The First Dare Pt. 04 - The End


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I go quiet as I feel the smooth branch moving inside me, parting me open. A low moaning sound begins to come out of me as I keep going down on it, loving the feeling despite how embarrassing this is. The way the branch is so damn hard feels so good. It's unbending and mean. It's just so damn powerful.

"Oh fuck me, it's deep inside," I find myself cursing as I keep sitting down on it, feeling it move deeper than anything has ever gone. That then, finally, my ass hits the seat. I've sat all the way down, pushing the branch as deep as it can go inside me. It feels like I'm being impaled but in the best possible way. I've never felt like this before, so filled, so owned.

"Put your hands straight up," She Stranger than asks as I whimper and grasp, trying to come to terms with what I'm doing and what I feel. I look up at him, knowing how silly I must look as my mouth is open and my eyes are extremely wide from how good this feels. I've just not felt anything like this ever before.

Like before, my hands go straight up as if I'm not controlling them. Only this time The Stranger grabs hold of them at the wrists. Not sure what he means to do, but he takes a wrist in each hand, tight. He holds them so tight that I feel him cutting off the circulation in them.

"Oh fucking hell. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," I stammer out so fast I'm not even sure it sounds like English. The Stranger pulls my arms upward to lift my entire body up, then drops me. My body moves maybe 3 or 4 inches up and then plops back down, causing the branch to move inside of me like nothing ever has. It's so large that its pressing against all the walls of my pussy, so when he does this, I feel it moving up against them.

"Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck," I keep repeating as he does this over and over, and not because it hurts, but because it feels good. Really good. I'm not sure if it is because of the drugs, or booze, or how hard it is, but it fucking feels great. Feels beyond great.

The Stranger lifts me with no issue at all, showing himself to be very strong. From looking at him I didn't think he was this strong, but I guess he is as he's able to do this without breaking a sweat. He lifts me up with ease, then drops me, making me fuck the branch. Making me move up and down on the large, hard object, which buries against me in a way that words can't describe.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," I repeat nonstop as She Stranger is making me fuck the branch. That's what it is, too. Lifting me up and dropping me down, making it go deep in me. The first few times he only lifted me a couple of inches or so. Now he lifts me up so high I'm scared he'll make it pop all the way out. Lifts me so high that the thing fucks every inch of my very wet pussy. And he goes faster with each pull, as if getting into his own groove.

It doesn't take but a few times of him doing this before I cum. Like before, I moan loudly as I have a very intense orgasm, the sort I've never had before. Most of it comes from my disbelief that I'm being fucked by a freaking tree branch on someone's yard. The orgasm is filled with a humiliating domination, that makes the orgasm feel both bright as daylight but dark as midnight. It makes me feel both ashamed and beautiful at the same time.

The Stranger shows a great amount of strength and stamina as he keeps lifting me up like this nonstop. He doesn't slow down nor even grunt. In fact, it's the opposite. He goes faster while laughing at all the noises I make from how pleasurable this feels.

I orgasm again, very easily. In fact, when one orgasm finishes, another seems to start. The entire situation causes this to happen as my mind seems to take everything in. From the fact that I'm naked in someone's yard, to the feeling of my poor breasts bouncing wildly, to the way my ass still stings from being spanked. All of these combine to make it feel like I'm cumming and won't ever stop.

My moans becomes screams of ecstasy as I can't hold back the way I feel. The orgasm seems to come from everywhere, not just from my clit or womanhood. Like it explodes in a flood of pleasure that moves over me, threatening to drown me in waves of pleasure. It's so intense that my body begins to rock my hips without me telling it to, as if he told me to do it. My own body does this, wanting the branch to move about inside of me to make the orgasm even stronger.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Hey, h-h-hey?" I ask in confusion as when I open my eyes, I don't see The Stranger. He's gone. Yet I'm still bouncing up and down on the branch, feeling the waves of pleasure moving all over me.

It's very shocking to see that he's gone. It sort of throws cold water on me as I recognize that I'm the one bouncing on the branch. My own legs are moving me up and down, fucking myself on it while holding my hands up. I'm doing this to myself.

"Bet everyone is just about awake now," The Stranger's voice says with a laugh. I look once again to see him, right where he was. Once again, he's holding my wrists with both hands, forcing my body up and down to fuck me on this branch. I feel his hands on my wrists, just like I feel his strength as he whips me about.

Panting as the orgasm is so intense, I try to look at him, to really look at him. My mind is very fuzzy so it makes it hard to concentrate. Makes it so he seems to go in and out of focus thanks to wave after wave of beautiful pleasure. But when I look at him, I begin to see that he has no defined characteristics. That he's like a generic looking sort of guy. No scars or piercings or anything like that. Like a human Ken doll.

My orgasm reaches the peak, making my back arch and for me to scream as everything goes white. I then whip backward hard as I fall to the hard floor. The feeling of cumming is still running over me as I fall, making it impossible for me to do anything but fall on my back, my hands still straight up and over my head and my back arched.

The world is sucked away from me, like dirt into a vacuum. The chill air of outside, the vast openness of it, even the bug bites all disappear as I look to ceiling. My kitchen ceiling to be exact. I then smell the potpourri that we keep in here.

Scrambling to stand as I still pant from cumming, I see I'm in my kitchen. Turning around repeatedly and fast, I look for The Stranger, thinking maybe he brought me home, but he's not here. I'm completely alone with no signs that anyone else was ever here.

Then I see that I'm wearing my clothes. The same clothes I had on earlier tonight. I'm not naked at all. Nor do I have any of the bumps or bruises that I received tonight, like around my wrists from being tied up.

