The Gander

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She's pissed I'm cheating on her.
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[:::: Authors Note ::::]

Now and then it's good to write something just a little less serious. There isn't some big plot or emotional drama in this one. I just had the idea as I was shaving, this is a slight twist on the 'Goose and Gander' plotline. I'd love to say it's just a bit of fun, but honestly, infidelity never is. But this is a lot less serious than my usual stories.


[:::: The Gander ::::]

Growing up I could always be a pain in the ass. I did what I wanted and if you didn't like it, no problem. But don't get in my way. I didn't set out to antagonise people, but sometimes I did and usually I didn't take it personally when they got upset at me.

For instance, take my wife, who at that moment was standing in front of me, screaming her head off while figurative steam blew out of her ears. The reason, she was accusing me of cheating on her.

Laurie was a stunning twenty-five year old blonde-bombshell. She had legs that led to heaven and a stomach that was washboard smooth. The only blemish on her were the breast enhancements that she got the previous year not long after we got married. I for one loved her little a-cups, but she wanted to be larger so over a couple of months she worked on me and eventually got her way. They were nice looking c-cups now, but her nipples were not as sensitive as they once were. She was also pretty much missionary in bed and didn't like to try new things.

Laurie and I met when I did a job for her father. He was a master builder, and I was wet behind the ears having just gotten my builder's license. Laurie and I met, fell in love and married. Bert enjoyed the fact that his little girl fell in love with a fellow 'chippy' and we were headed towards a big house, kids and what should have been marital bliss.

Ha, not really.

As I mentioned, my wife was screaming at me, obscenities pouring out of her pretty lips as she punctuated every third swear word with 'cheater,' and 'how could you,' and every other sobbing comment that a wife uses when she finds out her husband has been stepping out on her.

The fact that I wasn't too disturbed by her accusations incensed her even more.

"Laurie," I asked her when she was almost hyperventilating and pausing to take in more breath to continue berating me. "What makes you think I am cheating on you; did you see me with someone else?"

I was calm compared to my wife, and when I raised my eyebrow in challenge and gave her a smirk, she went a bright shade of pink. As I told you, I can be a jerk.

While gasping for air due to her crimson appearance, she opened her phone and thrust it out at me. The phone had a picture on the screen, the picture was me at lunch with a woman that wasn't my wife.

The growing smirk on my face was still challenging and continuing to piss her off. I quickly took in everything on her phone screen and noted that it was an SMS from one of her friends, not something she had taken.

"And?" I retorted in reply to the photo, "That is Jill, and we were having lunch."

"Fuck you Tony," my wife spat at me, she flicked the screen, and the next picture showed me kissing Jill in more than a friendly fashion.

"Alright, I'll admit that pic could be taken the wrong way, but would you believe me if I told you..."

I paused for effect and raised an eyebrow to match the shit eating grin on my face.

"It's not what it looks like."

Laurie's eyes bulged at my comment, and she went from crimson to almost purple before she went deathly silent. She skimmed another picture, thrusting her arm out towards me saying nothing. This time it showed Jill and I holding hands as we walked towards the elevator of the hotel where we were having lunch. I noted the picture was dated a different day.

"Yeah okay, that one is even more suggestive. But what do you think happened?" I asked.

"Well," she said menace dripping from every word. "I don't think you were doing you're taxes up there."

I laughed, "No you're right, we weren't doing our taxes, but there is more to it than that."

"Tony," Laurie said angrier than I had ever seen her. "What were you doing with her, are you sleeping with her?"

There it was, the direct question, no inference, no beating around the bush. A straight up question.

"There was very little sleeping, but we were certainly in the same bed," I replied smiling proudly at my wife.

"Then how the fuck..." my wife started, then paused before taking several deep breaths, I waited. I think I knew how this was going to go.

"How do you think cheating on me is alright?" she asked me barely keeping herself under control. "Tony, you're my husband and I find it hard to believe that you could cheat on me with her."

"What do you mean her?" I said acting a little indignant.

"Tony, cheating aside, look at her, she's a plain woman, even a little chubby, I mean look at her ass."

