The Game Ch. 01

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A faulty A/C leads to something mutually exciting.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/11/2023
Created 08/10/2023
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- Alan and Samantha discover something mutually exciting.

Alan leaned back in his desk chair and cracked his knuckles before giving the budget spreadsheet a final once over. Satisfied with his progress he mashed apple+s, closed the window and turned off his monitor, grateful to be done for the day. Getting up from his desk, he padded across the small bedroom that had become his home office during the pandemic, which now felt like a distant memory. As terrible as COVID was for a lot of people, it was a blessing for Alan as the remote work allowed him to make a case to go fully distributed and leave his NYC commute behind him and move with his wife Samatha to the coastal south.

Walking down the hallway toward the kitchen to grab a well deserved beer, Alan's phone buzzed with a text message.

Text from Samantha: All done for the day?

Text from Alan: Yep, just finished up.

Text from Samantha: Aardvark.

Alan stopped dead in his tracks. Aardvark is Sam's word to trigger the start of a game. Any time, anywhere Alan has to play when Sam says Aardvark. That was the agreement.

Abandoning the after work beer for the time being, Alan turned on his heels and walked into the master bedroom. At first glance, a very normal bedroom with a neatly made king bed, his and hers nightstands and lamps, some tasteful wall art as well as matching set of dressers.

However, the dresser on the left was a little different. The dresser on the left had padlocks on all the drawers.

Alan walked to the foot of the bed and sat down on a wooden chest where he methodically but without rushing, began to take off his shoes. His socks were next and neatly placed into the shoes. He stood, unbuttoned his short sleeve linen shirt, removed it along with his undershirt, and laid them down on the bed, neatly folded. Next, he took off his belt and slid down his jeans as well as underwear, folding these along with the shirts. Alan then opened the wooden chest and placed his shoes and all of his clothing into the chest. Finally, Alan removed his watch and simple gold wedding band and placed those on top of the neat pile of clothes and closed the lid.

Now totally nude, with no shoes, no clothes and no jewelry, Alan retrieved a small padlock, like you'd use on a suitcase, from Samantha's nightstand drawer and placed it on the clasp of the wooden chest.

Walking back into the kitchen, Alan's phone buzzed again.

Text from Samantha: All set?

Text from Alan: Yes, all set.

Text from Samantha: Great! I'm leaving work in a few minutes.

Text from Samatha: Why don't you go over to Jenn's and I'll meet you there for drinks?

Alan had learned by this point that he shouldn't ask too many questions when Sam was playing a game but this was a new level. They had talked about this in passing and a part of him thought it was coming but was he ready for this?

As if it was someone else was moving his fingers, Alan texted back: "Sounds good"

Alan placed his phone down on the kitchen counter and took a deep breath before walking towards the patio door. Already starting to get hard, he opened the sliding door and walked out, completely nude in broad daylight, onto the patio that led to the back yard. While the yard was fairly private, with mature landscaping, trees and plenty of foliage, his heart still raced as he crossed the threshold and quickly walked toward the side of the yard, savoring the way the grass tickled his bare feet and approached the gate in the stockade fence that led to their neighbor Jenn's side yard as the light breeze caressed every inch of his nude body.

Alan hesitated at the gate. He was rock hard at this point and his balls had pulled up into a tight sack. The desire to touch himself was nearly overwhelming but instead, he pushed open the gate and found himself steps away from a pool surrounded by a flagstone patio with loungers. On one of those loungers sat a beautiful middle aged woman with long red hair and a mischievous smile, wearing a tight fitting tee shirt and yoga pants. She raised a glass of wine and said "Hey Alan, nice to see you".


Several Months Earlier:

It all started with a broken A/C. July in the coastal southeast can be nearly unbearable but his particular summer was rough with real feels in the high 90's by 8am. Going outside during the heat of the day is insanity.

Alan, sweating profusely in the midday sun, was desperately prodding the A/C unit. He'd spent almost all of his Saturday morning watching dozens of Youtube videos and trying everything that he could to get the unit running, but this was simply beyond his depth. Swearing, he walked into the house and found his wife Samantha, sitting on the couch with three fans pointing at her, tugging on the collar of her long tee shirt to try to find a little relief from the heat and humidity.

