The Forest of Ecstasy Pt. 01

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Six astronauts find more on Venus than they bargained for.
10.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/04/2017
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Author's Note: This series will serve as my first ever submission to Literotica. While I have been reading stories daily on Literotica for over 6 years, I never really thought I'd be able to pull off my own story. As a writer I've written two science fiction novels and four short stories, but sex was never that big a part of them. One night, I suddenly decided to try writing a quick erotic story, and I found that I really had an interest and a will to write more like it. The following series was somewhat inspired by the selections of my two favorite Literotica users: gigglinggoblin and bobsamade, who have both written amazing work for the site. While this piece will serve simply as an introduction to the series, readers of the next few chapters can expect mind control, seduction, science fiction elements, sapphism, domination, and erotic horror. Enjoy!


As the USS Servitude made its approach to the Planet Venus, Simon Thompson was hidden behind the rest of the crew, studying his mission briefings. The mission, as far as the other crew members knew, was a simple exploration mission of the Planet Venus, and its many rows of forests. What they didn't know was what had happened to the last crew that attempted to do the same. In fact, no one did.

Six men sent to explore Venus simply disappeared from communications and all tracking devices one day. The only thing they did have was one final message from the Captain of that mission, displaying only the words "Sexually hostile life." After some private research kept hidden from the world, it was found that there was hidden life living in the forests of Venus, and not the kind of life anyone had expected. Mythical creatures like Mermaids and Sirens, sexual Dryads and Nymphs, anything the mind could imagine. Even species humanity had yet to discover. They all seemed to want to use the humans for some sort of mating ritual, that helped to keep their people alive.

Whenever they sent a crew, even one with female members, they would go missing after only a week or two, never to be heard from again. Thus, when PHIGMA, the group responsible for colonizing Venus was putting together a crew for their next mission, they included Simon, a mythology professor at Stanford University. They briefed him on everything they knew about the kidnappings, but warned him that if he told the other crew members, then the mission would be terminated. Part of him wanted to decline on moral grounds, but the chance to study ancient Mermaids and Nymphs was just too tempting for the professor.

Simon was given a folder full of everything he could possibly need to know, including the history of the past crew. The most interesting thing inside was a voice message sent two whole months after one of the crews disappeared, but upon inspection, it turned out to just be filled with a man grunting and screaming in ecstasy. While it might not seem very important, it did prove that whatever was kidnapping the crew did not always have the intention of killing them. If one man could survive for two months and still have enough brain power to send a voice message home, then maybe there was hope to find survivors still living on the planet. Either way, he would do his research, and happily accept the generous payment PHIGMA had offered him.

The rest of the crew had no knowledge of the kidnappings, and expected this to be a quick and easy exploration mission. There was Sergeant Eddie Mitchell, a young Marine meant to keep the crew safe during times of attack, David Rogers, a NASA engineer responsible for keeping the USS Servitude and any other tech up and running, Kate Stiles, a botanist whose job it was to collect samples of Venus' vast plant life, Alexei Vasiliev, a Russian chemist obsessed with explosives and gas, and Captain James Baker, a NASA Captain with plenty of experience leading planetary expeditions.

The crew knew each other somewhat well, but Simon was the outsider, and they still hadn't quite warmed up to him yet. With his wide rimmed glasses and thin stature he was nothing against the likes of Eddie or Alexei, but they seemed to be content with his company. "It is good to finally have someone who knows their shit," Alexei had said the first time he and Simon met, but his handshake nearly broke Simon's hand. What would the crew think when they found out about the kidnappings? They couldn't possibly find out that Simon had advanced knowledge of the attacks, could they?

"You okay?" Kate asked, breaking him from his thoughts. She wasn't as tall as James, but her height still beat many others on the ship. She had long blonde hair that was wrapped up into a ponytail, and wore a tank top that did wonders to highlight her ample cleavage. Even Simon had trouble looking into her eyes.

"Yeah...I'm fine. Just get nervous during landings," Simon replied, smiling. She looked him over for a moment before smiling back.

