The Dragon and the Thief


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Surely there had been ways of filching the Infernal Eye that didn't involve being fucked by the dragon or sucking him off? And surely his thief's mind, always quick at excuses, lies and stratagems, should have found them? Or had he, subconsciously, decided that this was the only way because deep inside he wanted this so badly?

He shrugged the question out of his mind, took a deep breath, and took the dragon's member decisively into his mouth. Fulcox rumbled appreciatively, his great red-scaled belly quivering.

Dellerton set to work, moving his head back and forwards to work the bulky shaft. Fulcox's drakehood was too lengthy for even his long draconic mouth to take fully but he did the best he could, letting the head slide all the way to the very back of his mouth on each instroke, being careful to keep his sharp teeth away from the sensitive organ. The taste of him was overpoweringly salty but not at all unpleasant, and neither was the feeling of that warm, girthsome rod of flesh in his mouth, slick now with saliva and pre-cum, throbbing pleasantly in response to the pleasures inflicted upon it.

Dellerton may not have had experience, but he had a thief's natural aptitude for intricate manipulation, and the quick learning of a magician. He began very simply, moving his head back and forth and letting the cock slide between his tongue and the roof of his mouth, but he soon discovered that a dragon's tongue was far more flexible a tool than its human equivalent. He could lick the underside of Fulcox's cock at the same time as he worked him; he could tickle its forked tip against the tip and lap at the salty pre-cum; or he could even wrap his tongue almost all the way around the rim of the head and slither himself against that sensitive line. He learned from the moans, gasps and rumbles of the the larger dragon that he was doing good work.

And he was stimulating himself, too. He'd quickly forgotten his reserve, and his own cock stood stiffer than ever. When he felt the warm whip of a draconic tongue against the shaft of his cock he knew that Fulcox had decided to be a passive receiver of pleasure no longer.

The brown-and-red dragon placed a paw upon his sheath and began to firmly massage it in circles, just as he had when he was tempting out Dellerton's cock, and it felt just as good now as it had then. But this time his tongue was also involved, running up and down the length of his exposed cock in long, luscious strokes, all the way from the base to the ultra-sensitive head. He could feel the hot whisper of the dragon's breath against the head too, between every stroke.

Dellerton, inspired by how good the massage of his cock felt, reached a paw forwards to do the same to Fulcox. He cradled the significant scaly bulge between his talons and began to stroke it and squeeze it in rhythm with the working of his mouth. Fulcox moaned in pleasure. And Dellerton's pleasure too was rapidly intensifying. The other dragon's tongue moved patiently over his cock over and over again, each time a little more exquisite than the time before. From only a brief exposure to Fulcox's craftsmanly attentions, he was rapidly approaching an orgasm.

"Mm nngmm nn mmlmmm..." he tried to warn him, but was thwarted by the cock filling his mouth. "Mm mmm..." he mumbled as he felt the orgasm shiver through him, taking hold of him from the point of his tail to the tips of his wings. "Mmm... MMMmmmmmm... MMMMMMMMMM! MMM... Mmm... mmmm... mm... mm..." He felt the pleasure pouring out of him in hot liquid bursts, again and again and again, longer and stronger than any human orgasm he had experienced, before finally fading to a warm, fuzzy glow in his head and loins.

"You liked that, my love?"

"Mm-hmm." He tried to nod but his mouth was still full of cock.

"And you are doing an excellent job on your end. If you wouldn't mind resuming...?"

Dellerton realised that he'd ceased pleasuring Fulcox's cock when the orgasm came upon him, and picked up where he left off. The other dragon caressed hip hips fondly while he worked, his tail curling round to brush against the scales of his neck.

"Just a little longer, my love... nearly there... keep it up, don't change a thing... that's it... that's it... ah... ah... ah... Aaaah!"

Fulcox's cock twitched once, and Dellerton's mouth was flooded with hot, salty cum, wave after wave of it spilling generously from the tip. Fulcox sighed with release, and Dellerton swallowed repeatedly and desperately to keep on top of the torrent of cum, but it kept on coming and he felt it spill out and drip down his scaled jaw and onto his throat. At last the flood ebbed to a trickle, and after a last few more half-hearted injections of cum, there was an end. Dellerton slipped the cum-slick shaft out of his mouth, swallowed one final time, and rose unsteadily to his feet.

"Marvellous, Verititas, simply marvellous," the other dragon boomed. "I didn't think it possible, but you've actually got even better at that since last time."