"Hey," I replied instantly, offended. "She's got a great ass for a mum of two kids."

"She's a mum?" Laurie said shocked. "She's married?"

"Yeah, married for around eight years," I said as I leaned back in my chair and picked up the beer I was drinking before my wife came in and started whaling on me.

"How could you? I mean, how could she?" she stammered.

"Let me look at that photo again," I asked. It caught her off guard, but she pushed her arm out again.

"Sorry but that's not Jill," I told my wife. "That is actually Daisy, she's Jill's twin sister. You can tell as Daisy's hair is cut shorter in the back than Jill's."

The goldfish look that Laurie was giving me told me she had no words.

While she baulked, I picked up my own phone and unlocked my private store, before scrolling through a few pictures and turning it to show Laurie both sisters kneeling on the hotel bed in some very flattering lingerie. Both of them looked utterly stunning, and I smiled at the thought of what I had done with them later that same afternoon.

Laurie collapsed in a chair, tears now streaming down her face.

"Just how many women are you cheating on me with?" she asked me.

"Five," I told her immediately, her eyes snapped to me a microsecond later, not believing that I had admitted it right away.

"Five," she said repeating the number, "Tony, how could you, I mean you're my husband."

For a moment I said nothing as I contemplated my devastated wife. I took the final sip of my beer and stood.

"I'm going to get another drink; would you like one?" Laurie said nothing as I shrugged and walked five steps to the fridge, retrieved two beers and came back to the table, setting one in front of her before retaking my seat.

Laurie said nothing as she just stared at me. I sighed, time to tell a story.

"It all started about eight months ago," I told her. "If you recall I was feeling unwell and was really out of sorts."

Laurie nodded, but her pained eyes never left mine.

"Even your dad noticed I was not well, but being a typical bloke, I was just trying to power through it. I drank a shitload of water and tried to sweat out whatever was in my system. It was perhaps two weeks after feeling off that I met Jill."

I cocked my head to the side wondering what her reaction would be, Laurie did nothing but look at me giving me the ultimate betrayed look. I mean, I had already admitted that I was cheating on her with twin married sisters, so right now I was lower than dirt in her mind. I continued. "Jill approached me at a food truck while I was getting smoko (Australian morning tea) and asked me to meet her for lunch later in the day. I was intrigued so I said sure. Later, when we sat down, she had a story to tell me."

I took a quick swig of my new beer and looked at Laurie, waiting to see if she would speak to me.

"What type of story could be so amazing that you would cheat on your wife with her, and hell, her sister as well?" Laurie asked in a very snarky tone.

"That is a really good question," I replied, tipping the neck of my beer towards my wife in acknowledgement, then took a second pull on my beer and gave her a winning smile before looking back at the bottle of beer in my hand. Great Northern, not a bad beer I mused for a moment. Taking a breath, I once again cast my gaze on my distraught wife, narrowing my eyes which took Laurie aback just a little. "What Jill told me is that she found out her husband of eight years, along with her sister's husband and three other husbands in their group of friends had been cheating on their wives for quite some time."

"So," Laurie spat trying to maintain her aggressive stance. "Just because their feeling betrayed gives them the rights to steal my husband and make him betray me?"

"Well yeah, Kind of."

"Kind of," Laurie replied, standing up, her voice rising again. "Kind of, Tony, we're married, doesn't that mean something to you?"

I nodded, "Of course it did."

Laurie sat back down, her voice now a lot quieter, "What do you mean, it did?"

Ah, so she caught that.

"Well," I explained. "Jill had pictures with her, videos on her phone, where the five wives banded together to get a PI to follow their husbands, what the PI found was interesting.

The red glow on my wife's face was dissipating rapidly, retreating into a suddenly pale colour.

"What the PI found was built around observation over a six-week period," I told her in a deadpan tone. "The five men were meeting twice a week at a sleazy hotel on the outskirts of town where they would gangbang one of the local whores."

I eyed my wife as I used the derogatory term. She was now struggling to meet my eyes.

"Yeah," I kept on explaining. "Apparently they had been doing this for about five years, a year longer than before we met."

"Tony, I..."Laurie started to say and I held up my hand.

