and then... I can be with Mark when he... when he passes."

A look of incredible longing crossed my mom's face. "I... I made vows." Her voice quivered. "I received Sister Frances Bernadette's Gift." She hugged herself. "Oh, God, please help me. I don't know what to do. I miss Sean so much. But you're a Warlock. A... a threat to the world."

"Let's go, Mom." I caught her blue eyes. I put all the love I could into my look. All the compassion. I couldn't hate my mother any longer. The anger was gone. The truth extinguished it. "Dad's waiting for you. I don't think he ever stopped waiting for you. And... and I want my mom back. I can explain to Dad what happened to you. He knows about... things. About what Mark and I can do. He'll understand."

Longing crossed her face. She closed her eyes and she trembled. She hugged herself, rocking back and forth. She loved Dad just as much as he loved her. I trembled. This was it. She was coming back to me.

"Mark's... a monster."

"He's not, Mom."

She shuddered. She took a deep breath.

And then her cell phone rang.

"Theodora," she answered. Her face hardened. My heart sank. I've lost her. My hopes of seeing Mark one last time faded. "Come inside," she said on the phone.

"Please, Mom," I begged as she picked up a roll of duct tape. She ripped off length of silvery tape. "Please, let's go see Dad. Please, Mom!"

She walked forward and shoved the tape over my lips. The tape was stiff and sticky and I could faintly taste glue on my lips. She rubbed the tape on my lips, making sure it sealed tight. I begged with my eyes. She was so close to going back.

To surrendering.

The SWAT officer walked in and Theodora pulled out his sidearm, checked to see if it was loaded, and then looked at me with steely resolve. "Let's put your claims to the test, Mary."

* * *

Mark Glassner - South Hill, WA

I whispered, "Alluwph."

The spell rippled out of me. From my chest, a pair of entwined, red threads, wrapped so tightly together they were practically fused into one, appeared. It lead off into distance. A black chain wrapped about both of the threads, shackling them together. I recognized those red threads. They connected my soul to Mary's soul and represented our love. The threads led off to the south, vanishing through the wall of the house.

Hope beat in my heart.

"I'm coming, Mare," I whispered. "Just hold on."

I gained my feet and raced out of the house into the chaos outside. Debra Horne-Dannell was interviewing one of the paramedics. The gathered cops, firemen, and paramedics stared at me with awe in their eyes. I ignored them.

"51," I barked, spotting the black woman, "gather the remaining bodyguards. We're going after Mary."

"Yes, sir!" 51 saluted. Pulled out her Nextel and shouted orders.

The ten bodyguards still fit for duty rushed to the house. Each looked fierce and beautiful. They would do anything to save my fiancee. We piled into three cop cars that were only slightly shot to shit. But they ran. I rode shotgun in the lead car, 51 driving.

"Head south," I told her as she reached Shaw Road.

I guided 51 as best I could. The entwined threads pointed straight to where Mary was, but the spell did not tell me which streets to take. We tore down Shaw Road, heading south. Eventually, we were forced to cut west when we hit Sunrise Drive. We drove until we reached Meridian, and then we turned south again. We passed through Graham, sirens blaring, cars pulling out of the way.

Soon we left Graham behind, heading out towards Eatonville. Meridian narrowed down to two lanes as it wound through the foothills. The thread pulled away from the road and we headed down several wrong side roads until we came to a single house in the middle of a field. A silver Jeep Cherokee parked in the driveway.

The thread pointing right towards the house.

"She's in there," I said.

"I want a perimeter," 51 said into her Nextel. "Move." She glanced at me. "Sir, please stay in the car while they secure the area."

I nodded.

Three of the bodyguards were armed with AR-15, the civilian version of the M16, while the others carried shotguns. All wore their bulletproof vests over their uniform. A stab of guilt shot through me. If I let them wear their vests would so many have died?

Would Chasity?

They fanned out and formed a circle. I pushed down the guilt and stared at the house. Mary was in there. I groaned. I was so close. I just wanted to run across the field and kick in the door and save my love.

I climbed out of the car, unable to wait.

"Sir," 51 shouted, hopping out of the car and rushing around to stop me. "Sir. You need to let us make it safe. We won't--"

The door to the house banged open and an unarmed SWAT officer walked out, his arms held high. He marched straight towards me. The bodyguards all trained their weapons on him but none opened fire. I could see the SWAT officers aura, the black of a Thrall, but surrounded by a band of gold, a corona of light around darkness.

A nun controlled him.

"Mark Glassner I have a message for you," he shouted. "You, and only you, are to enter the house unarmed. If you enter armed or if anyone else enters, Sister Theodora shall kill your woman. You have five minutes or Mary dies." And then he turned and walked back to the house.

I went to follow, but 51 grabbed my arm. "Master, don't. Never give a hostage taker another hostage."

She was quoting her training at me, but I didn't care. I couldn't risk Mary's life. If this Theodora wanted to talk. Fine. She had a lot to answer for. "Let go."

51 obeyed. She had no choice. "Sir."