"Well, you're my muse, my dear," Dellerton managed in a shaky voice.

He looked at Fulcox, and found himself laughing. The dragon's snout was splashed all over with cum, from where his orgasm had caught him mid-lick. He leaned in to lick his own mess off of Fulcox's face, and Fulcox performed the same kindness in return.

"There," Fulcox said, "much better. Now, my love, will you curl up beside me to sleep the night away?"

Dellerton was tempted. He'd enjoyed himself enormously in the end, after his reservations had been washed away, and he found himself genuinely fond of the big brown-and-red drake. But with a thief's eye still firmly on the jewel now safely around his own neck, he knew it was time to depart. Besides, it would be dangerous to linger much longer in this form. He could already feel the human parts of his memory becoming blurred and intangible; his mind was becoming draconic to match his body.

"I'm afraid, my dear, that I must fly home. But I look forward to our next encounter most eagerly."

"Home?" Fulcox blinked in confusion. "But you are home."

"I mean, my own home. My own lair."

"But you took the Infernal Eye. You know what that means."

"I do? I mean, of course I do. But I'd like to hear you say what it means anyway."

Fulcox grinned a sharp toothy dragon's grin. "You know full well, I've told you several times! That the dragon I give the Infernal Eye to will be my mate from that moment forwards, to live with me, to love me, and never to leave my side again. So this is your home now, right here."

Dellerton swallowed. The real Verititas was really going to have a surprise waiting when they got back into their right bodies.

"Of course. And I can think of no better life, my dearest Fulcox, than to spend it by your side. But I think I might go out for a fly before curling up there, if you don't object. To stretch my wings."

"Of course I don't object. It sounds like a lovely idea. In fact, I'll come with you."

"But..." Dellerton searched his mind for a good excuse, but came up empty. "...Alright, my dear. That sounds lovely."

* * *

The wind soared under Dellerton's outstretched wings; the mist-shrouded trees whipped by impossibly far below. Flying felt magnificent. Nothing in his human life had ever rivalled the sheer giddy thrill of it, the sheer open freedom of the air. It would be hard going back to his land-bound human body, now he had tasted the ecstasy of flight.

He banked his wings and wheeled to the left, watching the landscape spin beneath him. Fulcox shot past barely a wingspan behind him, and then circled round to fly alongside.

"Verititas, I've never seen you so joyful!" his voice boomed through the air. "You're like a dragonet that's just learned its wings!"

"In truth, my dear, this old dragon's wings are starting to tire."

"Then let's head back home."

"Race you?"

"Ha! You're on!"

Fulcox shot off towards his lair, and Dellerton hesitated. The Infernal Eye was still around his neck. He wouldn't have a better opportunity. With a wistful look at the retreating figure of Fulcox he folded his wings, dropped down into an enveloping bank of cloud, and flew in exactly the opposite direction.

He stayed low, keeping within the layer of mist and fog that lingered near the ground, until he chanced across a narrow wooded valley. He dropped down into it, flying tight turns to follow its meanders, until he was sure that he must have thrown off any pursuit. Finally, he landed in a secluded clearing between tall trees that he hoped would hide him from aerial eyes, his claws digging furrows into the earth as he inexpertly touched down.

He sat panting for a few minutes. All was silent. He had the Infernal Eye, he'd thrown off Fulcox, all he needed to do now was reverse the spell and make his way back to civilisation to enjoy his riches. So why did it feel like such a hollow victory?

"Found you!" called Fulcox's voice from above, and the brown-and-red dragon dropped down on top of him, bowling him over playfully. "That was a fun game you had me play, you tricksy little thing," he said, pawing at him fondly.

"Um... right. Your turn to hide now?"

"Oh Verititas, I must be getting old, I simply can't keep up with your energy. Enough games for tonight. Let's sleep. Out here, under the stars."

"Well... alright. That sounds nice." Perhaps he could slip away when the dragon slept?

Fulcox lay down on his flank and Dellerton eased himself in beside him, the little spoon to his big.

"Are you comfortable, my love?"

"Very." He was. The ground was soft and mossy, and Fulcox's belly was warm against his back and wings, the tickle of his breath comforting against the back of his neck. The larger dragon moved a forepaw to rest on his lover's flank, stroking him in a slow, intimate motion. Long, luxurious minutes passed, and neither dragon fell asleep. Instead, Dellerton felt his own arousal building again relentlessly; and when he felt Fulcox's cock slide slowly out to press insistently against his back, he knew he wasn't alone in that.

