The Game Ch. 01

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A game has started, and the players are not ready.
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****While our characters are in high school. They are all 18 years or older! The story is a long one. With many chapters. Including just about every fetish I can imagine. Are you ready for The Game?***


Koki lay prone in the grass, as the sneers flew over him, each jest a jab in his back. Once more he had found himself face first while playing soccer. It wasn't his sport, though to be honest Koki didn't have a sport. Being more of a computer guy, Koki, had spent more of his time learning everything a computer could let you do. Having learned quite a bit. Still, that didn't help at all when P.E came along. Being his senior year he shouldn't have to have P.E, but seeing as it was the only class he got a C on. The parents that be, forced him to retake it for that 4.3 gpa, so he could go to some fancy college. That he was already accepted to. Parents.

"Here man take my hand," his best friend Vincent said his lip curled back in a half frown, half sympathetic smile. A strange face to make without a doubt, but it was Vincent's trade mark. Eye brows furrowed into twin peaks of thick black eyebrows.

"Thanks. I'm not sure why the teacher won't let me just walk laps for the period, surely i'd get more exercise that way," Koki grumbled wiping off the grass stains on his white, and blue P.E. uniform.

"Then he would miss you falling on your ass, and you know how Coach is about watching kids fail."

"Yeah i'm not so sure he should be allowed to teach. That guy gets way too much enjoyment out of watching kids fail. Then again deciding to be a P.E. teacher forces to reason he had to have a few screws loose," Koki gave a feeble attempt to hit the soccer ball as a horde children chased after it. A complete chaotic cloud of dust, grass, and sweat. Per usual for Koki his foot missed, and the ball rolled to his friend Vincent. Who as the center for the school's soccer team sent the ball practically to the goal from across the field.

"I would have done the same if I hit it you know."

"Oh I know bud. I know," his grin was infectious. In a disney prince charming kind of way. Koki always thought secretly they were trying to get away with something, prince charming that is. Koki was always jealous of all the girls that would crowd around them, but even with Koki a few steps away he never was noticed. Except by Rose, their tall female friend. Who currently resided in the thick of the chaotic storm of teenage children. Even across the field Koki could see the jiggle of her ass in the tiny P.E. shorts. When they first met several years ago she had chosen to say hi to him first, and of course as with all teenage love stories it was love at first sight for Koki.

"You should just ask her out already. I mean you two are even going to the same college. It can't get more perfect than that."


"Here we go again," Vincent interrupted.

"Come on Vincent. You know the facts as well as I do. 1. She is our friend, what happens if that fucks up? 2. She is waaaay out of my league..."

"3. She doesn't date. 4. She has a crazy father. 5. You have no balls. 6. She would say yes," he mimed coping Koki's typical answers, and then including a few of his own for good merit.

"You have no balls," Koki snided jumping back, as the yells of angst came roaring at them, chasing the soccer ball trailing through the air, and landing square at Koki's feet. Strangely he just stared at it. As if to say what the hell am I supposed to do with you?

Like an ice skater doing her final routine on the rink for the goId. Rose glided past him taking the ball, and making the long stretch toward the goal.

"Thanks for holding that for me," she called back to her two best friends. Again the heave of each cheek with her steps caused Koki's cock to flex. By no means was she fit, or played sports often. Rose was the kind of girl who gave everything, her everything. Rose was a bit chunky compared to most teenage sex dreams, but most of her problem was she was short, and that made her seem thicker than she actually was. Having seen her in a swimsuit. That day was special to Koki. It was the day he fell in love with Rose. A hot summer day for sure, and they had gone to river with Koki's dad. Thankfully he had allowed for all of them to come along. They spent the day playing in the sand, riding the canoe up and down the coast, swinging from the branch on the side of the hill. When she first took off her shirt revealing her two piece swimsuit. Koki was amazed to find that her large breasts made her shirt tent out, and give the illusion she was fat. The swimsuit was modest teal, and green circles doing its best to cover up all the flesh Rose was revealing, but it struggled. There was a slight bulge for a tummy, but honestly she was skinnier than him. Vincent had suggested they swing together to get further out. Wrapping their arms around each other her face nuzzled just below his chest. The soft sway of her breasts as they got air aided Koki's masturbation material for the next three years.

