The Garden of Unearthly Delights


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She feels it gently nudging her lips apart; the spadix's fat, bump covered tip first. Tensing herself, she tries to summon the will to somehow stop it, but she cannot. Lubricated by the purple fluid, the spadix slides inside her; only 2 or 3 inches, but enough so she can feel her pussy stretching a little to accommodate it; the bump covered alien surface amplifying the sensation of being invaded.

Her mind is whirling; the possibilities of what may happen next flashing through her brain; each image she conjures up is stranger than the next.

Slowly and very gently, the petaled bud starts to slide into her; her lips spreading, accommodating its silken girth. Watching as it penetrates her, she notices other vines starting to gather around the first; many of them with buds at their tips; blue, and pink, and red.

As the multicolored buds sway in front of her, the vine pushes further inside; firm, yet incredibly smooth and soft; the bulbous head begins to swell. Her lower abdomen becomes slightly distended as it fills her; her pheromone drugged brain welcomes the pressure, craves the deep penetration now.

Slowly, the vine retracts the bud, then slowly inserts it again; a bit deeper this time. Imagining the petals inside her, she wonders if they are capable of caressing her inner walls; if they can lick her dripping, swollen flesh. As soon as she can process the thought, she feels them moving inside her.

It reads her thoughts, her desires; the bud inside her opens up, spreading her wider. Each petal swirls and moves; she feels the gentle caresses; her nerve endings transmit each movement as tiny, sharp shocks of intense pleasure.

Soaked in sweat and trembling with desire, her body starts to reciprocate. Thrusting her hips towards the vine, she desperately seeks more of it. The bud expands again! Intense pressure radiates from deep inside her; stretched and teased by the flower, she begins to sense the beginnings of an orgasm.

The vine quickens its thrusting motion; the bud pulled out of her until it is free of her body, then quickly thrusts inside her; again and again, the bud is dipped inside her tight, wet pussy until finally, she cums.

Moaning and twisting against the vines that hold her, she can't help but wonder at what is happening. This isn't HER! How COULD she cum when this thing has her in its grip? How can she be having an orgasm when she is being penetrated and fucked against her will?

The soft bud still poised at her wet entrance begins to gently rub up and down between her swollen, dripping lips. Secreting more of the purple fluid, it teases her until she begins to wish it was back inside her. Visions form deep in her mind; visions of being spread wide, invaded by even larger buds; their softness overwhelming her, their silken petals spreading wide, deep inside her as they fuck her.

The bud withdraws. In her peripheral vision, another comes into view. This one is deep red; twice the size and thickness of the previous one! This one is slightly different; the huge bud at the end of the snake-like vine throbs; almost in time to the beat of her heart she thinks to herself. The stalk of this vine is not green; instead, it is clear, almost like a plastic straw and about 4" in diameter.

Swaying in front of her, the bud pulses, and from the tip of the hole in its spadix, huge quantities of the same purple fluid dribble; streams of fluid dripping down its petals and the length of the clear vine that supports it.

Dipping downwards, it pauses at her wet lips, then thrusts!

The huge slippery bud spreads her SO wide! Every muscle inside her pussy is stretched to its limit. Bucking her hips upwards to meet the thrust, she wants more of it inside her; to be fully filled and fucked by it. Her mind is swirling with thoughts of what the bud is doing, what it must look like inside her, its petals so tightly compressed might open! What would that feel like?

As she envisions it, so it becomes real.

Deep inside her, the bud unfurls it's soft, luxuriant petals; each one of them exploring the wet walls of her vagina. One of the petals has found that special plexus of nerves inside her; on the upper wall of her vagina, about two inches inside her.

Her G-spot feels smooth, slick pressure and movement; the petal seems to know the effect it is having on her, and she begins to moan and writhe as the petal slowly and firmly caresses her internally.

Her mind sees a vision, a movie of what is happening inside her body; she wonders if this bud has a big thick spadix? Oh, she hopes it does.

