The Devil's Pact Pt. 30


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Of course. Why should anyone be ashamed at sharing their body? It was the outdated morality of the major religions who had filled us with such antiquated ideals as shame, modesty, sin. Our bodies were all beautiful in their own way.

"My Gods," breathed one of the twins.

The Living Gods paused at the twins. He said, "You raised the tent already. Impressive, Daisy, Rose."

"Thank you," both girls gushed, ecstasy in their voices.

"Thank you for blessing us with your presence and helping us sanctify the worship area," purred Rose.

"And for performing the marriage ceremonies tomorrow," added Daisy, the twins working well together, both instinctively knowing how to talk without interrupting each other.

"Oh, it's our honor," the God said, "to help you embrace love."

"Yes," the Goddess agreed, Her voice beautiful but tight, almost reserved.

"And is that Suzette?" the God asked. "She's the one who had your hair and led me to the locker room for such a delightful orgy."

"Horny stallion," laughed the Goddess, staring at my slave. "I can see why." Her green eyes flitted to me. "You are a lucky, young man to have such a nubile slave."

"Thank you, my Goddess," I groaned.

Her smile grew... brittle for a moment. "Yes, yes. Well, I want you two to love each other forever. For you to be an amazing Master and for her to be your devoted slave."

"Yes, my Goddess," I breathed with my slave, the both of us trembling. The power of Her words wrapped about my soul.

"Brian and Suzette wish to be missionaries," Daisy said, rising with her twin and walking with the Gods to the pavilion "To spread your Divine message."

"Good," He answered. "What do you think, Mare?"

"There's no stopping this from spreading," She answered. "They can go."

"They approve, Master," squealed Suzette. She threw her arms around my naked body. My heart throbbed. I loved her so much.

"Slave, we're getting married tomorrow, blessed by our Gods, before we leave."

"Yes, Master." Ecstasy shone in her green eyes.

"Now let's enjoy the worship orgy and bless the tent."

* * *

Noel Heinrich - Washington, DC

It was wonderful to be away from Mark Glassner and his abominable harem. My plane left SeaTac early and after a layover in Dallas, I had arrived back in the Capital. My brainwashed supervisors back in Tacoma--all under Mark's powers--thought I was on a secret mission for the asshole. They would give me anything I wanted.

I wanted revenge. Mark Glassner killed the woman I loved. Mark and Mary put Chasity into harm's way and she died, killed in the nun's attack. She was a slave. She had no choice but to protect them. Even worse, Mark Glassner's power swelled. He had a church now. Several hundred deluded people who thought that immature asshole was a god.

And his power would only spread. He would get into politics. How long until he was on the campaign trail, using his mind control to force people to vote for him? In three years, when the next presidential election would be held, I bet Mark Glassner would be on the ticket.

If he hadn't just ordered the country to let him be president by then.

America was about to fall under a tyrant's rule. And I would stop him. I checked into my hotel room, paid for on the FBI's dime, and grabbed my phone.

I called my mentor, Wyatt Kirby. The phone rang three times before he picked up. "Well, well, well, Noel Heinrich, I hadn't heard from you in a while. Been too busy up in Seattle." Amusement rang in his voice. "Too busy to call an old man and say hi."

"I've been neck-deep in the Mark Glassner situation, sir."

The amusement fled. "I heard you were... involved with him."

"By involved, you mean under his mental domination and forced to be his whore." I let out a bitter laugh. "Yes, that is what happened."

"Sounds serious."

"You have no idea." I hesitated. "I need your help. And your resources."

"Resources?" I could hear the caution in his voice "Why do you need my resources?"

"Not on the phone, sir. We need to meet in person." I hesitated "And whatever you do, sir, do not watch any live broadcast of Mark Glassner or Mary Sullivan."

"It can't be that serious," he laughed. "I thought it was a gas or something."

"You have no idea, sir. How soon can we meet?"

"Well, I'm not in the country. I'll be back Monday morning. Come on by to my house in Philadelphia. We'll talk like old times."

"Good, sir," I said, letting out a sigh. "I need help on this one. He's dangerous, and the FBI is compromised."

"That is hard to believe." He let out a sigh. He was once an FBI Agent, my trainer at Quantico when I first joined up. He retired not long after I made agent, founding a security consulting business which had made him a wealthy man the last few years.

"Sir, I know you're a patriot," I told him. "Believe me. What is coming will be dark and terrible, and we need to be ready to stop Mark Glassner."