"Well you might want to buckle your seatbelt, professor. Landings can get pretty rough," she laughed, before walking away and leaving him to fumble with his seat belt. She looked to be the age of many of Simon's students, in her mid-twenties. Simon himself was thirty four, which was still younger than Alexei, the oldest in the group at thirty eight.

"Get ready everyone, we're pulling into orbit," James announced from the bridge. The others sat down in seats around him, buckling in and preparing for landing. The ship shook violently as it went down, nearly sending Simon's glasses flying. He held them against his face as the ship slowly descended onto the surface of Venus, dropping to the ground with one final shake. Simon unbuckled his seatbelt and walked over to the front windows, gazing out at the surface of Venus.

"Why is it always fucking raining," Eddie groaned, looking out at the rain that flooded Venus' lush hills of green.

"Works better for me, the samples will be easier to obtain," Kate said, stretching as she got up from her seat.

"David, how'd we do?" James asked, turning towards the thirty two year old engineer.

"Perfect, the landing was successful and we should be clear for reentry when we're ready," David replied, rubbing his beard as he inspected one of the monitors. On his monitor was a crudely taped picture of his wife and son, smiling with joy. Simon had caught him rubbing his thumb across the photograph several times, as if to caress his wife's face. It seemed like he genuinely loved and missed them.

"Great, everyone load up, and let's have another successful mission," James sent, walking over to the side door and opening the airlock. Simon followed the others as they filed into the room and lined up at the exit. Simon's eyes widened as David reached for the door handle.

"Wait, don't we need space suits?" He gasped. The others looked at him and laughed.

"We implement our food supply with enough stratos' to keep us breathing out there for years...aren't you a professor?" Alexei joked, joining in with the others. Simon cursed himself. Stratos' were tiny pill capsules developed by PHIGMA years ago to make breathing on planets easier. Why hadn't he remembered that?

"Once we're out there we'll head to the East forest first. Everyone with a mission needs to follow it, and we'll keep you safe. Clear?" James asked.

"Clear," the others said in unison.

"And professor, it would be extremely helpful if you would help us identify certain hazards as we travel. Can you handle that?" James asked, turning towards Simon.

"Certainly, Captain," Simon replied, making sure his folder was tucked safely in his bag.

"Perfect, then let's head out," James said, before opening the side exit. The crew followed him down the exit ramp and onto the surface of Venus, where they surveyed the area. The ship had landed in a clearing surrounded by four different forests, looking almost as if the clearing was meant just for that purpose.

James ushered the group into the opening of the East Forest, where the extremely tall trees and odd plants kept them dry from the constant rain. Simon thought he heard faint feminine giggling coming from within, but he attributed it to his nerves.

The group moved carefully through the vast jungle, stopping every so often to let Kate or Alexei study the various plant life around them.

"I've never seen anything like this..." Kate said as she crouched down next to a plant that sprouted a flower with a deep circular hole in the center. Just big enough to fit a cock, Simon joked to himself. But with what was in that folder, he suddenly realized that might just be exactly what it was for.

Kate tried to touch the flower but the hole immediately closed up as she drew near, protecting whatever was inside. She took a quick picture, wrote something down, then followed the others further through the forest. When they reached a fork in the path, James turned to look back at Simon.

"Which way first?" He asked.

Simon consulted the crudely drawn map PHIGMA had provided him, showing him the different paths.

"If we go right there's apparently something marked OASIS," Simon said, tracing his finger along the map in the right direction.

"Well, let's head there," James said, turning and leading the crew east. They eventually reached a break in the forest, where they found a large pool of water with a waterfall directly to its left. The land around the pool was filled with stones, as if serving as a walkway towards the water. But it wasn't the water that caught the crew's attention; it was what was in it. Or who.

What lay before the crew of the USS Servitude was a natural pool full of absolutely gorgeous women, all lounging on rocks or swimming together in the water. Some were too busy splashing each other to notice the new visitors, but most of them turned and giggled when they saw the Earthlings. Captain James looked absolutely flabbergasted as he took in what was before him. Kate's head was turned to the side, her eyes locked with a gorgeous redhead leaning out of the water.

"Well hello! It's so nice to see others around here, it's been a long time since we've had any...visitors..." a stunning blue eyed blonde said, as her companions broke into a fit of giggles.