The plant reads the impulses, and from the center of the bud inside her, a thick pink spadix emerges; it seeks out the next frontier within her body and snakes its way to the opening of her cervix.

Stopping briefly, it understands what this structure is for; part of her reproductive system, but how will it impregnate her? The spadix moves to the opening of her cervix.

Still enjoying the sensations the soft petals and huge bulbous bud inside her are creating, the assault by the spadix is unexpected. Slowly pressing through the narrow opening of her cervix, it slides into her uterus! The penetration and forcible dilation of her cervix makes her scream! The sudden pain shocks her, and she starts to fight the plant again.

Feeling her resistance, it doubles the output of the fluid being fed down her throat. The pain recedes, and she calms down. She begins to enjoy the sensations that flood her pussy again as the sedative properties of the fluid kick in.

The spadix stops pumping the purple lubricant from the tip; now it is where it needs to be to pollinate her.

As she continues to be impaled on the luscious bud wedged so very deep inside her, she hears a sound, almost like her stomach rumbling; looking down beyond her bloated, bud-filled body, she sees the clear stalk of the vine being filled with a white liquid!

Inside her, the spadix is ready. From its tip spurts huge quantities of warm, thick fluid. The fluid carries the plant's seeds.

The feeling of pressure inside her womb is incredible; spurt after spurt of the warm, thick fluid is pumped directly into her uterus. She can feel the fluid filling her, and soon she watches as her lower abdomen starts to swell due to the massive volume of fluid being forcibly pumped into her reproductive system.

The plant has fulfilled its purpose; the pollination is complete, but it will take a few hours for her body to accept the seed it has inseminated her with. It must keep the fluid in her as long as it can.

The plant has other needs though. Now that it has planted its seed, it yearns for communion with another sentient brain, it wants to play! Using its telepathic senses, it probes her mind looking for a more civilized way to communicate with her.

Lying there in the grip of the vines, her lower belly swollen, distended and full of thick white seed, her mind drugged by the fluid she has ingested, she starts to hallucinate.

Her hormones, increased 10 fold by the plant's cocktail in her stomach, have flushed through her body. Her hormonal profile now resembles that of a pregnant human female.

Her breasts swell rapidly, and to prodigious size and ripeness, her nipples too; ready to produce milk for her unborn "child." Her vaginal lips are swollen and suffused with blood; dripping, oozing with white seed that escapes the seal between her pussy and the huge bud inside her. Her clitoris is larger too; swollen and moist, the hormonal cocktail rushing through her blood has made it grow to double its usual size, and it is infinitely more sensitive as well.

Her whole body glows and radiates with fullness and rosy-cheeked health.

The plant probes her mind for a while more; looking for a way to make her happy and content. It finds a part of her mind ripe with reproductive knowledge, something she calls "sex."

The vines around her wrists and ankles move; her body is turned over until she is facing the floor. Looking down, she figures she must be at least 10 feet in the air.

The huge bud inside her pulses, slowing down then speeding up until it is in rhythm with her heartbeat. The spadix that is deep inside her womb begins to slowly thrust; out, in... out, in. The sensation of having her cervix fucked is so intense that her emotions get the better of her; tears stream down her cheeks; not tears of sorrow, but tears of pleasure and joy!

Her very core is radiating pleasure through her whole body; the invader has touched her so deeply; deeper than any Man could; so far inside her, but she craves more.

Another vine snakes up from the trunk of the plant. This one carries a smaller flower; it's almost entirely made up of a single central spadix. This one is a deep, vibrant red color and it too has a hole in the tip.

Her body is arranged by the vines; bent at 90 degrees, her legs pointed at the ground.

She tilts her head down and looks between her legs to see the red spadix; it is trickling the same purple fluid she has seen before. Slowly, her legs are pulled apart from each other; further and further until she is completely exposed.