"You know, I suddenly don't feel the least bit sleepy," Fulcox purred in his ear.

"That's good. Neither do I."

"Shall we...?"

"Yes." Dellerton twisted round to lie belly-to-belly against his new mate, their legs interwoven and their cocks pressed one against the other. He licked Fulcox's neck tenderly.

"Fulcox, that thing we were talking about before, that we didn't do..."

"Fucking you?"


"Verititas, my love, my sweet little thing, I hope you know that we don't have to do that if you don't want to. Because I got the idea earlier that you didn't want to. Not really."

"I didn't. I wasn't ready." Dellerton licked the other dragon's snout; Fulcox's tongue slipped out and the two tongues entwined briefly. "But I'm ready now."

"You... really? Now?"

"Really. Now." Dellerton spoke the truth. The part of him that recoiled at the idea had been entirely won over by the part that wanted it.

"And you're not just saying that for my sake?"

"No, I... I want you, Fulcox. Inside me. Deep inside me."

"Well then." Fulcox licked him tenderly again. "It seems we're both of one mind. Let's get to it, my love."

After a little more licking, rubbing and fondling, Dellerton took the proper position - forelegs bent, hind legs straight - and raised his tail invitingly. A cool night breeze whispered across his exposed pucker, soon replaced by the hot breath of Fulcox as he bent close to examine his treasure. The big dragon pressed his nostrils close and inhaled deeply. Apparently satisfied with the scent, he flashed out his tongue to taste, the forked tip tingling tenderly over the sensitive spot before the whole tongue delved boldly inside, flickering in and out and eliciting a decidedly undraconic squeak of pleasure from the recipient.

"You like that, my love?"

"Again... please..."

Fulcox obliged, and Dellerton squeaked once more. How could it feel so good? "More!" he squeaked indistinctly.

"I'll give you more," crooned Fulcox, and moved forwards, leaping on top of his lover, resting his forepaws on his shoulders just in front of the wings, and bringing his hips in close behind, letting his big ridged cock nudge against the back of Dellerton's sheath. "I'll give you much more."

Dellerton found himself silenced with thrilled anticipation, his heart pounding desperately in his chest. The weight of the dragon was heavy on his shoulders, but not unbearably so. The wait for the dragon's cock to spear into him was unbearable.

"You have a seriously delicious rump, Verititas my love. Looks delicious. Smells delicious. Tastes delicious." He shifted his hind quarters so the the broad tip of his cock - mercifully slippery with pre-cum - pressed against his eager opening with intent. "Let's see if it feels delicious too."

"Yes..." Dellerton tried to relax, his whole mind and body focused on that insistent pressure against his anus.

"Here goes..."

Dellerton gasped as he felt himself spread wide. Fulcox pushed himself in slowly but resolutely, the broad head spearheading the way and the shaft following, its ridges rippling against his inners, in and in, until the scales of his sheath butted against the scales of Dellerton's butt.

"It does feel delicious," he rumbled, giving his hips an experimental wiggle that made Dellerton groan. "Nice and tight. Very, very nice indeed. How is it for you, my love?"

Dellerton managed a wordless nod of pleasure. He had never imagined feeling so completely filled. The dragon's cock stretched him to his very limits, reaching unfathomably far into his inner depths. He bent his neck up, and Fulcox bent his down, and the two shared one more brief kiss. The brown-and-red dragon gazed adoringly, hungrily down at him with his golden eyes, and then he began to fuck him hard.

"Ahh!" cried out Dellerton as the dragon's cock pistoned in and out of him. "Aah! Ooh! Aah!" The dragon fucked him in long, hard strokes, each outstroke pulling out so far that only the head remained within him, then each instroke pushing in so hard and fast that his sheath smacked against his rump with a loud slap sound. SLAP. "Ooh!" SLAP. "Nngh!" SLAP. "Aah!". The wide tapered head stretched him mercilessly on each stroke, inflicting beautiful torment on his innards. SLAP. "Nngh!" SLAP. "Aah!" SLAP. "OOH!" Each stroke made a little wet shluck sound as it came out, and a little wet shlick as it drove back in. Shluck, shlick SLAP. "AAH!" Shluck, shlick SLAP. "Ooh!" Shluck, shlick SLAP. "YES!" Most terrible and most wonderful of all, the ridge of cruel bumps on the top of his shaft sawed back and forwards across his inner skin, stimulating one sensitive spot in particular over and over again without relief, flooding Dellerton's body with intense sexual pleasure almost beyond draconic endurance. Shluck, shlick SLAP. "YES!" Shluck, shlick SLAP. "NNNGH!" Shluck, shlick SLAP. "YES!" Shluck, shlick SLAP, shluck, shlick SLAP, shluck, shlick SLAP. "OOOH! YES!! MORE!!!"