Trying to pull his friend out of his day dream Vincent whispered, "You don't think she doesn't notice you staring?"

"That ass is fucking insane. Literally it drives me insane. I want to kneel behind it, and...and just," he mumbled.

"And just? Are you listening to me?"

"Well i'm not quite sure. I don't have much experience in that area, but I would. I would do anything she wanted. I'd lick her asshole if she asked. Without a second's hesitation," Vincent burst into laughter at the candor of his best friend. The way he always spoke his mind on just about everything to him was refreshing. There was never any doubt to Vincent that Koki was friends with him for who he was. Not who he was on the field, and more of his friends were the latter.

"She is a virgin too man. She won't have any clue what she wants."

The bell signaling the end of class rang across the field. Before Vincent could add another word his friend was booking it back to the locker room. That was always the fastest Vincent ever saw Koki. When the bell rang ending P.E.. Perhaps if he had ran that fast all the time he too would be on some sort of sports team.

Next class was computer science, which was really just glorified html coding. Unbelievably basic level stuff for Koki. Preferring to spend his time browsing the deep web. No care in the world as to the safety of the school. A rather dangerous thing to do, as the deep web was a part of the internet that most individuals never went, and for a reason.

Koki loved the challenge of browsing around the deep web. Each site was like a puzzle, a code that needed to be cracked to even get in. Once you were in you felt like you actually belonged there.

Mr. Wilkins sat at his own computer barely a care in the world as to what the kids were doing. This had made him the favorite teacher of many. If you had questions he gave you real answers. Otherwise he let you learn on your own. There were projects that were graded, and if you finished those ahead of time the computer was yours to use. Kiko liked that.

Rose, and Vincent also weren't in the class, and while he loved both of them in different ways. Kiko was a man of his own personal space. This was one of two classes he had alone from one of them, and it was a much needed respite.

Kiko was currently solving a black box. Which is a site with a back door code that needed to be broke. Once inside one would find another black box. A series of doors that would ultimately lead to some sort of prize. Typically the site itself. A friend of his Lunarwisp, someone he had met in a wiki. These wikisites weren't like the wikipedia that most people were used to. Yes they were a series of website with information, and forums, but they tended to cross the legal line by a lot.

This black box wasn't with the wiki where Kiko had met username Lunarwisp. This was a puzzle he had sent him. One he had tried breaking into, but to no avail. Kiko had always assumed that Lunarwisp was a boy with a very feminine username, though to be fair he had never asked.

This black box was tricky indeed. Once inside it asked for a password, as was usual with these kinds of sites the last thing you wanted to do was guess the password. Instead he would look inside the source code for another path inside. This black box had some protection against that. Every 5 minutes it would kick him out. Forcing Kiko to start anew. On top of that there were several boxes inside of one another like one of those Russian nesting dolls. Lunar had shared with him how she had gotten past the first two boxes, and to double check her work he probed else where to see if those were possibly fake entrances built to trick users like him. Pulling a couple of string of code he quickly found himself in a dead end, and decided to follow the steps of his friend. Just as he reopened the black box the bell rang releasing everyone to go home. This was probably for the best, as if he did break through he would want to be home, and not on the public school computer.

Kiko waited at the front of the school for Rose, and Vincent. The myriad of students passed him as he stood still, like a torrent of water breaking free of a dam crashing against rocks, and trees. Kiko was a long pillar diverting all water around him. Sometimes he would just silently watch everyone as they passed. Taking an extra second to appreciate the girls in low cut shirts, or short shorts.

"Hey chink eyes out of the way," bustled a lumbering line men from the football team, James. Kiko never like people with normal names. Like James, Rob, Erik, Dick, Ass, Cunt, you know the kind.