The spadix, still dribbling and spurting purple fluid comes closer until it is poised at the entrance to her anus. Shock registers in her mind, but the plant has seen her desires already; it KNOWS what she wants!

Warmth; slippery, smooth warmth touches the delicate membranes in the center of her anus; very slowly the red spadix pushes against the firm muscle that resists it; relaxing, she submits to the inevitable. A slight feeling of pain as it slides inside her.

The red spadix begins to penetrate deeper; deeper until it rests, just for a second and then it moves.

It begins to slide back and forth; her tight anus squeezing it as it forces her open. As it fucks her slowly, it begins to swell in girth; multiple bumps form along its length, each bump larger from the tip to the base. It pushes against her resistance, and the first bump is inside!

She feels completely full; stretched so wide that she can't imagine what it must look like. Then it pushes deeper! The next bulge doesn't slide inside her so easily. The spadix pumps more of the purple lubricating fluid into her until she can feel it leaking out of her stretched ass, coating the shaft of the spadix and also the next bulge.

The plant pushes; it knows what her subconscious desires, even if SHE does not! Stretching even further, her tiny hole spreads wide; the next bulge is inside her; only two more to go!

Her whole body is controlled and owned by the plant. Her mouth filled, the plant feeding her its cocktail of drugs and hormones; her pussy stretched to its limit and full of the plant's white sticky seed; her ass invaded and penetrated.

She hangs there suspended, her arms and legs controlled, and then they begin to thrust! In perfect rhythm, each of the plant's invading members start to fuck her. Deep and powerful they penetrate and stretch her. Throbbing, pulsing and expanding inside her, each of the members and their attached buds stretch her wider, fuck her deeper, make her shudder, tremble and scream with each thrust.

Her mouth is full, her lips expanding around the spadix that feeds her; her womb with its sticky contents, so full that with each thrust she sees her belly swell; her anus stretched around the huge bulges in the red spadix; one more bulge to go! The biggest yet.

Purple lubricant pumping, dripping, squirting out of her stretched ass, the plant pushes the last bulge into her. Her screams muffled by the expanding spadix in her mouth, she realizes this is what she has always wanted, to be taken, controlled, rapaciously fucked.

All three holes filled and impossibly stretched; pumped, fucked mercilessly by the plant. Her pliant, slippery flesh accommodates the invaders, invites them deeper inside her; stretched further than she thought possible. She struggles and pants, sweat pouring from her body as she mindlessly begs the invaders to stretch her wider.

Her mind conjures up pictures of what she must look like. Her luscious body, controlled and fucked; penetrated deeply and held captive; all that matters is her pleasure now. Slippery pink flesh, torturously quivering, dripping; her juices and the plant's fluids mix in streams that trickle from each one of her holes; a marionette of pleasure, thrashing, impaled, unendingly pleasured.

A few final thrusts and her body starts to quiver and shake. Waves of electric orgasms wash over her body, her ass and pussy pulsing with contractions, clamping down on the thrusting slick members that continue to fuck her. Screams of pleasure erupt from deep inside her as she cums harder than she could possibly imagine. The plant withdraws from her. Fluids squirt from her pulsing holes; now free of the spadix in her mouth, unearthly howls, and screams of pleasure erupt from her mouth as she continues to cum.

Her anus and pussy clenching tightly as each spasm hits her; the last of the purple lubricant mixes with her cum as it is forcefully ejaculated from her womb; wave after wave of the sticky white seed from the plant erupts from her pulsing cumming pussy; she can't stop screaming as her orgasm continues.

Eventually, she becomes quiet and still. The plant worries for a moment; maybe it misread her thoughts? But she stirs slightly, and it is reassured. It is happy; the pollination has worked; it has tested her secretions, and it knows she is not ripe anymore, but fully inseminated. A few months from now, there will be progeny to succeed it; now it can die, happy to have fulfilled its final goal.

It places her gently on the carpet of grass at its base; the drugs in her system will let her sleep until dawn.

Time to die.