Fulcox panted and heaved above him, his claws digging firmly into his shoulders, his great wings spread wide. "Nearly there, my love, nearly there..." His pounding of his mate's rear continued relentlessly, and he began crying out himself in pleasure in counterpoint with Dellerton's own vocalisations.












With a last shlick and a last slap Fulcox thrust his cock deep inside Dellerton one last time and held it there, his seed pumping out of him in wave after wave. Dellerton felt the tingling pressure of it flooding his insides, then felt hot thick liquid overflowing down the scales of his hindquarters onto his sheath and dripping onto the ground, more and more as the dragon injected spurt after spurt of seed that his insides couldn't contain.

Finally, the flood abated. They remained as they were, panting and trembling with exertion, Fulcox's cock still inside his mate. He pulled it free with an extra-loud shluck and another torrent of seed spilled out all down across Dellerton's rear.

The larger dragon nosed him affectionately. "That was exquisite, my love."

"It was... it was wonderful, my dear."

"Did you come yourself?"

"No. I was near, but... not quite."

"Then allow me."

And Fulcox, without dismounting, reached his long tail round beneath his lover and curled the tip around his cock, pumping it vigorously up and down.

"Aaah... yes my dear, that's it..."

It didn't take long: Dellerton had truly been close. His orgasm shot long lines of milky white across the mossy green ground, the intense pleasure of the fuck released from his body in liquid form.

Afterwards, when they had cleaned themselves up, they lay down wearily together and Fulcox soon fell asleep. Dellerton regarded him fondly, listening to his rumbling satisfied snore. If he wanted to slip away, this would be the perfect time. And he had been meaning to slip away, but he couldn't quite bring to mind why. Something to do with the Infernal Eye? And there was a human involved... and magic? It was all terribly vague. He'd figure it all out in the morning, he was sure. He rested his head against Fulcox's warm flank and drifted off to sleep.

* * *


Verititas woke up. Something had hit him. A stone? There: another one!

"Psst! Wake up, thief!"

He opened one eye. Fulcox still slumbered noisily beside him but there was someone else. A human, stark naked, standing not a handful of yards away, throwing stones. What was the human thinking? Was it mad? It looked cross. Verititas eyed it carefully. There was something very familiar about it...

With a jolt, Verititas recognized him. It was his own body. It all came flooding back. Verititas remembered that his name was Dellerton, not Verititas. He had been a dragon so long that he had almost forgotten his own name.

"Thief! Get over here, now!"

Dellerton slid carefully away from the sleeping Fulcox and padded over to his human counterpart. Together they padded a little way into the forest, where they could safely talk without waking Fulcox.

"Verititas, I presume," Dellerton said.

The man glared up at him. "Give me back my body now, you thief. You've had your fun. Body swap spell: very nicely done. I get it. I'm impressed. Now switch us back before we both forget who we really are, forever."

Dellerton sighed. He didn't want to give up his new draconic body, or to give up Fulcox's love. But it was Verititas' body, and Verititas' life, and it was Verititas that Fulcox loved. Not him. He might be a thief, but he had some principles.

"Nice work snatching the Infernal Eye, by the way," Verititas chipped in, nodding at the jewel. "Mind you, you were working off my groundwork. Shame you didn't finish the job and slit his throat while he slept. I've been working that idiot for months, gaining his trust. The things I did..." He shuddered. "Still, at least I didn't let him fuck me." He eyed Dellerton suspiciously. "You didn't let him fuck you, did you?"

"I certainly did."

"Ugh! You bastard! That's my body you've sullied, you know!"

"No," said Dellerton firmly. "It's not. Not any more."

And with that, before Verititas could add one more word, he snatched him up in his talons and took to his wings.

He flew for an hour or more, ignoring the complaints and threats and entreaties of the human he was carrying, concentrating hard to keep a hold of his slipping memories. At last he reached the edge of the town just as the sun was rising, and landed by a country lane just beyond the outskirts. He dropped Verititas in the mud.