"I don't even have slanted eyes," Kiko mumbled.

"What did you say Chinaman? Shouldn't you be laying track for trains somewhere?"


"You know cause of the Chinese railway know what forget it. You are a disgrace for a Chinese, too stupid," James pushed passed him shoving him with his shoulder. Kiko had no idea what the fuck just happened. On one hand he was glad he didn't get shoved in a trashcan, but that insult was strangely intelligent for James.

"We were studying Chinese Railway today. Pretty sure that lug has never paid attention to anything before, but he gets an idea of an insult, and he is all ears," Rose's voice floated like a disney movie. Causing all the colors of the wind to dance before Kiko. Cheesy romantic shit wasn't Kiko's typical thought process, but Rose had a strange control of his emotions, and his cock.

"So you saw that too? That was weird right? Like even by CKM high standards?"

"Hmm, this school is strange."

"What does that make us?"

"Gods among men?" Rose joked brushing a stray red hair from her eyes. The curly strands of hair always seemed to get in the way of her eyes no matter what she did. Tree branches on a tree of freckles.

"I wish, so we waiting for Vincent?"

"I suppose we should. Did he have practice today?"

"I don't know i'll text him, and ask."

The school emptied just as quickly as it had filled, and they were left with a few other scraps of children floating in the breeze of the sea town.

"He has practice till 4:30, and I'm not waiting. Are you?"

"Hell no, Rose has got some shows to watch. The new Game of Thrones comes out tonight. Imma watch the last 2 episodes to prepare. I'm pretty stoked."

"Is that show any good? I always hear good things, but I don't know."

"Yes! Oh my god yes. Come over some time we can binge watch it?"

"Well shall I keep you safe on our perilous journey?" he exclaimed puffing out his chest, before laughing at himself. The walked .together towards their homes. As they just so happened to be neighbors. If one more cheesy, trope of romantic writing pops up Koki was sure he was going to throw up. He felt like his life was a living romcom.

"So where do you hide your slanty eyes chinese man?" she questioned when the sidewalk turned into grass field, as they took their short cut home.

"HA funny. I didn't realize you decided to be a comedian Rose...I always thought you had a big thorn in your funny bone."

"Oh punny," punching him in the arm she let out a giggle. The red hair falling in waves back over her face. With a snort she came to a stop, and instinctively she brushed the hair back out of her face.

"I'm mixed Chinese, and American. Somehow all I get are chinese jokes, and from the chinese people I get American jokes. My parents did not realize just how fucked up I'd turn out to be since they decided to mix."

"Atleast you got me and Vincent," she touted standing on her tippy toes, as she ripped a flower from a tree on their journey home. Rose always had to keep her fingers busy, and as such she was always pulling at stuff when they walked.

"Yeah we still on for this weekend by the way? Our pre-going away party?"

"Yeah I think i'll be able to convince my parents to let me out. You know how strict my dad is. He thinks i'm going to join the KKK, and kill all my slant eyed friends. You know what I told him?"

"That your slanty eyed friend was going to kill you first?"

"Exactly. You know me so well Kiko. So what you going to do when you get home?"

"Probably dwell about online. A friend of mine sent me a puzzle, and i'm going to see if I can solve it."

"A puzzle?" Rose loved puzzles, and would spend hours on them if she could.

"Yeah this online friend of mine sent me this puzzle of sorts. It is hard to explain, but it is pretty cool." Rose seemed lost in her head. From time to time she would do this. Fall into silence, and it was clear she was either daydreaming or just done with whatever conversation that was going on.


"Huh? What? Oh sorry this is you. Ok i'll talk to you later," this was Kiko's favorite part. They were friends after all, and friends hug. It was very clear to him that he was the one making it weird, but it was his mind after all. No one could judge him, but well, him.

"See ya rose."

"Later Kiko," she called back already on her way home. The floral patterned sundress billowing in the sea breeze. North Beach was small town just north of San Francisco, it was known for money and the breeze, and the fleeting summer months of beautiful women in dresses.