"Sam, I think we are going to have to call someone out to take a look. God knows how long it's going to take, I'm sure with this heat they are backed up and it's the weekend", Alan said.

"Terrible timing for sure but I'll call around and see if we can get someone out. Why don't you go grab a shower".

Grateful for the chance to cool off, Alan grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and made his way to the master bath. While the long cool shower felt great, Alan was almost immediately sweating after drying off. The house was sweltering. Walking out of the bathroom with the towel around his waist, he saw Sam sitting on the bed.

Sam reported, "Good news and bad news. The good news is that I found a HVAC company that can get us in. The bad news is that it won't be until Wednesday".

"I guess we take what we can get at this point" Alan replied. With the indoor temperature approaching 85 degrees, Alan walked to his dresser and pulled out a tank top and loose basketball shorts thinking this would be the coolest possible option. Holding the tank top and shorts in his hand, he hesitated.

"Sam, I honestly don't know if I can handle getting dressed right now. It's just too hot".

Sam was somewhat taken aback. While she and Alan had a good sex life, they were pretty vanilla. Like in bed with the lights off a couple times a month kind of sex life. And while there were certainly times that they had been less than fully dressed in each other's presence in non-sexual situations, like getting ready in the morning, neither had ever explored anything that approached nudism. Sam was particularly shy about being naked, never leaving the bathroom without a towel or robe despite having an amazing body.

"Alan, I get it. It's sweltering in here and you've been outside in the heat working. If not getting dressed right away is going to make you more comfortable that's fine with me".

Alan nodded, took off his towel and tossed it into the laundry basket and stood awkwardly at the foot of the bed and shuffled his feet.

Sam didn't know where to look. She didn't want to make things weird and understood that Alan had been sweating his ass off outside for hours for their benefit but being clothed in the presence of a naked man was something she had never experienced so she absentmindedly scrolled through her phone.

"So this is a little bit weird" Alan finally said.

"Yeah a little bit" Sam chuckled, the ice broken. "Alan, if you are comfortable then I am happy. There is nothing to feel weird about. We've been married for years, I've seen it all before." Sam replied, trying to reassure herself as much as Alan.

"So...are you going to join me?" Alan asked with a wink.

"Ha! Not right now" replied Sam, "but I am going to go back to my place on the couch in front of the fan". She hesitated, " you want to come and watch some TV?"

"Sure." replied Alan.

Sam and Alan took their usual spots on the couch, with Sam laying down and Alan sitting on the end with Sam's feet on his lap. Sam scrolled on her phone while Alan flipped between apps finding something to watch, finally settling on one of the few shows that they both enjoyed, a pretty generic drama. About 10 minutes into this particular episode there was a pretty racy sex scene. Sam was only sort of half paying attention to the show but Alan began watching intently as the female lead began a sexy striptease.

"Holy shit, I am getting hard" thought Alan as felt the flush move from his groin all throughout his body. Alan realized that not only was the scene on the TV turning him on, but the situation that he was in, fully nude sitting on the couch with his wife, was also oddly and intensely erotic. He snuck a glance over to Sam who was engaged in her phone and hadn't really noticed the ongoing activity in his lap. Alan is a slightly larger than average grower and when fully hard his cut cock reaches a neat 7 inches. While he wasn't fully hard yet, between the gorgeous actress slowly stripping down and his awareness of his full exposure should Sam simply look over in his or the TV's direction, he was quite aroused and there was no way to hide it.

"How am I going to get out of this situation?" thought Alan. "If I get up Sam is for sure going to see that I'm getting hard".

While Alan was thinking of baseball and doing long division in his head trying to control his growing erection, Sam shifted on the couch and uncrossed her feet which were resting on Alan's thighs. As her feet moved, one of them brushed up against the head of Alan's hard cock, sending lighting bolts through his whole body and making him jump and startling Sam.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" Sam asked while dropping her phone and looking in Alan's direction.

Sam's eyes were immediately drawn to Alan's cock, at this point throbbing and dripping precum.

"Sam, I'm sorry" Alan stumbled, "It just happened".

As Sam took in the sight of Alan's hard cock, she felt a tingle that she had never experienced before. Sam had never been dominant sexually but something about the feeling of power she felt over a totally naked and exposed man was intoxicating to her and she felt a delicious heat starting in her groin and radiating through her body.