Looking around extremely confused, I see that I'm in my house. In the kitchen. And in front of me on the counter is the bottle of tequila and the shot glass that I took earlier. To my side is the back sliding door, where the light to the backyard is on, just like it was when I was deciding to do the dare or not.

My heart pounds as I don't understand what's going on. I then notice the tequila bottle has quite a bit missing out of it. Earlier I only took the one shot, didn't I? That's what I remember. I took the one shot for courage, and then did the dare.

But the memory is very fuzzy. I vaguely remember thinking after that one shot that I needed another to steady myself for the dare. Did I take more than that? From the looks of the bottle, I did. Looks like I had many shots.

My confusion stays strong as I touch all over my body. I grab and grope, trying to find any sign of what I thought happened to me. From being tied up, to the landscaper spanking me, to my poor boobs being pulled. But no. There's not even a mark anywhere.

"Oh," I say out loud when I see the small packet next to the tequila. Things slowly begin to click into place upon seeing it. My mind isn't as fuzzy as it was before, and I know why. It's because before I was dreaming, and now I'm awake.

Next to the tequila is a packet of CBD gummies that I purchased a week ago. I had taken some earlier tonight to help relax me when I convinced myself to do the dare. I remember after taking them, it said to only take two, but I had taken six. I checked that it wasn't dangerous, but since they had a small amount of THC, I might get a bit high.

My guess is that they, combined with the tequila, made me pass out and made me have a very, very vivid dream. Like, the most vivid dream I think I've ever had or will ever have. The most vivid and hottest dream I've ever had or will ever have.

Despite what's happened, I plop back on the bar stool once I set it up straight, then pour me another shot. I shoot it at once, very much enjoying the way it burns on the way down. It taste so much different than the cum I was made to swallow, or thought I was made to swallow. It actually feels a bit strange not to have that taste in my mouth, but the taste of tequila.

I know I should be overjoyed that none of it happened. That I wasn't violated, molested and paraded about the neighborhood naked. But I'm not. I'm actually sort of sad. Yeah, it was embarrassing and painful, but overall, it was fun. All of it was fun. Especially towards the end. Even with the crazy nerd. It was exciting. It unlike me.

More than ever, I feel a great disappointment. Going through it all felt like I had actually done something daring. That I would have a crazy story to tell others. Something that no one else had ever gone through. That I wouldn't have to just stay quiet when the group is together and sharing crazy sex stories.

But no. It was all just a dream. In my head. Result of CDB gummies and tequila. It was just my own mind and fantasies playing out for my pleasure.

I pour another shot of tequila and shoot it, then decide to take a couple more gummies. Thankfully the first shot is already having an effect where I do feel looser. It burns in my stomach, where it chases the need for sleep away. I would think the CDB stuff would probably kick in, in about 15-20 minutes. That's perfect because it'll be about one in the morning when it kicks all the way in.

Empowered by the dream, I stand up and shake my body to get the nerves out. Biting my lip, I decide I'm going to do it. To do something I think I should have done a long, long time ago.

Doing my best to not think, for if I think, I won't do it, I lift up my shirt. Then the pajama bottoms come down. Moments later, I am completely naked in my kitchen. Utterly naked, my body trembling as I look down at my clothes on the floor.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," I chant over and over due to excitement and fear of what I'm doing. I'm walking very fast now, like I can outrun the thoughts telling me not to do this. I walk towards the front door, where one arm holds my breasts and the other cups my womanhood, as if someone could see me inside my own house. Despite the dream, there is still a weird feeling of nervousness at the thought of being seen naked. That the embarrassment of it is very arousing but scary.

I stop on the way to the front door at the junk drawer. Opening it, I pick out a large, thick rubber band. I'm so nervous and excited that my hands tremble when I grab it. But once I have this, I go to the front door and unlock it.

Before I open the door, I look at the wall, where my house keys hang. My hand reaches out to grab them, but I stop myself. Considering it, I pull away and open the door. Then I look out the door and see the pitch black early morning. A morning that seems quiet and still, but exciting.

Gulping, I put my hands behind me and then wrap the rubber band around one wrist. I fool with it, turning it over a few times and making it tight before I force my hand into the other loops I've made. When I do this, my hands feel trapped, like they've been tied or cuffed. Testing it, I pull on my hands and the band holds, keeping my hands in place. It's a pretty thick rubber band too, making me wonder if I'll be able to break it if I need to.

With a smirk, I step forward, managing to grab the doorknob with my hands behind my back. I walk forward, closing the door, which automatically locks. To make sure, I try the handle and it won't budge without the key, which is inside.

And now I stand completely naked outside my own locked front door. Naked and ready for an adventure, I step out into the night.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great read, couldn't put it down. I'm eagerly awaiting the posting of "The NEXT Dare"!

Raxton57Raxton57about 1 year ago

I just finished reading all four chapters of The First Dare. The situations she found herself in were ridiculous and hard to suspend my disbelief, yet the way you told the story made me want to keep reading. I really enjoyed everything. Several inventive and creative situations to get her used and abused. One thing, I wasn't a fan of "The whole thing was a dream" angle. Just didn't work for me, but well told and fun. If I was to offer any creative suggestions, it might be flesh out the sex a bit more, more depth and description. But You really did well and I hope to see more from you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story, GREAT ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Four chapters and it was all a dream that a mindnight shamalan twist right there you love to see it. Should have put something at the end saying get trolled degenerates lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The situations she was in are so hot. So does that mean the Real Dare is about to start?! would love to find out

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