The First Time I Coached Softball

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Two military wives are drawn together and find love.
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The following story is a work of fiction and does not depict any actual persons or events. Any likeness to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. The military bases described in the story really exist or did at one time exist, but anything else described is pure fiction. For instance, Fairford never had a high school nor participated in sports. All parties engaging in sexual activity are of legal age of 18 and or consenting adults. This is for entertainment purposes and is not an avocation for the activities contained herein. I am one of the unfortunate and do not have help with editing so please overlook my mistakes. I have searched far and wide for help with editing and proofreading but I do understand it is largely a huge thankless job so now I tend to spend countless hours doing it myself. If anyone is interested let me know! Thanks again for taking the time to read my story, and finally, please vote, especially if you like the story!

"The First Time I Coached Girls' Softball"

© Freewheel 2016

I thought why am I am I stepping up and saying yes? I have been around the military all my life and the one thing you learn is that you never volunteer for anything. Actually, I don't have any regrets for volunteering as it really turned my life around. My name is Missy Jones and as the story takes place I'm 37 years old.

I teach high school English and was attending a monthly faculty meeting when the principal asked if any of the female teachers would be interested in coaching or at least sponsoring the junior varsity softball team. Sponsoring would mean finding a volunteer with lots of experience who would actually do the coaching and usually there are many willing to do this. I would just be the faculty representative to meet the legal responsibilities and requirements but would be expected to attend all practices and games.

The same request had been made in August when school started for a JV volleyball coach. I have played volleyball all my life and had substantial experience and knowledge so I applied and was accepted. I think I actually knew more about volleyball than the varsity coach and we ended up working well together. It was a good experience for me and so that is partially why I volunteered to coach the JV softball team. The other reason was that my husband was deployed to a war zone and I needed a distraction to keep me busy so I wouldn't spend all my time worrying about him.

Before I dive into my story let me backtrack. My parents were both active duty Air Force and growing up I was a military brat. I lived in seven different places before going away to college. I was very lucky in the respect I had the opportunity to travel and see so many different places and observe diverse cultures. The other side of that coin was I had lived very little in the states and was out of touch with what was going on. I was socially unprepared for life in the US and I had neither my driver's license or a car.

I was a normal teenager in high school, I dated but going to military schools overseas there were limited opportunities to have privacy with a date. Hardly any student had an overseas driver's license and even fewer had a car. So, other than heavy petting I never allowed anyone to ever got past third base.

I was heavily involved in sports. In the fall I played volleyball, in the winter it was basketball, and in the spring I played girls' soccer. I was athletic and my body missed many of the womanly curves that my friends had. I was fairly tall, 5'8", yet only weighed 120 lbs. My legs were long and nicely shaped from all the running and my conical shaped breasts never got huge, I only filled a B cup but I did have nipples to die for. They were puffy and stood out proud, covering at least the front third of my breasts. Not to mention they were super sensitive.

My grades in high school were very good, in fact I applied for and received a couple of academic scholarships to the college of my choice. My parents weren't rich but with both being active duty they were able to send me to college without having to borrow. For the first time in my life I found myself away from home and on my own.

My parents insisted that I had to stay in the dorm. I was not given a choice. I heard the explanation a thousand don't have a car, parents are overseas, you are in college to get a degree, not party, and I had to stay focused on my school work.

I continued with athletics but only playing in the intramural level in college. I mainly focused on volleyball but I still ran and worked out and maintained a high level of fitness. My grades continued to be good but my social life suffered. I dated but was never exclusive with anyone and nobody scored a homerun. I wasn't saving my virginity for anyone in particular or until I got married I just didn't sleep around. I had to find the right person.

My freshman year my roommate and I hit it off. We were both interested in similar things; sports, music, food, politics. Just about everything. Sexually, she was far more experienced than me. She lost her virginity in high school and since had several boyfriends and most had and continued to hit homeruns with her. She loved sex and was very open minded. Her name was Jenny Alexander.

Jenny and I often talked about sex and she never missed an opportunity to tell me how good it was. I was ashamed to tell her that I had never had an orgasm although I think she knew. She was not ashamed of her body and often paraded nude around me and although I had a body to die for, I was reluctant to walk around in our dorm room without clothes. I was not a prude but sexual inexperienced and reluctant to display my sexuality.

Our friendship took a turn when Thanksgiving rolled around and the dorms were closed. Jenny decided that since I had neither a car or family nearby I would go home with her and share Thanksgiving with her family. They were a typical American household and I really had a good time. They really made me feel at home and the food was the best I had ever experienced. When living with my parents we usually traveled during the Thanksgiving holiday so I rarely got to sample all the traditional cooked foods that mark this holiday so this was really special for me.

While at her parent's house Jenny and I had to share a double bed and as soon as we were in bed she quickly pulled me into her arms. I had never kissed a girl and found it very arousing. Her lips were so soft and delicate and she took her time with me and nothing felt rushed. My experiences with boys were not tender memories but found they were rough and always in a hurry. Jenny knew how to push all the right buttons and her lips soon found my big nipples. They really stuck out like the nipple on a baby's bottle. Jenny made love to my nipples forever and I was in heaven. I could have been content with this but Jenny had other ideas.