"Oh baby, it's ok." Sam purred. "It's natural to get horny when you see something sexy on TV".

Reading the situation and displaying some of the fastest thinking of his life, Alan replied "It's not just that, it's you Sam. I was peeking up your shirt and could see your tight shorts. You are just so sexy and I can't help but get turned on when I look at you".

Sam smiled. "Thank you baby, since you are naked I can see that very clearly!" she giggled.

Sam sat up on the couch and moved toward Alan, kissing him deeply. As their tongues intertwined, she rubbed her hands up and down his bare chest, moving closer and closer to his groin and then pulling away, teasing him. Alan bucked his hips up and down, yearning for her to keep going.

As Sam broke off the kiss and began nuzzling Alan's neck he asked "Should we move this to the bedroom?"

Sam simply shook her head "no" and continued to plant soft kisses up and down Alan's neck and collarbone, driving him wild.

Alan reached for Sam's shirt to lift it up and gain access to her breasts and again, Sam shook her head "no" and pushed Alan's hands away, continuing to kiss, now moving to his chest and upper stomach.

Alan thought "what's gotten into her?" but sat back and let his clothed wife take control over him for the first time ever in their relationship.

Sam continued to move further and further down with her kisses, while rubbing the top of Alan's thighs and spreading his legs apart. His cock was harder than he ever remembered, pointing straight up and throbbing with each rapid heartbeat.

Finally, as Sam made what felt like 20th trip up and down Alan's chest and stomach, she leaned down and ever so gently licked his cock from the base of his balls all the way up the shaft, pausing for a second to suckle the tender spot just underneath the head, before engulfing his cock with her mouth.

Alan's eyes rolled back in pleasure. This was a side of Sam he had never seen. The generally demure, submissive and shy woman was worshiping his cock in a way that exceeded his wildest dreams.

As Sam bobbed up and down, taking as much of Sam's hard cock into her mouth as she could, her ass was straight up in the air, her long tee shirt failing forward and exposing her tight body in form fitting yoga shorts.

Alan reached for her ass and no sooner than he laid a hand on her firm cheek, Sam popped up and with a wild look in her eyes said, "NO! I am in charge here and I will tell you when you can touch." before diving back down and finding another gear that Alan thought wasn't possible.

As she continued to suck and lick his hard cock, she moved her hand to caress and squeeze his balls as she knew that was always the trigger to get him to cum.

Alan's breathing became even faster and more ragged as he neared his climax and finally fell over the edge as Sam took him deeper and deeper into her mouth.

Sam felt Alan's cock spasm in her mouth and tasted hot cum. Instead of slowing down she doubled her efforts, sucking harder and faster all while kneading Alan's balls as his orgasm plateaued.

Alan was in a state of total shock and overstimulation at this point, having cum possibly harder than he had in his entire life, but Sam was showing no signs of stopping. His heart raced as his cock felt like it was about to explode with this delightful combination of pleasure and pain.

Finally, after what felt like hours of pushing Alan beyond his limit of post orgasm stimulation, Sam gradually slowed and the intense sucking turned to licking and then gentle kissing and nuzzling.

Alan was completely spent and took some time to recover. When his rapid breathing slowed and he opened his eyes, Sam was leaning back on the couch, staring at him with a look of deep satisfaction.

"I don't know where that came from but it was amazing" panted Alan.

Sam simply smiled back at him.

Alan was covered in sweat, from both the heat in the house as well as the physical experience.

"I guess I'll go take another shower then." Alan stated, standing up.

"Ok baby" replied Sam. "One thing though..."

"Yea?" asked Alan as he turned towards Sam.

"I want you to stay naked for me," she replied.

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A very nice husband and wife adventure, but one has to wonder what exactly got into Sam at that moment.

Thanks for sharing, Jackie.

P.S. “Sam” is a very common nickname for Samantha, I know more than one.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Interesting premise.

Nice buildup.

Sex is OK. Not great, but OK.

Needed more detailed description of the blowjob. Needed playing with his balls.

Needed some explanation as to why he wasn't permitted to touch her. Maybe a promise that he'd get to do it later.

Was it really necessary to call her SAM which is generally a male name?

Four stars.

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