Chapter Four

And Mary Lou, blooming with radiance, walked down the aisle with her father, the bride trembling in awakened passion. And there awaited her God. With His hard shaft, He blessed the bride as she quivered and gasped with sweet release upon the altar.

--First Book of Vivian 16:55

Saturday, June 29th - Mark Glassner

"It is time, Master," Jessica said, sweeping into our bedroom. "The Living Church is waiting for you to perform the weddings. All thirteen of them."

"Thirteen couples?" Mary asked, arching an eyebrow.

"And I have a great idea for how to do the ceremony," I nodded. "Something just wicked."

Mary bit her lip.

"Are you still uncomfortable about this after yesterday?" I stroked her face. "Mary, we didn't give them any commands to worship us. The orgy was all them. They wanted to make love to us. They wanted to be fucked by their gods and blessed. How can you say no to that?"

"I can't," Mary said, a shudder running through her body. "That's what makes me so uncomfortable. I'm dripping wet, Mark, because they're out there, waiting. I can hear them." She glanced at our bedroom's balcony. From there, you could see the pavilion in the field behind our house, Mount Rainier looming behind it. "And it's spreading. People really think we're gods."

"Why not?" I shrugged. I took her hand, helping her stand. She was naked and lovely. "We have powers, Mary. We're better than them. And we're making their lives better. We're giving them happiness. We won't let them be hurt or corrupted. We're their champions. And it'll spread. Isn't that why you wanted me to get into politics?"

"Well..." Mary bit her lip.

"How is this different? Whether I'm ordering them to elect me or worship me, the result are the same. We make the world better. Me and you." I cupped her face, staring into her green eyes. "I love you, Mare."

"Damn," she sighed, shuddering. "You know what to say, don't you? To make me want this. To crave it. You've corrupted me, Mark Glassner."

"And you loved every moment of it."

I kissed her hard, savoring the taste of her lips, the feel of her body. My hard dick throbbed against her belly. If our congregation wasn't waiting for us, I would have taken her hard right here on the bed, loving my naughty filly. My queen. My goddess.

Mary shuddered when we broke the kiss. "I did love it. Every step." She smiled. "Fine, let's go marry our worshipers. We did fill out that online form for a reason."

"Ordained ministers for our own religion," I laughed.

Arm in arm, we walked through hour house and out into the backyard. A full honor guard awaited led by 51, the bodyguards all so beautiful in their skimpy cop uniforms. Our sluts formed around us, with Sam at the lead. She didn't look happy, but she wanted to be our Holy Vizier, so Mary told her to appear with us, to let people understood that she was one of our advisors.

"How goes the protection project?" I asked Sam as we walked towards the pavilion. My bodyguards were wounded and killed, along with Chasity, when the nuns attacked because I wanted them to dress like sluts.

And they couldn't do that wearing body armor.

"I may have an idea," she answered. "I am almost done translating the book. Once I finish, I can get to work on it."

"Good," Mary said, her voice heated. She had to watch Chasity die. I was already shot and dying. "And your project, Jessica?"

"Oh, that is coming along quite well. Looking at options for the alternative site, I think it's the perfect task for the captured SWAT Officers, and maybe a few of the women from the naked jogging club to administer." Jessica paused. "Like Cassie and her mother Belinda. They would all have to be bound, of course."

We had our last meeting of the naked Jogging Club yesterday morning, a final orgy before we had to part. It was too dangerous for me to jog exposed around the neighborhood. And I wanted Anastasia, Issy, and Madeleine to move out of the neighborhood. They were vulnerable to attack. Cassie and her mother were both devastated. And the idea they they would be bound, my servants, appealed to me.

"If they are willing," I said, then my voice grew harsh. "But you want to use the SWAT officers that attacked us?"

"They were victims of the nun's, too, Master." Jessica swallowed. "And, well, they have the skills required. And, frankly, we should never need them. But..."

"No point in sending off our sexy bodyguards to rot in the middle of nowhere," laughed Mary. "It's a good idea, Mark."

I glanced at Mary. She made sense. "Okay. They also have to be willing. I'll repair any damage being entangled with us caused to their families, too," I added with a sigh. Those SWAT officers all were in trouble after footage of the post-raid orgy was leaked to the media by Brandon Fitzsimmons. "I'm sure a few were married."