Kiko powered up his triple screen monitor powered by a top of the line MSI computer. If you asked him what was so special about his computer. Hours could be lost about the specs, and what it could do. Kiko set straight for the puzzle.

Setting his IP to russia, and then masking his IP in China, with another mask to italy he did all of this before he hard wired his computer into the modem. Short of him being hardlined his computer was black all other times, which meant no internet connection. The time on the Darknet had made him slightly paranoid about the denizens that existed. One might be surprised by how cruel people could be without any reason. Even more so when they don't think anyone can see them.

The box was all Kiko could think about. Following the pattern Lunarwisp sent him he quickly got to the third black box. A prompt key quizzing him on what to do next. Pulling here, and a little there. Every line of code thoroughly inspected to find the entry before the time ran out. When the box went black he knew time had ran out, and his screen returned to his wall paper.

Pinching his nose Kiko let out an airy sigh. Time to try again. Another attempt, another black box, and view of his wall paper. Deciding to try something new he searched for changes in the code to see what others may have done, and work around that. Quickly he found some code that looked like it belonged, but it was clearly someone else's. Messing around here, Kiko quickly found the entrance into the 4th box. Again he started up again looking through the code first. Getting kicked out. Working back. Trying to understand the code. Once he figured it out he looked for small changes. Once more this technique worked, and he found himself in a 5th box.

Right away the code was different. The first 5 seemed to be done by a decent amateur. This one seemed to be the work of a professional. The coding was intricate, delicate, there was no way that the owners wouldn't notice a change here. So his previous technique wouldn't work. As they would have found whoever did it, and fixed the coding.

Kiko pausing realizing he felt whatever this was it was something dangerous on the other side. Still he was so tempted. Knowing he had only a few seconds left he tried to just finish reading the code when he saw the back door. It was clearly meant for whoever made the box, and would require him to rewrite the coding once he was finished.

This meant whoever got in from this point had to be good enough to write the code themselves. Koki was excited now. Whatever was on the other side he had to know. Letting himself in was easy. Inside he found a single link. Before he could click the link he would have to close up the door behind him. Working as swiftly as he could he replaced the code as if he were sewing back up a hole he had to undo. When he was finished he prayed it worked, and clicked the link.

All three screens went black, and a low hum emitted from his speakers. Instantly Koki reached for the power supply, and just as he was about to flip the switch, an animation danced across the screen. Of a small pink bunny. Followed by the words WELCOME. Koki waited. Everything told him not to do so.

Every second mattered if this was indeed some virus or program designed to catch whoever came in.


It was too late anyways he may as already continue on, and pray for the best. Dashing the enter button he waited as the screen went black once more. The center of the three monitors turned blue, and several green lines appeared.


It didn't ask first fuck it. It's not like Koki was his original name anyways.










The last one was strange, but still at this point what was the worst that could happen. Had Koki spent more time on the darknet he may have known better that nothing could come of this, and be good. The last question would change his life forever.






The screen blipped, and dimmed to a deep red. The questions, and answers all disappeared. In its place was three images. First was a van, the second was a pill, the third was an amulet of some sort.

Was Koki about to play some weird Darknet game? He wasn't sure, but he was excited to see where this would go. Okay so if this was a game the van would probably give him some sort of speed, or ability to travel. The pill, and amulet may give him some sort of power. The pill would probably suggest a strong effect, but limited in use. The amulet was probably weaker, but longer lasting.

To him that meant the pill was ruled out. That left the amulet, and van. Having a weak power that can be used over, and over again is very helpful. Speed in many games was everything. Selecting the Van Koki leaned back in his chair to see what would happen next. To his surprise a green box appeared on the bottom as a chat box.













Koki didn't have long to wait as his username was the last to type in the box. A webcam appeared on his screen. In it was a room. A typical bedroom with a bed, a few posters, a closet, but most importantly was the person in the center of the webcam. Rose.