"Stay here."

I strode out across the field almost catching up with the SWAT officer before I reached the house. I followed him in. The house looked abandoned and had a musty smell to it. He led me to a small living room.

Mary sat gagged, her arms bound behind her back. Tears ran down her eyes and she struggled against her restraints. A sandy-blonde woman--young like all the nuns and with piercing blue eyes--stood next to Mary. The bitch had a 9mm handgun pointed at my fiancee's head.

Fear roiled inside me. I would need to be careful. I didn't want to provoke this woman, not with Mary's life at stake.

"I am Mark Glassner," I said, holding my hands out to the side. "Let's talk, Sister Theodora. There's no need for any more violence."

"I've been speaking with Mary, and she seems to think there's some good in you," Sister Theodora answered. Her blue eyes were skeptical of the claim.

I blinked, noticing her eyes were also red and puffy. Tear tracks stained her cheeks. I furrowed my brow. Why had she been crying? I studied her face. There was something familiar about it. If she had red hair, the nun and Mary could have been sisters. Their faces had a similar, heart shape about them and I spotted hints of Shannon's brow and Missy's ears.

That did not matter right now. I had to concentrate on saving Mary.

"We can come to an arrangement, Sister Theodora. No one else needs to get hurt." Especially not my Mary.

"Mary claims that you would give up your powers for her." She cocked the hammer on the gun. The mechanical click made my skin crawl. "Well, let's put that to the test. You can walk out of here, Mark Glassner, and keep your powers. If you do, I kill Mary. Or you can let me exorcise you and then the both of you can walk out of here." A smile played on her lips. "Let's see if you can really give up all that power for love."

I looked into Mary's green eyes. I saw the trust in her eyes, the love. Could I give up all my power for Mary? Memories of Mary floated through my mind, all the fun we've had. All the times I watched her sleep. The times I've gazed deeply into her green eyes. The feel of her as I held her in my arms.

Could I give up all my powers for that?

Could I give up the thrill of making someone do what I wanted them to do? The pleasure of a woman submitting to my lusts. Was Mary worth giving all that up?

Yes, she was.

"Exorcise me," I said calmly.

The SWAT officer grabbed my arm and ratcheted a metal handcuff about my wrist, then he pivoted and slammed me into the hardwood floor. I coughed, the wind was knocked out of me. Stunned and struggling to breath, the SWAT officer easily dragged me over to a metal radiator, slid the handcuff around a thick pipe, and snapped the empty cuff about my other wrist.

I didn't resist or pull at it.

Sister Theodora stared at me, her eyes wide, her face paling with shock. She shook her head as she handed her gun to the SWAT officer. He holstered his weapon as the nun advanced on me.

"I can't believe you would do this," she said, glancing back at Mary. She bit her lip, and for a moment, she looked liked a blonde version of my fiancee. "You must really love her."

"More than anything," I answered. I took a deep breath. "Let's get this over with."

"Of course," she answered and began pulling off her gray smock. I blinked, why was she wearing a maid's outfit? It was the type of garment you'd see a maid wear at any hotel. Underneath, she was naked and quite lovely, full breasts with fat nipples, a trimmed, blonde bush between sleek thighs. My cock stirred. I didn't fight the lust.

There was no point in fighting. Sister Theodora had won.

She walked over to me and I looked away, finding Mary's eyes. I focused on her beautiful, emerald depths as the nun's hands fumbling with my pants. The fastener snapped, the zipper rasped, then they were pulled down my legs. A moment later, my boxers followed. A warm, soft hand stroked my cock until I was fully erect, then I was engulfed in a warm, wet pussy.

"Yes," Sister Theodora moaned softly.

I didn't fight my own groan as she rode my cock, rolling her hips. She was skilled. All these supposedly holy nuns were so good at fucking. Karen knew how to work a dick like a pro. And Sister Theodora was Karen's equal.

She rose up and down on me, faster and faster. She felt so amazing. My dick ached in her depths. She was so hot and silky. Fears bubbled through me. A part of me wanted to shout out, "Stop, I changed my mind."

I wouldn't. Not that it would matter. I made my choice to save Mary.

I would go to jail. I would try to protect Mary as much as I could from the consequences of my actions, but there was no way I wasn't going away to prison for the rest of my life. But Mary would get to live, and that was worth it.

Hell, maybe they would give me conjugal visits. The last three weeks of my life with Mary had been the best. I would never want to give them up. Even if it ended with life in prison, I would have no regrets.

My balls tightened. Theodora's gasps were growing louder and louder, her pussy hot and wet. She enjoyed my cock. Well, she might as well enjoy her work. I was getting so close, just a few more strokes and it would be over. I kept staring into Mary's green eyes. I saw the love in them.

She was worth it.

I groaned as my balls tightened and the pleasure surged through my body. My cum shot out of my dick and into Sister Theodora's tight, hot cunt. The nun's back arched and she came with me, her pussy spasming on my dick. Her breasts heaved beneath her. She threw back her head and shouted a single word.