"I'm sure they would appreciate that," Jessica beamed. "We're going to need more capital though. The Church hasn't started collecting tithes and..." She sighed. "Our finances are a bit of a mess. It's almost more than I can handle. But we need more money."

"Need me to rob a few more banks?" I laughed.

"What about the fundraiser last night?" Mary asked. After the orgy last night, we had our first fundraiser for Mary's charity run by Dr. Willow. "I know Mark ordered the rich donors attending to be very generous."

"That's what I mean about our finances being a mess," bemoaned Jessica. "We were promised a lot of money, but it has to get moved around, and there's all these banking regulations. I'm not sure I have the skills for this."

"We'll talk about it later," I said as we reached the pavilion

Sam glanced at me. "Do I really have to announce you, Mark?"

"Quiet," Mary whispered. "You can't call us by our names where people can hear us. If we're doing this whole religion thing, we need to do it right. You wanted to be our Vizier. So be it."

Sam's olive face clenched then she inclined her head. She was free of our powers save the limitation she couldn't reveal the secrets she knew about us and learned in the book. The bodyguards and her swept into the pavilion. The church grew quiet.

My cheeks blushed in embarrassment as she announced in a ringing voice, "Bow before the majesty of the Living Gods, sent to this world to enlighten mankind with love."

"Maybe it is too much," I groaned.

"Didn't you like it, Master?" April asked, her voice quivering. "I thought it was perfect."

"It was," Mary said. "You did good work writing it, slut." She turned to me. "Shall we make our entrance?"

We passed through the antechamber of the pavilion and into the worship hall. It was lit by Christmas lights strung across the ceiling, rising to a point beneath the central pole. Other, shorter support poles formed a pattern through the pavilion. Pillows and blankets and bean bags scattered across the floor occupied by the lounging worshipers. They were all in various states of undress. A hush fell over them as they stared at us, stopping any fucking, men and women staring at us with worship. Those by the aisle reached out with hesitant hands, touching us, gasping in pure delight.

"We are your gods," I said, my voice booming with my command. "You worship us, love us, and will do anything for us."

"Yes, my God," they all breathed, their auras all the deep black of Thralls under my control. Mary gave me a sharp look and shook her head. My brow furrowed. I didn't think I went too far. They were here willingly. Now they would always be fervent worshipers, their faith never failing, never lacking.

Daisy and Rose trembled naked at the altar, the eighteen-year-old twins looking so fetching, their small breasts quivering. They fell to their knees as we reached the altar. It was a plain rectangle made of wood, polished to a waxy sheen. I could smell the tang of the polish.

Mary and I turned to face our worshipers. It was so hard to believe this had happened. When I made my pact, I never imagined I would be standing here before a crowd of people devoted to my pleasure. That all these people would want to worship and love me. It was intoxicating.

"We are here to unite lovers in the bonds of marriage," Mary said. "While we command you to love all your fellow humans, to share pleasure when and where you wish, we remind you that there is a special, intimate bond between a couple. Whenever two or more people choose to enter into a permanent relationship is sacred. Something that should be embraced. As my consort and I shall be united in holy matrimony, it is only right that you copy us. It does not matter what society says is right. Whether you are related by blood, of the same gender, or even if you wish to marry more than one person, we do not judge.

"We embrace. And we are here to embrace you."

"So step forward," I said.

"Earl and Marylou are the first to be married," Daisy announced as she stood to the side of us. "Father and daughter. They had to hide their relationship from the world after Earl's wife died two years back. At the tender age of eighteen, she comforted her father in his grief, and he comforted her. Is there anything wrong with such beauty? With such love?"

"No!" the worshipers answered.

I spotted so many familiar faces--Vivian and Cynthia, holding each other, Cynthia looking as wild as ever; Beth Phillips leaning against Aurora from the lingerie shop; Jessie and Kevin from the Buy Best, along with the sweet Muslim girl and the sexy Buy Best slut she made love to while I came on them; Erin with her husband Bill; Ashley looking sexy with her big tits on display, one arm around a man, the other around a mousy woman.

And they all smiled as the bride and groom entered. Earl was completely naked, his body fit for a man in his forties. But his daughter took my breath away. Pleasure throbbed to the tip of my dick as I stared at the beautiful Marylou walking at his side. She had long, black hair that fell down to her waist and contrasted lovely with her simple white dress. Her round cherub face was covered by a veil and her long legs were covered by white fishnet stockings. A white thong hugged her hips and covered her pussy.