"Let me finish," I told her. "I will admit that I was shocked, I mean they had been cheating on their wives for all this time, and, they all had kids. What was worse, from the report, is the woman they were fucking, was also absolutely down with it. She had to be since she was married herself. I mean the pictures and the video were crystal clear as to what was happening and how they continually disparaged their spouses."

Laurie's eyes were now watering. I took yet another drink of my beer which was now two-thirds gone before continuing.

"So now, there I was sitting at lunch with Jill as she explained how the woman I loved, had never been faithful to me while I was giving her everything I had. Anger, pain, anguish and unworthiness were some of the emotions I had almost immediately. I mean, fuck I thought we were going to have children together. But the woman I loved had knowingly and passionately enjoyed making me a cuckold for our entire relationship."

I slammed my hand down on the table making both bottles of beer jump as well as my wife.

"And I found out that my loving wife had given me an STD which is why I felt like shit," I spat, now letting the anger into my voice that I had been holding for the past few months. I sighed then picked up the beer bottle finished it and started peeling the label.

"Jill took me too a clinic, apparently, she had picked up something as well from her husband's escapades and sought treatment. This was how all of them figured out about their husbands' unfaithfulness, someone had obviously gone outside their little fuckfest and given us all a gift."

I eyed Laurie, but she gave nothing away. No idea if it was her.

"At the clinic I got a shot, some drugs and struggled for about a week. I was sliding into a pretty big depression while trying to figure out if I confront you or just walk away."

I wasn't sure what to make of my wife's look right then as I gave her my revelation. She looked devastated, but I wasn't sure if it was because I was cheating on her, that she found out I knew about her cheating on me or that I had picked up an STD from her fucking around. At that moment, the lamp over the table was spreading a harsh yellow light, like an old school movie interrogation, but it suited my mood as I explained everything to Laurie as I continued peeling the label away from the beer bottle.

"A couple of weeks later I was leaning towards just walking away when Jill asked me to meet with her again."

Some snippet of the way I said it must have alerted her. As Laurie looked at me, some of her initial anger returned to the corner of her eyes. I ignored it as I kept explaining, toying with the edge of the label on the beer bottle as it lifted from the glass.

"I ended up meeting with Jill, Dasy and the three other women that were the wives of the men you were cheating on me with."

"So you fucked them to get even with me, is that it?" Laurie spat angrily. I shrugged.

"I almost didn't if you want to know the truth, but as we commiserated over a few drinks about our cheating spouses, the five of them convinced me otherwise."

Laurie wanted to say something but at the last moment choked back whatever it was. I grinned at her; I had an idea what she was thinking.

"Magnificent," I said.

"What?" she replied.

"You were going to ask how the sex was, how was it fucking five other women that were not my wife," I told her. "The answer: Each of them was amazing. Seriously, you could take lessons from any one of them."

"There is no need to be so harsh," Laurie said quietly, now looking dejected. I just continued to smile, knowing I was now being an asshole.

"I'm not being harsh Laurie, I am just being real. You cheated on me for the entire time we have been together with those five dipsticks. Their wives found out and then offered me comfort in their arms, with their bodies and I have to say, they all know how to use their bodies to please a man, so I have no idea why their husbands would stray for someone that acts more like a blow-up doll in bed.

"Sure, they don't have a tight ass like yours, but their curves are amazing to caress. They have bellies from childbirth and scars that they are embarrassed about unlike your perfect gym rat waist, but they love it when I kiss their tummies and tell them how beautiful they are. Their breasts vary in size and all sag a little from breastfeeding, but they are natural and sensitive, and I can make them moan just by licking a nipple unlike the bolt-ons you have now.

"Their faces have lines from worrying about kids, but they all treat me like I am the only one they want, not their husbands, who have, like you, been cheating on them for years. One on one, each one of these ladies leaves you in the dust as a lover. Each of them is more passionate, more vocal and give as much as they get in bed. But Laurie, fuck me, together they are all incredible."

"Together?" her eyes bulged again.

"Yes together. What, you thought..." I shook my head. "They were aware of your orgies with their husbands. Again, the pictures and video they have are very clear about what you were doing and what you all thought about us.