Jenny moved on down the bed pulling my panties off as she went down then kissed her way back up my legs. I wasn't naïve and knew about oral sex but had never experienced it. I felt her fingers probing and teasing my labia and then first one finger and then two fingers penetrated my vagina. From all of our foreplay I was extremely lubricated and she had no problems inserting her fingers. Then I felt her tongue on my clit and within seconds, for the first time in my life, I had a massive orgasm. This didn't stop her and soon I found my entire clitoris in her mouth and while she was sucking my clitoris her tongue was busy massaging it. She continued this for several minutes and with the combination of her finger fucking I had another out of this world orgasm. I had never had an orgasm and I just had two within minutes. I found my clit very sensitive and asked her to take a break.

She moved back up to my lips and started kissing me again. Somewhere along the way she had been able to remove her nightgown and panties and moved my hand down to her vagina. I told her I didn't know what to do and she said "don't worry I will teach you." And she did. Jenny showed me how to masturbate, perform oral on her, how to pleasure her from finger fucking and where the G spot is located. I had the best teacher in the world and she was extremely patient while showing me what to do. She also had a couple of toys that I was introduced to.

I was so happy after that night because not only had she given me so much pleasure but she showed me how to return it. Giving her orgasms was almost as fun as receiving them.

After that weekend we had sex three or four times a week. We weren't exclusive as Jenny continued to see boyfriends and have sex with them. She often tried to include me but I always refused. I was concerned about Jenny getting an STD but she assured me that she was very careful and always insisted her partner use a condom. I was happy with the sex she was providing and didn't need to include anyone else.

We were roommates and lovers for the first two years of college and then she transferred to a different college several hours away. We remained friends but rarely saw each other and, now on my own, my sex life was simply pleasuring myself. I missed Jenny, especially the sex, but I learned to cope without including anyone else.

The college I was attending had an AFROTC program and at the beginning of my senior year I met a young man who was on an AF scholarship and would graduate with me. He was very sweet and we were soon seeing each other every day and after about three months we declared ourselves exclusive. His name was Ryan Jones and I thought he was the most handsome man in the world. We had been going together for about six months when he took my virginity. I guess technically after the sex with Jenny I was not a virgin but I can honestly say Ryan is the first man to have fucked me and when he did the first time he thought I was a virgin. I said nothing to the contrary.

I soon discovered that sex with Ryan was very tender, he was patient and totally unselfish. He was my first and although I had nothing to compare his size to he did it for me. I never thought of him in terms of size such as large or small, because he fit just perfect. The sex was totally different than with Jenny and although I didn't orgasm the first time I felt sexually satisfied. I wasn't on the pill so the next day I made an appointment with the campus health clinic and got a prescription. After I started the pill and was safe we had sex almost every time we saw each other. Ryan would spend a long time getting me aroused and lubricated before entering me and I found that if I rubbed my clit while he was fucking me I could come; in fact, I could come several times before he did.

Sex with Ryan was so different than with Jenny. Ryan, although never selfish, and even though he was always so willing to please me, he was so different. Jenny was soft, always in tune with my body, and her caresses gave me butterflies. Ryan, even though he was in great shape, was sometimes rough and often I found his body weighing heavily on mine. I've always been in great shape but the difference in our weight is over 75 lbs. and that's a lot. Jenny only weighed a few lbs. more than me and our bodies seemed to mold into one when having sex. Still, for the most part, I enjoyed sex with Ryan and wanted to be in what I considered then to be a normal, heterosexual relationship.

That spring I did my student teaching at a nearby high school and Ryan received his first set of orders to attend OTS (officer training school). We were to graduate with honors and then split up while he attended training. We had never discussed marriage although I felt we were right for each other and I didn't see myself without Ryan at my side.

The night before our graduation ceremony we found some quiet time because both sets of relatives were there for our graduation. We made love and then while holding each other Ryan asked me to marry him. He slipped a ring on my finger and I was the happiest girl in the world and simply told him yes. I was to become Mrs. Ryan Jones.

Our families were staying in the same hotel and the next morning at breakfast we got everyone together and announced our engagement. Needless to say, both sets of relatives were overjoyed. I couldn't wait until we got married to become Ryan's wife.

Ryan went away to OTS which was to last for about 10 weeks and after that would be more training although by then Ryan would be a commissioned officer, albeit a 2nd Lt. He would get some time off after OTS and we thought that would be a good time to get married. We had a large expensive white wedding and that was followed by a short honeymoon before he had to report for training.

Our honeymoon was just like everyone's, full of sex and good food. We spent the days on the beach but the night and mornings were filled with sex. I thought our life together was perfect.

After our honeymoon we weren't able to be together because of his stringent training demands so I stayed behind and found a job teaching tenth grade English. I loved teaching and found my days slipping by just waiting to be reconnected with my husband who was now stationed at Eglin AFB, Florida.