I was glad I came up with my naughty idea.

"She is a peach," Mary whispered into my ear, her hand sliding down to my hard cock, stroking it. "I know what your naughty idea is. You're going to fuck her."

"Give her the option to be fucked," I told her, "by someone other than her groom."

"And you hope it'll be you."

I winked at her. Mary kissed my cheek. "Horny stallion."

The couple reached the altar, both trembling with pride. I walked around them, Marylou's eyes so wide as I cupped her cheek through her veil. She licked her lips, her eyes shining in awe as she stared up at me.

"Thank you for this, my... er... God," Earl said. "Me and Marylou are so glad you understand what we have."

"I do." I turned to the audience. "They are about to embark on their sacred union, but they must be blessed. Every woman married in the Living Church must choose a man or woman, other than her spouse-to-be, to bless her pussy by fucking her bent over the altar. The bride can choose any man, woman, or god to fuck her and bless her before the church."

"How perfect," Rose gasped, shuddering.

"Well, Marylou, who do you choose?"

"I've only been with one man, my God," she said, trembling. "But... I would be honored if you were the second. If you would bless me."

"So honored, sir," her father-fiance said.

"Then bend that pretty ass over the altar... my child." I hoped it didn't sound so awkward. This was... all so new. Hot but new.

She bent over the altar, her thong disappearing between her butt-cheeks. That simple garment was in the way. I snagged it and ripped it off her body. She gasped as I held it up before the church. "A woman must always be ready to have sex. Panties should only be worn to titillate and arouse. If you go clothed, wear skirts with no panties so you may always be ready to love another."

The women all moaned, "Yes, my God," as I buried my dick into Marylou's tight cunt.

"Daddy," she moaned, squeezing her father-fiance's hand as her silky pussy gripped my dick. "Our God is in me!"

I groaned, savoring the heaven of her tight pussy. She was gorgeous, nineteen, her round ass jiggling as I plowed into her hot sheath. The friction sent pleasure shooting down my shaft to my balls, boiling them as they smacked over and over into her pussy. Meaty, heavy thwacks.

Behind me, I heard the worshipers gasp and sigh, rubbing each other, pleasuring each other, but all watching as I took the bride hard, using her while her father-fiance watched. While he accepted it. I was using his woman, his daughter, his bride and he smiled at me.

He was happy that his God fucked his daughter-bride. Damn, this was hot.

"Oh, Daddy, his cock," she moaned, humping her hips back into me. "His cock is in me so deep. The God's cock, Daddy. It's so wonderful"

"You have a tight, juicy cunt, slut," I growled. "Enjoy this. Love my dick. Savor the pleasure it gives you."

"So much pleasure, my God," she gasped, her pussy clenching on my dick as my commands sank into her body. Ecstasy burst across her face. "Oh, yes, yes. Your cock is Divine. It is amazing. I... I..."

Her pussy spasmed on my dick as her words broke off into shouts of pure rapture. Her back arched, her tight cunt convulsing. I savored the wonderful bliss massaging up and down my dick as I plowed harder and harder into her.

It was so hot. So magnificent to feel her hot silk writhing about my dick. I grunted, gripping her hips as I slammed into her. She was so wet. Her juices gushed out, splashing into my pubic hair, soaking my balls as they thwacked over and over into her.

"I keep cumming, Daddy," she gasped. "A God's cock, Daddy! It's so wonderful. I can't even..."

"The Blessing of the Living God," breathed Rose. "Listen to her experience rapture. This is how you worship them, ladies. With your bodies. All your holes belong to the Living Gods. Love them with every ounce of your body."

"Love them," the woman moaned behind us, voices throaty.

Mary squirmed her hips, her pussy on fire. Then bushy-haired April fell to her knees and buried her face into her Mistress's cunt. She licked hard. Mary shuddered, her perky breasts jiggling as she undulated her hips, getting her satisfaction, too."

"Bless my daughter," Earl groaned. "Cum in her, my God. Then when I fuck her as my bride, I'll be blessed, too."

"My holy, sloppy seconds," I grunted, trying not to laugh. The man was sincere. His worship rippled over me. I couldn't make a mockery of this. They were all too sincere. It would hurt them. This was sacred to them. Special. It had to be special to me, too. "Yes, yes, you will be blessed, too. You will love your daughter and she will love you forever. You will always be man and wife."