James stepped forward, taking control of the situation.

"We didn't exactly realize there was any life forms living on all..." He said, trying to avoid the gaze of all of the women. Simon noticed that Kate was sliding her hand towards her crotch as she remained in the gaze of the redhead. Simon shifted uncomfortably as a brunette winked salaciously at him.

"Well, we're not exactly what you would call 'life forms'," the blonde stated, before the water around her parted to reveal a purple mermaids tail. The other girls around her did the same, splashing their tails across the water to show the crew their true forms.

"Those are fucking Mermaids!" Alexei exclaimed, as their tails splashed together in the cool blue water.

"We sure are, handsome! You all must be so tired from your journey, why don't you come...relax..." the blonde suggested, playfully grabbing onto her breasts in full view of the crew.

"Maybe another time. We're going to explore some more, after we have a little talk," James said, turning to look at his crew.

"Is there anything we can do to make you stay?" Another mermaid asked, her voice just as beautiful as the others.

"No, we're going," James ordered, turning and walking back towards the forest. The rest of the crew began to follow him, all except Kate, who was rubbing her crotch openly in a haze of lust. Her redheaded captor smiled and held out her arms.

"Come to us..."

Kate began to walk towards the pool, but before she could get far James grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back into the forest, where the rest of the crew was waiting.

"What the fuck was that?" James asked, letting go of Kate as she seemed to regain control of herself suddenly.

"I was ready to use lethal force," Eddie said, showing us the Glock pistol he was holding in his hand.

"Eddie, you know we do not engage unless I give the order. I'm still trying to understand what the fuck we just saw," James said, rubbing his forehead with his palm.

"W...what happened?" Kate asked, looking around.

"We just had a run in with god damn Mermaids..." Alexei said, looking back out at the clearing.

"What do you make of it, professor?" James asked, looking at Simon. Simon snapped back into reality, still trying to understand everything around him.

"I think it's crazy...but those were definitely Mermaids. Maybe Venus is actually able to foster life..." Simon said, pretending to have a breakthrough moment.

"PHIGMA didn't say shit about any of this..." David remarked.

"It's possible they didn't know. Look, we should keep moving. Stay close everyone, and report anything you see. This is simply an exploratory mission, and we are not prepared to engage." James said. The others nodded, before following him back down the original path.

As the crew continued through the East forest, it became increasingly clear that there was life on Venus. Bushes would rustle around them, feminine figures could be seen off in the distance, and a sweet, soft giggling could be heard almost constantly. Kate had started scanning the local plants when they first began to walk, but after awhile she stopped, too afraid to stray too far from the path.

Aside from everyone else, Simon was absolutely fascinated. He knew what they would find, but had no idea it would be this elaborate. He had actually seen real Mermaids! Imagine what the other professors in the Mythological History department would say if they could see him now. Maybe this would be the time when he finally established himself, and gained the fame he always knew he deserved.

Of all of them, Eddie was the most affected. The forest was emitting a strong share of pheromones that hit each of the crew members, and Eddie found himself breathing in more and more, just to feel its pleasure.

As they continued to walk, he suddenly picked up on a voice from behind them. He tried to ignore it at first, but as it grew louder he had to stop and focus on it. He soon realized that it was the voice of a woman, singing peacefully, as if calling to him. The others noticed that he had stopped.

"Everything okay, Eddie?" James asked, looking back at him.

"Yeah, sorry, just thought I heard something," Eddie replied, catching up to them. They continued on, but after a minute, Eddie heard the voice again. This time he swore he could hear words.


Eddie froze, looking back again.

"Baby...come to mommy..."

He knew he shouldn't split from the group, but something about the voice was so tempting. It planted itself onto his brain, and turned on every bit of pleasure he could possibly feel. Quietly, he crept off the path and made his way towards the sensual, beautiful voice. As he got closer, the voice got louder.

"Mommy's right here baby..."

As he rounded a tree, he found himself standing in front of a small cabin, etched into a clearing in the woods. Lights illuminated the clearing through a square window that was covered with curtains. There was no turning back now.