I finished my first year of teaching and became a camp follower. We found a small apartment not too far from base and then actually began our married life for the first time.

We spent most of our free time in bed and I was totally consumed with our love life. Ryan, despite my earlier comments, was a good lover and always insured I came before he did and often found ways for me to orgasm again after he did. We had sex in every room in the apartment and since we were so close to the beach we soon found ways to discreetly have sex on the beach.

Sometimes we talked about sex and our sexual experiences before we met. He had several girlfriends and had numerous sexual experiences before I came along. I guess that is why he was and still is such a good lover. I never shared my lesbian experiences with my roommate.

We tried, without success, for several years to have children but were not successful. We had tests done and discovered I was not able to conceive. We were disappointed but came to accept the fact we would be childless. Neither of us wanted to adopt if we couldn't have our own.

As the years past, Ryan got promotion after promotion and along with those came more responsibilities and longer hours. We were transferred several times before ending up at RAF Fairford, in England. Ryan was now flying 130's, a huge plane used for multiple purposes from flying cargo, humans or being a flying gunship. In Ryan's case he was the aircraft commander of an AC-130 gunship. This was soon after the start of the Afghanistan conflict. Ryan soon found himself deployed to that area and was gone six months then home for a month then gone again.

Regardless of where we were stationed I always found a job teaching. Even overseas I found a teaching job on base. Not always tenth grade English but I always found an opening and being certified in three different areas worked to my advantage. In small schools all teachers are expected to do their part in accepting extra duty positions, and in my case, because of my athletic experience, I chose to coach after school sports. So that brings me to the present and why I volunteered to be the school sponsor for the JV girls' softball team.

I knew very little about softball but I was a natural athlete and seasoned teacher so felt I could hold my own with what was expected. The varsity coach was a male so a female was needed to help supervise girls. Girls are a little needier than boys and need a different type of supervision that only a woman can provide.

We had several men and women volunteer to help with the program. Some were parents and others just wanted to be involved in youth sports. The varsity coach, an old crusty PE teacher and I interviewed all of the candidates and decided the best person for the job, Betty Simpson, a lady who was about 40 years old and had played softball all her life, including some semi-pro after college. She really knew the sport and like me her husband was also a pilot and often deployed. Also, she was childless and by not having a child on the team she would not be showing any team member preferential treatment. She could give as much time as was needed and there would be no conflicts of interest or time as both our husbands were several thousand miles away.

Betty and I immediately became best friends. Not just because of softball but also because both our husbands were flying in a war zone. We were both almost the same age and had a lot in common. The first week of practice went smoothly and because we were such a small school any girl that didn't make the varsity team automatically made the JV team. After practice we went to either to Betty's house or mine for dinner and wine. We enjoyed each other's friendship and often found ourselves sharing our grief about being spouses of deployed husbands. As we got to know each other we often began sharing more than one bottle of good French merlot and our discussions also became more personal.

Our softball conference, like our school, was very small. We played American schools from other bases in the UK; Croughton, Menwith Hill, Alconbury and London Central and the large school, Lakenheath. The small schools were a total mismatch against the power house of Lakenheath who we also had to play even though they were not in our conference. Actually, playing a much better team like Lakenheath was very good for our teams, but the other side of the coin was that Lakenheath did not gain anything from playing us. You must play a team of equal or better talent to improve.

The top two teams (varsity) of the conference would go on to the end of season tournament held in Germany. The JV teams were not allowed to travel to the tournament although the varsity coach was allowed to bring up to varsity the best players on JV.

So basically, our season went from mid-March until the end of May. The JV teams only got to play a few games which I felt was really a shame because these girls really wanted to play.

Betty was an excellent coach and the young JV girls really liked her and worked hard under her. She not only taught the fundamentals of softball but also inspired spirit and the willingness to give 110% on each and every play. We were playing fast pitch softball and Betty would always spend extra time with our young pitchers to bring them up to their best potential.

Our first game was against the dynamo of Lakenheath. Our small school, with a total enrollment of about 120 was up against a school of an enrollment of nearly 1,000. This was really a David vs Goliath game. We might have been outclassed but we weren't outcoached.

If anyone can imagine an Air Force base in England they are all windy places. In March the weather can still be cold, often in the 40's or 50's and with a strong wind the chill can be bone rattling. We practice in these conditions every day and that day the weather felt even colder.

Our girls really rose to the occasion and won both games by scores of 5-4 and 7-5. For our team that felt like winning the European championship. We would play Lakenheath again later in the season and the scores might be reversed but for the moment we were victorious. After the game we celebrated at Burger King before our long bus ride home. The girls were so happy and Betty and I shared their excitement.

The girls continued to celebrate on the long four-hour bus ride and we were all exhausted by the time we returned to Fairford. When the last girl had been picked up by their parents Betty and I went to her house for a late dinner and wine. We were both in a happy mood and the wine really made us feel relaxed.