"I did learn a few things though," I continued before she could say anything in reply. "I learnt that those women did not have the aversion to touching each other that your guys do. Jill and Daisy won't touch each other that way, but O.M.G. they had no issues helping me eat out any of the others. Seriously, kissing a hot MILF while also eating out another woman. Fuck me Laurie, it has been some of the hottest sex of my life."

I finished peeling the label off my beer bottle and once again looked at my wife. She was absolutely destroyed; I could see it all rolling over her features like waves on the breach. Anger, guilt, envy, fear, disappointment and worry.

"So what now?" she asked quietly.

"We divorce," I said simply.

[:::: - ::::]

Overall, aside from requiring time, our separation was simple. Laurie did try to talk with me about reconciliation a few times, but I always said no, her betrayal was too callous, too wounding.

From what I understand, she is no longer seeing her fuck buddies either. The shit hit the fan within twenty-four hours of my chat with Laurie. Each of them blamed each other and of course Laurie.

Laurie's father, my boss, was disappointed in his daughter and when it came out what I did, was also a little disappointed in me even as he acknowledged privately the red-blooded male in him was jealous of my revenge loving from five women, admitting he understood why I did what I did, but he had to support his daughter.

However, he was a good man and he helped me line up work with one of his mates, wished me well and we parted ways.

And of course, you're wanting to know if I am still shagging five women. Easy answer, no.

We took a hiatus for a couple of months when everything first blew up, then we did spend about six months fucking up a storm a few times a week while all of our divorces went through. I don't think I slept alone once during that entire time, sometimes one or two with me, sometimes more.

But all good things come to an end and one day I was round at Jill's with all the ladies and their kids. We were doing nothing but hanging out. I was helping the kids build a pillow fort while the mums were preparing lunch when Tracey showed up. She was the younger sister of Jill and Daisy. But one look at her and I was smitten, and everyone, kids included, knew it. For the rest of the afternoon, I was polite but stealing glances at her any time I thought I could get away with it. Tracey for her part was blushing and stealing her own chanced looks.

It was perhaps two weeks later that Tracey and I started to formally date. She knew I had been sleeping with her sisters as well as the other three women for revenge. She was apprehensive, but we had 'the talk' and Tracey insisted that any relationship between us was monogamous; fidelity paramount. After I agreed with no hesitation, she also spoke with the others about it and aside from losing a bed partner, they were okay with giving me up so that Tracey and I had a chance.

Our first-time making love, I think Tracey was trying to compete with her sisters. The next day when Jill and Daisy saw me, they howled in laughter commenting that I looked like a worn-out husk, while grinning and congratulating Tracey on picking up one hell of a man.

These days, almost three and a half years later. I still get overly affectionate hugs from my sisters-in-law, or any of the other three women when we see them, but we never cross a line past a little innocent flirting.

Tracey is pregnant with our second right now. Our daughter is her spitting image and Auntie Jill and Auntie Daisy dote on my little Betsy like only a close family could.

One evening, all three women came waltzing in the house, a whirlwind of shopping bags, baby things and just general noise, of course, six children between them including my daughter didn't help the volume.

I kissed my wife and daughter, as we all ushered the kids into our lounge room for a movie, I then gave my sisters-in-law kisses on the cheek as they grinned at me.

"What?" I said looking at the Cheshire cat grins they had on their faces.

"Guess who we saw today?" Daisy proudly said, I looked a Tracey, and she was blushing.

"Ryan Renyolds?" I said absently, knowing that Tracey had a crush on the actor. Then again even I could admit he wasn't bad looking, and I was a fan of Deadpool.

"No stupid," Jill exclaimed in a friendly tone. "Laurie."

"Really," I said raising an eyebrow. "And how is the old gal?"

"I think she has seen better days," Daisy explained almost gleefully, as she unpacked several packets of pasta into our pantry. They both lived together with their kids in a house less than a block away, but our house, much newer and larger, was the centre of the family so they spent almost as much time here as they did at home.

I grabbed a beer, sat at the kitchen table, the same one that I was sitting at when Laurie and I had our chat and took a sip.