Eddie walked up to the front door, turned the knob, and slowly pushed it open. Inside there was a small kitchen area to the right and a set of doors ahead of him, but what really caught his eye was to the left. Before him, a beautiful woman with long brown hair and big brown eyes was lounging on a purple couch, twirling her hair with her fingers. He looked down and found that she was wearing a tight green corset, that propped up her absolutely magnificent breasts. Perky and round, they practically beckoned to him from their place, rising slightly as she breathed. He also noticed her incredibly luscious lips, which were accentuated by her slight pout.

"Hi there." She smiled. His cock bulged in his pants.

"Uh...hi," Eddie replied, gazing at her.

"Why don't you come have a seat, honey." She offered, patting the couch next to her. He could vaguely hear a voice in his head screaming for him not to do it, but he couldn't see anything wrong with her offer. It seemed so innocent, and pure. He broke the space between them and sat down on the edge of the couch, just far enough from her that she had to bend to reach him.

"What are you doing out there all alone in the cold?" She asked.

"I'm not alone, I'm with my..." Eddie looked around, suddenly realizing that he had left the group. When had that happened?

"Oh well, it sounds like they didn't need you much anyway. You're better off here with me," she said, smiling. Her smile was absolutely gorgeous, and he found himself smiling back. She was right.

"What's your name, baby?" She asked.

"Eddie," he replied, not wanting to lie to her.

"I'm Amber, but you can call me mommy," she said, grinning. Mommy? What a weird name, Eddie thought. But at that point, he'd call her whatever she wanted.

"It's so warm in here though. Too warm for clothes," Amber smiled, reaching behind her and opening the corset. It fell to the floor next to her, revealing her absolutely perfect breasts. They jiggled playfully as she stretched, never breaking eye contact with him.

"Ah... that's better."

Eddie gulped, unable to take his eyes off of them. Her nipples were erect, and for a moment, it looked like something dripped from one of them. Was she lactating?

"My breasts, fuck, they're so sore. They never stop dripping," Amber groaned, squeezing one of her perfect tits. A gush of white squirted out onto the couch and she giggled.


Wait, why had he allowed himself to be captured so easily? Captain James was counting on him to be his bodyguard, and here he was with some random woman. A dread filled him, as he realized he was failing to complete his life's mission.

"Look, I should be going..." He began, getting up.

"Don't go just yet...mommy needs you..." Amber cooed, rubbing her breasts together. Eddie sat back down, his mouth suddenly dry.

" needs me." Eddie stuttered, his voice a lusty haze.

"Are you thirsty baby?" Amber asked, licking her luscious lips.

"Yes..." Eddie groaned, unable to stop himself.

"Come here..." She sang, offering her breasts to him. He knew what would happen if he did, and he was trying his hardest to fight it. He couldn't give up on the others, and his mission.

"I...I..." he managed to say, fighting with his own mind.

"Come to mama..." She cooed, holding out her arms invitingly.

That did it. Eddie crawled across the couch and into her waiting arms, becoming enveloped in her soft skin. She gently lowered him into her lap, where her breasts were eagerly waiting.

"Drink, baby...", Amber groaned, arching her back.

Eddie leaned in and took one of her pert nipples into his mouth, starting to suck. His mouth was instantly flooded with one the tastiest nectar he had ever drank. It tasted like freedom, like love, like sex. He squeezed her breast and sucked harder.

"Such a good boy..." Amber cooed, brushing the hair out of his eyes and holding his head. Eddie continued to suckle, unable to stop himself or deny himself the ultimate pleasure. The milk in his stomach worked wonders to relax him, and he felt finally at peace. Just as he was filling his mouth for a fifth time, he heard several people yelling from outside.

"Eddie?!" he heard James yell.

"Eddie, where are you?" Alexei called out. He looked up at Amber, who was glaring at the window. She looked back down at him and smiled her motherly smile.

"Shhhhh baby, ignore them," she whispered, leaning in and kissing his forehead. Her lips felt incredibly soft, and they left an imprint of love on his skin.

"Eddie?!" Kate called. His mind began to clear as he heard her voice, and he tried to get up.