As she sleeps exhausted, the plant loses its green shine; its buds shrivel and turn brown, the vines once so active become still and crack.

Waking, she wonders where in HELL those strange dreams came from; weird and disturbing thoughts flit through her mind as she sits up. Suddenly, she realizes she is cold and naked! Her clothes a couple of feet from her are torn, but she quickly pulls on what's left of them and tries to find a way out of the dome; the first of the morning's tours has just started, and she barges her way past them, as the main door opens.

Reaching her Car, she fires it up and drives home. Once there, she falls into a deep sleep, remembering some of the dreams from the night before; seemingly so real. Her body hurts in places she didn't know she had.

She goes about her life as usual.

Two Months after her visit to the Botanical Gardens, she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror; "Am I putting on weight?" she asks herself; she can see a definite bulge in her lower abdomen.

Daily, she sees changes in her body; she realizes she must be pregnant, as morning sickness arrives to confirm her thoughts. She can't remember the last time she slept with a guy without using a condom, in fact, she can't remember sleeping with a guy for quite a while!

7 Months pass and her belly is ripe and swollen; pulsating with life.

Lying in bed one night, she notices through her bedroom window that it's a full moon; she can see the hills around her deserted house, bathed in the spellbinding glow of moonlight.

Suddenly, a twitch; just a small one, but definitely a sign, then another! In minutes, her body is cramping and contracting. Not knowing what to do, she picks up the phone to dial 911, but then as if by instinct, she raises herself off the bed.

Outside, bathed in soft moonlight, she walks for about a mile; a clearing in the woods, by a small river, the moon providing enough light to see clearly. She finds herself digging in some rich dark earth; it is moist and full of nutrients; she doesn't understand how she knows this, but she knows it nonetheless.

Naked, she squats over the damp earth and pushes. Movement inside her; pain shoots through her lower body; fluid gushes from deep inside as the fetal sack ruptures. She looks down, she sees a round black shape similar to an eggplant; covered in purple fluid, it is slowly forced from her; her pussy dilating and stretching as it forces its way out. Three more follow.

As soon as they hit the soil below her, they sprout small white filaments; the filaments burrow into the soil, and they each take root. At the top, each of the four shows a sign of cracking in their outer shell, then slowly a small green shoot appears from each.

She stands and looks aghast at what she has given "birth" to; she realizes that her nightly dreams have been real after all. Shaking, she begins to cry;

"Thank you, Mother." Inside her head, the small voice speaks to her. "THANK YOU, MOTHER..." four small voices simultaneously speak!

Her thoughts whirling, her brain tries to comprehend; she feels dizzy and starts to faint; her last thoughts are of how this happened; her night with their father comes rushing back into her consciousness; she remembers EVERYTHING!

Buried deep in her mind, another darker thought; she wonders how long it will take them to grow to the size of their Father? How long until she can visit them and allow them to fuck and control her, the way their father did?

Her fading vision is filled with writhing vines, tipped with purple slime-covered buds; they approach her and forcibly enter her, stretching her, thrusting deep inside her.

Twice a week, she makes the one-mile journey, carrying a watering can and some fertilizer to speed their growth. She sits by their side and sings to them, stroking their new leaves and buds, waiting for them to grow to full strength.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved it

It definitely helped me get off and made me horny

sailbadsailbadover 2 years ago

Fantastic story. Gave me a few ideas for my own.

Only_connectOnly_connectabout 3 years ago

A great effort to express (with an excess of semicolons) the hothouse sensuality and hallucinatory pleasures of vegetatory excitement. Nice one!

BondageHentaiAddictBondageHentaiAddictalmost 5 years ago

I wish I was that fema!e. That must have felt AMAZING. Mmmmnnnnnn

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
❤ this

I actually really enjoyed this, I loved how she accepted them at the end. I like how she sings to them also... I would like to read a sort of continuance of this story but years later where there's more flowers and more people learn of their sentients and etc. It had a lot of potential!

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